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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters!

    open - gotta tell you from personal experience I know that the dark chocolate if very effective but very addictive - watch out

    Hi akgirl, thanks for dropping in!

    Fluff, you're doing great! Soon you'll have two weeks under your belt, very nice

    And 12 days for you as well HC - terrific I hope Mazzie and/or ChickenNumber3 (Chook) can answer your qustions about receiving shipments in Australia.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day, I'll be back later
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone

      Day 7 and all is well!!

      Felt quite grumpy this morning like I had a hangover?? But apart from that its going OK, I have been having cravings for wine from around 3pm onwards, but I have been trying to keep busy and it does pass. I think part of it isnt just a craving, its the whole change in routine and habit, I'm so used to cracking open the first bottle whilst making dinner, I used to love that first glass of Chablis, its just learning to alter the way I do things I guess.

      I keep becoming quite emotional, when I think of the time I've wasted either drunk or hungover, I always thought it didnt effect my kids, they were always fed very well, had a nice home, clean clothes, bathed everyday, they were happy, how stupid was I. The one thing alcohol took from them was me, my time, patience, tolerance, energy to do anything with them. It was never so much in the evening whilst drinking but the next day.

      This week has been fantastic, I am completely here for them, I'm up before they are, we all read every night, do homework together, we went bowling on Saturday, I took them to the V & A on Sunday (London's best museum!!! in my opinion).....

      Alcohol needn't knock on my door again, because its not welcome


        Newbies Nest

        Wow guys -- 7 days, 12 days, 17 days!!! You all Rock!

        Hippy - "However I actually realised that having a drink would make it worse... like it ALWAYS does." Way to go - being aware of what we do and how we think is pretty key.

        Northgirl - "I keep becoming quite emotional, when I think of the time ..." I've been there too NG, but you can't change the past. Just use it to help keep in mind the most important things now. Cooking with wine was one of my "hobbies" too! I used to cook (and drink) on Sunday evenings - Lav came up with a tip to cook in the morning or afternoon instead. So Sunday nights became just for relaxing. Sometimes little changes are all it takes.

        Open - Thanks. You're right, I'm not gonna ruin the nice relaxing trip with guilt. But I am gonna learn something about my triggers - I guess golf and travel qualify. I don't see myself giving up golf or travel (or fun). It certainly does help with the "resolve" factor, but I'm going to have to think about how I approach things in the future.

        Take care all.
        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters!

          Northgirl - 7 days = 1 week :yougo: Great job!
          It is possible to change any habit in 21 days - if you really work on it! I found changing my thinking to be difficult, but doable. Give yourself a bit of time, keep finding new & better things to do with your time - you will love the results!

          Back to work Tranq? Don't you hate that after a nice break? I could use a trip somewhere myself but no plans so far. Haven't been away since last June - spent a few days in Old City Quebec - beautiful
          Speaking of cooking, this morning I put put together 'Chicken Tortilla Soup' (recipe on All recipes – complete resource for recipes and cooking tips ) let it cook all day in the crockpot - good

          Time to put the feet up for a bit - woke up way too early this morning due to an extremely noisey spouse, grrr!
          Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest - the night light is on for the latecomers.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Everybody

            Just a quick note to Hippy Chick - congrats on your af days. I am in Australia but have not ordered the sups etc from MWO. I am just using what I have always had but am not feeling as great as I would have hoped. Sorry can't help you with that question.

            Lav, Tranq, North, Fluff, Akgirl, Open and everyone else - great job - keep going and never never never give up.
            Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


              Newbies Nest

              Morning all- Day 13 for Fluff- have been feeling queezy yesterday and today-noticed it especially after eating some almonds-and I have been eating a lot of them-wondering if I am developing an allergy toward them. I feel queezy this morning -drinking my coffee-almost like when your pregnant-but I'm not. Ugh. Maybe I'm just coming down with something-my daughter was sick a couple weeks ago and maybe I'm getting what she had...or maybe it's that amino acid supplement I bought yesterday... who knows.
              luv, Fluff
              It's always YOUR choice!


                Newbies Nest

                Hi guys. Thanks for all the encouragement.
                TW - yes it was a bit of crystal clear moment for me. Realising that that is one of the reasons why my drinking was out of control. And I was so tempted. I thought "well I am angry, I deserve a drink...." how dumb is that! Instead I thought "Well I am angry so tell the person dont internalise it and use that as an excuse for a drink".
                Mazzie - thanks anyway. I have ordered them so will just have to wait. I know they have been shipped so I should receive them anytime I hope.

                Today was quite hard for me. In the last nine years I have only had two weeks of sobriety. As I am at day 13 my evil self kept trying to convince me to have a drink to celebrate nearly breaking that record. It really took alot of effort not to pick up that bottle. I suppose I am going to have these feelings, it will be a case of dealing with it as it comes up. I have been isolating myself since I stopped and have plans for Friday with one of my serious drinking buddies. So is going to take a lot of effort to say no. However I am determined and will do what I can. (Any suggestions anyone?)
                Although I am not a member of AA (used to be although found it wasnt for me) I do use the saying "one day at a time". Sometimes it is one hour or one minute. so I wont think of Friday night until it comes.
                Take care everyone and good luck with your journey.
                Hippy Chick
                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters,

                  I see a nice, sunny day developing outside my window The cold air doesn't bother me so much when it's sunny!

                  Greetings Mazzie - I've always used my own supplements as well mostly due to allergies & sensitivities. They worked out just fine for me.

                  Fluff, tomorrow will be 2 weeks for you - fantastic I ward off stomach issues by taking my supplements with food. I take a huge handful 2X/day. They can be kind of rough on your stomach - a little prevention goes a long way

                  Hippy Chick - make day 13 your lucky day this time around!!! Use your previous experience as your guideline & don't repeat the same mistake. That's how we progress & move on
                  I am sending you a big dose of 'Lavan-itude' - my personal attitude system! Use it to get you through your Friday evening unharmed. Tell your friend firmly that drinking is no longer an option for you then change the subject. Don't let anyone talk you into doing something you don't want to do! We are adults not teenagers so stick to your guns!!!!

                  I need to go clear off my desk & do some tax stuff - I'll keep the moaning & groaning to myself
                  Wishing everyone a terrific Humpday - be back later.

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Everyone! Keep up the great work!

                    HC - "As I am at day 13 my evil self kept trying to convince me to have a drink to celebrate..." Reminds of a cute story I recently heard. A yoga teacher told her class: "Put your right arm over your left and give yourself a big hug... Now put your left arm over your right and hug your evil twin!"

                    "Any suggestions anyone?" Hip - Lavand-itude definitely works. However, if you're looking for a low-key approach you could use the old "I'm taking some meds for blah blah blah and don't want to mix" or "I'm going to the doc soon and he's been watching my blood pressure". My experiences deflecting attention went pretty well.

                    Fluff - sorry to hear you're not feeling well. After 13 days (great work), I doubt that it's al related. I just went 18 days before my trip and felt great. Maybe its the new "amino acid supplement" - hope you're not coming down with something!

                    Mazzie - "not feeling as great as I would have hoped" Aw - sorry to hear that too Maze! Sounds like there's a bug floating around the nest.

                    Lav - 'Chicken Tortilla Soup' sounds great - we've got an ice storm coming down here. Ugh - I miss the warm already. Yep, back to work for me. Here's a hint - Quebec sounds better in the summer - right now is a good time to fly south!

                    Hi Open, and anyone else who stops in. Running a little late tonight myself, and have some stuff to do.

                    Take care all!
                    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello everyone.
                      Two weeks today I had my final drink! Woo hoo.... I am pretty pleased with myself I must say... So instead of celebrating my old way, my supps and CD's arrived. How exciting. Cant wait to get all the mundane dinner/housework stuff out of the way so I can relax and start for real now.
                      Thanks Lav for your dose of Lavan-itude. I will remember that on Friday.
                      TranqWilly - Like the thought of hugging myself (Husband is away so it is up to my ten year old daughter to dish out the hugs at the moment). As for Friday, might just try old fashioned honesty. She is a good friend and will understand as I think she feels she may have a drinking problem too.
                      Hey Fluff - hope you are feeling better.
                      Mazzie and all the other Aussies - you can get the supps into Australia just not sure about the Topa as it hasnt arrived yet.
                      Take care and have a good one.
                      I finally got it!
                      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                        Newbies Nest

                        Okey Dokey!

                        Righto then!
                        Today has been the day from hell! And the worst thing is that I didn't have a drink last night, the first AF night in about a week!! But my wee chicks decided to play with Mum's mind today and played me like a fiddle!

                        It wasn't me who woke up on the wrong side of the bed is what I'm trying to say! I was happy...ready to do stuff and go to the park and do some visiting...they were negative 'wee bairns' with attitude!!!

                        Needless to say I have succumbed and am now imbibing!(is that how you spell it?)

                        So one thing good from this day is this:

                        Chooks Trigger's appear to be: pre-schoolers and toddlers in a general rage!
                        husbands who criticise everything and have rules for everything!
                        sister's who split up from partners and are very sad and need me to commisserate with them!

                        hmmmm?????????????????????any suggestions?
                        hope everyone is journeying well.
                        Welcome back Tranq! you are not the only one slipping. Actually to be honest with you, I do it in the finest of style!

                        Lav-tell me something motherly! I need your sage advise!
                        Luv Chook


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello nesters. I'm back after not being around since November 11th. I was doing a great job of being AF for about a month, but eventually fell off the wagon again. I go on these binges of drinking and smoking every week or so. It seems to be getting progressively worse. I just had my last binge on Tuesday after work so I am still depressed today about it. Called in sick to work yesterday because of it.... I'm back at work today but sick and tired of being tired and sick! HELP!!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters!

                            I'm HO free, the sun is out, what more could I ask for?

                            Hippy Chick - 2 AF weeks for you - WOO HOO! Congrats, you must be proud I'm sure your daughter sees a much happier Mom!

                            Tranq, Quebec was gorgeous in June! I wouldn't go there this time of year for anything ........they get an average of 10 feet of snow each winter - no thanks! Hope your ice storm wasn't too bad - hate ice! We're supposed to have a mix come down overnight tonight - yuck!

                            Chook, here's my sage advice this morning - stop drinking now!
                            You've read about Cowgal & what a sad state she's in right now! This poor girl has been battling her AL addiction for years. She's also been battling depression for quite some time. She is literally battling for her life right now on life support. I pray that she does somehow pull thru so her 2 teenage sons don't lose their Mom.
                            You want to be around & healthy for your girls, right? One thing I can tell you for sure - the kids do grow up & turn into your best friends! You will forget how irritating they were when they were little.
                            Some of us live with spouses who criticize everything and some of us live with spouses who ignore everything & wouldn't even notice if your hair was on fire!!!!!!!!! Need I say more?
                            You can learn to commiserate with a cup of tea - I have!
                            I'm not trying to make little of your problem & triggers Chook - I just don't want to see you make the same mistake Cowgal made!

                            I'll stop my lecturing now & wish everyone a happy & healthy Thursday!
                            Take care of yourselves

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Mountaingirl - welcome back!
                              We cross posted.
                              Make yourself comfortable in the nest......glad you're here!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Lav-I just wanted to say Hi since we are both from PA. I love reading your posts - they are so full of wisdom. I've been AF since 9/8/09 because of everyone here at MWO. I just became a Grandma last week to a beautiful little girl and I am so thankful that I am sober. Anyway, thank you for your great messages.
                                Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

