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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning Nesters.

    I missed your 30 days yesterday I'm Strong, well done! :goodjob: And well done Willow on your 7 days, awesome!

    It's good to see the Nest so busy, and so many milestones piling up it's hard to keep up!

    I've had a cold since Sunday but it seems to be a good bit better this morning and I am raring to go. I hope everyone has a fabulous Wednesday. :l
    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all, today is my 7 days! Hurrah!

      Beautiful frosty day here so we're off early on a nature walk. A couple of months ago we made a fairy house and left it in the woods for the 'fairies'. DD is desperate to see a fairy lol so thought I'd play along!

      Hope everyone has a great day x


        Newbies Nest

        It's pretty easy to loose a post while typing it out- attempt 2!

        ( Originally Posted by istym4me View Post
        Does anyone else here or has anyone else here had premonitions through-out their life? I know this may also be a anecdote with no real, science back basis, but I have to think that it's real for some, real for me...
        I do get feelings here and there. Im having one now in fact .. I see that you will continue on your AF journey and be greatly rewarded for it.)

        Dave, that made me laugh, thank-you! I probably didn't make it clear in print, it seemed so clear in my mind, but over the years I have read that some people claim to drink to stop premonitions. Ha! Typing that out right now, it seems like just another AL excuse! I used to hate my dreams, so vivid and often they would come true. Now, this week I am looking forward to finding out if they become more vivid again AF. Reverse excuse.

        Willow, whether it's 1, 2 or 4 bottles it was obviously too much for you, you wouldn't be here if it felt okay. AND now, no bottles for 7 days!! Maybe the fairies are doing a 7 day dance! So excited for you.

        These last 3 pages have brought many great thoughts to me. One is that I have often said if a brain can be traumatized, like PTSD then it can be un-traumatized. I know I have healed from PTSD a few times, it took a while and I sometimes had to brainwash myself but it worked. So why can't 'we' get rid of AL brains? It seems to me some people do get rid of AL brain fairly easily and some struggle a bit more. From these last 3 pages or my last 3 days here- some members keep track of days into the years and some forget to keep track at all. This type of thing could be retraining the AL brain.
        Years ago, I had someone tell me "You can rewrite your life". (Too deep for the middle of the night... might have to pick up on this stream of thought later!)

        Yes, I am up in the middle of the night. I received some news Monday that something in my sons life is coming up that I hadn't really anticipated coming up so soon, but it is and it will be stressful. Life just isn't 'fair' sometimes. He was injured two years ago. Instead of the homeowners insurance paying for his medical bills etc... we are going to court. It's like blaming a rape victim for being raped.
        The situation is in my head and woke me up... I feel so badly for my son. He is learning some life lessons that I don't know how to explain to him. Anyhow, that's why I am awake. I normally don't have this issue of not being able to sleep. Even with my own alcohol issues, my fathers re-newed issues and all the other *shit* life can throw you, I can sleep. I have been playing scenarios in my mind to come up with motherly things to say so that he isn't crushed more by what he is going to be put through. Protective mother mode will keep me awake.

        I may have to put on some lentil soup and look up croissant recipes. That I actually have lentils and so many of you have lentils seems bizarre to me. WHO eats lentils anymore?(we do apparently) For the vegans out there- lentil patties in place of meat are pretty darn good. I never hear people talking about lentils out and about... we are a wholesome bunch. I have never attempted making a croissant! All those layers seems daunting, but now I am intrigued.

        Day 4, and today I will not drink.

        I would like to write to everyone in the Nest, it seems to be a talent many of you possess, being able to write about a previous posting/to each poster. If someone would let me in on that bit of magic it would be appreciated. If I scroll back to refer to a post my present typing disappears. (not doing that again right now)


          Newbies Nest

          DreamThinkDo;1584423 wrote: GWAWKy MAE, Nesters

          Have a Wacky AF Wednesday, all!
          Dr Suess? Shoes on the wall shouldn't be there at all
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning nest buddies! Today is 24 days for me. Have a good you all
            AF since 10/20/2013
            Smoke free since 09/24/2007
            Meat free since 09/20/2008
            With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


              Newbies Nest

              GWAWK Nesters

              Grabbing some coffee to help with my sugar induced hangover. I really do believe in this sugar thing now. For some reason I wanted to do a test to see if my new found habitual nightly ice cream kick was making me feel bad in the mornings. So I ate an extra helping last night and now Im paying for it lol. Tonight and for the rest of the week Im going to not eat the desserts with dinner..gonna see how that goes for me.

              istym4me;1584451 wrote: Dave, that made me laugh, thank-you! I probably didn't make it clear in print, it seemed so clear in my mind, but over the years I have read that some people claim to drink to stop premonitions. Ha! Typing that out right now, it seems like just another AL excuse! I used to hate my dreams, so vivid and often they would come true. Now, this week I am looking forward to finding out if they become more vivid again AF. Reverse excuse.
              I used to think that I started drinking for the reason of numbing or "desensitizing" myself to other peoples emotions/feelings. I am very empathic/sympathetic towards others and at the time it was getting hard on me to separate my feelings from I drunk them out of my head. The other excuses came along.

              istym4me;1584451 wrote:
              I would like to write to everyone in the Nest, it seems to be a talent many of you possess, being able to write about a previous posting/to each poster. If someone would let me in on that bit of magic it would be appreciated. If I scroll back to refer to a post my present typing disappears. (not doing that again right now)
              I will do a "how to" guide on fancy posting .. possibly even tonight. But for now I will tell you that opening up another browser window will be key in your fancy postings. Yes you can have multiple MWO windows going at the same time. Im not talking about tabs where if you click on the "X" up at the top right will close all windows. Im talking about Windows. .. the little boxes that you have at the bottom task bar. ( yes I used to build computers too ). All you have to do is right click on any link..then select "open in a new window" or "open in a "new private window" (depending on your browser settings. Bammy ! Then in that new open window navigate anywhere you want in MWO. Just copy and paste from window to window like making a scrap book.


              I have to get the rubber on the road so please everyone enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you tonight. .. Oh and Byrdie I hope your clients and suppliers get there $hit together soon. I know how frustrating it is when your ready to rock and roll but have no "supplies" to work with. Kinda like me when Im ready to do some laminations and there is no resin..or gloves..or brushes or whatever I need to move forward on a project. Very frustrating ! Sending you a :l dear..

              Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
              AF: 9-10-2013


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters & happy hump day

                Sunny here but very cold this morning!
                Lots & lots to do today & a dental appointment as well - yay.

                istym, I'm not sure what's all going on with you but I can tell you that the serenity prayer helps.
                We just do not have control over everything & peace comes to us when we accept that

                Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Newbie here

                  Hi all I just finished reading the book and ordered the cds. I have been thinking of trying 30 days ..because forever seems so daunting...for awhile now but instead have been drinking MORE than ever! Is anyone just doing the kudzu and vitamins with the hypnosis? Hows it going? :new::


                    Newbies Nest

                    Gonnadance - welcome! When I first joined this site, I purchased all the kudzu, vitamins and the CDs. I followed all the instructions dilligently. I had to make a checklist to remind myself when to take what - and also added 'healthy/nuturing' details like ticking off how many glasses of water I drank and number of fruits and veggies each day. The clearing CD was and is one of my favorites. I was so absorbed with following the program, listening to the CDs and reading the toolbox - that I never had time to think about drinking! I had a goal of 30 or 45 days but could not see beyond that. I thought I could moderate. I wish I could give you a happy ending. The program, kudzu, vitamins and hypnosis work - I stopped doing my part. I think I made it to 45 days before I decided I could moderate. That was a few years ago, and I always think I can moderate, evidence shows otherwise. I am grateful that I didn't do serious, permanent damage to myself, anyone else, my self respect or my marriage and family. Don't think "forever" - it IS daunting. I cannot say that I will never drink again. I'm not drinking today. That's all I've got. About the "goodbye to alcohol" sessions - I drank twice as much before starting abstinence - "preparing" myself so I wouldn't feel deprived - so I could "get thru" 30 days. Then I drank on day 31. I've had way too many 'goodbye to alcohol' sessions. Just begin, one day at a time. Come here every day and post. Be honest with yourself, and make yourself proud! I'm not drinking today, even if it is Day 31!
                    10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thank you for the support. Do you know where on the site the info is on dosages of kudzu if you don't dchoose the topamax? I read it the other day but cant find it now. Looking forward to the CDs....i bought Kudzu from vitamin shoppe so I can start today also the calm forte...that works great! Would love to say I can moderate but I dont think that is likely. My goal right now is 30 days. I would like to get those cds though..hope they come today. Might order starter pack to have all recommended supplements


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello and welcome. Totally agree with I'mStrong about not thinking 'forever'. I'm on Day 7 and that's been hard enough sometimes. Just take one day at a time. I can't say I'll never drink again either - despite having a long list of why not to drink, it's too much to say that right now.

                        Can't comment on the CD's or supplements as I haven't used them, but definitely agree with posting and reading as much as you have time for in the first few days.


                          Newbies Nest


                          A quick fly in before work. Congratulations on day 7, Willow.

                          Sorry about your son, Itstym - life lessons sometimes suck.

                          Mr. V, I'm in California, US.

                          Welcome, Gonnadance. I am starting on Day 11 and do not think about forever - one day at a time is a good motto. I'm not going to drink today.

                          Hah, Sam.

                          Happy Hump Day!


                            Newbies Nest

                            istym4me;1584451 wrote: It's pretty easy to loose a post while typing it out- attempt 2!

                            These last 3 pages have brought many great thoughts to me. One is that I have often said if a brain can be traumatized, like PTSD then it can be un-traumatized. I know I have healed from PTSD a few times, it took a while and I sometimes had to brainwash myself but it worked. So why can't 'we' get rid of AL brains?
                            It seems to me some people do get rid of AL brain fairly easily and some struggle a bit more. From these last 3 pages or my last 3 days here- some members keep track of days into the years and some forget to keep track at all. This type of thing could be retraining the AL brain.
                            Years ago, I had someone tell me "You can rewrite your life". (Too deep for the middle of the night... might have to pick up on this stream of thought later!)

                            I would like to write to everyone in the Nest, it seems to be a talent many of you possess, being able to write about a previous posting/to each poster. If someone would let me in on that bit of magic it would be appreciated. If I scroll back to refer to a post my present typing disappears. (not doing that again right now)
                            Hi Ist! - My second post too. So frustrating when we lose our posts, and the irony this morning was that I was recommending you copy your post so that if you do get kicked off you can easily paste it when you log back on. Guess what I forgot to do! UGH! I sometimes run out of time then and have to sign off - and that hurts because my gems of wisdom are then gone! lol

                            As for the advanced posting, Dave is really the Kwan here and I think he mentioned something about a how-to guide coming soon....

                            I wanted to comment on your statement about the AL brain. The addicted voice does speak to us at all the expected times but at weird times too. It sneaks up on us just because it can. It also has the audacity to infiltrate our dreams! And, you're probably right, some people can dismiss it very easily and other of us struggle and have to really focus to make it go away. Wine-no!, my quit buddy, recommended the book Rational Recovery. I'm still reading it, but the entire book is based on learning a technique to help you first recognize the addicted voice, reassign it a third-party designation (it), then banishing it. Reassigning it a third party to me is the key. Instead of thinking/saying I want a drink you say It wants a drink and "it" is defined as being a demon, wine witch, beast, whatever you want to call it, but it mentally helps you rid your brain of those thoughts of being something you desire. Does that make any sense? Obviously the short version here, but might give it a try. I got it from Amazon - no Kindle version that I could find, so ordered the paperback. Hope this helps!

                            And congrats on day 4! You're almost to that magical milestone of 1 week! Keep strong!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Grief, my work computer hard drive has crashed! I've been on with tech support for 2 and a half hours on and off....couldn't happen at a worse time!! DAM!

                              However, it is a good mooning anytime we have a major award!
                              Willow, GREAT job on your 7 days! Around here, that gets you a moon! Drop yer pants, Nesters!!!


                              We are all so proud of you!!
                              Now what do you know about computers??? eheheheh....hope everyone has a great day!!! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Ahahahahaha! Thanks!

                                I know jack about computers I'm afraid .... Hope it gets sorted!

                                Struggling again this afternoon. I thought this was meant to get easier?! Stupid witching hour. Only 3 more hours to get through, then I'll be fine cos my little darlings will be safely tucked up in bed, which means I'll get peace and quiet. Mother of the year I am! Lol.

