I just ordered, Drinking, A Love Story! I'm excited and looking forward to reading it.
No announcement yet.
Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
Wow- is that 4 morning pages? I can't keep up and can't remember who wrote what! I may have to do that split screen method soon! For today though just going to wing it!
Salt Don't increase your salt, IF you eat processed foods, there is too much salt in those already. Try to use only celtic salt or Himalayan Salt(usually pink) Table salt is garbage, raising blood pressure, strips good bacteria from your gut contains undisclosed amts. of iodine etc...
L-GLUT and Kudzu Funny I wrote about it to Willow this morning and then came on the Nest and she had asked about it. That type of thing does happen to me more often when I am not drinking. My personal experience is that they do seem to have some affect when used together. I never felt a difference just using LGLUT and got an upset stomach when using the recommended dose of Kudzu, so I cut it back. When I bought them though. my AL thoughts were very defiant and SAID- "I CAN DRINK WITHOUT HAVING A CRAVING!" and so I did. BE CAREFUL- with kudzu in your system, you can get buzzed more quickly and in a wackier way. IDK why or how many people it happens to, but it happened to a friend of mine also. She thought of it as a new useful tool, it frightened me.
Melatonin. Again, my personal experience, taking it as a sleep aid made me have psychedelic dreams. Truly, vivid wild dreams. If you like that thing, could be good! haha! Has anyone else had that?
Carbs Complicated- Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs | The Dr. Oz Show I think most people just think Bread, Pasta... I tend to stay away from those if they aren't organic or if I know they are GMO-d. There are carbs in FRUIT. So eat lots of fruit and do not worry about the sugar, it's good sugar not obviously white refined sugar. I eat two apples a day normally. It gives me a boost, fills me up and makes my skin look good. I also plant the seeds. Did you know that most apples have 9 seeds in them. Imagine if everyone planted the seeds? it's cute to see them emerge. I give them away to people that have land, I do not have land at this time. (try to stay with organic)
WILLOW Oh my gosh, acne! I had it all through my child-bearing years! I had great skin as a teen and then hit the 'I should be having babies' stage and had acne all through those years. Thankfully, not with the baby I had when I was 40! But still.... it was so bothersome. What did I do about it? Ha! Nothing. I didn't know what to do. Now, I would have NOT eaten so many RING-DINGS(I wonder if those still exist), I would have increased my fruit and cut back on all refined sugars. I would have taken care to make my own face creams and masks. (I have recipes for those now if you are interested...) YOUR body is probably screaming for another kid! lol Your youngest is 4, it's probably wondering , hey, where's the next one!
Dave DAD-ing... DAD DAD DAD DAD DAD DAD HEY DAD!!!!! lol lol I can here it from here!So sweet.
Elvis Day 3 sucked for me, I think that was my worst. I am day 7 now and feeling a mix of emotions. I did not have cravings yesterday or that I remember the day before. I had angst but I have lots of CRAP going on in my life right now. I did eat cake last night! That's rare for me if it's not homemade, but I don't eat it often regardless. I was just in a grumpy mood. BLAH! Blah mood... I topped that store bought cake with store bought ice cream! I usually make that too! I hope you do well today. If you have kudzu and LGlut take them, it does seem to help some, as does lemon water with real maple in it.
So grateful to you all for posting! I love to read things like, I am on day 13, Looking forward to two weeks. It's a little push each time to read someone ahead of 'you' and hanging in there going one more day! I love the post with 87/110, day 3 again. That's huge in my mind.
As an aside DOES anyone know how the founder of this site is doing in her Moderation? How long she moderated prior to writing her book etc...
Newbies Nest
Life, I'm here, so talk away! Why don't you try to work the pity party away - just tidy up the house, no major cleaning. Sit down for a while afterwards, have a cup of coffee with me and then start on the food prep. Deal? Here's a :l, there's many more in store if you need them.14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!
Newbies Nest
GWAWK Nesters, and MAE as well:
On a work day when my alarm goes off a 6am I am usually dead asleep and have to push snooze a couple of times to wake up. Why oh why when the weekend rolls around can't I sleep past 6:30? I have a headache, too. I think it is allergies. I used to take Zyrtec but when I tried to stop to see what the allergies were like without I got this weird withdrawal that included horrible itching all over my body. I got bruises from scratching in my sleep. Anyone have a natural allergy remedy (other than local honey)?
Enough complaining. We're having a birthday party here, too, tonight. My niece is 9 and she requested cheeseburgers. OK by me!
Lifechange - that is my fear, too. While I have had minor struggles, basically this has been fairly easy for me so far. I think I am ready for that sledge hammer with a plan (number one, stick close here), but it hasn't been put to too hard a test yet. I have gone 4 weeks here and there over the years, so that will be a challenge to me to make it past 30 days. But I'm not thinking like that now - ODAT. My whole family will be coming over for the birthday party so that will be a trigger but I have my good juice and sparkling water, and I will certainly have enough to eat.
Dave - that is quite a story. My recurring nightmare (one of three) is that I am being accused of something horrible that I didn't do and I can't get people to believe me that I didn't do it. Essentially, you are living my nightmare! Have a great time with the boys today.
Drinking, A Love Story was the first alcohol-related book I read and related to. Enjoy.
Happy Saturday, everyone. A nice strenuous hike this morning and then a little housework before the birthday party. Stay strong, nesters.
Newbies Nest
Loveless;1585557 wrote: hey, new here. how is everyone?
Love your avatar! We have red fox all over our farm. Hopefully by now you've had some time to read back through some of the thread to get a feel for the sense of community here. It's a wonderful group of people full of love and support to help with this awful al addiction.
Take it one day at a time, get a support system in place (this site, friends, family, counselor, AA or other support group, books, etc.) and make a plan for each day - particularly days when you know you're going to be in a situation that may involve al. No judgement at all here - and there's probably nothing that will shock anyone either! We're all struggling but we're making slow but sure progress. The more you post and read, the better your chances for sticking to your quit. Stay close and post as you feel comfortable.
Lots of experience and wisdom on these threads. Lots of folks even start their own thread to act as a diary for their quit which seems to help a lot.
Take care - hope to see you around!
Newbies Nest
LC, that is exactly how I feel. I was surprisingly ok (better than I expected) in the first few days and it seemed like the week was done quite quickly. Since then it's just started getting harder. I'm so jealous of 'normal' drinkers!
Anyway, my book came whilst I was sleeping so shall crack on with that tonight. 3 hour sleep had, but I still feel like I've been hit by a truck.
Newbies Nest
Thanks for the hugs and support. I'm starting with my least favourite job, which is cleaning the bathrooms. Have on the extra long gloves. And sweet potatoes are in the oven. I think, as has been said, I need to bring it back to ODAT. I think I may have been getting ahead of myself, 'cause it seemed easy and honest for me to say never again. But today, I feel like it's a matter of just getting through the day with hopes that tomorrow will be better. The Promise of a new day-- Do any of you get those dailies from Hazelden? I love them. Thanks DO for the coffee-- my third today!!
and Pav, have a great party this evening. The cheeseburgers and sparkling juices sound yummy. 9 is such a nice age. My youngest will be 9 in a few weeks.:h
Newbies Nest
GWAWKY MAE, Nesters! (Good Whatever and Whenever, Kids (?)....the Y gives it flow. Morning, Afternoon, Eve'ning).
Lots of good stuff going on! Yes, Dick Head is relentless and he gets more ruthless as we go...he lays low and them BAM, he hits below the belt! You must be smarter...these are his death blows and he wants to live in us, so just turn a blind eye to his PREDICTABLE tricks!
Willow, sometimes I wish I could drink like a normal person, but most of the time I'm just glad I don't drink at all! It'd also be nice if I were tall,had big boobs and lots of money, but alas...it is what it is!!! You know we are lucky in so many other ways...I try to concentrate on all the things I DO have going for me, and not just the one thing I don't. It helps! Deprivation thinking is not good for us, so try to turn it around and be grateful for the many blessings and resources we have right here!
Hope everyone has a wonderful, AF Sattidy!! Great to see everyone!! XXOO, Byrdie
P.S. One of my favorite shoes broke.
Newbies Nest
Hello, how is everyone today??That's the problem with drinking,
If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
― Charles Bukowski
Days AF: 13 :h
Newbies Nest
Hey LL
doin just fine,
Byrdlady;1585861 wrote: GWAWKY MAE, Nesters! (Good Whatever and Whenever, Kids (?)....the Y gives it flow. Morning, Afternoon, Eve'ning).
Lots of good stuff going on! Yes, Dick Head is relentless and he gets more ruthless as we go...he lays low and them BAM, he hits below the belt! You must be smarter...these are his death blows and he wants to live in us, so just turn a blind eye to his PREDICTABLE tricks!
Willow, sometimes I wish I could drink like a normal person, but most of the time I'm just glad I don't drink at all! It'd also be nice if I were tall,had big boobs and lots of money, but alas...it is what it is!!! You know we are lucky in so many other ways...I try to concentrate on all the things I DO have going for me, and not just the one thing I don't. It helps! Deprivation thinking is not good for us, so try to turn it around and be grateful for the many blessings and resources we have right here!
Hope everyone has a wonderful, AF Sattidy!! Great to see everyone!! XXOO, Byrdie
P.S. One of my favorite shoes broke.
SamLiberated 5/11/2013
Newbies Nest
It's so true! We have so much.. Right now I have two smart, sweet, lovely girls snuggled up watching Milo and Otis (such a nice film), sweet potatoes baking in the oven, my best friends and their kids coming over for "Thanksgiving" tomorrow, a decent job and health insurance, a healthy body (I'm about to divorce my back!:H), a family that although we live far apart, we are very close, all of you wonderful friends to talk and share with.
I am already so happy I didn't go anywhere near the poison today-- I would have been in the midst of regret right this minute.
Newbies Nest
Brydie, I was having a pity party until I just read your post. I've been getting ready for my son's family birthday party - turning 16. Well, we bought (no, husband bought) beer and wine for guests. And as I was preparing stuff in the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, the beer almost talked to me! Nope, I'm not hallucinating. Well, maybe. It said, come on, I aint that bad. Take me! After that incident, I became a crabby bitch. Was sitting here sulking. Ok, I'm gonna write a few things I'm blessed for right now and thankful that I won't have tomorrow:
Get to see my son, who turns 16 tomorrow, enjoy his birthday.
Get to be a sober mom, who is enjoying a party, engaging in meaningful conversation with others.
Get to eat as much as I please, but not too much so that I can't enjoy the yummy cake we purchased. Oh, it a famous place...well, around here it is!
Get to clean up without drinking like a fish after everyone leaves. Oh, that's drinking on top of the drinking I did while everyone was here.
Get to relax this evening, being proud of myself, clearheaded, and look forward to waking up and celebrating my son's real 16th by watching some old videos, eating at PF Changs, and just having a peaceful Sunday.
Won't have to wake up feeling like total shit, pretending to be excited about my son's birthday, taking an extra long nap before showering and still feeling like complete crap. Don't want that. Don't need that. I don't drink. "It" is a dick head, like Byrdy said.
Thanks for letting me vent. I feel much better now.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Newbies Nest
Katty;1585910 wrote: Hi Loveless, I'm new here too. I want to stop drinking. I need to stop drinking. Just not sure how. I've tried a lot of things. How about you??That's the problem with drinking,
If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
― Charles Bukowski
Days AF: 13 :h