Hello nesters. Looking out the window at our first snowfall of the year. Just a dusting, but absolutely beautiful. It makes the nest feel just that much cozier.
Honey - It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. Be kind to yourself, okay? As Dottie said, we just tend to get worried when someone disappears, even briefly. But it's only out of concern.
Isty - What a shame about your brother. I agree, he must feel quite badly about himself but that still doesn't give him the right to treat you meanly. Right now, you have to do everything possible to protect yourself and your quit. btw, I'm a juicer too. In fact, I've met quite a few fresh juice fanatics here. hmmm...maybe we should start a thread in the recipe section. Just a thought.
Willow - Congrats on 5 days. You are doing great.
Eriegirl - glad to see that you are posting faithfully. You can do this.
Elvis - support in real life is golden. I'm so glad you talked with your wife. Now you can work together. And you'll always have us too

Lav - I keep meaning to ask you a question. Are you a vegan? I saw a cookbook you recommended and it made me curious. If so, I would love to ask you a few questions.
Avail - I sure have missed you. So glad to hear the wedding went well. Sorry your mom was being contrary, but this too shall pass, right? Hope to see you around a lot more these days.
Stay strong everyone.