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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi, Everyone,

    I think that by the time I post most of you are asleep.

    I had strange cravings out of nowhere today - goes to show that I need to be prepared BEFORE the cravings hit. I was making this chicken dish that I usually put some wine in. Of course, if I have to pour wine on the chicken I might as well have some in my glass - and wine is not at all my poison of choice. Tonight I was making it without the wine when BAM, the taste for wine became very strong. I poured a nice glass of bubbly water and OJ and made it through ok, but in thinking about it later I realized that I had been very hungry today. I was at a meeting and didn't get a chance to eat enough lunch. Right when I got home I ate something, but I was already pretty hungry, and then started cooking. It is amazing the connection. HALT, indeed.

    I'm glad you made it through Moss and Elvis. It sounds like you both took a moment to grab hold of your limbic brains and make a plan before it was too late.

    I have been so busy at work - not a lot of time and energy to reply individually. I'll try to read back this weekend.

    I hope everyone is busy making solid plans to stay sober for the weekend. Friday is just another day, but another day on which I would usually drink. I'm planning on eating enough, meeting a friend for a walk after work and maybe trying to get out of the house to see a movie. I have plans for a long hike for early Saturday so that is incentive to be good as well. Sleep well, nesters!


      Newbies Nest

      GAWKy MAE, Nesters

      Coffee is ready, croissants compliments of the IT helpliner and boatbuilder moonlighting as baker and housecleaner!

      Storms forecast for this remote part of the Nest.

      Have a Funky AF Friday, Nester. Hope you all have plans in place to keep the weekend AF.
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Newbies Nest

        Morning Nesters. ooh, croissants!

        I haven't logged on for 24 hours, so I missed loads. Rose, Elvis, glad you are both okay. I hope things are better today!

        Mr V, how are you going, still travelling?

        LB, what's all this about chocolates? I missed something!

        Dottie, the gym will be great for you, physically and mentally.

        Pav, same here with being busy. There are not enough hours in the day right now.

        Neddy, nice to see you back.

        Everything is going well here apart from the weather. I saw the new fella last night again, had a nice time

        Busy day on the cards again, work, gym, family, and hopefully manage to get to AA tonight.

        DTD, I sneaked a coffee on the Army thread, having another one here with one of the baker/boatbuilder/IT specialist/general all round good guy's croissants.

        Have a fab Friday everyone! :l
        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


          Newbies Nest

          Hello to all Nesters!

          Many of you won't know who I am, since I haven't posted a lot in recent times. I hope everyone is doing well, and benefitting from this wonderful website and most importantly its lovely members who share so much of their wisdom and insight.

          I'd like to say a special hello to Little Beagle. L.B and I are at the same day count, and not a day goes by I don't think of her! :l Happy Double Centenary, L.B!

          It's been just over six months since my last drink of alcohol. Life really does get better and better when one slays the beast. Of course life still throws up its challenges and difficult times, but it's a lot easier to deal with when one has a clear head and the emotions are on an even keel.

          My heartfelt best wishes to all at MWO, wherever you are on your A.F journey. :h

          stay strong, enjoy your A.F weekend,
          AF free since April 29, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            Morning all! Well, the good night's sleep was not had ... but thanks to no hangover I feel fine! This morning I've done my exercise video, had some new gluten free cereal and am drinking the hot water with lemon that Isty said about. I used to drink this all the time pre-kids, don't know why I got out of it.

            Just sorting through laundry, then going to take the kids to the park for a run around before starting some real work. English grammar today folks, I bet you're all mighty jealous!

            Day 9, get in! Am feeling a bit nervous about tonight to be honest - DH won't be home until 10pm, it's Friday night .... I have a bottle of AF sparkles in the fridge ready, plus I have stirfry left over from last night, so I can grab dinner quickly which will help. I may do another workout too, I'll see how I feel.

            Have a great day everybody x


              Newbies Nest

              Am I late or are you all early birds this morning?! I hope there's still a splash of coffee and I'd love a bowl of the gluten free cereal, Willow. After a bit of bread on Wednesday evening after 12 days without, I am certain it's a problem for me. Won't go into the details!:H Hey Dave, can you make some gluten-dairy-sugar free croissants.? That taste good? That'll keep you busy till the end of time!!

              Willow, it sounds like you have a nice day planned! I'll take English grammar over German any day! Though I'm reminded on an almost daily basis of how painfully lost I am with both. If you want, we can make a date to hang out here tonight until your hubby gets home at 10. Let me know--I'll be in and out most of the day.

              Isty, Now I have to ask what your profession is-- you've got great, natural tips for all sorts of health issues, which is right up my alley. It seems like most of us are excited about these things. Do you get your probiotics from food or do you also take supplements? If so, what do you recommend? I'm not eating any dairy but I eat other fermented foods and have seen a powder at the health food store-- but it costs a fortune. I'm posting a couple of delicious recipes (if I don't say so myself!:H) on the recipe thread today.

              Bhalo, tell us more, tell us more. Where are you going for your date tonight? He must be a nice guy:h.

              Nice to see you this morning, Steady-- Well done on 6 months! Stop by more often-- DO does make the best coffee around. Or warm water with lemon, cayenne and honey if you haven't had yours yet!

              BYRDIE!! AGGGHHHHHH! You need Dave to make a house call and get your computer figured out. Damn! What a pain. Seriously, though, you do have someone to help, right?
              hi Lav!! and Pav! Hi to all stopping by today..


                Newbies Nest

                Morning nesters. I hope you all have a great day today no matter what you are doing. I am off today on an educational management course that will hopefully help me get promotion. I have a couple of applications in already for new jobs so hopefully this will steer me in the right direction. Thanks for all the well wishes and it's nice to know I am not forgotten. BH I hope AA is working for you; I am enjoying it, but I have to be careful not to OD on that too. I am learning to appreciate balance in my life now and to not give too much of myself to one thing. Hang in there everybody, sobriety is a gift!
                "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

                Newbies Nest:



                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Neddy! Great to see you here--I don't know you from before, but hope to get to know you better now. Have fun (can one say that?) at your management course today!!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Greetings Nester's!

                    Good to see you Neddy. Have a great day.

                    All maagnificent here, and settling in for a cruisey friday evening. Take care everyone, and pull a POETS, cause it's POETS day. Yo!

                    xpost. Hiya Lifechange! Big wave....

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Newbies Nest

                      LC, yeah, I think I'll take the English grammar too lol. I learnt French, German and Spanish at school and German definitely wasn't my favourite! I always wanted to learn Russian but man, that Cyrillic alphabet is something else!

                      Second cup of hot water with lemon for me - I'm going to call in the health store later on the way to DD's violin lesson and get some cider vinegar I think. Meant to be amazing at cleansing your system.

                      Check back later y'all x


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning all!!! Happy Friday have an amazing craving free AF day
                        AF since 10/20/2013
                        Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                        Meat free since 09/20/2008
                        With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good day Nesters

                          Wow what a busy nest and Newbies forum we have going on ! Im gonna have to catch up on all the posts, new members and returning nesters.

                          I had the boys last night for dinner so it was a little hard for me to do my daily "after work post". Yesterday was fairly uneventful though .. no biggie. I also have the kids for the weekend thus leaving me a little time here and there to log in. But I will pop in from time to time.

                          So just a quicky on whats happening in my head lately. I know recently I have stated that my feelings towards my soon to be X was "indifferent" and basically I had no feelings for her. But lately Ive been feeling a bit strong not only about her but the grandparents (mainly the grandmother) as well. Last night was a real kicker when dropping off the kids. Grandpa opened up the door and as I watched them walk in (while looking back at me waving goodbye) a sudden feeling of resentment came over me. "Hey Grandpa ! I sure hope your enjoying yourselves with MY kids !" I thought in a very sarcastic way. As I drove away my feelings of WTF are these people thinking grew stronger. I mean who would condone such a terrible thing as keeping children away from someone they love and want to spend time with. Not only that but again both boys were telling me about "grandma wont let us watch cartoons..grandma makes us XYZ when we miss a spelling word..grandma this that and the other". Who the hell gave them the authority to Raise my sons ? Frustrating ! Im feeling a bit down on myself for letting this whole thing get to this point. I dont know..on one hand I feel that I should have went and removed them from "grandmas" house a long time ago when Mom was off to work. On the other hand I know that She would have gotten them back when she got the chance ( like when I went to work ) and ultimately remove them from me even further. Sigh..a no win situation for me. Sorry guys I dont mean to let off this flavor of steam .. but I had to get it off my chest. Yes Im getting pissed now. I was upset before but I guess Im letting myself feel these emotions.

                          Anyways I have to fly to work. Again I want to thank you guys for being here and having someone to talk to. :l

                          Wishing everyone a great Friday

                          Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                          AF: 9-10-2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters,

                            Sunshine but very chilly this morning in my portion of the nest

                            Dave, I feel bad that you have to deal with your in-laws as well. I have zero good memories about my mother-in-law, she was a shitty person
                            Have you given any thought about talking to a professional about dealing with that situation? I think you would benefit from some level-headed support

                            I don't know if I welcomed Linwin yesterday - welcome to the nest!
                            Also welcome back Neddy & Steady!!

                            I have to run but I wish everyone a terrific AF Friday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              My 30 Day Story

                              I created a separate threat of this post but wanted to post it here as well as I spend most of my time in the nest.

                              So?.. Day 30 had arrived. I just cannot believe it. I feel SUPER. I remember on my 3rd AF day reading posts of people with 30 and I envied the feeling. Honestly, I did not believe it could happen to me. I was very skeptical about myself.

                              I guess we truly don?t know how strong we are, until we do.

                              So, for those who are right behind me or those who are on Day 1 and want to know what happened.

                              For the past 30 days I didn?t have (nor experience) any:

                              Feelings of remorse, self loath, looseness, sadness, despair, disappointment, craziness,
                              Bad taste in my mouth and throat
                              Pass out on the bed
                              Missing work days
                              Food binges
                              Drunken drama
                              Runs to the liquor store while already drunk

                              How I did it:

                              The decision to quit is the EASIEST. The quitting is the tricky part. I did not set any goals. Not even a 7 day goal. I was too scared to set it. The only goal I had was JUST TODAY.
                              I made sure to have a plan for today that did not involve drinking (man you have so much free time on your hands so a plan for this time is crucial). It doesn?t really matter what the plan is as long as you have it. Especially for the witching hours. First few days were tough so I ate more than I should but the food really helps with the cravings (so much harder to drink, or think about it with a full stomach) Normally, I would hardly eat during the day then come home, drunk myself silly and binge on junk food I purchased right after I bought the bottle ?planning ahead? right?

                              I didn?t care about the extra weight I will be gaining. I placed my QUIT as my first and
                              only current life priority
                              . And sure enough, it worked.
                              When I was down a bit, feeling crazy cravings, I ate.

                              Then after 7-8 days it?s gets much easier. Food consumption reduces significantly. Hey I?m actually on a shake/juice diet now. Lots of energy comes with juicing.

                              Another crucial part of the plan and I know it sucks was not going out on the weekends (at least the first 2 weekends). This is when we are really fragile and the triggers are too hard to deal with. I stayed home, made sure I had great movies, books, games you name it. The only thing I thought about was? I AM NOT DRINKING TODAY?.

                              Cravings for Alcohol are a daily mind battle. It?s a thought. We create our thoughts. We control them. We have the power to void them. When it pops in mind, I struggle with it. I fight tough and I win. When you understand that you brought LIFE to this thought, you understand that you can also bring DEATH to it.

                              Major, major factor to keep my QUIT was and still is MWO.
                              You guys. I read and read and read every day a few times a day. Spent about 2-4 hours every day on the site. I posted when I felt the need which wasn?t very often. That?s me in real life as well. I am more of a listener than a talker. (Guess the length of this post makes up for not posting

                              So what now? I will be celebrating today with a huge glass of Jack on the rocks?
                              Not. ..Just kidding?
                              I will not drink today and I still won?t set a goal (normally the 60 day for lots of people)
                              My only goal is today. JUST FOR TODAY. I?m good with it.

                              I would like to thank all of you for being a part of MWO. Whether on day 1 or 365, you are all awesome and very dear to me.

                              I was the one not picking up the drink but you were the ones helping rationalize that act with your tremendous support. So I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.:h


                                Newbies Nest

                                LF - awesome job! Congrats on your 30 days. I'm with you on goal setting. I'm not drinking today. GWAWKY MAE everyone~ the weekend begins. To misquote K9 (Who was more eloqient) ypu won'twake up tomorrow wishing you drank tonight.
                                10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.

