Good Morning!
I am having hot lemon water too!

The probiotics, for myself I do powder, tablets, fermented foods and kefirs. I used to do quite a bit of greek yogurt but find those have too much sugar and that they don't have to label it property made me not trust it anymore.
Lucky Flower- wonderful, wonderful post.
Dave- what happened to make it possible that your kids stay with the grandparents? Do they live with them? Are you close enough that a week on week off would work? Maybe next time, call ahead and invite the grands to dinner at your place? Or vice-versa? Start closing the gap so that you might get full custody if that's something you would like... Divorce is tough stuff. I did it but not in the traditional manner. Ha! A story for another time.
My Luck- How are you doing, still no drinking since October 20th? Last night something weird happened to me, I can't remember the exact trigger but I thought about my drinking a glass of wine, not like at that moment but at some moment and my body freaked. I felt this huge surge of panic and then almost a reflexive feeling I was about to vomit. It was like a real moment that I saw in my mind, that I poured a glass of wine with good intentions of stopping at two and BAM I was DRUNK DRUNK DRUNK. Very unsettling. IDK why I just share that here. If you know, let me know, okay?
Welcome back Neddy and Steady. Idk who you are either, but it was fun to read so I thought I would write it again so others could read it, again!
Guitar- You are a character! Can I ask how you are doing? Are you AF? How long etc... You didn't post a poem.

I have a few things that are making my day stressful, but heck, it's only life. I need to find tact and calm when dealing with those today. I have planned a day of cooking to calm me and make me feel nourished. I want to scream though to release the injustices! So- AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
I have my coffee planned for about 1/2 an hour from now.
