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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Ican 5 kids? I had a wonderful time with my daughter. She is a wonderful cook. And I got spoiled. Very nice.
    Honey please don't do that again. I think its worse the second time.
    Londoner I hate al and all the life I have missed because of it.
    Dottie I know that I would never get 1/2 the stuff done if I still drank. Glad you are so positive. It's great to read your posts.
    Welcome to the newbies. Looking forward to getting to know you better. This place has changed my life. I hope I can help change yours.
    Dave I am glad you Have a good lawyer. I'm not sure why people turn on each other like that. And children should definitely be left put of power struggles. I am proud of you taking the high road. Make her feel like the mean spirited person she is.
    Thanks Mr. V. Yeah it is tough sometimes here, but honestly we are doing alright. Hubby is growing emotionally. I can see it daily. Being af is huge for him and he is dealing with the difficulties so much better then having al mess things up. He is still taking his ab once a week. It really does work. If you don't drink you are fine. He drank once ( just a small amount) we won't do that again. We call it his vitamin because it makes him strong and healthy.
    Have a great night all.
    No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


      Newbies Nest

      evenin all
      wow is this place busy, there are many new faces so I'll just give a blanket HOWDY!!. Hope everyone is well.
      It has been a beautiful fall so far here in ol Virginny.

      Been doing a little refresher reading about adopting the attitude of quitting the booze that helps the cravings we all get at some time. The idea is that, simply enough, we're the ones in control, not the cravings. We have the choice that makes us free. I've always enjoyed simplicity.

      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Newbies Nest

        thelovelylife;1581495 wrote: hi guys -- thanks for directing me here.

        i'm tired of bad things happening when I'm drunk, ruining my relationships and hurting those that I love.
        I know I need to quit drinking..... i can't do it alone.
        i'm drowning in a puddle of guilt right now, I can't function or do anything but sit and obsess over this.
        Welcome, thelovelylife -

        I am new here, only just finishing Day 3. Your name is a great start to a lovely life. Pick a branch and join me in listening to the wisdom of those who have paved the way for us.


          Newbies Nest

          Hi, Everyone:

          Checking in at the end of Day 3. A quick thought of AL tonight when communication and transportation went awry with my kids and I got pretty angry/frustrated with them. I thought - hm, a drink would make me care a lot less about all of this. I took a deep breath and it disappeared pretty fast, so I am ok.

          Halo - thanks for the hugs. When I was talking to my counselor about alternatives to the fast-acting relaxation that AL brings, I thought of hugs from my husband. I think I fell in love with him when we hugged in the outfield after I caught a fly ball, and to this day his hugs melt my fears and anxiety away. I have to remember that and ask for more when I'm feeling wobbly.

          I'm Strong - I like your description of mind peace. Since coming to MWO and essentially committing to going alcohol free I still hear the chatter but it sounds more quiet and further away.

          Gambler - I love Giada's One Pot Chicken. I've messed with it adding and subtracting depending on what's in the fridge - delicious, satisfying and healthy (sorry, Byrdie, no bacon).

          64 - We have the same quit day - let's do this together.

          Honeysoup - I want to clarify that when I said antabuse was "nasty," I meant that the way it was making you feel, not the drug itself. I know it has helped many people!

          Everyone else, thanks again for the advice, support and laughter that I get from the nest. Sweet dreams (except to you, Dream Think Do - good morning to you!)


            Newbies Nest

            Pavati, :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs: on Day 3 done & dusted. That was the only day I had a craving for AL; matching socks and folding underwear took care of it:H Sweet dreams!

            The Dreamy one is the Do-y one at the moment - still awake. Just finished the dishes - I leave them for the am when I can look at the mountain while doing them: just having a lovely view makes a boring chore so much more bearable!
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Newbies Nest

              Paging Rahulthesweet . . . paging Rahulthesweet - don't make me hunt you down . . .

              Yeah, Rahul? Where are you and what's going on? Please check in :l

              The idea is that, simply enough, we're the ones in control, not the cravings. We have the choice that makes us free. I've always enjoyed simplicity.
              Love this Sam, thank you! I do believe we tend to overthink these things sometimes.

              Halo, love the idea of hugs instead of AL! :l

              LB, it's great to hear your husband is doing so well, I am so very happy for you. :h

              welcome lovely, good to see you getting comfy in the nest!

              Pav, you are doing great well done!

              Ican, NS, Dave, Byrdie, Mr V, Londoner and everyone else, hope all are well.

              I had such a busy day yesterday. A full shift at work, then the gym, then rushing out to an AA meeting. Plus it was bonfire night here and it was like a war zone! Going to give the gym a miss today I think, I need to get some things done around the house after work. So, I'll check in later. Have a great day everyone!
              Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                Newbies Nest

                morning nesters,

                day1 for me today

                had an okay day yesterday, was expecting to need to taper during the day, but just had a couple of beers before an early bedtime to get me through the hypnic jerks. should be okay tonight, so the last of the AL has gone down the sink

                have a great AF day everyone & I'll pop back in later



                  Newbies Nest

                  MAE everyone!!
                  You left me out, Ican!:H
                  Thanks for the coffee, DO! Goes well with my usual sweet potato thing--
                  Pavati, you're on the hump of your week-- just a bit further to go for the lovely moon prize! Well done so far--
                  I'm running out the door again this morning so a quick hug to everyone-- loved that idea Halo! I'm definitely stealing it from you..My poor cat soon won't come out from hiding-


                    Newbies Nest

                    That's great news, SD! Hang tight here and let us know any way we can support you-- especially this first week. A lot of people have proven lately how well it works to come here before giving in to AL. That is definitely my plan! It's great to have you here.


                      Newbies Nest

                      MAE nesters. Wayyyyy behind on posts so I am going to have to say hello and try an catch up throughout the day/night

                      Welcome newbies. Get cosy and stay safe :-)



                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Wednesday morning Nesters & Happy Humpday

                        Minstar, congrats to you on your AF time. You are doing great!!!!

                        Hello & welcome Lovely! Glad you decided to join us. Have you made your plan?

                        SD, wishing you the best on your day 1 - hang in with us, OK?

                        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good mornin nesters .. got up early and roaring to go so I have time for a longer quicky..

                          Byrdlady;1581442 wrote: G man so good to see you! A good crock recipe is a pound of ground turkey, a giant jar of salsa and chili powder. It is so simple yet delicious! I use a lot of chili powder I like it spicy. I also have a killer spaghetti sauce that I make with bacon instead of ground beef. I am a Southerner, after all.
                          Glad you had a good day! Byrdie
                          Too bad I dont have a slow cooker right now. Thats next on my kitchen cooking list. MMMM..bacon !

                          Lavande;1581454 wrote: Dave, I've been doing a lot of vegan cooking & eating & I don't use any tofu, soy or any of that junk. If you want to look at a good blog to start healthy cooking, take a look at!
                          Fatfree Vegan Recipes
                          Sweet..thanks Lav ! And the first one on the list is some "Winter Minestrone" .. with a Pressure Cooker no less .. oh yea im looking forward to that one. Thank you for the link.

                          piper123;1581491 wrote: reading back aways since I've been gone and got to the day calculator....122 days for me....friggen miracle.
                          Good job on your panty party . I cant wait till I get some undies thrown at me. I might wear them like those two boys in "Weird Science" :H

                          thelovelylife;1581495 wrote: hi guys -- thanks for directing me here.

                          i'm tired of bad things happening when I'm drunk, ruining my relationships and hurting those that I love.
                          I know I need to quit drinking..... i can't do it alone.
                          i'm drowning in a puddle of guilt right now, I can't function or do anything but sit and obsess over this.

                          Hello TLL .. hope things are better for you. Right now I would hold off on the ol self punishment stuff. You have time for that in the future. Sending some :l your way.

                          Icanwithoutacan;1581497 wrote:
                          Dave I was thinking- do your boys have an iPod touch or such? I can't remember if they are too young.... Anyway if they are old enough you could FaceTime them on an iPhone pad or touch... May make the hard days a little easier???

                          Thanks Ican. Yea I was going to do that with an Android pad I got for the boys..but the grandfather wont let them use his wi-fi connection. Thats understandable though. Im going to be looking into getting them a prepaid phone though. That way they can call me up anytime they want..and I would set up a vid service. I think google has a friends app or something that uses vid. Thanks for bringing it up though.

                          Oh and Im very proud of you on your 9th birthday !! sorry I missed your big 7. :l I still love seeing you.

                          little beagle;1581511 wrote:
                          Dave I am glad you Have a good lawyer. I'm not sure why people turn on each other like that. And children should definitely be left put of power struggles. I am proud of you taking the high road. Make her feel like the mean spirited person she is.

                          I wouldnt wish that on her .. but I think its inevitable that its going to come around one day to haunt her. I know someone else that went through a bunch of BS for screwing with the Sanctity of another.

                          Pavati;1581521 wrote:
                          Checking in at the end of Day 3. A quick thought of AL tonight when communication and transportation went awry with my kids and I got pretty angry/frustrated with them. I thought - hm, a drink would make me care a lot less about all of this
                          . I took a deep breath and it disappeared pretty fast, so I am ok.

                          Gambler - I love ttp://">Giada's One Pot Chicken. I've messed with it adding and subtracting depending on what's in the fridge - delicious, satisfying and healthy (sorry, Byrdie, no bacon).
                          Hey Pav..good job on day 3 Keep it up. Your would have cared a lot less..or NONE at all..thats not how one should live.

                          Thanks for the chicky stew recipe .. I will check it out and let you know.

                          DreamThinkDo;1581525 wrote: The Dreamy one is the Do-y one at the moment - still awake. Just finished the dishes - I leave them for the am when I can look at the mountain while doing them: just having a lovely view makes a boring chore so much more bearable!
                          LOL.. I loved watching the back yard neighbors kids play baseball in the summer while I watched from my kitchen window washing dishes. Great minds think alike.

                          MinStar;1581610 wrote:
                          MAE nesters. Wayyyyy behind on posts so I am going to have to say hello and try an catch up throughout the day/night
                          So happy to see you MinStar ..

                          Everyone else my best wishes..

                          OH crap..look at the time ! gotta run folks.. Talk to you in about 8 hours or so.

                          Great day to everyone !

                          Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                          AF: 9-10-2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lifechange and Minstar! So sorry I did leave you out. And two of my biggest supporters in times of need. Okay, sending y'all a cuppa to make up although mine not as good as DTDs

                            Have great at day all

                            Dave I had a blip on day 7 but I just counted the next day as 7 and went on .... Too disheartening to lose all my days again... Thanks


                              Newbies Nest

                              piper123;1581491 wrote: reading back aways since I've been gone and got to the day calculator....122 days for me....friggen miracle. I have this little thing that happens now...when I am around drinking, think I want a drink, a wine or a beer (don't like beer so my mind is like beer is ok because you don't like it and will only have one or two) and then think why? and all the f'ed up reasons pretty much throw up in my head...doesn't make me tired like I think, makes me feel good at the time, but like crap when not drinking. I think back to the anxiety, being unable to eat, only drink, the paranoid feelings, and I am like why bother??? really wtf even bother!! to have to hide it and lie about it, figure out a plan every friggen morning and night to feed the habit I hated so much. If I give it even one it will win and I hate it that much I guess.

                              well sorry for the rant but it's where I am right now....good night all piper
                              Piper, this is an amazing testimony! This is what I do, too, and it works. When the ROMANCE of AL starts singing its song, I change the station! It's the same OLD THING...DISPAIR! All you have to do is play it out past the 'fix' point. The ending is always the same. DAY 1. No thanks. My quit is THE most important priority to ME. It comes first!

                              Hope everyone has a wonderful, AF, hump day! Together, we can do this!! Let's all just follow Lav!!! Hugs to all, Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                MinStar;1581610 wrote: MAE nesters. Wayyyyy behind on posts so I am going to have to say hello and try an catch up throughout the day/night

                                Welcome newbies. Get cosy and stay safe :-)

                                Good morning nesters. Okay - for the life of me, I cannot figure out what the acronym MAE stands for. Call me stupid, or maybe old, but all I can tell from the context is that it's a shout out to everyone, but I'm just not getting it. Also seeing it from more than one nester so it must be a popular acronym....assistance needed please!

                                Busy day today. Dog to obedience school (manners class), lotsa errands, and the continued organizing of my messy house. One drawer/closet/cupboard a day is my goal. Pitch, pitch, pitch - what a good cleansing feeling that is.

                                Dave - as always so awesome to see your cheerful self come through your posts in spite of everything you're going through.

                                Rahul - ditto on the checking in - where you be?

                                Hey Ican! - What about me! Just Kidding! :H

                                Welcome to all the newbies! This nest moves to darn fast it's hard to keep up with - will try to catch up with you all later. :welcome:

                                Happy AF hump day everyone! Will check in later...

