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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning!

    I am having hot lemon water too! Funny how we forget such simple things to do for ourselves. ACV- Apple Cider Vinegar is great, hard to stomach for some but also comes in tablets and chewable or as I call them suckables! I love have a few in my pocket if I am out for a hike or outdoor exercising.
    The probiotics, for myself I do powder, tablets, fermented foods and kefirs. I used to do quite a bit of greek yogurt but find those have too much sugar and that they don't have to label it property made me not trust it anymore.

    Lucky Flower- wonderful, wonderful post.

    Dave- what happened to make it possible that your kids stay with the grandparents? Do they live with them? Are you close enough that a week on week off would work? Maybe next time, call ahead and invite the grands to dinner at your place? Or vice-versa? Start closing the gap so that you might get full custody if that's something you would like... Divorce is tough stuff. I did it but not in the traditional manner. Ha! A story for another time.

    My Luck
    - How are you doing, still no drinking since October 20th? Last night something weird happened to me, I can't remember the exact trigger but I thought about my drinking a glass of wine, not like at that moment but at some moment and my body freaked. I felt this huge surge of panic and then almost a reflexive feeling I was about to vomit. It was like a real moment that I saw in my mind, that I poured a glass of wine with good intentions of stopping at two and BAM I was DRUNK DRUNK DRUNK. Very unsettling. IDK why I just share that here. If you know, let me know, okay?

    Welcome back Neddy and Steady
    . Idk who you are either, but it was fun to read so I thought I would write it again so others could read it, again!

    - You are a character! Can I ask how you are doing? Are you AF? How long etc... You didn't post a poem.

    I have a few things that are making my day stressful, but heck, it's only life. I need to find tact and calm when dealing with those today. I have planned a day of cooking to calm me and make me feel nourished. I want to scream though to release the injustices! So- AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have my coffee planned for about 1/2 an hour from now. OM gosh and a croissant sounds great! I don't have anything like that in the house in real life though, so I will have to just have to tough that out. ;(


      Newbies Nest


      So great to hear from Steadfast, Neddy and LF about their successes - a great way to start the day.

      Thanks for the coffee and "no fun" croissants (can I have mine with butter and jam?)

      Happy Friday - make a plan and stay busy. I'll check in longer after work. Ta.


        Newbies Nest

        Luckyflower, congratulations on your 30 and thanks for the wonderful post!
        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


          Newbies Nest

          GWAWKY MAE, Nesters!
          I'm telling you....I am so PROUD of all the wonderful success here in THIS NEST! First of all, AWARDS!

          LuckyFlower, you may be more of a listener, but your post was amazing. You speak in quality, not quantity!! I hope you will put that in the Tool Box for others!! Those 30 day speeches are priceless when you are searching an AL forum in the middle of the night!! It is with great pride that I am able to give you this hat we've all been working on for a while. It took 30 days to assemble! We hope you like it as these things are HARD EARNED!


          Congratulations! We are all so happy for you!

          Steady, and Neddy! Great to see you...Linwin, we are looking for a check in from you...also Honeysoup, where are you? Hope all is well!

          It's been a trying coupla weeks. Lucky, we migrated email servers, too, and somehow with my limited notes, I sailed thru it!! The next morning, however, my hard drive I've been operating from my iphone. This morning, because of the email migration, I've lost my iphone stuff!! They said the instructions for the iphone migration are on email which I can't get to. This would make a really good I LOVE LUCY episode. (If Lucy had email and an iphone....can you imagine her and Ethel texting all day?)'s just been a mess at work, I sell to retailers and they want everything done NOW before black Friday, so I'm essentially just sitting here using the phone to see what's going on...waiting on that disk to come in Fed ex to resurrect my computer... I'm setting the scene for what USED to justify a weekend of obliteration!! 'I deserve a drink after the week I've had!!' It would be easy to fall for that. Dick Head KNOWS how to tell us what we want to hear. Dick Head never misses an opportunity to poke his ugly head in the door. Unfortunately for him, I am armed. I know just WHO he is. He is the guy who's trying to freaking KILL ME! I will NOT fall! ALCOHOL is NOT an option! Crying might be a better option and it will do a LOT LESS harm! However, I don't think tears are going to get me logged on! I will eventually get squared away. Life happens even when we're sober, too. Don't let ANYTHING derail you! There are rough edges in life and it's my turn!

          Hope everyone has a wonderful IS just another day! We deserve to be free of this addiction, that is what we deserve on this Friday! Hugs to all! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            What does GWAWKY MAE mean? Just seen it posted a lot here recently. Or is it some inside joke I'm not supposed to know about? :P

            Anyway, good morning, almost afternoon, for me. I'm totally glad I didn't drink yesterday. No cravings so far today, which is a nice relief after that major bout of cravings the last few days. I feel like I'm back on course before the latest slip up. Gotta get a plan together for the weekend. I think I might work on getting my collection organized and catalogged. I used to be so good at keeping on top of it, but other things took priority, so now there's a huge backlog. Should keep me busy for months, if not years!

            [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Elvis,

              Gwawk was invented by Gambler Dave the meaning below:

              GWAWK Nesters !" ( Good Whenever And Wherever Kindreds)

              MAE - Morning/Afternoon/Evening
              Since we come from different time zones


                Newbies Nest

                MAE all,
                Off to Costco, grocery then to visit dad..what fun....
                Sore from the gym yesterday but it is a good feeling..slept well too...getting better every day.

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  I want to add a photo! How? HOW? HOW? It doesn't have an URL that I know of, it's saved to my desk top.

                  I DID IT- it's not exactly what I wanted to do at first but this puts the message out there better and more often anyhow!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Gwawk and MAE My fellow Nesters!
                    First chance to really sit at the computer today and type out a post. It is very true that when you retire, you wonder how you ever had time to work! My days are busier now than ever but it's all doing good, productive stuff. Looks like I've missed quite a bit of goings on here and some new faces and old alike.

                    All is good on the pond today. Was just shopping with my mom and she asked me if I'm still abstaining and I said yes and that I don't think about it all that much either. Don't get me wrong, there are still some cravings, but it's not like it was in the beginning where you think about it 24/7. I posted quite awhile back at the start of this journey about her bout with the beast, Vodka was his name and he was ugly. Asked her when she got to that point of no cravings, and/or no thoughts about al and she said early on - she just knew she had to quit, for her it was a matter of life and death and she never looked back. I hope to follow in her footsteps on this journey. Once she makes up her mind to do something she sticks to it. Hopefully I inherited her stubborn gene.

                    Welcome back Ned and Stead - please drop by more often!
                    Dave - sorry you have to deal with insensitive in-laws. They must be very unhappy people themselves to treat you like this. Try your best to not let them get under your skin - they may even be trying to antagonize you into doing something that they can then use against you. Hate to think people will do that, but once you get into the throws of divorce, hard telling what folks will do. Show them you're above this, and you are!
                    Lucky - congrats to you on 30 days! I liked your story. The last item on your list still makes me cringe because I think of how often I drove drunk. So, it's not enough to ruin my life through drinking, but let's take some chances with other lives too! I mean how freaking selfish do we become through the use of al.
                    Byrdie - sorry about your computer - I remember some days spending countless hours on the phone with the "help" (should be Helpless) desk. Then making up that time in the wee hours. No fun - hope your system is all fixed!
                    TJ - I posted on the roll call but I think I'm at day 99, not 100. I really did learn how to count many years ago, but sometimes these double digits throw me! lol
                    Wine-no! - We are racking em up! Congrats to you!

                    So good to see so many posts coming in - hard to keep up with everyone. All such nicely thought out posts and words of wisdom. I read them all at night and it's the last thing I do before I drift off. My Kindle Fire is not the most conducive to typing, so often I just opt to read, but think about you all, all the time!

                    I'll try my darndest to paddle back here tomorrow. Tennis early in the day, then a funeral service and not sure what the rest of the day will bring.



                      Newbies Nest

                      Evening nesters

                      I hope everyone is having a fab and sober Friday. It's evening here, just after 9, and I just got home. Hectic day at work, then went to the gym with my daughter. We were starving when we came out and went to a wee place we know and shared a delicious pizza with three types of cheese :H (hey, it was delicious and I deserved it!)

                      I haven't had a chance to read everything (I don't think I ever will tbh, but I do my best!)

                      LF, congrats on your 30 days, I LOVED your post! Well said Mrs. With that attitude you will definitely kick AL's arse, one precious day at a time. Wonderful stuff.

                      Steady and dear LB, congrats on a huge milestone! Steady, thank you for letting us know. It's so typical of LB to be so low key. LB, we love you, thank you for the wonderful support you have given me. Steady, don't be a stranger!

                      Dave, divorce is never easy. But omg it is horrendous when your children are involved. I am glad you shared what you did in your post, don't ever apologise for sharing stuff like that here. You are doing everything right for your boys, you have a lawyer, and you are staying sober and responsible. Storming into Grandma's? Well it's okay to feel like that and fantasise about it. You know it won't do anyone any good, except give them ammo against you. For all you are going through your persona here has been cheerful, affable, and downright funny most of the time. When you were hurting a while back, you disappeared. Don't disappear. Be as honest as you were today. You don't always have to be cheerful. It is okay to hurt, especially in the situation you are in. And it is absolutely okay to share it here. So shut up and bake some stuff. :l

                      So, lots of US folk in the south side of Glasgow tonight. The Scotland football team (soccer to you colonials) are playing some wee team called USA in a friendly at our national stadium. Which is located about 5 minutes from my house. Traffic was chaotic as it always is when there is a match on, but the Americans seemed to be having a
                      good time from what I could see. I don't know who won yet, I'll keep you colonials posted. After the bath I am longing for!

                      Stay sober and well till I get back!
                      Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                        Newbies Nest


                        Elvis, well done on getting through that, sorry I wasn't around. But the other nesters flocked around, that's what it's all about!

                        I am so glad you are still rocking it! :l
                        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                          Newbies Nest

                          A pre-emptive post here. I'm trying to plan ahead and prepare to be successful on the AF front.

                          I'm meant to be out tomorrow afternoon watching sports - lads afternoon. This means beers, audacious behaviour and fun times all around. My brain wants that.

                          But, I am battling that feeling with the thought of how I feel after 3 or 4 beers and how I feel on the train home. Anxious. And I know once my inhibitions are down I will be out partying all night and spending money I don't have to spend.

                          So the options are:

                          - Don't go out at all, and be a let down
                          - Go out and don't drink (test)
                          - Go out and drink

                          Will have to see. Have turned down plenty of opportunities to be out partying my ass off tonight - mainly because I have work tomorrow and no money. But if I didn't have work and had money I know I'd be out.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Londoner. Your quit is very fragile and we don't pass early tests often. It's just too much. Do yourself a favor and don't go. You aren't letting anyone down. You don't owe a debt to partiers. I believe you tested yourself before, right? Your friends will be there when the smoke clears. Just my 2 cents but I've seen this so often. It's too soon and the peer pressure too great. Hugs dear man! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              MAE nesters. Looks like it's been another busy day in the nest. I see that the recipe thread is back up and running. LC and Isty, your recipes look delicious. Going to give them both a try.

                              Lav - thank you so much for the link about Amoryl. It looks promising. I'm ordering some on payday.

                              Steady - welcome back. I remember you. We joined right about the same time. It sounds like you are doing great. Very inspiring. Glad you are here.

                              Dave - sorry for what you are going through. Divorce is awful, and even worse when children are involved. I can hear your pain, and totally understand your frustration and anger. But I agree with BH on this one, please take the high road, as hard as that may be in such an unfair situation. It will work in your favor in the end. I know that's cold comfort now, but it increases your chances of getting a fairer custody arrangement. xx. You are in my thoughts.

                              Lucky - congrats on 30 days! Your post really made me think. Great advice and good insight. I don't miss anything on the list, but "drunken drama" still makes me cringe the most.

                              And to everyone else here, so glad that I have gotten a chance to know you. Every day, you give me one more reason to keep fighting. Your stories - both struggles and triumphs - inspire me.
                              Everything is going to be amazing


                                Newbies Nest

                                My beautiful daughter posted on her Facebook status: "Been a bit of a struggle, I might need to wear the patch some more... But here's to 3 weeks smoke free! Cheers!"

                                My comment: "There are going to be a lot of things that come your way that will be hard to handle and you will believe that a smoke would fix it. Have a plan for those moments ahead of time. Don't give in. Nic (Nicotine) is a crafty character just like Al (alcohol). They know us better than we know ourselves and will use any situation they can to get back into our lives.They will use a bad day at work, an argument with a friend, a good day at work, a good time with a friend. Their favorite is during times when Nic and Al are out together! They love that one then they can team up.Hang in there my beautiful girl. You will never hear anyone say, "quitting something was easy". It is worth the fight though."

                                I wanted to share the above because it is so true about quitting Al or Nic. Some people on here are trying to do both. Whoa! None of us have a perfect life. That is why it is so hard for us to quit what it is that gives us an escape from the hard moments even for just a while. Be ready for the next life moment. Have a plan. We read similar posts on this often from people who are posting. We read them and think, "YA that is a good idea, I better do that!" Then you go on with your day or go to bed and forget to. I know I did. Some people may say, "I can't predict what is going to happen". Most of us can because it is the same trigger today that it will be a week, a month or even an hour from now. Work, kids, family, friends, celebrating, rainy day, sunny day, mental illness (manic depression for me), sad, happy... I think you get the picture.

                                Have a plan, ask yourself how will adding Al to this situation change anything? I still ask my self that question. I also do not want to have to write Day 1 on MWO instead of Day 378. Also Day 13 of Year 2.

                                Welcome to all Newbies and I really believe that you can quit with the help of the MWO. I hope that what I write once in a while will help others.
                                AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:

