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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening nesters.

    SD, it is good to see you back. We have all slipped, it's what we learn from it that makes it valuable. Careful with your tapering, let us know if you are struggling.

    Honey, I don't know much about antabuse, but you stopped taking it for a day and drank? That can't be good, no wonder you are so sick! Was this prescribed by your doctor? If so, maybe have a wee chat. I do hope you feel better :l

    Dottie, you are way ahead of me. I am getting some male family members around at the weekend to get the garden finished for winter. Why have a dog and bark yourself? :H

    LB, it's always lovely to see you.

    Londoner, you are lucky I am not down south. I'd drag you to my Saturday AA meeting by the ear to keep you away from that club scene!:H

    I'm feeling good tonight, it's due to the little things. Like taking your make up off and cleansing and moisturising before bed. Seeing the eyes in the mirror looking clear and alert. Being able to sign my name without shaking.

    I am still worried about my family member (niece) but I have decided to help her all I can, the rest is up to her.

    Hope everyone has a safe and happy night
    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


      Newbies Nest

      Evening, Nesters...
      Closing up shop here after a horrific day at work...I'm telling you, everything that could go wrong, did. How am I coping with this? I plan to take a nice bubble bath! Wash off this day and enjoy my evening. I simply do not give myself the choice of having AL now...that is the difference. If I choose AL, I may as well be choosing the gas chamber for myself only my way is slower and more agonizing. No thanks....I can live just fine without it...better, in fact, than I ever did with it!
      Hope everyone has a safe night in the nest...stay close and post, it's the best thing you can do for yourself if you are feeling wobbly. You don't have to look very far to see where it will lead you....
      Hugs to all, Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        *flutters in*

        Ahhh.. my favorite perch is just were I left it

        Hello my fellow Nesters and good hour to you.

        Well Ive been going through a little bit of hell lately as some of you already know. Yea the whole big D and custody deal is coming to a point where the cards are starting to fall. So all this time of me getting the feeling that Im getting played like a fine tuned fiddle is coming true. I wont bore you with the finer details but needless to say that I honestly believe that no matter what I did or didnt do or could/should have done during this ordeal wouldn't have mattered much in the long run ( for you newbies here Im going through a divorce with two young sons while also at the same time starting my long awaited AF life ).

        So what has the G man been doing with all my free time you ask ? .. well not much. Working takes a little load off things..then I got that PS3 for the kiddo's remember .. so Ive logged in a few days on that thing. I have been consolidating my notes for an eventual hearing ( dont know how much that will do though ). Been lonely mostly. Probably over thinking things and worrying about stuff that I have no control over. I have been checking the forum here on almost a semi nightly basis on my phone.. but never checked in. There were times where I felt that I could not share my feelings of such a deep nature. Other times were just me wanting to be alone. I doubt that was a good choice looking back on it but what is done is done. The most disturbing part of it is that I could hardly wait to log in and share myself with you guys before..then after I got served and read Her "complaint" it was like an Emotional and Spiritual blow that I was not prepared for. You see I have never Hated anyone before. Sure I have been real pissed at others or even extremely angry with .. but Hate was never in my emotional backpack. But at that point I was starting to understand the feeling and depth of the word. I have since come to a conclusion that there is a line that can be crossed with me. Unfortunately it was to be coupled with my sons .. and that the violator was their mother. Hate has passed on now and I have replaced it with Nothingness. A void that will never be fed .. a door that I have doubts on ever being opened. I cant Feel her anymore. I dont know how to explain it but its very sorrowful and a deep sense of loss has fell over me. Is this how God feels when She loses a soul ?

        I know there is more to come .. and Im trying to prepare or even unprepare some things to help on this crappy road ahead. I also know that trying to deal with things that are out of my control is not doing myself any favors.

        Aside from all that Im doing great . Still keeping up with the cooking some tasty din din each night. Im a riceaholic now lol. Oh oh .. and I got me this Calphalon Cast Iron grill thingy that you put on your stove. Oh my that thing rocks ! A griddle on one side and a grill deal on the other ( for searing and cooking steaks etc. ). The house still looks great even though I missed out on some dusting and a vac job this weekend. But it was a good trade off because I had the boys all weekend again :goodjob: . Had a blast..

        Anyways thats whats been going on in my short time of abstinent absence from MWO. I also want to say hello to the newbies and oldies alike. I should be back to my crazy postings now .. even though this Ps3 game is kinda fun and addicting.. hehehe. Im wishing all of you that are in struggle the strength to carry on for one more day. It is worth it to be clear about your sobriety folks. And what it means for you and what it will bring.

        A Special thanks goes out to MWO tonight. I dont know what I would be doing right now if I had been drinking all this time. Im sure any hope of being with my children would be dashed to bits..along with my life. You guys and gals played an invaluable and instrumental roll in my sustained abstinence which I am forever grateful.


        Oh.. just saw you come in Brydie .. sorry you had a crappy day. Hugs to you dear. oh and thanks :-0
        Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
        AF: 9-10-2013


          Newbies Nest

          Just wanted to check in and say thank you for standing by me yesterday while I had a meltdown.
          NoSugar - as always, your post was profound. Byrdie, Lav, Londoner and Ican touched on the same thing. We obsess about what others think of us to the point that we jeopardize our mental health. I still have to work on that because that is exactly what happened to me yesterday. It almost drove me back to drinking. Drinking AT him. Thank God for MWO and all of you.
          BH - glad things are going well. Enjoy your meeting.
          64 - you are doing great. Hang in there.
          Lifechange and Strong - your posts are always so positive and supportive. Thank you.
          LB, Sanchez and Dottie - always wonderful to hear from you.
          Halo - we don't know each other well, but hope that changes in the future.
          Pavati - you are doing great. Hang in there.
          SD - glad you posted. Stay close to us, okay?
          Honey, I don't know anything about antabuse, but hope you are feeling better.
          Gambler - What can I say. Just so relieved to see you back, but sorry for your troubles.

          Have a great night all. I'll be hanging for a while if anyone needs to talk.
          Everything is going to be amazing


            Newbies Nest

            Another AF day done, finding other ways to cope with the trials and tribulations of life, wondering if there is a former thread listing 1000 ways to cope and/or celebrate life's emotions besides the use of AL.

            I remember reading a short bio about a former alcoholic attempting to stop using alcohol to numb his pain and instead he bought some old dishes from a flea market and when he was experiencing anger he would go into his basement and smash some dishes against the concrete floor. He claimed it was theraputic, And I remember thinking I'd like to try that...
            On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


              Newbies Nest

              gambler;1580800 wrote: Ahhh.. my favorite perch is just were I left it
              DID YOU HEAR THAT??? Was it a universal sigh of relief - or applause??!!!!

              You were missed. Hoping that everything works out in the best possible way for you.
              10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                Newbies Nest

                glad you're back!
                Byrdie, Mr. Bubble makes getting clean fun!
                Mossey so glad you made it, so glad you came here first before going to the bottle.
                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi all, I am still doing good - day 16 today thanks for all support!
                  AF since 10/20/2013
                  Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                  Meat free since 09/20/2008
                  With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                    Newbies Nest

                    Myluck;1580855 wrote: Hi all, I am still doing good - day 16 today thanks for all support!
                    Myluck! You quit on my birthday. Makes me kinda feel like your fairy godmother. Poor you. Happy Sweet 16.:goodjob:
                    10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Does anyone have a quit date calculator..I have to keep looking at the roll call to figure it out..but this is a good thing..

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Dottie -the apps store has one. I have it on my phone and iPad.

                        Night to everyone, my Monday starts tomorrow

                        "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                        -Alan Cohen


                          Newbies Nest

                          Cat belle - what is the name if the app?
                          AF since 10/20/2013
                          Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                          Meat free since 09/20/2008
                          With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                            Newbies Nest

                            Howdy Nesters,

                            Welcome back Dave, stick around now

                            Dottie - here you go:
                            Date Duration Calculator: Days between two dates

                            Honey, you need to be very, very careful drinking with Antabuse still in your system. You are putting yourself at risk for all sorts of complications. I hope you recover quickly & please see your doc.

                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks Lav. That is what I was after... I don't have an iphone or stuff..

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                thanks Lav for the calculator, Dottie, thanks for asking
                                Liberated 5/11/2013

