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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Notes from Day 1:

    Actually posting this morning instead of lurking was like lifting a HUGE weight off my shoulders. When I saw the first few replies directly to me, I actually cried tears of happiness. Thanks to all of you for welcoming me.

    I took your advice to make a "plan" but didn't really know what that meant, so I took your advice to head to the tool box and behold, the last page (31) was Byrdie's inspiring and informative post on - making a plan! Check. Also on that page is a link from Sunbeam to a blog about easing anxiety - some wonderful tools for you all to check out.

    Today I took a beautiful hike with my sister, got my dad out on a stroll to exercise his new hip, signed up for a 21 Days of Gratitude Meditation Challenge, and made a huge pot of healthy and hearty turkey chili. I will now tuck myself into bed feeling grateful to be sober.

    (I tried to post a link to the meditation challenge, but MWO won't let me until I have more posts - must be anti-spam).

    PS - I'm sorry to see you struggling, Moss Rose. Your posts have helped me in the past - I hope you are in that bubble bath someone mentioned (sorry, not very adept at this forum yet to go back and say who).


      Newbies Nest

      PPS - I also have trouble with remembering my username - it is a Hopi name for clear water. I wanted to represent water in some way after my first choice, Trixie (as in Speed Racer's girlfriend) was taken. I keep wanting to call myself Pavarti, a Harry Potter character. Pavorati works, too!


        Newbies Nest

        Hello everyone. I doing a quick check in. Had a wonderful af weekend with my girl. What fun! And relaxing. I also had an important talk with hobby when I got home. Feeling less stress. Yes taking care o ourselves is so important. The only way we can take care of others. I will read back tomorrow. Have a great mae everyone.
        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


          Newbies Nest

          Hi, Pavati

          Welcome! I saw your earlier post about being worried about the holidays. Last year, before I knew anything like MWO existed, I managed not to drink during the holidays and it was Great! I enjoyed and remembered everything and things that used to seem stressful didn't seem so at all. Old habits returned in January but the positive holiday experience made me want more of that. My search for help led me here and I've found that if you really use all that is offers and participate fully, it can be done .

          Nice to meet you! :h NS

          PS Hi, LB - glad the weekend was a good one!


            Newbies Nest

            Pavati;1580062 wrote: Notes from Day 1:

            Actually posting this morning instead of lurking was like lifting a HUGE weight off my shoulders. When I saw the first few replies directly to me, I actually cried tears of happiness. Thanks to all of you for welcoming me.

            I took your advice to make a "plan" but didn't really know what that meant, so I took your advice to head to the tool box and behold, the last page (31) was Byrdie's inspiring and informative post on - making a plan! Check. Also on that page is a link from Sunbeam to a blog about easing anxiety - some wonderful tools for you all to check out.

            Today I took a beautiful hike with my sister, got my dad out on a stroll to exercise his new hip, signed up for a 21 Days of Gratitude Meditation Challenge, and made a huge pot of healthy and hearty turkey chili. I will now tuck myself into bed feeling grateful to be sober.

            (I tried to post a link to the meditation challenge, but MWO won't let me until I have more posts - must be anti-spam).

            PS - I'm sorry to see you struggling, Moss Rose. Your posts have helped me in the past - I hope you are in that bubble bath someone mentioned (sorry, not very adept at this forum yet to go back and say who).
            welcome there Pav!
            curious, what meditation challenge?
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Newbies Nest

              bougainvillea;1579680 wrote: I was reflecting on when I was pregnant with my daughter and how easy (relatively) it was for me to say no to a drink. I still went to parties and enjoyed myself, something I have such a hard time imagining now!
              Glad you came back right away! Now stay close, ok?

              So many people are able to resist drinking while they are pregnant because they feel such love and responsibility for that growing baby.

              Now you need to treat yourself with the same love, tenderness, and protection. You deserve it just as much! No one should have to suffer the mental and physical pain that an addiction causes.

              Plus, we need to love ourselves if we are to truly love others. And part of that will be being the best mother possible now for the child you willingly "sacrificed" drinking for when you were pregnant.

              You do it for yourself but everyone around you will reap the benefits!


                Newbies Nest

                Pavati;1580062 wrote: . 21 Days of Gratitude Meditation Challenge[...](I tried to post a link to the meditation challenge, but MWO won't let me until I have more posts - must be anti-spam).
                Hi Pavati
                I'm also doing the Gratitude Meditation. Others can find it on Facebook "21 Days of Gratitude" or the link is 21 Days of Gratitude - Home

                Hope it inspires you! and me!
                10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                  Newbies Nest

                  I didn't read back much bc I don't want to see any congratulations when I made the very bad decision to drink tonight........ Nothing dangerous-this time- but a very disappointing choice nonetheless

                  Byrdie I hope someone else made 7 so you didn't shine your buttocks in vain

                  I realize my biggest trigger is my obsessing over whether I am liked or good enough or anyone is unhappy w me ..... Today I woke up really obsessed about this re: my husband

                  He didn't give me much reason.... I tend to read a lot into little things and catastrophize most things
                  But anyway that's the deal

                  I plan to double up on hypnotism this week, all beer is gone - I NEVER touch anything else, and resume healthy eating, exercise, etc.... So
                  As Eloise does I'll count tomorrow as Day *7 that's a seven w a pb skipped
                  Because I earned those 6 damn it .... I really did


                    Newbies Nest

                    I Can, please take a look at Bren? Brown's The Gifts Of Imperfection that I yammer on about so much. It is about exactly what you've expressed.

                    I'm sorry you drank but am so glad you came back. Maybe this book could give you some tools for making tomorrow your last day 1.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Day 22

                      MAE Nesters - coffee's ready when you are.

                      Ican, :cupajoe: and a :l:; but you are back on the horse again, aren't you?

                      Strong - :yay:

                      Will read back after my coffee - seems it was a busy night in the Nest again!
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Sorry for the incredibly selfish posts earlier. I was feeling weak and fragile. It was an unhappy day. I did fall asleep. I just needed to escape my feelings. Unfortunately, I am now back up in the middle of the night. Tomorrow is going to be rough. But the alternative would be worse. Thank you everyone. I pray that one day, this gets easier - that my first thought when upset isn't to pour myself a drink.

                        Ican - don't feel bad. We are all struggling. But you came right back. Good job.
                        Everything is going to be amazing


                          Newbies Nest

                          MossRose;1580092 wrote: Sorry for the incredibly selfish posts earlier. I was feeling weak and fragile. It was an unhappy day. I did fall asleep. I just needed to escape my feelings. Unfortunately, I am now back up in the middle of the night. Tomorrow is going to be rough. But the alternative would be worse. Thank you everyone. I pray that one day, this gets easier - that my first thought when upset isn't to pour myself a drink.

                          Ican - don't feel bad. We are all struggling. But you came right back. Good job.
                          :lMoss. Asking for help is not being selfish. You've helped so many people here with your kind words and encouragement. Just read you own post here - you apologise for being selfish, and in the same breathe encourage Ican. No selfish person would do that. I hope that today is a much better one - keep on fighting the good fight. Hugs again.
                          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi everyone

                            Just a check in to say i am still here and busy busy busy. 6 days till the wedding and wow the stressors are all out there. I have to admit i have had a few wines on occasions but no blind out of control moments. I am not drinking daily and i am feeling good in my own skin. I do know that it is way too easy to get to the out of control stage again and I wont let myself, I dont want the blackouts the health issues and all that comes with it. My kids are so proud of their together mum and so am I.

                            My mum has arrived and has been here two weeks, what a learning curve that is to live with another person but I love her to death so patience is of the essence. I thought when she got here that i would be sneaking bottles into my room to cope but if I start that one I know I am back to where I was when I joined here and that is so not me anymore. Me is the one that wakes up in the morning and relishes each day, me is not thinking at 5pm it is wine time, me is feeling great. Me is more positive and in a better headspace. Although in saying all that I know that in time I will give up for good, just not yet. I hope you understand.

                            I just want to say congrats to all the milestones happening to everyone. LC and Dottie keep going guys so very proud of you. I will so try and post pics of the wedding this Sunday, I think I have said that before lol.
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Newbies Nest

                              Avail, get the wedding over & done with, then back on the bicycle again, ok? And yes, we want to see those pics!
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Yes Dream I totally agree as I know that moderation is really not an option for an alckie and that is what I am. I have done 40 days or near enough this time so onwards and upwards. First time I managed 11 days, now 40, next time it will be for good. This time I will not run from this site as it has been my saviour literally. I will still be here daily reading and taking MWO on board, if I leave here I know I will fail like before.

                                Oh the pics the pics, maybe i need personal emails as i can do that ha ha.
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

