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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi Sunni. Glad you stopped by -- I was just thinking about you the other day. Happy that things are going well for you. Has everything worked out with your house? Congrats again grandma!

    MountainGirl you rock! Isn't it great? It really gets fun when you realize the freedom that comes with being af, and not having to plan a life around al. I'm happy for you!

    Happy Aussie Day!!! Chicken - that was a cheery *cluck* from you! HippyC keep rockin' - yeah more freedom when it leaves you alone with your own thoughts!

    Rusty, Open, how you guys doing?

    Gotta run - busy night here and starting to snow Starting to get kind of old, and its not even February yet.

    Take care all.
    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


      Newbies Nest

      Congrats Sunni on your new adventure as a grandma! Big changes have come your way.

      Way to go, Mtngirl--you sound great! Keep going!

      Happy Australia Day, Mazzie, Chickn and Hip--sending music your way to help you celebrate AF!:rockband:

      Do ya have some galoshes with golf cleats on the bottom for the snow, Tranq? :giggle:

      I still wake up in the mornings trying to remember if I drank the night before or not--it is such a relief to realize the answer is no. The mental and emotional lift that gives me is priceless.

      Stay warm, dry, cool or wet depending on what you need everyone!
      "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters!

        Yes, we have sun today Missed it terribly yesterday during the monsoon........

        Hope all our Aussie friends are enjoying thier National Holiday!

        Did you get a lot of Snow Tranq? Hope not! Just heard we may get some Friday night into Saturday - boo hiss!

        Open, it is so wonderful waking up unhung It's wonderful to be able to sleep again & dream again......2 things I had missed for so long!

        Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday - I'll be back later

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Happy Tuesday everyone!

          Sounds like everyone is doing wonderful - Lav - know what you mean - I'm a little south of your state and yesterday was just horrible! We too are supposed to get a little snow on Friday. Brrrrr - I'm ready for spring!

          Hippy - I, like you, find myself thinking less and less of the AL. Used to be my only thought - worrying about how to mix it up so I didn't go to buy my AL at the same place every week, and living for that 1st drink after work - sounds bad to me now that my life was so centered around the AL. Trying to stay strong and not be tempted. The support here is what keeps me going - no one on the outside knows so this place is literally my life line. Glad I found it and all you wonderful people!

          For anyone just starting here - you are truly welcomed with open arms!
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


            Newbies Nest

            I hope everyone is having a great day. Does anyone find that they're sleeping more than usual? I'm on day 10 AF, and while I certainly have been enjoying my new-found restful sleep, I seem to require more sleep than usual. Perhaps this is nothing more than my much-ravaged body catching up on nearly 5 years of crappy sleeping habits!


              Newbies Nest

              Yes Jim, now that I am able to sleep (19 days af) I seem to need endless sleep, thought there was something wrong with me! Can't root myself out of bed in the morning, yeah I reckon the poor old bod does need a bit of catch up! Also can't stop eating sweet things that I NEVER eat before I reckon thats the lack of sugar in alcohol will have to deal with it tho!!
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Newbies Nest

                Mollyka, congrats on 19 days! It's funny that you mention blood sugar, as I was wondering about that myself. I've never had a sweet tooth, so in the absence of alcohol I've been eating my regular, fairly healthy diet. However, without alcohol I am consuming no less than 600-1200 fewer calories per day, which may account for my increased fatigue. Oh well, this is still far better than waking up dehydrated and miserable!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Grandma Sunni *cringe* Sorry, but that'll take a while to get used to! :H

                  Oh..oh.. I totally forgot (what with everything else going on) - YES! My house sold on December 17th! Phew. Lots of mixed emotions there - but I've made peace with it now Christmas was just nutz but fun with 6 'kids' being home and their friends invading the place... it was just like a zoo! :H

                  So, yeah.. work is crazy, too (which is normal this time of year) and Miss Sophie had injured her leg, so I've been running over there a couple times a day - Sunday is 'Atlas' day (my new horse) - he's at a different stable about 40 minutes from here... ya see what I mean? LOL

                  It's so good to see Lav, Tranq, chook holding up the fort - awesome of you guys! I did check in here now and then but by the time I caught up on a few pages, I was logged out and the phone rang and... :H

                  Anywhooo... have a grand night all... stay well, stay safe, stay sober
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning everyone.
                    WOW! An Alcohol Free Australia Day!! What a concept..... did have a few thoughts about how AL would "enhance" my day but had the usual conversation in my head about what AL would do to make the day better etc. Was good to know that I will actually remember yesterday and not have to pretend I know what I said that was so funny/stupid etc.

                    Just thinking out loud here.... Are cravings physical and mental? Is a mental craving a habit? If I am controlling the "physical" cravings by taking the supps, is the reason I am eating chocolate/lollies a habit and not because my body is "craving" them? Is it because I have taken away something I had for over 30 years and am trying to substitute it with feel good foods. Like comfort eating?

                    Jim B - yes I am sleeping wonderfully well. The first two weeks or so I had such restful sleep and vivid dreams I didnt want to get up in the mornings. It is such a lovely feeling waking up without the usual headache or hangover isnt it? I think you are right about your body catching up as when you sleep drunk I dont think it is a proper sleep - more like a sedation (well it was for me anyway).
                    Mollyka - both you and Jolie have the same amount of AF days as me. Clever arnt we!
                    Hi Lav - hope you have more sun today.
                    Hey Tranq - A golfer hey? What do you play off?
                    Have a good one everyone.
                    I finally got it!
                    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                      Newbies Nest

                      Evening Nesters,

                      Hi to JimBeam & Molly! Glad you stopped in
                      Enjoy that extra sleep time - it's precious & your body does need it to heal! AL & sugar are so similar that when you stop one you want more of the other. The supplement L-Glutamine is supposed to help reduce sugar cravings.

                      Sunni, good that your house sale went thru. I know you weren't looking forward to it but......
                      Yep, Tranq has been a very faithful fella around here - still waiting for him to pick us us so we can go drop in on Chook!
                      Sorry to hear about Ms Sophie - give her a scratch for me You have to tell us about Atlas!
                      BTW - the Grandma takes time but you do get used to it !

                      Jolie, I can walk to Maryland in 5 minutes so I know we're having identical weather. Did you get the flurries today too - crazy! Glad you're here with us too.

                      Well, time for this bird to hop on her twig & settle in.
                      Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the Nest.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Openheart - "Do ya have some galoshes with golf cleats on the bottom for the snow, Tranq?" Ha! Thanks - nice to know you care Open! No golf-galoshes. And I'm out of free airline miles, so I'm kind of stuck riding out the winter blues for a while. It's a big part of why the winter gets me down - summer is my fun time. Winter is for growing fur and sleeping in caves. Speaking of sleeping...

                        Lav - "It's wonderful to be able to sleep again & dream again..." Maybe I'm just weird, but I hardly ever dream (or don't remember them), haven't for years and still don't. I too thought it was al related, but with a lot less drinking - still no dreaming?

                        Sunni - bet getting the house deal done is a huge relief. You still do sound busy though - better than the alternative! Hope Miss Sophie will be ok! Atlas sounds like another great new addition to the growing Sunni family! That's great!

                        JimBeam, Mollyka, Hi! - more sleep / less calories / sugar? Interesting - I do eat some sweet stuff now - sometimes late, and it seems like I sleep really hard and wake-up really groggy when I do. Maybe we are meant to stay out of the honeypot and hibernate! JimB, do you think you're getting enough calories now? Anyway, you think the empty al cals would've added much energy?

                        Mazzie, Chooks, HippyC Happy Aussie day to you and your all the Aussie brethren. Enjoy!

                        Jolie - "The support here is what keeps me going... Glad I found it and all you wonderful people!" Jolie, the feeling is mutual - MWO is a blessing - you said it beautifully - a life line in so many ways!

                        I'm hanging in there - working a little late tonight. I caught a cold somehow down in Florida, I'm better now but it kind of shut me down last week. I just realized it's been about two weeks since I made it to the gym. Gotta get back at it, but work isn't cooperating much. I'll survive.

                        Have a great day/night everyone!

                        Take care!
                        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                          Newbies Nest

                          Oh Hi Again Lav and HipC - we cross posted.

                          Hip, I finished last season with about a 14 handicap. I've been a 10 in not too distant past, and am trying to get back there (the eternal hope of the golf-addict). I'm using the winter to practice indoors as much as possible to make some serious swing changes. Sorry if this is tmi - do you play?

                          Interesting comment about the chocolate lollies. I remember reading a post somewhere on this site about carb-cravings. Like Lav says, Al is nothing but carb, so take it away and what have you got - a lack of carbs and cravings. Chocolate does a pretty good job - at least for a while! Guess it's good I'm still taking L-Glut or I'd be as big as a house.

                          Take care!
                          Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning to all the nesters! Fluff checking in-Day 2, and going strong! Would have jumped back in yesterday-just wanted to get past the first day, again. No cravings and feeling good!
                            Best to all, Luv, Fluff
                            It's always YOUR choice!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Happy Humpday Nesters,

                              Tranq, don't work so much Buddy - that's no fun! No dreams huh, well I'm pretty sure some of mine are melatonin related.....because they are quite strange in nature

                              Hi Hippy Chick, we cross posted last night! Glad to hear you got thru your holiday in one piece! I absolutely did go thru a period of emotional craving (and eating) but it doesn't last forever - thank God! The L-Glut does help reduce the sugar cravings.

                              Fluff, glad to see you back with us! Stick around with us - we're headed in the right direction

                              Splitting my up my day - work this morning, watching my grandson this afternoon. Tonight - total exhaustion - gotta love it

                              Wishing everyone a terrific AF Humpday.

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all

                                Strange about the cravings, last night I ate almost a whole batch of cookies h/b made in one go, I never eat stuff like that, well unless I've been drinking when I wake up surrounded by stuff I don't remember eating. I guess it must be my body craving something... and all I want to do is sleep right now...

                                Day 10 for me, I've never got this far before and I'm pretty moody today, I even screamed at my five year old this morning over nothing...poor baby...

                                Hang on in there guys :l
                                WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                                Just taking it day by day.......

