Welcome to all of the new nesters. It's a great place!!
I had a wonderful day. Just a good mood all around! Had 4 people tell me I look like I'm losing weight, 4 others guessed my age at 10 yrs younger than actual (42) they thought I was early 30's!! And boocoodles of people tell me how beatific my hair was!!!!
Now I'm sitting in bed with hubby after eating delicious meal. Sunday I cooked a boston butt, and homemade Mac n cheese, so tonight we made BBQ from the butt and had leftovers. I may not do a lot of things great, but I am a damn good cook!
38 days today and I love laying in bed, no buzz, and chilling out. For some reason, chilling out sober works out much better than passing out drunk...

ain't it the truth!, chilling out sober is so much better