storms dumped lots of rain on us. was a tornado warning so we gathered up the dogs and headed to the basement. thankfully it past us over. didn't lose power either. very thankful and thankful to be AF for all this.
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Dottie Belle;1586642 wrote: storms dumped lots of rain on us. was a tornado warning so we gathered up the dogs and headed to the basement. thankfully it past us over. didn't lose power either. very thankful and thankful to be AF for all this.
... Well holy crap nesters !! I was getting kinda sleepy right before my power just flickered on and off a few times. I had a movie all ready and waiting with the cool intro music going..then BAM !! The subwoofer kicked on and off with the power. Its kinda loud when it amps up :H Not that Im going to get a good head start on sleeping anyways due to all the crap hitting my house from this wind.
Anyways..I just returned from dropping the kids off and besides the howling I must say .. wow is it quiet ! Aye they do get a little rambunctious in the latter time of the evening. But hey they had fun and thats what matters. We all had a very enjoyable weekend with the home projects, playing games and cooking. Yup..the little guy loves to cook with me. He pulls a chair up to the stove and tells me how much of what to put in where. Its incredible how he can make the rice taste just like I make it on his own now. Also for the first time in a while it was a nice clean drop off. Not really any of the sudden quietness for the last half hour..or the ride home I normally experience from them. That is making the parting much easier on me.
Aw shucks .. I just lost the second half to this post from Dotties mention of "power out"( I should have taken my own advice on "how to not loose a post" :H
Oh well. So before I "flicker" Again The Long and short of my boned post is that my weekend was fantastic..the little guy can and does cook..Last week of unknowns ( hopefully )..thanks again everyone..gonna have a good time at work this week..Yes Cat AF life is Superb and you sound Fan-freaking-tastic ..wind is cranking..Im tired and ready for sleep..Have a good night. (exhales)
Anyways .. gotta cut this short .. so goodnight and best wishes from Flickering Dave !Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
AF: 9-10-2013
Newbies Nest
Hi, Everyone:
Thanks for your responses. All of it makes sense. I think the three things that work the best for me are:
The analogy of medication (thanks No Sugar). Alcohol works quickly and very well to immediately relieve my symptoms of anxiety, anger, stress, etc. However, it is a medication that comes with horrible side effects. I am not one to medicate in other walks of life, so why would I self medicate (without a prescription, nonetheless) with an antidote that in the end makes the symptoms themselves worse and has such bad side effects?
The Rabbit Hole. I appreciated your two versions of the holidays, Byrdie. Of course the sober one sounds and is better. I have not spent an entire Christmas eve in YEARS.
Remembering my worst mornings/hangovers. I believe I have K-9 to thank for this one. I can actually taste the bad hangovers, and I relive them when I go to places I've spent hungover (smells hold strong memories for me). Why on Earth would I want to ingest something that makes me feel like that?
One of my problems is that I was one of those smokers way back when who could have one or two cigarettes a month or one or two a week or one or two a night. This all came after a habit that I had in college that was real (although never two packs a day or anything). I ended up quitting later in life than I intended, but it wasn't a challenge there at the end.
I am soaking in the wisdom that is on MWO and trying to really use the information here to serve as my own experience. I know that I have promised myself to go 30 days as an original goal, but since have started to say to myself with honesty - one day at a time. I won't drink today. If I set a goal of 30 I am afraid that gives me permission to drink on day 31.
So, I will not drink today. I appreciate all of the time you all have taken to give advice and your thoughts. I will continue this conversation for sure, as it is not over in my head. Thanks, friends!
BTW - Day 15 over and out.
Newbies Nest
thats what im gonnaa do Lavande.had less today than yesterday, and the plan is to have even lesss tomorrow!
I just cant believe i let it get to this point were i physically cant function without al. it makes me sick and ashamed...?That's the problem with drinking,
If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
― Charles Bukowski
Days AF: 13 :h
Newbies Nest
GWAWKy MAE Nesters!
Coffee, and whatever Dave & Sons have cooked up - rice cookies, it looks to me.
My garden is absolutely soaked after the week-end's heavy rain; the sun is out today but there's still a lot of clouds - and wind.
I know it's Monday, but we've all had an AL-free weekend, I trust, so Nesters, have a
MAJORLY MAGNIFICENT MONDAY14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!
Newbies Nest
1 a.m. tired but cant sleep tonight for some reason?That's the problem with drinking,
If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
― Charles Bukowski
Days AF: 13 :h
Newbies Nest
Hey, MAE! all you fabulous Nesters.
DO, thank you for the coffee, treats and Monday morning wishes!. I love your new, sweet avatar. Is that a friend of yours from the neighborhood? Beautiful..
Lovely, I hope you've fallen to sleep-- there will still be coffee when you wake up, no worries. We keep it fresh the whole day long! When is your doctors appt.? I've forgotten.
Willow :l. What happened? How are you feeling now?
Minstar, I'm very happy to have you back here with us. I hope you'll keep trying to figure your way out. I have to agree with Lav.-- perhaps trying AA or some other support group near you. And do you have support of family and friends?:h
Good conversation going on here the past couple of days. I've pretty much been set on not drinking during the holidays. I've had a firm plan in my mind for 2 months--as I know it will be difficult with my Dad. Breaking old habits, a house full of alcohol. Yesterday I had an early Thanksgiving with my 3 closest friends (two of whom have accepted that I don't drink anymore and one who seems to finally be getting it). They brought wine and I had some juice and sparkling water for myself and the kids. I'd thought about buying some af stuff, but forgot in the end. They offered me a glass at dinner "to toast" and I found it a bit awkward to say no, but I did and toasted with sparkling water. I was so determined not to drink and so proud of myself that I was almost giddy-- it was almost like I was tipsy, with giggling fits and the whole works. I ate too much, as usual, and was so thankful not to be exhausted from the drink as well. While we were cleaning up, the friend who's been hesitant to accept my not drinking, told me how impressed she was at the changes I've made in my life. And another said she agreed.. that I was slowly making the changes I needed to make the life I wanted to live. She said I inspired her!! That was such a compliment-- one I haven't heard for ages. You know, everyone has their "problems", things they're working on, trying to change. I forget sometimes, because quitting drinking is so difficult in this society, and because I'm so absorbed with this particular problem, that almost everyone is struggling with something. I was so happy and proud of myself in that moment for being strong and determined enough to stand by what I KNOW is necessary for ME to live a happy life. I haven't taken responsibility for my own well being for such a long time--if ever!-- and it does feel so good. We all have our own experiences and have to make our own decisions. I feel so fortunate to have you all here to share this very hard but worthwhile journey. We need eachother and other like minded people to support us.
Just wanted to share that. Every time we have an experience without alcohol, we strengthen ourselves and our resolve. And slowly, slowly the days add up and it becomes our normal. I'm slowly beginning to believe that life is really, truly better now.
blah blah!!:H
Big hugs to all of you--
Newbies Nest
So very true LC you said it so well and it is so hard. Me now i am up and down. more up than down thank god but still struggling. You get the taste and it takes you back again. I'm fighting it but it is hard but I have been through those first few days of giving up and know this moderation thing is unattainable for an alcoholic. You should be very very proud of your achievements. I know I will get there. I know I was so much happier and healthier without AL. Anyone know a deserted island I could go and chill for awhile? Johnny Depps maybe, yum!AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Newbies Nest
Newish here, I posted about a week ago. Tried to taper, got some really bad news and downed 3 bottles of wine, fell down the stairs, daughter so distressed she wouldn't get out of bed. So I'm trying again. I know I can't jump straight into AF as I have been drinking in the mornings for months and had started getting the shakes by 7am, dry heaving, sometimes being sick, the shits etc. So I'm trying to do it slowly so I don't panic and start downing bottles of wine in the day. So it is 11am and I haven't drunk anything yet today. I have plastered my hair in conditioner, covered my face in moisturiser so I can't go to the shop. I've done 5 loads of washing, changed the beds etc. I know if I can delay drinking anything until 6pm I will only have a couple of beers. My drinking is all about the time of day I start. Whilst I did drink yesterday I didn't get drunk!!! A small triumph for me. I'm really scared. Drinking Shloer as the moment. Off to fold all the washing will take at least an hour or so as have left it piling up in the living room for weeks.
Newbies Nest
Hey LC. I got really tired of fighting it, that's about the size of it. I know lots of the senior members say that you'll never have two bad days in a row - I had about four. Just the lack of sleep really made it hard. What I should have done is read my Allen Carr book or posted here. Or just used my head and thought about where I am in my cycle - period is due any day (sorry for TMI!) so PMT doesn't help.
Physically I feel pretty rubbish and I'm pretty pissed off with myself as I was doing so well despite the constant struggle. DH was livid as you can imagine.
Newbies Nest
Jelly, :goodjob: on getting and staying busy - also known as doing anything except drinking. I hate doing housework, but being in a tidy room is its own reward. Tie as many knots as you can to your rope, and just hang on for dear life.
LC, the big-eared beauty is a female kudu - magnificent animals and quite shy, so I was really happy to get this pic.
Byrdie, you persuaded me even before I stopped that moderating was a pipe dream; I was responding to a post of Pavati's. (I'll one day tell you what my initial idea of modding was - I cringe when I think about it!) So you and Fly have one less thing to worry about:H:H.
Where are Ican and Rahul, and the other MIAs? Your perches in the Nest are ready and waiting, so come back and talk to us!14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!
Newbies Nest
Willow you were a large part of my inspiration to do this. Hang in there, you've done amazingly well so far. So you made a slip up, but most people seem to. Think of the AF days you've managed and what a triumph they are. I've not had a single AF day in 11months! Today is the first day in 6 months that I've made it almost to lunch time. pat yourself on the back for doing well, don't beat yourself for a slip. DH being cross probably won't help. Just be proud when you make it through today as you will, you know you can, after all you've succeeded before.