Evening nesters.
SD, it is good to see you back. We have all slipped, it's what we learn from it that makes it valuable. Careful with your tapering, let us know if you are struggling.
Honey, I don't know much about antabuse, but you stopped taking it for a day and drank? That can't be good, no wonder you are so sick! Was this prescribed by your doctor? If so, maybe have a wee chat. I do hope you feel better :l
Dottie, you are way ahead of me. I am getting some male family members around at the weekend to get the garden finished for winter. Why have a dog and bark yourself? :H
LB, it's always lovely to see you.
Londoner, you are lucky I am not down south. I'd drag you to my Saturday AA meeting by the ear to keep you away from that club scene!:H
I'm feeling good tonight, it's due to the little things. Like taking your make up off and cleansing and moisturising before bed. Seeing the eyes in the mirror looking clear and alert. Being able to sign my name without shaking.
I am still worried about my family member (niece) but I have decided to help her all I can, the rest is up to her.
Hope everyone has a safe and happy night
