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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    GAWKY GWAWKY Gwakumala MAE Nester's near and not so far,

    Hang in there Dave!

    I agree with Brydy Londoner, but your call mate. There are plenty of future parties, gatherings, footy games to be had and shared by a happier, healthier, stronger and prouder, sober you.

    Well done on 30 days Lucky!

    Pretty good here. Day 25. Yo!

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Hope everyone had a good day, I did

      CONGRATS to Luckyflower on 30 AF days :wd:

      Londoner, I have to agree with the others - too soon to go out!
      I know I'm a lot older & don't have much of a social life anyway but I pretty much nailed myself to the house for the first three months of my quit. I was serious about wanting/needing to succeed. The social stuff just had to wait. Set yourself up for success

      Gwakumala G??? :H :H
      I hope you are well!

      Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest - hang on, you won't be sorry!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        ARgh! Just freaking lost a long-ass post and I'm not a happy camper. Shit. Well, damn.

        Londoner, hope you can come to a decision and I hope it's that you don't go. It's too early and too tempting.

        Gambler Dave, hope you can get your children for longer periods of time. That has to really suck and be so upsetting. Someone mentioned seeing a therapist? During this difficult time, that may be really worth it for your peace of mind. You've been doing so well, and you need to stay strong for yourself and your boys. You're on my MWO prayer list tonight.

        Ok, so I said lots, but too tired to retype. Gonna go in my hot tub for some relaxation. I was feeling a little low because I'm by myself this evening, but then if I were by myself when I drank, I'd have three hours to get shitfaced, wake up in the middle of the night parched, get up completely hungover, have a crappy day, sleep off and on or have to deal with the day feeling like crap. I think I keep saying "crap." Well, that's what AL is. CRAP. So I'm glad I can enjoy a quiet evening, watch a few shoes I DVR'd. and read a little.
        Have a good night all.
        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


          Newbies Nest

          hey, new here. how is everyone?
          ?That's the problem with drinking,
          If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
          if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
          and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
          ― Charles Bukowski
          Days AF: 13 :h


            Newbies Nest

            Hi all, good evening - we have a new member here - Loveless! Welcome again - post often and read posts. Londoner - please don't go anywhere tonight - you will feel so much better in the morning and overall. J-vo - I remember how it feels to get up every day and feel like crap. Trying to put make up on and hands shaking , face red. I used to have water near bed and I was drinking water all night long as I was thirsty and was all swollen in the morning to the point my rings will not fit. Disgusting!!! On a brighter side - I am looking forward tomorrow - my DH and are having massages - using GS we got for Christmas. Then private auction in our friends house. Later I was thinking to go out but I am afraid - we have not yet been out since we became AF and I am not sure his this will feel. Is it too early for us to try going out to eat?
            AF since 10/20/2013
            Smoke free since 09/24/2007
            Meat free since 09/20/2008
            With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


              Newbies Nest

              Myluck, enjoy your massages! Love a great massage. And yes, I can relate to all of the symptoms you stated above - swollen face, hands, puffy eyes, bloated stomach, headache, dehydration. Yuck! Glad I'm not drinking!!! DH and I have gone out to eat a few times. He had a beer or two and I had water or diet coke, or sparkling water. It didn't bother me much, although it was a big change from what I was used to. What I liked was that I could actually enjoy my dinner without thinking to myself, "better not eat too much to ruin the buzz that I got before dinner, and/or don't eat too much so I can drink later and catch my buzz cause you can't do that on a full stomach unless you're drinking hard liquor, and in that case, you end up sloppy." Oh, which I did over and over again. So you can enjoy the food, and have dessert, too. That's what I look forward to also, because I my dessert would always be another glass of wine.
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Newbies Nest

                I pulled some books out of my attic. I've read so many, and I'm glad I saved them because I'm ready to re-read most of them. I'm going to share my list. Look up on Amazon to see the reviews, but most of these that I read were really good.

                Blackout Girl, Jennifer Storm
                In My Skin, Kate Holden
                Drunkard, Neil Steinberg
                Broken, William Cope Moyers
                What Did I Do Last Night, A Drunkard's Tale, Tom Sykes
                A Drinking Life, Pete Hamill
                Parched, Heather King
                Rolling Away, My Agony with Ecstasy, Lynn Marie Smith
                Whiskey's Children, Jack Erdmann with Larry Kearney
                Comeback, Claire Fontaine and Mia Fontaine
                Smashed, Koren Zailckas
                Dry, Augusten Burroughs
                The End of the World as We Know It, Robert Goolrick
                Drinking, a Love Story, Caroline Knapp

                and a few celebrities books which I didn't bring back down but enjoyed by Maureen McCormick (Brady Bunch girl, Marlee Matlin (deaf actress), and Melissa Gilbert (Little House on the Prairie).

                Other good reads:
                Alan Carr
                Jason Vale
                Rational Recovery by Jack Trimpey

                Happy Reading!!!
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  Newbies Nest


                  I also WANT to drink tomorrow. It's just a thought. I'm not drinking tomorrow. I'm going to use the "having medical tests on Monday - no alcohol excuse" again. I had plans to take some out of towners sightseeing; rain in the forecast and Americans don't do rain. I'm worried they will want to sit in a bar and drink. I will never make it thru several hours of bar time and that is a big worry. I planned for cocktails at the scenic top of a tall building (non-alcoholic martini), dinner (no wine for me, thanks) and an enjoyable day. Thus, I'm a tad crabby this evening. I'm not going to drink. and in my head I already decided that I'm not going to like that. (duh - so much for living in the moment. better now).

                  If you are serious about being sober and have the slightest bit of doubt about saying no, don't go. Choose wisely!
                  10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello fellow Nesters and what a great day it turned out to be

                    Just a quick check in ( winding down the night with the boys ). I want to thank everyone for their responses and support. I spent every chance at work to take a peek at the nest on my phone when I had a chance .. so I did see some of todays posts. Just a lot going on !

                    I will be on in the AM for a good healthy posting fest before the kids wake up ( Im normally up at 6am and they get up around 8-9 )

                    Real quick I wanted to clear up that I would never have actually said anything to the grandparents..or even removed the kids from where Mom housed them ( even though legally I could have ). Its was just me getting frustrated and voicing what I was feeling at the moment. Just so happens that today I found out my "answers" and counterclaim to her statements were filed by my lawyer today YAY ! We also filed an exclusive right to my home. ( She cant just come back into the home without my consent now ) Im feeling Way better now. Very greatly relieved that this is now moving in the system on my part. There is much more to say but when I get the paperwork I will post it.

                    So anyways I have to book..they are "dad"ing me.. Looking forward to seeing you all in the morning.

                    Thanks again everyone and I hope you all a very safe Friday night ( or Saturday for the sunrisers ).

                    Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                    AF: 9-10-2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Happy Friday, Nesters.

                      Welcome, Loveless. Settle in and read backwards and frontwards. There is a lot of wisdom here.

                      Just finishing day 13 with a great walk to the beach after work and just ordered pizza that my husband is picking up. I'm feeling strong today after being a bit shaky yesterday. I had a great day at work and I am grateful for where I live (even if the drought will make things bad soon - back to flushing toilets with bath water and the like).

                      Nanette - thanks for the reminder that AL can fool us into thinking that we need him for GOOD times as well as bad. It is easy to romanticize the good times instead of remembering the bad. You are exactly two years ahead of me - I hope I never catch up!

                      Dave - stay strong. Enjoy your boys tonight.

                      My Luck - I booked a massage for tomorrow, too. I figure I can afford it with all of the $$ saved from not buying AL for two weeks. Can't wait.

                      I'm Strong - just an FYI - this American LOVES rain, especially walking/hiking in the rain. You can show me around any time. I lived in London one winter and it was apparently one of the driest they'd had in years.

                      Londoner - good job staying in tonight. Sounds like tomorrow might be dangerous for your sobriety. Look back at your posts you have written in misery after bad nights and see if you can muster the strength to stay home until you're stronger.

                      Guitarista - thanks for popping by. Your posts make me happy.

                      Have safe, sober Fridays, everyone. Cross Day 13 off - looking at 2 weeks tomorrow.


                        Newbies Nest

                        GWAWKy MAE Nesters

                        Coffee, Dave's bakes and Mr G's guacamole for when you wake up!

                        We had a thunderstorm here last night, with lots of lightning, which this part of SA doesn't normally get - lovely. I really miss that, so enjoyed it thoroughly.

                        I trust there's not a single case of babbelaas (hangover) in the Nest this morning!

                        Have a Stupendous Saturday, Nesters!
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Newbies Nest

                          DTD, I love thunderstorms! So awesome.

                          Gah, I'm awake AGAIN! I think I might pick up some herbal sleeping tablets - I'm so tired! Seems like I can only grab a few hours sleep at the moment.

                          Really hoping that the Allen Carr book arrives today - seriously struggled last night. Was busy watching Children in Need though (an annual charity event that's televised for those that don't know). Cried my eyes out! Seriously, what some families go through .... it's just unimaginable. Very thankful for my healthy children.

                          Noticed yesterday that I was feeling a bit dizzy. I must have detoxed by now?! Also been a bit sniffly and sore throat, so I'm guessing a virus rather than AL. Also, I've been trying to eat really healthily and not having carbs so possibly that? What do you reckon? I don't drive so unless DH is home with the car we pretty much walk everywhere. Maybe my body needs carbs right now.

                          I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow, purely because being tired makes me want to drink. I seem to be posting the same thing over and over recently - it's not getting easier for me, it's getting harder. I really think it's down to not sleeping well though. Total emotional crutch syndrome. DH is home tomorrow but he is also very tired from working so much and so gets snappy with the kids. He's a great dad and they adore him, but he doesn't have the patience that I have! The good thing is, DD's church group has started family film afternoons and although we have the film that they're showing, the kids still want to go watch (better on a big screen I guess!). That will give him a break.

                          Funny thing that I've noticed this week - we've done some really nice activities that I wouldn't have done if drinking. Monday - swimming, Tuesday - dinner out, Wednesday - soft play, Thursday - Christmas shopping and coffee out. Yesterday - two trips to different play parks. If I was drinking, I wouldn't have had the money or the energy. DH is being great too - very affectionate and keeps saying how proud he is.

                          I hope everyone has a great weekend!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Oh and Pavati - nice work! 2 weeks - well done x


                              Newbies Nest

                              Another AF Friday bites the dust, WOOHOO!!!!

                              Willow23 I hope u get some sleep...I know how u feel..herbal sleep pills never did me any good..I need white noise and darkness..zzzzzzzzz

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi, Willow

                                Sometimes when you cut carbs drastically, you need to increase your salt intake to avoid feeling like you've been hit by a truck. A clue would be if you're urinating more than before.

                                Please stick with this even though it seems hard. It probably would be harder still if you had to start all over gain. It will get easier. Stick with it and Just get it over with!

                                You can do it! Stay close. :h NS

