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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    MAE seems to have caught on hasnt it? Yes K9 I thought the same as you but i never did have a fav aunt called that.

    Countdown to day 3 till the wedding, the wedding dress is ready, the MOB dress is ready, my sons suits are ready, so tomorrow is a girly day with my daughters and mum getting nails done and spray tans and just spending some time together. The only thing we are hoping for is a good weather day but Melbourne being Melbourne it is a four seasons in one day job.

    I am off until next Thursday now so that is a relief and going to have some me time to regroup and spend more time on here, i need it.

    As of tomorrow i will be not on but i hope everyone is doing great and continuing the fight and journey.

    LC why the hell dont you come to Australia but I do hope you get it all sorted.

    Min thanks for the well wishes, I just want the "i do" and then i can enjoy. As i say now my other 3 children can elope for all I care ha ha.

    Will check in on Monday for sure
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      LB i hope you are okay at home, why the lock may we ask?

      Dave i did do a long winded reply to a post you made and then lost it and then went oh FFS, so closed it down and went to sleep. no it is not me getting married, god forbid again, no, happy with my own self at this stage in life. I am the only one that can cope with me except my children. I do hope it all works out with your family issues though and am thinking of you. Your new posts sound so much more the Gambler we know and love.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Newbies Nest

        Hey guys. I remember some of you but there's a lot of new faces too. I haven't been here in a year - my drinking hasn't got any worse in that time but it hasn't got much better either. I did a 10 day break a while ago but slowly slipped back into bad habits. Thing is, I homeschool both of my kids now and the day after the night before, I'm too tired to teach half the time. It's not very fair on them - I keep making excuses for my behaviour saying that it's ok because they're way ahead academically anyway, but it's really not ok.

        So anyway - here we go again with Day 1.


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning nesters

          Thanks for the Java there Dream..have any scones ?

          Sixtyfour..Im not sure how someone can screw up rice. and only six shrimp ? Im not sure what to think on the Hub thing. I mean its been a tradition after 43 years. There will always be something be it Thanksgiving .. Christmas or New Years whatever. Its your choice in the long run if your going to make any one day more important than another as an excuse to drink. Ultimately they are all the same..just another 24 hour day..sober or intoxicated. Best wishes to you.

          Just to let you know SD that I had many days that turned out great on only a few hours of sleep. Hope you find a second wind.

          MY bad there Available..I seem to be screwing up lately with my quick assumptions again. Im on a roll baby !

          Morning Willow. Not to implicate anything..but Im sure there are a great deal public school teachers go to class each day with a major hangover. I know that one of my Algebra teachers smelled like a distillery everyday..but boy was he a great mathamatition.

          Remember that its not so much an excuse..its a choice. Kinda like coming to a fork in the road..which one do you take. The only problem is once you go down the AL road there are no byways to get to the AF road until you run out of gas..unlike taking the AF road there are many little dirt roads that will quickly land you back on the Pot Hole infested AL road. You sound like a great mother..hang in there.

          Sanchez..Man I keep calling you brother and man again LOL.. Its that quick assumption thing I was telling Available about. Whoopsies. ( You can call me chickypoo a few times to level the field if you like )

          So I see that there is a lot of lost posts happening lately. I remember a great and funny post that I spent an hour on only to have it zapped from cyberspace in a blink of an eye. I was smiling and feeling great..then BAM..gone. I was so deflated and really upset.
          I have a quick trick for anyone having problems.. First.. Make Sure you have two browser windows open ( just in case your MWO window closes down ). Every once and a while Right click on the on "select all" from your pop up menu ( It should bluelight the whole post..right click again and click on the "copy" button. Now your post is in memory. If you loose it just open another post window..right click and select "Paste". That will put everything back. Just dont close all of your browser windows or I think your copy will be gone. I used to use the Ctrl "C" for copy and Ctrl "V" to paste..but one time I hit the C instead of the V thus clearing out my post captured in the Copy memory. Try it a few times to get used to it.

          Well Im off to work and the attorney..then swinging to get the kids so I might be back on a bit late tonight..after I drop off the boys.

          Hope life treats everyone kind today.

          Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
          AF: 9-10-2013


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters

            I imagine there actually is sunshine somewhere - just not here.

            Welcome back Willow!
            What's your plan? Nothing changes if nothing changes, right?

            sixtyfour, I'm sorry your day/week hasn't been great. We all have them, it's normal. How we choose to react is the big thing. Your sobriety really needs to be the number 1 focus in your life right now! What's your plan? Sounds like you haven't told your husband that you have stopped drinking. Why? Do you think he would be more supportive if you actually told him? We all don't get great support at home but that doesn't matter, it didn't stop me! Set yourself up for success, you deserve a good life free from addiction

            Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              The biggest change I need is to move house - obviously that's not going to happen quickly though! I need to move somewhere where there's no off licence 30 seconds walk from my house. I have the Jason Vale book - I know it's not meant to be used as a safety net but it's been a while so I think I should read it again. Also ordered The Mother's Ruin which I saw on another thread here somewhere. Reading, reading, reading.

              Also there's been a change health wise - I have low levels of vitamin B12 and have to have injections every 3 months for the rest of my life. The doctor didn't mention drinking but I'm sure this deficiency is linked to it as it affects the liver. I feel like my body is slowly falling apart and it's frightening - on my days like today when I'm hungover I imagine dying and how my husband and kids would manage without me. That's a scary thought.

              I'm still scared of going AF though. It's such a long, hard road and I'm scared of failing like so many other times. It's like being between a rock and a hard place isn't it .... I know that Jason Vale said in his book that people like us are the smart ones, because we're making the choice to stop. I really really want to be that smart person but it's frightening! Also all my friends know that I like a drink and what am I going to say? I don't feel comfortable telling them about my drinking issues, not completely. They're all going to think I'm pregnant again or something.

              You know, I seriously wish I'd never touched alcohol. I quit smoking years ago with no issues at all but there's something about alcohol that reels me in.


                Newbies Nest

                Redirect your thoughts to embrace a new life style. Screw the " I can'ts and what will someone think" to thank goodness I am free from that bastard, how good it feels cause believe me it does feel good. We are all here for you
                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello all fellow Nesties!
                  Starting out on day 3. Even though my sleep hasn't been great, it is a lot better than the AL stupor/sleep and I'm more rested.
                  I don't have much advice because I'm just starting out again but keeping busy along with a little excercise feels good.
                  I hope everyone out there has a great day!
                  When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                  -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello, MAE and Gwawk to Everyone! (taking SD's lead - like the greeting combo!)

                    Available - is the wedding really almost here! You are going to be fabulously beautiful and to have next week off then to reflect and relax is a very good idea. Will be thinking about you this weekend!

                    Dave - it's okay chickee to call me "man" every now and again! I'll retaliate with a feminine term of dearment too! Deal girlfriend? teehee Btw your analogy of the fork in the road is very visual for me. The path to al is dark, dreary, kind of like the wizard of oz forrest and the path to being af is hopeful with lotsa options - kind of like the songs in the thread you started a while ago. Anyway, good luck today with the attorney. Remember you are a great dad and if the attorney asks you can honestly say "Nope, I don't drink!"

                    Mr. V - I also lose posts just when I hit submit, so have been copying everything and if I lose the site, then I can easily paste my post. Kindofapain, but a workaround nonetheless. :H

                    Sixty four - sorry your hubby is not as supportive. In the beginning, my husband was the same. We had a house guest and hubby asked me to fetch he and his buddy a bottle of wine whilst they were still drinking a bottle of champagne. I dug my heals in even more when he did that to me. It was as if it was a test. In your original post did you say your hubby doesn't know of your intentions? Can't remember now, but if that's the case, perhaps you should let him know so he will be more cognizant and supportive. And, like Dave said, there's always going to be a day that calls for us to celebrate when in fact it's just another 24 hours.

                    Welcome back Willow & New Beginning - nice to meet you! Looking forward to getting to know you.
                    Betterbrighterdays - welcome to you too! Love the name - kinda says it all
                    Lav - I love that saying - nothing changes if nothing changes! We have a little bit of sunshine here this morning. After a dreary day yesterday - so nice to see!
                    Thanks NS, Dave, LB Dream, and Wine-no! for my 90 days congrats! Hard to believe it's been three months!
                    ICan - HUGS back at cha! :l LOL
                    LB - you mentioned a lock on the door? Is everything ok?
                    MR - hope you're feeling better
                    Rahul - glad you're back - keep posting!
                    Dottie - we need to compare notes on doggie training. I too am taking a wild out-of-control rescue to a manners class. He's ADD the entire time, then we come home and he seems to have gotten it. Strange!
                    Cat - you do look wonderful! Al is such a poison to everything in our systems. I too noticed a huge change in my skin, my hair, eyes, and lost some weight too. People have definitely taken notice which is such a nice added benefit to being af. Now if I can just do something about the sugar!
                    Pavati - it is true - you'll start seeing a difference real soon!

                    Gotta run - Off to do barn chores, then dogs for a hike, then going to make a big pot of vegetable soup. Sorry if I missed anyone - so many to keep up with!
                    Have a great AF day everyone! :l


                      Newbies Nest

                      For a while I've been wondering who this mystery MAE is... Just figured it out :hitme:
                      AF since Halloween 2016

                      Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                        Newbies Nest

                        GWAWK! I like it!

                        I am struck by a couple of things in this morning's posts:
                        Addict thinking.
                        Here's why I can't stop drinking: ___________.

                        That was always MY excuse. I am in the business world, I hang out with folks who drink, my family drinks, the whole world drinks, how am I going to be the only person in the Northern Hemisphere who doesn't drink??

                        You FIND a way and you make a choice. Do you want to live? Then you'll find a way NOT to drink again. For me, that's what it was coming down to....either I give in for the 100th time and take the path I know, or I try something different. One leads to death and despair, but I don't know where the other one this case it sounds like a no brainer....but you'd be surprised. So many choose death and despair rather than TRYING the other way!! Sounds nuts, doesn't it? The AF path just sounds like NO fun. How can anybody do it?? I am here to tell you, I fought it tooth and nail myself, but seeing is believing. In my AF life, I enjoy MORE of everything! I have much more FUN than I ever did when I was drinking. There is a difference in our perspective of FUN. Falling down drunk does not equal fun, but that's what we think.

                        'Where'll I go, What'll I do without Alcohol????' (with apologies to Miss Scarlett and Rhett) 'Frankly, my Dear, I don't give a dam!' That is my attitude about what other people think. This is MY life and AL was killing it. What other people thought seemed to matter more so at first than it does I see that nobody cares NEARLY as much as I think they did. IF they are our friends, they want us to healthy, right? You wouldn't give a peanut allergy person a sack of Cracker Jacks! This is the same thing... we must avoid AL. It's easier than you think, too. I promise. NOBODY shoves it in your mouth, it is always YOUR CHOICE. Just say, NO THANKS! Yes, it's that simple. Anything you say to yourself to keep the addiction alive is mind chatter! That is DickHead trying to get you to cave. Man (as a species) doesn't need AL to live. You can trust me on that one. In fact, if you want to live BETTER, have MORE fun at parties, and appreciate LIFE, you'll quit today and stay quit. I would have never thought it possible until I did it myself!! If you really think about it, we are in the fight of our yes, one drink CAN kill us, because it only leads to more.
                        If those people think ill of you for breaking a 45 year tradition then shame on them! If they really knew what AL was doing to you they wouldn't let you have it. If all of our loved ones REALLY KNEW what was going on in our heads they would never allow us to drink again!! Most of us don't get into that kind of detail with our SO's, so we have to be our own stewards. Be your own best friend, don't let YOU have any...nary a drop! You will turn out to be the best friend you ever had!!
                        It does take some time....we didn't get into this jam overnight and it takes some time to get out of it....but it will happen if you give time, time! I promise, it's better than the alternative. Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning all,
                          Off to the grocery store and a few errands..feeling better today....cold has subsided a little.

                          Sanchez my puppy is just the opposite..she is a little angel at class and a hellion at home...but she is learning..only 10 months old so I am hopeful she will calm down and her other 2 pack members hope so too..she is driving them crazy...

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            GWAWK!! (you all have lost your minds. LOL)

                            Welcome Willow! Stick close to us, we can relate to what you're going through. I wouldn't worry about what others think of you not drinking, you need to do what's best for YOU and your family. And if anybody really needs to know, you can just say you're having some health issues (which you are). I've found that most people are self-centered anyway, they don't really pay that much attention to what other people are (or aren't) doing. Just hang in there and let us know how everything is going!

                            There's no way I can name all of you, but you know who you hello and happy Thursday Is it Friday yet?

                            People like Dave put me to shame with their fancy posting. :bow

                            Everyone have a great day and stay strong. You are too good for alcohol!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Newbies Nest

                              K9Lover;1582041 wrote: Is it Friday yet?
                              Almost for me, you'll have to wait bit longer. I think the really down-underers are already there.

                              Dave, will see what I can do re scones - herb? cheese?

                              Stay well Nesters.
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                                Newbies Nest

                                MAE! GWAAWK! whatever that means!!:H

                                It's my evening and I'm dead tired at 6:45 after a run-around day which started at 5am. I love mornings, but not when I have to get up--

                                Byrdie, that was again a wonderful post. I was having a bit of rough time on my walk home-- I think just from being tired and hungry (HALT!! 2 out of 4 Yikes!) and I was craving bread and sugar more than AL, but for me the cravings are very much the same and can lead to DANGER! So I forced myself to run straight home-- no collecting 100 at go!-- cooked a healthy dinner and signed on here and voil?.. read exactly what I needed to hear. So thank you.:h Actually to all of you who posted. It brings us all so much to hear from each and every person, whether jumping over hurdles, reaching milestones or struggling-- post!

                                Sanchez, come on over and join the SF thread in general if you feel like it! There's also a roll call -- It's so lonely over there sometimes! But I'm hell bound and determined to keep it going!!

                                SD, I remember my first days not being able to sleep much. Like you said, though, much better than the alternative. I think I ended up taking tylenol PM for a couple of days 'cause I also had headaches-- then I got scared and stopped. Could just see myself becoming a tylenol junkie!:H Great going on day 2! Stay close...

                                Willow, this time around I didn't trust myself AT ALL! I was so afraid of failing after so many failed attempts. I just took it one day at a time, not worrying too much about the future, but fairly serious about trying the 30 day challenge. Everyone said, if you can't make 30 days, it's further proof of a problem, so I think I was partially doing it to "prove" I didn't. Slowly I began to feel better and after proving to myself I could do a bit of time, I began to trust myself. Now I'm not afraid of failure-- Bring it on! We really have to give ourselves the chance to be healthy and free of our addictions. I admire you for home schooling! That's a tough job...

