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    Newbies Nest

    Dave and Sanchez et al, thanks so much.
    Dave, AH-HA moment there with your 'opening' a second window. Of course! And I can't believe I didn't think of it. Other things on my mind, clogging the thought process. I hope your work day goes smoothly with all essentials in place so not to throw the momentum off.
    Sanchez, I think I am looking for a more basis level of healing the brain. I know with PTSD it actually causes a chemical and physical brain damage that can be reversed with time and some types of cognitive brain therapies. With as many people in the world as there is with a problem with alcohol you would think this field would have been more then examined to the point of being easily solved. But I guess with this and cancer the money for the research is not really in a cure. I have red that many people cure their alcohol addiction by doing 'shrums'. I am not willing to attempt it. Hallucination scares me!
    Willow, hang tough! It's a roller coaster ride for sure! I hate roller coasters. I used to enjoy them but then when I had kids something about my equilibrium changed and I just could not tolerate it. Might be a good scenario. If you keep going your roller coaster ride may end sooner, if you 'cave' to the wine your ride will continue. I need something to think about! lol So giving that out, maybe it will stick on me.

    You all are great people!


      Newbies Nest

      That is a very good way to look at it, and I've been telling myself that this afternoon. If I drank, I would have to go through detoxing again, not to mention the crappy hangover tomorrow. It sucks now but I'll be grateful I didn't drink tomorrow morning, actually, probably by the time I go to bed I'll be grateful!


        Newbies Nest

        All (Dave) I thought I just wrote about not wanting to trade my wine addiction for sugar or food addiction. What you are feeling is real. Sugar crashing and the sugar high. Sugar and ice cream etc.. are not good for you. Actually, refined sugar maybe be worse for you physically than the alcohol! There are so many studies now linking sugar to all forms of cancer, Alzheimers, lupus etc... read up on it and get replacements for sugar. Be careful though because our labeling laws suck and "food" companies can put almost anything they want in a product without labeling it. If you buy regular honey as a sweetner, it's likely to be primarily corn syrup. Buy only raw, organic honey- it's a solid not a liquid. Also, maple syrup... buy local or organic. I try to make all my own ice cream, which I don't eat often. What I did eat last night, I do feel this morning. It does add to the fog of not drinking and gave me more of a fuzzy head.
        Good reads-
        Lots of good reading. And I have personal experiences with family members gorging on sugar and their cancer spreading extremely fast.
        Go for a different type of sugar. Spend some time chopping carrots, celery, apples, broccoli ... instead of ice cream that your body craves, train it to want fresh fruits and veggies. Sugar seems to be the first thing "WE" want when not indulging in alcohol. I have a tray made in the fridge almost constantly so that I can just grab it.
        Really what needs to happen is for Americans to just get rid of all processed 'foods'.


          Newbies Nest

          Afternoon all,
          So glad to see all the big numbers on the roll proud of us ALL...we rock...
          LC where are u my counting buddie...I have to use the counting thingy without u..hope all is well.
          Lots to do today on this cold winter day..have tea brewing and I am ready to make some progress around here...

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            Newbies Nest

            Hi gonnadance! The recommended dose for Kudzu is 2 750 mg between breakfast and lunch and 2 between lunch and dinner. I too am new and am waiting for all my supplies to get here. Last night I thought that this might be the end of drinking, really scarry and decided to enjoy. Sorry Dave did not pour. I have never been so sick and screaming to the porcelain throne. I did go to the new doctor yesterday. You would think I wanted a prescription for unranium for my home nuclear reactor! After an hour of hearing that study is 10 years old, don't you know it is all about will power, if I prescribe Topomax for something other than headaches I could get in trouble, why don't you just go to rehab or AA, blah, blah, blah... he knew I wasn't going away. It took so much courage to walk in there and admit my problem that I wasn't leaving without it. He finally gave me a prescription for 100 mg for 60 days and said that I was on my own! So I will start cutting the pills to 25 mg, monitor myself I guess and then ask MWO family how to cut down after 12 weeks. That daunting 30 day AF kept running through my mind also until I saw someone's post about just having one and what is the point if you can't have enough to feel the buzz. Wow, that really makes sense. Gonnadance we are starting this together and if i can fingure out how to send you private messages to keep us both going I will. I am so technically backward I was thrilled that I could put an avator on my profile. Don't stop posting and reading. I think this is better support that you could get at an AA meeting. Not sure, only went once, but knew it wasn't for me. Good luck.


              Newbies Nest

              eriegirl good for u standing up to the doc...they make me so mad....I am glad u got what u went for...

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                Newbies Nest

                I'm glad you stuck it out Erie. You know, I don't really wonder at the state of the world when doctors don't take it seriously. I went to mine a couple of years ago about my drinking which as you say, took a lot of courage. She was nice but said that my drinking wasn't bad enough for meds and to 'try to just have a couple of glasses rather than the bottle'. I felt like saying, 'Look love, if I could do that, I wouldn't be having this conversation with you!'. I mean, how bad do people have to get before help is given?! It does annoy me.

                Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox - glad you're back with us.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Dottie and Willow. It's contagious, I just lost my post!! Anyway, I was so mad at that doctor that I am going to track my thirty days and return to him with my progress notes telling him that it is just not for headaches and that I hope he would help someone else in this boat someday. Western medicine has a lot at catching up to do with Eastern medicine. A friend that quit smoking told me that when she had a craving she would run in place until it passed. So... if you pass by my windows and see me jogging in one spot, you will know that I am winning.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Okay, explain... you took topomax and then had a drink and that made you puke like crazy? I know there is a drug that people with DUI get forced to take for a long period of time that will do that to them.
                    I also went to my Dr a few years ago and asked for whatever that drug is, could be topomax... she refused. My next Dr said I looked to healthy and young to be an alcoholic and then asked me what I do to remain so healthy! Yet another Dr offered me zoloft and I said no thank-you I don't really like drugs and I was told I don't have an addictive personality! Yeah! Drs. Maybe the liquor companies pay them?

                    Private messages are under each persons name Eriegirl. Put your cursor over someones name and a menu will drop down. Play around in the message area because sent messages get filed under SENT and then there is also an INBOX. Good luck. If you need more help I am sure many will jump to the need.

                    Funny about all the disappearing posts.


                      Newbies Nest


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                      I'm glad you stuck it out Erie. You know, I don't really wonder at the state of the world when doctors don't take it seriously. I went to mine a couple of years ago about my drinking which as you say, took a lot of courage. She was nice but said that my drinking wasn't bad enough for meds and to 'try to just have a couple of glasses rather than the bottle'. I felt like saying, 'Look love, if I could do that, I wouldn't be having this conversation with you!'. I mean, how bad do people have to get before help is given?! It does annoy me.

                      Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox - glad you're back with us.
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                        Newbies Nest

                        No, the Topomax didn't make me sick. I made myself sick by thinking i could never drink again and i better finish what I had. I thought more about private messages but then I wouldn't have the clan to help me out. I am done being private.. You want to talk about an addiction... why did I ever download the app for Candy Crush. I think I am an addictive junkie. Oh, and BTW my dr. said if you drink 4 drinks a day, next week cut back to 3 and so on. I just wanted to smack him and say you really don't understand do you. I moved away from my grown children last month. It is only an hour away, but I know that I needed to do this alone. I joined the Y and work out 3 times a week. I hope that when I go back for Thanksgiving, and quietly pass on drinks, they will notice a healthier, happier mom. When i am good at this, I will share my story with them as I see some of our genetic makeup there. Odd, my sons own a restuarant and brew house. Why am I rambling on. Must be the newbie nest syndrome. Anyhow, fight for your meds if you want them.


                          Newbies Nest

                          I don't want the "make you puke your guts out" drug any longer. That was years ago...

                          Apparently, Candy Crush is addictive for everyone. I am not going to even open the game to look at it. As I am addicted to WORDSWITHFREINDS that's enough for me.

                          I don't think you rambled at all - HAVE YOU SEEN MY POSTINGS!!!??? lol

                          Good for you moving away and making this about you. I have read though that 'we' expect people to notice when we are not drinking and that many times it will take months if not longer for anyone to notice. It's been years ingrained it may take years to allow them to see the change.


                            Newbies Nest

                            I don't want the "make you puke your guts out" drug any longer. That was years ago...

                            Apparently, Candy Crush is addictive for everyone. I am not going to even open the game to look at it. As I am addicted to WORDSWITHFREINDS that's enough for me.

                            I don't think you rambled at all - HAVE YOU SEEN MY POSTINGS!!!??? lol

                            Good for you moving away and making this about you. I have read though that 'we' expect people to notice when we are not drinking and that many times it will take months if not longer for anyone to notice. It's been years ingrained it may take years to allow them to see the change.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Evening Nesters,

                              Had a better day, and feeling more myself. I know we'll have these ups and downs, and I'm aware of that. Can't be happy 24/7 but can be sober 24/7! I'm afraid that the novelty of sobriety will wear off, as it has in the past. This is why I'm keeping myself on here lots. Trying to absorb as much as possible, be supportive, and give my thoughts to others as I've done this for a very long time, off and on. I wanna be on, on, on forever. I can't remember who was talking about cutting and pasting, opening up new windows (Dave?), but I'm pretty old fashioned. As I read the posts, I take notes. This allows me to keep an ongoing journal of great thoughts and ideas from everyone. I feel as though when I take notes, I can absorb the info. and make sense of it at a deeper level. So you all are in my written journal!!!!!!

                              Imstrong, I like what you said, "Urges and cravings are nothing but thoughts. It's whether we act on them or not. Congrats on your 30!

                              June - over 5 months is awesome! Congrats to you! It's nice to know that you don't have thoughts of AL most days. What a feat!

                              Little Beagle, thank you and you're welcome!!!

                              Pavati, yes, I've read "Drunkard" and about a thousand other inspirational books. When I saw your post, this prompts me to go into my attic and pull out some of the better memoirs I've read. I just hope I didn't get rid of them when I was in a rage and trying to moderate, saying to myself, "Nope, not like these people, and don't need these books anymore!" I'll look through them (hopefully) and recommend more good ones. And I'd seen the celebrity list before. Those kinds of things catch my eye!

                              Willow, congrats on your 7 days and yep, it's a roller coaster, baby! Hang on.

                              Isty, thoughts coming your way for your son's court battle. That really sucks, and we're hear to support you through this. OMG! I love, love, love lentil soup. I've been eating that since I was a little girl.

                              Myluck, Congrats on your 24!

                              Gonnadance, Eloise just started taking the starter pack. It should help your body to balance much quicker than without them.

                              Sanchez, I hear you about the AL voice. I read Rational Recovery and it's a good read. "It wants a drink" is right. Talk in the third person, not first. And it is a demon, wine witch, bastard, bitch, beast, and ugly f-ing ________. Fill in!

                              Eriegirl, if you have continued resistance with this doc, maybe try a different one. They're all different, and because they don't have this condition that we do, they just don't understand. But you would think they'd be more knowledgeable than they are in this area. NOPE! OH, I'm afraid to try candy crush. Addictive personality...

                              Have a great night.
                              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening, Nesters....quick check in to be accountable.
                                Will someone check and see if I'm wearing a 'Kick Me!' sign?
                                Hope everyone has a safe and cozy AF night. Protect your quit like a pot of gold. Hugs, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

