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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    GWAAWK! I wasn't quite finished...

    Gambler, I'm not sure I like the Gwaawk! It just doesn't feel right!:H Hope it goes well for you today with the attorney..
    LB, :l Having to lock your door can't feel good. I hope you have another solution soon..
    Newbeginnings, :welcome:
    Available! SUNDAY! How exciting-- hoping for good weather and a lovely celebration..:h
    Hi to Minstar!
    Vervill, what a bummer to lose that long post! I used to lose them all the time-- I do the paste and copy, but it also works to "Preview Post" often. Somehow it keeps you signed on. UN taught me that ( I miss you, UN!) and I haven't lost a post since. Good to see you!
    Ican, you're rocking with your 9 days! Way to go, girl.

    SIxtyfour, How are you? Please let us know.

    Nothing changes if nothing changes has to be one of my favourite sayings, Lav. I wish you would put it in your signature so I could see it every day.!

    Warm greetings to everyone here--


      Newbies Nest

      Hi, guys! I am feeling so much better today. Hangovers are the worst- YUCK! I really need to remember THAT and not let it go so I don't decide to get drunk in a month or so. Surely they can't be that terrible for everyone or no one would drink, right? I don't understand it.
      AF: 11/7/13


        Newbies Nest

        Hi BBD! I'm glad you're feeling better today. Remember that hangover...I mean think of it everyday...don't let it become some distant memory. You want to remember the BAD of drinking, not the so-called "good times". The Beast is a bastard and will try to erase your memory of a hold on to it. My hangovers were horrible!!! Dizzy and nauseauted all day at day I was dry heaving at my desk and I was sure I'd pass out and my co-workers would just step over my lifeless body. The memory of that day replaces any romantic feelings I have for Mr. Bud Light!
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Newbies Nest

          GWAWK. That's all I have to say.
          Celebrations? There is something to celebrate everyday, every moment. All that booze would ruin it.
          10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


            Newbies Nest

            I'm off to bed now guys. Thanks for the welcome back. If only all the days were as easy as today. Tomorrow will be fine too, it's the weekend where it'll start getting harder. See you tomorrow.


              Newbies Nest

              I'm off to bed, too. See you birds tomorrow!


                Newbies Nest

                I haven't done too much today, but I did take out all of the recycling (read: beer bottles!), and eat some healthy food. I have to work tonight so I am just kind of lounging around. Would be nice to get some fresh air, but it's in the forties and rainy. No thanks on the cold, cold gloomy rain. I hope everyone is doing okay today.
                AF: 11/7/13


                  Newbies Nest

                  bit zonked (tired, not drunk) tonight so just a quick check-in. remarkably okay day, aside from being knackered, no desire to drink this evening which is a very pleasant surprise!

                  I'm off to bed. see you all in the morning



                    Newbies Nest

                    Went to visit dad and I swear he can drive me nuts and the wine looked so good on the shelf...but it is still there...dang why does he bug me so....
                    Other than that I had a good day.

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Dottie Belle;1582121 wrote: Went to visit dad and I swear he can drive me nuts and the wine looked so good on the shelf...but it is still there...dang why does he bug me so....
                      Other than that I had a good day.
                      Being around either of my parents definitely makes me want to drink. Good job for not!
                      AF: 11/7/13


                        Newbies Nest

                        K9Lover;1582086 wrote: Hi BBD! I'm glad you're feeling better today. Remember that hangover...I mean think of it everyday...don't let it become some distant memory. You want to remember the BAD of drinking, not the so-called "good times". The Beast is a bastard and will try to erase your memory of a hold on to it. My hangovers were horrible!!! Dizzy and nauseauted all day at day I was dry heaving at my desk and I was sure I'd pass out and my co-workers would just step over my lifeless body. The memory of that day replaces any romantic feelings I have for Mr. Bud Light!
                        LOL. I have horrible hangover stories. They are never better. Ever. A big issue I have with alcohol is the gawdawful anxiety it gives me- I can never escape it.
                        AF: 11/7/13


                          Newbies Nest

                          Better,Brighter, Days are truly ahead for you, BBD!!! You are about to be amazed at the feeling of just being happy and proud of yourself. We get into such a rut of self loathing and guilt that it's just not funny. I'm so optimistic for your future!

                          I'm not the brightest bulb in the socket, but I'll be danged if I don't think I could do a better job than our shipping department. 4 orders screwed up this week to the same customer! I ordered a sales sample of something and they sent me an empty box!!! FED EX, too! It's nuts! Once I get thru to Thanksgiving, it'll be smooth sailing (I hope!) However, I may have to have serious therapy in the meantime! (I mean seriously, and EMPTY box???)

                          Hope everyone has a GWAWKing good time in the nest tonight! Hugs to all! Byrdie
                          (Do you notice how peppy I am in the morning and how beat down I am at night???:H:H:H)
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lots going on in the nest, love reading the humour in the variety of posts. Who says you need AL to have a good time and a lot of laughs? Not me!!! Here's to another AF day newbies.

                            Byrdie even when you are tired you are still a barrel full of fun!
                            On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                              Newbies Nest

                              Byrdie, you never ever come across as beat down, far from it!.

                              A quick post from me before bed folks. To all those in the early stages of your journey, it's really heartwarming to see you all doing so well, stay strong and focussed!

                              I hope everyone else is doing well too :l

                              I can't believe it's Friday tomorrow, what a week. I have kind of lost track of what's going on in the Nest, partly due to time difference and partly due to how busy I have been. I was hoping to see a post from LB, I hope everything is settling down for you love. :l

                              Dave, I hope that attorney does a good job for you. I can tell from your posts that nothing in this world is more important to you than those two boys and their happiness and well being. That makes you a great Dad in my eyes.

                              Everyone else, I will try to catch up with posts, I know I have missed a couple of big anniversaries and there is a certain wedding coming up this weekend, thinking of you all!:l

                              Work has been busy, but great! I had really good feedback from my 'big' boss today, it's awesome to get a bit of recognition. I have also been busy at the gym, going to AA meetings (and getting a lot out of them!).

                              I have also been taking my daughter to the gym with me regularly, she's really getting into it now, and that just brings out my competitive side! She might be a good few years younger than me, but I am not going to let her out run me! :H

                              I also got asked out on a date with a guy I used to work with, he still works for the company but in a different office. We used to be really friendly and had a good working relationship. He phones me regularly to catch up, but this time he asked me out. He said he really missed my company and wants to see me on a regular basis. I said okay to dinner and we'll see. He's six years younger than me, I do like him but....we'll see.

                              So that's been a week in the life of BH, not that anyone probably wants to know, but I like to type a wee post when I get the chance. Hugs to all, and what is all this Gwaak stuff about? Nutters, all of you! But I love yous anyway! :l
                              Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                                Newbies Nest

                                GWAWK! Off to be nesters :-) x

