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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    K9 you and your girl are beautiful. You look more like sisters than mother and daughter. :h


      Newbies Nest

      Great picture K9! You do look more like sisters! Sam changed his photo too! Need to see if I have any more pix of myself either on the bank of the pond or flying! Lol


        Newbies Nest

        Hello all, Been busy and haven't posted for a couple weeks. Day 27 for me and I am feeling good! 64 don't be so hard on yourself, you can do it. Stay away from the places that have alcohol, make your hubby buy his own. Broken Halo are you still on the same day as me AF?
        Acadia- good for you one day 11, yes it is nice to see the real you come through. Sanchez interesting what you said about the sugar, I usually don't crave sweets and the past couple of days I have noticed that I have been, have not given in yet. Have a blessed day all.


          Newbies Nest

          Cat what am I doing differently now? I am living. On Halloween I went out (no drunk driving worries) and did something. I have a memory instead of a blank spot and a regret.
          40 days is huge. Each day af is worth celebrating. I too am excited be alive again.:l
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


            Newbies Nest

            Little beagle, I am so there with you. First halloween in many years that I did not drink and it was awesoome. Have a birthday coming soon and I can't wait forthat to be AF too!


              Newbies Nest

              I think I am back in the right section! Great to hear your stories. I get my meds (hopefully) on Tuesday and will have all in place to start. Can't wait. Will keep you posted.


                Newbies Nest

                eriegirl;1582459 wrote: I think I am back in the right section! Great to hear your stories. I get my meds (hopefully) on Tuesday and will have all in place to start. Can't wait. Will keep you posted.
                :welcome:You found it! Great!:welcome:
                AF since Halloween 2016

                Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Little beagle and daily wine!!! So true!!! I am curious how AF vacation will feel? We normally go to all-inclusive where drinks are poured everywhere - bars dinner even breakfast they offer mimosas. But I am looking forward to be able to see sunset and sunrise - normally we are too drunk to see sunset and too hangover to watch sunrise...
                  AF since 10/20/2013
                  Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                  Meat free since 09/20/2008
                  With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey all you crazy, full of life Nesters! It's 1030pm here and just about my bedtime--
                    So much going on in the Nest today.

                    Cat, 40 days is great and I loved your post:h. Part of recovery is learning how to deal with the tough things in life again, it's true-- but getting to know ourselves again is wonderful, isn't it? Sometimes I feel like pinching myself to check reality, and sometimes I walk around with a crazy grin, talking to myself, saying, "This is it. this is what it's meant to be like." This isn't happening constantly, but when it does it's so nice-- I didn't have that before.

                    Hi Ann and Jvo, glad to have you both back in the Nest! I think it's difficult for all of us to keep up on what's going on here-- but like Byrdie said, we can use our previously wasted time to have a read and post here. I also come here each and every morning to check in and each evening before bed-- I can't always read through all the posts, but even reading a couple and posting a few words keeps us in the game--NS said it very well, too, about the power of writing and the influence it has on us. I love this cosy Nest!

                    Lucky, great list! I would add the ability to stop and think before acting as opposed to acting completely on impulse. Have you noticed that, too? I love having at least SOME control over my actions.

                    Sam, I like the photo! Actually both photos. Is it you playing the fiddle/violin? I don't know how to pull up pictures other than those offered on this site...I'm part of the
                    technically challenged group!

                    There are many other posts I wanted reply to, but my eyes are heavy and I still want to read around a bit. For those of you heading into Friday evening, have a grand old party here in the Nest! See you tomorrow..


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Myluck! Do you have a vacation planned for the near future? Just curious! Sounds like a cruise...
                      In four weeks I'm heading to stay with my family for almost 5 weeks and I know it will be an adjustment-- especially with my dad, with whom I'll be staying part time. I've told him on the phone that I've quit, but I know he'll test my resolve at least once. I feel up for it now and have my plan in mind.


                        Newbies Nest

                        my luck, drink some soda water and a lime it works! Lifechange, some of the folks at my office keep trying ot egt me to drink and I just say I am dieting and sticking to it of course they don't know I have quit forever! Hopefully your dad supports you and doesn't challenge you...Good luck


                          Newbies Nest

                          Myluck;1582469 wrote: Little beagle and daily wine!!! So true!!! I am curious how AF vacation will feel? We normally go to all-inclusive where drinks are poured everywhere - bars dinner even breakfast they offer mimosas. But I am looking forward to be able to see sunset and sunrise - normally we are too drunk to see sunset and too hangover to watch sunrise...
                          My luck just another benefit of being AF, experiencing the sunset and the sunrise! Keep yourself busy during your vacation, I found my first AF vacation to be awesome, I came home feeling great and due to no AL and no hangover eating actually lost a couple of pounds! Yet another reason for an AF vacation. Hey we should start a list!!! :l
                          On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                            Newbies Nest

                            [QUOTE=Luckyflower;1582400]Dear nesters,

                            I don?t and won?t think about forever. I think that FOREVER is the scary word that leads us to drink again cause how is it possible? Not drinking for the rest of my life. Scary thought and hard to commit to. So just for today, I am not drinking and then tomorrow comes, so just today..

                            Luckyflower your comment is bang on, I struggled with the "Forever" component throughout my first quit. I had such a difficult time with this concept and I believe it was a contributing factor to my slipping after 5 1/2 months of being AF, the notion of forever combined with the crazy notion that after some AF time I now possessed the ability to control AL. BIG MISTAKE...
                            I am back on the AF train, and I am with you, take it one day at a time and don't even think about forever........
                            On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                              Newbies Nest

                              K9Lover;1582382 wrote: Sometimes I change 2-3 times a day...just to see if anyone is paying attention! LOL Usually they aren't.
                              cute pic does that make her K3? K6?


                                Newbies Nest

                                I didn't mean to offend with my "forever" I to take it one day at a time and go to my AA meetings too where I am reminded that. I was more focused I guess on not letting my staff know that I am AF.

