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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Well 367 days I have been sober!

    I am so very happy and I can't believe how fast the year has gone. There were many very strong pulls towards AL along the way. I however did not want to post "Day 1" again on MWO forum.

    I actually have days now that I don't think about AL. I am here to tell all of you in your early stages. Please post through cravings and urges or lock yourself in the bathroom until they moment passes. It does pass!

    I am happy to say that I am on Day 2 of Year 2!

    Hang on Newbies and not so newbies.
    AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


      Newbies Nest

      WOW Nanette that is just super great!!!!

      Newbie's Nest

      Tool Box
      AF 9.1.2013


        Newbies Nest

        Dottie Belle;1580923 wrote: WOW Nanette that is just super great!!!!
        Thank you Dottie. I sounds like you are doing well too. Keep it up it is worth it.
        AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


          Newbies Nest

          a very warm congratulations to you. It must feel great.
          best to you
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            Newbies Nest

            Samstone;1580927 wrote: Nanette
            a very warm congratulations to you. It must feel great.
            best to you
            Looks like you are coming up on 6 months. Good for you Sam!:goodjob:
            AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


              Newbies Nest

              It's been nearly a week, I've missed a lot here in the nest forgive me, especially missing the anniversaries.
              Starting over today. The trip to Miami went well, sober. For no reason what so ever , drinking tonight. Got to figure out what the trigger was. Really, I don't know. Earlier in the day, I was not drinking today.
              So much transpired in the past week, I can't keep up. Here's what I've highlighted. Forgive me for missing many of you.

              3 J, Congrats on 5 months. We started here about the same time. You're an inspiration. Way to go.

              ICan, 6 Days! Congrats! You've been able to accomplish something I have not. I know what a big deal this is for you. I know you feel defeated in no reaching your goal, but damn, girl you keep fighting. I'm so proud of you!

              BH, So proud of you too! way to fight.

              Happy Birthday Brydie!
              64 , Pavoti, Welcome

              LB, I think of you often, fighting your home situation. You are a strong woman fighting against 3 people who are not as committed as yourself. Is the situation going to change soon?

              Moss Rose, What NS said. Post away girl, honesty is what it's all about. Sending hugs your way.

              Gambler, sent my love to you in your other thread.

              myluck, 16 days! great!

              Nanette, I've yet to make your acquaintance, but fantastic job on 1 year +!


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks vervill! You keep trying .. Any day sober counts in my book

                Halo- if you find that thread please bump it up

                Nanette - WOWZERS!!!!!!!!! So happy for you

                Dave what can I say? I think I'll sleep soundly just knowing you are safe! I will pray for a good conclusion to your situation. I heard once that the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference/not caring at all... I guess that describes your feeling.... Good luck


                  Newbies Nest

                  Honey - if I read that right you skipped one day of Antabuse and then drank a bottle of wine? That scares me! I know it's been a few are you now?
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Day 23

                    MAE Nesters

                    Coffee's ready!!!
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi, all.

                      End of day 2 - plenty of good food and a good, busy day at work. I had dinner with the family and now I am checking in. I have quit for various periods of time over the last several years and these "typical" days are not too hard for me. This time feels slightly different, however, as I have made the decision to log in here and be accountable to you all. This is causing me to listen VERY CLOSELY to my mind when thoughts like "you can just have a couple beers at the concert in three weeks," or "what's wrong with a glass of champagne with Thanksgiving." Because of the information and support I have found here so far (I have read a TON), I think I am starting to step out of my monkey brain and use my rational thoughts to begin to accept not drinking as a reality. I know, I know, only day 2, but that's where I am. I am trying to embrace Byrdie's words and not throw a pity party.

                      Honeysoup, I hope you are ok. That antabuse sounds dangerous (and nasty) for drinking.

                      Gambler, welcome back. Folks have been asking about you - I am sorry about your fight to be with your kids, but I am happy that you are going through it sober.

                      Nanette - WOW and congratulations. Thanks for coming back to share your success and to cheer us on.

                      Everyone else (not sure how you who do it can list everyone - I'll figure it out), thank you so much again for the warm welcome you have given me and thanks for your words of encouragement and support. Off for some tea and bed.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Dear Nesters,

                        WOW, u guys are quick. I had only missed a day and now read 6 pages of posting.
                        I am not great with the names and I love you all for posting, no matter what stage in the struggle you are in. The ups and downs we all experience.
                        Byrdie your post from a day ago about feeding the monster was unbelievable. So inspiring, so true. You nail it every time. :thanks:
                        Dave, being new here I only read little of your posts but I love the way you write. You should be a writer. I am sorry for your big D issues but I have a good feeling you will overcome them. Like you said things that are out of our control.

                        For those wanting to mark their AF days and achievements. I went old school and bought a calender notebook from the dollar store. I use it to record every day and also record my hours of sleep. I know it sounds stupid but I love looking back and seeing progress. I start every day with the number and draw a smiley (stupid I know)..

                        I passed by a liquor store on my way home today and of course the thought jumped to my head "hey let's buy a LITTLE bottle. You had been so good, you DESERVE it."
                        I am so happy to report that as it only takes a second to make this bad decision, it also takes a second to revert the thought. I had hangover, shame, guilt and shitty flash backs to a point that just thinking of drinking made me terrified. So that's my NEW game with my mind. I control my thoughts and once they take me to think of drinking I take me right back to NO WAY I'm drinking. It is just a thought and as soon as it comes alive I kill it on the spot. And so. I kept on walking, passing the store and tapping on my shoulder.

                        Have a great MAE dear nesters. Sure feels good to have you in my life.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello everyone I'm joe and I just found MWO the other day I joined
                          And ordered the book and supplements right away
                          I though hell it's less than I spend on booze in a week
                          At times and it's so great to see others in the same
                          Place as me a mom of two at 35 and I've been stuck
                          In the grips of al for 10 years my daughter is 15
                          And I don't want her or my son following my footsteps
                          Am a very functional alcoholic but an alcoholic no less
                          I'm so ready to stop ... Hope to make some friends out there
                          To have my back


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good MAE Nesters!
                            DO; I like the MAE-- hope you don't mind that I've adopted it! I'm enjoying a little sweet potato pancake thing with my cup of coffee! Thank you-- Hope you're having a nice day.

                            Liberte, :welcome: It's great to have you joining our cosy Nest! This is a great place for meeting people who understand what you're dealing with/going through and are able to support you. Have you had a look at the Toolbox thread yet? A great place for finding tips and advice for getting some AF days under your belt.

                            Honey, I'm afraid I misunderstood you-- with regards to anatabuse. I hope you'll check in and let us know you are ok. I'm also worried about you.

                            Mr. V! It's so good to see you--I think it's important, like you said, to figure out exactly what triggered the decision to drink. I know that for a long time I was ignoring things I didn't want to see-- I am very good at doing that! But once I was REALLY honest with myself, I was able to face things head on, deal and make different decisions.

                            Luckyflower, You sound great! I like the notebook idea-- I think I'll adopt it and add nutrition stuff as well, which I'm in the middle of working on-- love what you said about having the power to control our thoughts.

                            Bhalo, so you really like the vitamins? How long have you been taking them? They don't give you a tummy ache or heartburn? I've been searching for a good multivitamin and had such a crappy one last time that I'm scared to try again. You sound like you're doing well!

                            GAMBLER Dave! sorry to hear about your troubles, but very happy to have you back in the Nest. We'd never give away your twig, I mean branch!-- I'm proud of you for holding strong through all the stress. You're doing such a great job with those boys and they can feel it. You're showing them how much you love them.

                            LBeagle, How are things at home? How was the visit with your daughter?

                            So I am thinking of you all--I'm off to the school for a meeting then heading to the gym for the 2nd day in a row! See you in a bit...


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters

                              LC, I don't get any effects from the vitamins, now that you've mentioned them though my hypochondriac self will no doubt start to get them! :H

                              DTD, thanks as always for the coffee. It's just before 7am here, cold and frosty. Coffee is a must!

                              Mr V, it's always lovely to hear from you. Have you figured out what your trigger was yet? On the bright side, you did manage the whole trip without drinking, what worked for you?

                              Joe, nice to have you with us. Stay close and read and post. :welcome:

                              LB, how are things going at home? Thinking of you :l

                              Lot's going on in the nest, hello and hugs to everyone. I need to go and have my shower, feeling good this morning and ready for anything Tuesday decides to throw at me!
                              Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                                Newbies Nest

                                I'm here, somehow. Really good to read through the posts, good to see the days ticking by for everyone. I've not yet figured how to comment on individual posts, I do apologise.

                                I have managed to get through to the end of Day 3. Managed to get over Monday night which is a miracle, and here I am late Tuesday and I am NOT drinking tonight - that's a definite, but I can't pretend it hasn't been hard, and now I have to go to the supermarket. That's a danger. I'm nervous, because I have to walk past the door of That Place in order to get into the supermarket. Bit worried actually, but I'll check back in here when I come back, just hope knowing I am saying that will keep me on the straight and narrow this evening.

                                AF from 22 November 2013

                                Happily on the road to Sobriety - there's nowhere else worth going to...

