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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Cat Belle;1581866 wrote: Evening everyone! Hope y'all are having a great AF night!

    Welcome to all of the new nesters. It's a great place!!

    I had a wonderful day. Just a good mood all around! Had 4 people tell me I look like I'm losing weight, 4 others guessed my age at 10 yrs younger than actual (42) they thought I was early 30's!! And boocoodles of people tell me how beatific my hair was!!!!

    Now I'm sitting in bed with hubby after eating delicious meal. Sunday I cooked a boston butt, and homemade Mac n cheese, so tonight we made BBQ from the butt and had leftovers. I may not do a lot of things great, but I am a damn good cook!

    38 days today and I love laying in bed, no buzz, and chilling out. For some reason, chilling out sober works out much better than passing out drunk...
    Hey Cat
    ain't it the truth!, chilling out sober is so much better
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Newbies Nest

      Just popping in to say good night nesters! Welcome to the newbies, go check out the toolbox you'll find lots of great posts and ideas. If you're a not so newbie and struggling good place for you too!

      Little beagle I worry so much about the stress you're under. Have you set any kind of limit on how long your guests can stay? Are any of them working? Please don't let them take advantsge of your kindness. You're just so sweet.

      Sweet dreams!
      Newbies Nest
      My accountability thread


        Newbies Nest

        Just popping in to say good night nesters! Welcome to the newbies, go check out the toolbox you'll find lots of great posts and ideas. If you're a not so newbie and struggling good place for you too!

        Little beagle I worry so much about the stress you're under. Have you set any kind of limit on how long your guests can stay? Are any of them working? Please don't let them take advantsge of your kindness. You're just so sweet.

        Sleep well friends!
        Newbies Nest
        My accountability thread


          Newbies Nest

          End of day 4! No temptations, although the woman behind me at the grocery store was buying wine and cheese and I had the inklings of a pity party for myself when I thought of the headache wine usually gives me (hm, maybe it is the quantity and not the wine itself, but I digress) and the AWFUL sleep and I really didn't want it at all. It didn't even sound romantic to me. I am not going to be complacent at all, and I know harder days are to come, but it felt good to be happily on my way home to sparkling water and Yogi tea.

          Gambler - wow, what you replied hit a nerve (in a good way). I would care less - or rather not at all - when under the influence of alcohol. That is what I really didn't want to become - the parent whose kids remember her for floating through their lives, perhaps there physically but not present. Something to think about when the urge strikes.

          Love seeing posts like that, Cat. Gives me hope for my skin and baggy eyes.

          Welcome Somed, bbd, Eriegirl, (thanks for the abbreviations, Little Beagle) - I am only on day four so we're in this together (I know there are other real newbies here, but I am having trouble scrolling back for some reason to see all of the names - 64, Some Dumbass - I know I'm missing others). Let's GWAWK here in the nest together. Happy alcohol free hump day!


            Newbies Nest

            GWAWK Nesters ( hey this is catching on.. )

            Got me belly full..yawning strongly..getting chilly out so a great time to curl up under my blankets and catch an eight hour power nap.

   of the things that I really enjoyed about my early AF life is just how you stated it
            It felt good to be Happily on my way home
            . Whatever is was didnt mater much .. but the fact that I was happy and felt incredibly good about myself is something I will never forget. Yes I still feel great about myself..but its more of a daily natural thing .. a part of me now. Enjoy the first month really is something to remember..

            As far as remembering "When" the urge strikes..remember it before the urge strikes. How about setting it up so strongly that the urge rarely strikes..or even never strikes.

            I got to crawl into bed now . but just to let you all know that Im very much looking forward to telling you about my meeting with my attorney tomorrow. This is going to be the Start of the End for me. Im going to find out exactly were I stand on everything and to be more clear on what I should be doing to better my chances with the boys. And after so much energy you all have been sending my way I am feeling very positive. To top it off Im bringing the kids home for dinner and a movie after work

            Sleep well Nesters ...

            Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
            AF: 9-10-2013


              Newbies Nest

              Good nigh all - day 17 for me : ) staying strong. Talk to you all tomorrow!!!
              AF since 10/20/2013
              Smoke free since 09/24/2007
              Meat free since 09/20/2008
              With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                Newbies Nest

                Dang It,
                I just lost an entire personal reply to about 20-30, of you over the day or so. I just don't have the time to go back through the past 7 pages of posts. Oh, well. Just know I sent the love to all of you.
                special welcomes to Eriegirl, BBD.
                Pavati, So strong!


                  Newbies Nest

                  sanchez;1581652 wrote: Good morning nesters. Okay - for the life of me, I cannot figure out what the acronym MAE stands for. Call me stupid, or maybe old, but all I can tell from the context is that it's a shout out to everyone, but I'm just not getting it. Also seeing it from more than one nester so it must be a popular acronym....assistance needed please!

                  Busy day today. Dog to obedience school (manners class), lotsa errands, and the continued organizing of my messy house. One drawer/closet/cupboard a day is my goal. Pitch, pitch, pitch - what a good cleansing feeling that is.

                  Dave - as always so awesome to see your cheerful self come through your posts in spite of everything you're going through.

                  Rahul - ditto on the checking in - where you be?

                  Hey Ican! - What about me! Just Kidding! :H

                  Welcome to all the newbies! This nest moves to darn fast it's hard to keep up with - will try to catch up with you all later. :welcome:

                  Happy AF hump day everyone! Will check in later...


                    Newbies Nest

                    GWAWK!!!!! I just lost a long post.... I think GWAWK is a great word for so many uses Dave .... Cred cred!

                    Ok going to bed but wanted to check in ... Day *9 (lost one but back on my game)


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters, Happy Thursday!

                      This week has been a blur so far, I've been really busy so sorry I haven't posted much.

                      LB, I am thinking about you and sending hugs, I hope things get better soon :l

                      Mr V, I hate when that happens! I don't know how many times I have typed a long post and lost it. Good to see you.

                      Dave, good luck with your attorney today, I really hope you get a good result. You are sounding chipper, it is good to have you back.

                      It's great to see the nest so busy, too many people to name but hugs and strength to everyone. I better get my butt in the shower, another busy day ahead!
                      Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                        Newbies Nest

                        MAE all

                        (Sorry about all the MAE confusion guys, I think I introduced it to the Nest - so no blaming it on DA, Dave!)

                        LB, so sad that yous so-called houseguests forced you to such a step.

                        Capital G Dave, I'm all out of breath after reading your post. Bestest of good luck on the meeting with your attorney.

                        ML: go for it!

                        Pavati, that's the way to think - focus on the benefits, not the negatives

                        Cat: compliments on the compliments

                        Rahul: just go for Day 1, then Day 2, then Day 3: baby steps are easier than trying to visualise an AF life - but they will get you there!

                        Moss, Dottie: hope you feel better soon

                        WOW on 90 days (wanted to give you a special smiley, but they seem to take ages to load at the moment, so pick as many as you want)

                        , halo
                        , BBD
                        , SD, Beginning
                        , Lucky
                        , and everybody else: have the brightest of bright days!
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Day 25

                          MAE again all

                          Forgot the coffee!

                          Ican - here's yours :cupajoe:
                          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Things haven't been good today, in fact they've gone from bad to worse. Horrible weather, 38 degrees and high humidity made it really unpleasant, just really hard to do anything. 43rd anniversary of our meeting today, normally go out but it was too hot so we had a takeaway instead - had to park really far away as there was no park, trekking along carrying this pathetic little plastic bag with our celebration dinner.... the worst meal imaginable, picked my favourite, seafood nasi goreng and it was a ball of sticky dry rice and I found literally six shrimps and a tiny tube of rubbery squid. For 43 years we've had a couple of bottles of wine too - Hubby isn't at all happy that I came back (unexpectedly, as far as he was concerned) without alcohol and is wanting me to go back and get some. Not only has it been a bad week but I don't honestly know if I'm going to cope tonight. Really fed up. How much of a superwoman am I supposed to be to resist this?

                            AF from 22 November 2013

                            Happily on the road to Sobriety - there's nowhere else worth going to...


                              Newbies Nest

                              mae/gwark nesters,

                              just a quick checkin this morning as I'm running late - had a rubbish night's sleep for some reason, just really restless & couldn't settle. now I need to get through today on 3 hours' sleep

                              but hey, I didn't drink & it didn't kill me, who'd've thought it?

                              have a great AF day everyone



                                Newbies Nest

                                Sixty, it must be so difficult when one's partner is not supportive - like asking you to go and buy wine. I think you should have a calm discussion about this situation with him: having him on your side will make things a lot less fraught. Good luck there!

                                SD, amazing hey, to discover that we can actually continue breathing without AL injections every so often!
                                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

