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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Settling in for the night.

    Sober Saturday This will be my first weekend of no drink for about 3 weeks.

    Looking forward to a productive Sunday, and just keeping my mindset away from letting my brain trick me into thinking I am missing out on something.

    I want to be more present in the moment, and alcohol definitely doesn't let us do that!


      Newbies Nest

      Quick post - haven't read for at least 2 hours, will have to catch up later. Going to pick up the love of my life at the airport. Usually on the day he returns, I am horribly hung over - having spent much of the time totally wasted, eating out of the refrigerator, not picking up the house - and I rush around, guilty and remorseful hoping I'm ok to drive to the airport. Today, I am rushing around - and have eaten some meals out of the refrigerator - but I'm pretty joyful. I like myself more when I'm sober, I'm having more fun. Hope you all have an fantastic day.

      Rahul - your Day 1 is worth more to me than one hundred Day 30s. Keep up the good work!
      10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


        Newbies Nest

        Londoner;1582969 wrote: Settling in for the night.

        Sober Saturday This will be my first weekend of no drink for about 3 weeks.

        Looking forward to a productive Sunday, and just keeping my mindset away from letting my brain trick me into thinking I am missing out on something.

        I want to be more present in the moment, and alcohol definitely doesn't let us do that!
        Great job Londoner!!! I hope you feel as fantastic as I do!!!
        10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


          Newbies Nest

          I'm Strong and in Control;1582975 wrote: Great job Londoner!!! I hope you feel as fantastic as I do!!!
          Almost a month for you


            Newbies Nest

            Londoner, great to see you here on a Saturday night!! It's party time around here. It's THE place to be..I am going to try to stay up past 10pm:H, so stick around tonight. Do whatever you have to do to stay put this one Saturday night, yeah? You can do it and you'll feel like a thousand bucks tomorrow morning!

            Rahul, I'm so happy you fought through that first difficult day-- great decision to take your wife out! I bet she was pleased. Slowly but surely, one day at a time.. you know the routine.:l

            Pavati! :rockband: Great job on day 7!! You're definitely rockin'! I enjoyed the TED talk you posted very much. Coming out of the closet, being true to ourselves and honest to others about who we are.. That's the road we're on, isn't it?

            Dottie!!! :h

            Sam, Thank you for that!

            Ican, you're a poet and you didn't even knowit! You have a real knack for it, lady-- you could go into business at least part time in this busy Nest!! :H Thanks..

            Off for my weekly telephone call to my dad.. will check in again later.


              Newbies Nest

              Great job pavati , Londoner and Rahul


                Newbies Nest

                Byrdlady;1582906 wrote: I found that putting myself into the service of someone else REALLY helped.
                Byrdie - wonderful advice that I intend to take. I have been feeling bluesy lately - dare I say, a bit self-pitying. Yuck! Your post reminded me to knock it off, and get out there and do something worthwhile.

                Pavati, Willow, Rahul, Ican, Londoner, and Jvo - I read all of your posts and glad to hear that you are all hanging in there. Inspiring. Thank you. It helps keep me strong - especially on a Saturday night.

                64 - you know how I feel. Keep posting. You are doing great. Sending hugs and love. Stay strong.

                Life and Strong - wow, you two are amazing. Love your uplifting posts.

                Peace and happiness to you all.
                Everything is going to be amazing


                  Newbies Nest

                  It's 10:17pm and I'm still awake!! Where the heck are all my party friends?


                    Newbies Nest

                    Is this a late one for you life?


                      Newbies Nest

                      It is a late one for me! How pathetic, I know! What are you up to this fine evening? So good to see you here!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Just checking in... 3 month AF birthday, still doing out-patient once a week, AA twice a week. I'm getting to know my sponsor better and keep a close eye on my foundation of sobriety. I quit smoking 3 weeks ago (Chantix), and my wife quit smoking Monday (she rarely drinks... amaretto at that.. blech). I'm content, good things are happening slowly but surely. Saving $800 a month on booze and cigs doesn't hurt either.



                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey guys, well, I'm here at the end of Day 3. Tonight was fine and no problems at all. Expecting a difficult day tomorrow though - Days 4 & 5 are my killers so will be keeping busy. It's Remembrance Sunday here tomorrow so my daughter has her Rainbows parade at church. Not my thing so will drop her and pick her up later, but I have lesson planning to do and will probably take my son to feed the ducks or to the park. Husband will be working until 2pm, then my daughter has a birthday party at 4.30pm. I think that's not a bad day filling my time-wise! Hope you're all having a good afternoon/evening depending on where you are.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Roadrunner Phil! A big congratulations on 3 months sober! Well done:wd: and thanks for sharing the news here in the Nest. Quitting smoking, too, that's so cool--it sounds like you're on a roll!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Roadrunner, I'll say an extra $800 a month doesn't hurt! Well done on 3 months and quitting the cigs too.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Willow! way to go on Day 3! I hear you about days 4 and 5-- they were hard for me, too. But it sounds like you're ready with a busy day tomorrow-- and if you happen to get a craving out of the blue? You know how you're going to handle it, right?:h We're here for you, Willow! 24/7.

