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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Lovely FOR YOU TOO! For your son is great, for yourself is better. I am 6-7 hours behind you. I hope when I wake up I find a post from you about doing something different to help get rid of the same old, same old for just a few hours. Sleep well. Deep breath and think about great things- walking down the street holding hands, or singing a little song. I used to sing so many to my kids on walks. The ants go marching one by one hoorah, hoorah! ONE of my favorites, it always made them make up new rhymes that fit into the song.

    My all time favorite for my kids is Linda Arnold, Happiness Cake and Make Believe. Oh those would be so uplifting for you to have for your son!


      Newbies Nest

      thank you, i will do this for myself ttoo then
      ?That's the problem with drinking,
      If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
      if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
      and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
      ― Charles Bukowski
      Days AF: 13 :h


        Newbies Nest

        just watched a new episode of doctor phil that was all about this guy who won survivor 6 years ago and who is a severe alcoholic now and they staged an intervention for him. it was hard to watch because i saw so muhc of myself in him...but im not giving up until i have this thing beat
        ?That's the problem with drinking,
        If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
        if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
        and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
        ― Charles Bukowski
        Days AF: 13 :h


          Newbies Nest

          I watched that dr.phil too,he drinks 90 liter bottles of vodka in a mont,poor kid is in real rough shape,i hope hes gonna be o.k,he seemed pretty reluctant to go to rehab
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Newbies Nest

            paulywogg;1587103 wrote: I watched that dr.phil too,he drinks 90 liter bottles of vodka in a mont,poor kid is in real rough shape,i hope hes gonna be o.k,he seemed pretty reluctant to go to rehab
            yes, i am glad that he agreed to go. i actually cried when they carried him out onto the stage.and he is only about 5 years older than me. was very hard to watch and very scary to see what its like from another persons perrspective
            ?That's the problem with drinking,
            If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
            if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
            and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
            ― Charles Bukowski
            Days AF: 13 :h


              Newbies Nest

              Dr Phil used to have compassion. I think now, he has an overblown ego and tries to up ratings by degrading people.
              That said, I hope this young man finds help and goes on to do great things in life.

              Watching those few movies I posted about the other day, were hard for me to watch also. That might be a therapeutic activity for us! We can all list movies that have tragic drunks in them... IDK... it's so depressing!


                Newbies Nest

                One movie i have watched that was very hard and I cried through the whole thing was "Leaving Las Vegas"
                ?That's the problem with drinking,
                If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
                if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
                and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
                ― Charles Bukowski
                Days AF: 13 :h


                  Newbies Nest

                  How much is 90 liters if vodka?

                  How many drinks are in common containers? - Rethinking Drinking - NIAAA

                  regular beer
                  (5% alc/vol) 12 fl oz = 1
                  16 fl oz = 1⅓
                  22 fl oz = 2
                  40 fl oz = 3⅓
                  malt liquor
                  (7% alc/vol) 12 fl oz = 1?
                  16 fl oz = 2
                  22 fl oz = 2?
                  40 fl oz = 4?
                  table wine
                  (12% alc/vol) 750 ml (a regular
                  wine bottle) = 5
                  80-proof spirits or "hard liquor"
                  (40% alc/vol)
                  a shot (1.5-oz glass/50-ml bottle) = 1
                  a mixed drink or cocktail = 1 or more
                  200 ml (a "half pint") = 4?
                  375 ml (a "pint" or "half bottle") = 8?
                  750 ml (a "fifth") = 17


                    Newbies Nest

                    Okay, so if I read that right a fifth is 17 drinks or units. How much is a liter?

                    And I thought a bottle of wine 750 ml was 4 glasses/drinks!

                    Small changes can make a big difference in reducing your chances of having alcohol-related problems. Whatever strategies you choose, give them a fair trial. If one approach doesn't work, try something else. But if you haven't made progress in cutting down after 2 to 3 months, consider quitting drinking altogether, seeking professional help, or both.

                    Here are some strategies to try, and you can add your own at the end. Check off perhaps two or three to try in the next week or two. Then click List my choices, and you can print or email them to yourself.
                    Keep track. Keep track of how much you drink. Find a way that works for you, carry drinking tracker cards in your wallet, make check marks on a kitchen calendar, or enter notes in a mobile phone notepad or personal digital assistant. Making note of each drink before you drink it may help you slow down when needed.
                    Count and measure. Know the standard drink sizes so you can count your drinks accurately. Measure drinks at home. Away from home, it can be hard to keep track, especially with mixed drinks, and at times, you may be getting more alcohol than you think. With wine, you may need to ask the host or server not to "top off" a partially filled glass.
                    Set goals. Decide how many days a week you want to drink and how many drinks you'll have on those days. It's a good idea to have some days when you don't drink. Drinkers with the lowest rates of alcohol use disorders stay within the low-risk limits.
                    Pace and space. When you do drink, pace yourself. Sip slowly. Have no more than one standard drink with alcohol per hour. Have "drink spacers"—make every other drink a non-alcoholic one, such as water, soda, or juice.
                    Include food. Don't drink on an empty stomach. Eat some food so the alcohol will be absorbed into your system more slowly.
                    Find alternatives. If drinking has occupied a lot of your time, then fill free time by developing new, healthy activities, hobbies, and relationships, or renewing ones you've missed. If you have counted on alcohol to be more comfortable in social situations, manage moods, or cope with problems, then seek other, healthy ways to deal with those areas of your life.
                    Avoid "triggers." What triggers your urge to drink? If certain people or places make you drink even when you don't want to, try to avoid them. If certain activities, times of day, or feelings trigger the urge, plan something else to do instead of drinking. If drinking at home is a problem, keep little or no alcohol there.
                    Plan to handle urges. When you cannot avoid a trigger and an urge hits, consider these options: Remind yourself of your reasons for changing (it can help to carry them in writing or store them in an electronic message you can access easily). Or talk things through with someone you trust. Or get involved with a healthy, distracting activity, such as physical exercise or a hobby that doesn't involve drinking. Or, instead of fighting the feeling, accept it and ride it out without giving in, knowing that it will soon crest like a wave and pass. Also, see the short module to help you handle urges to drink.
                    Know your "no." You're likely to be offered a drink at times when you don't want one. Have a polite, convincing "no, thanks" ready. The faster you can say no to these offers, the less likely you are to give in. If you hesitate, it allows you time to think of excuses to go along. Also, see the short module to help you build drink refusal skills.

                    That site has some interesting resources.


                      Newbies Nest

                      um....four liters is 1 gallon he said that he drank like 1/2 a gallon + of vodka per day
                      ?That's the problem with drinking,
                      If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
                      if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
                      and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
                      ― Charles Bukowski
                      Days AF: 13 :h


                        Newbies Nest

                        anyways i am not feeling that great, I think i am goig to go to bed now
                        ?That's the problem with drinking,
                        If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
                        if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
                        and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
                        ― Charles Bukowski
                        Days AF: 13 :h


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Night! I"m already headed there. Long day!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Goodnight! Ill be on tomorrow after i get back. wish me luck...
                            ?That's the problem with drinking,
                            If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
                            if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
                            and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
                            ― Charles Bukowski
                            Days AF: 13 :h


                              Newbies Nest

                              Lovely I wish you the best. Just keep fighting. You are going to make it. I know you can.
                              Many people talk about others trying to encourage them to join in the drinking. When I announce I am no longer drinking at a social event a sigh of relief echos around the room.
                              I am trying to keep up with what is going on. I agree that trying to moderate is a huge amount of work. It's just so much easier to not drink at all.
                              Have a great af mae everyone.
                              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                                Newbies Nest

                                MWAWK Nesters !

                                So I had all the good intentions of strapping on the MWO velcro tonight but I found myself unexpectedly with my boys tonight . I got a call earlier this morning about the power being off at grandmas house due to the storm..and that I would probably have them if it wasnt restored. .. Well it got restored and she still let them come over. I think it might have something to do with my counterclaim against her ? I dunno.. dont care actually. We were just happy to have another night together.

                                While I do wish another storm would huff and puff and blow grandmas power out again giving me at least Vegas odds of spending another few hours with them .. I sadly find this scenario highly improbable. Therefore I plan on setting up my perch with an electric wrap to keep me warm here in the nest manana. So fair warning that you might be in for a novel .. hey I got lots of reading to do..and If I have to read then You have to read capisce ( ok Spanish and Italian doesnt work well in back to back sentencing )

                                Well I decided to strap on my ice cream muzzle and stick to the yogurt. I hear you on the processed food thing so I might even get into making some rice pudding ( the young one will like this idea with no problem ). Heck I have about 23 gallons of rice so Im not too nervous about screwing up a few batches before I get something tasty :-) . Again I never got into sugary things..and I really dont want to make it a habit. I really did feel much better this morning compared to when I ate the junk food. Im not gonna lie to you .. Im sure I will have a small bowl with the kiddoes once and a while until we find something for a replacement.

                                Work went as expected today. Got some good grinding and glassing done. Had a chance to break out my pressure pot spray system for a deck prime .. things went well with that so no complaints there. Windy as all get out though. Crap just all over the place lol. There was a boat that Was in the parking lot..but this morning it had traveled about 30' and fell off one of its gurneys ( two part trailer kinda thing ). Funny watching them try to put it back on the damn things. Im thinking "get the friggin fork lift guys !" but you know us males .. beat our chest and then .. well then we end up throwing our backs out trying to be macho. .. or stupid..not sure which one was going on it this case. Probably a little of both.

                                I was going to post a few thoughts for some of our new nesters here..but Im not really sure what to say. Im no expert or anything and I would consider myself being very cautious giving any advice .. but I do remember reading just how dangerous kicking AL too quickly can be for some. I would only hope that for those that are even close to having serious detox issues to listen to the advice here of getting professional medical assistance. Or at least get some advice on what you should be doing or taking. I see that appointments have been set for a few of you and your already getting assistance at least from one source. So glad to hear this. I wish you all the best in your efforts finding a way past the hardship your facing. Be strong can make it through it.

                                I was also going to post a few thoughts about the upcoming Holiday Season..and its unfortunate connection to Celebration with Inebriation. People are already gearing up for the bubbly festivities. What a damn sad shame. So for those of you that are even considering thinking that you can handle partaking in a few drinks .. a few insignificant toasts.. you might as well consider finding yourself a nice cozy padded room. Im not wanting to sound judgemental and Im not being Judgemental..but seriously guys. Why would you want to screw with your heads like that ? Go ahead and start Thinking of that glass..and then watch your body go through a series of psychosomatic physical symptoms. Bam your done. I would rather you not put yourself through that self made mind game. Think about it.. Like Byrdie says again and again Ad Nauseum "You Cant Drink" .. dont even think of it as a choice anymore. Accept it. Get over it and move on with your AF lives guys. You cant flap your arms and fly can you ?.. same state of mind about Sobriety. .. you Just Cant Drink.. Make it a Fact in your mind.

                                So when I get a chance I will sit down and write down how I really feel :l

                                Holy crap how time flies here in the nest ! Well I wouldn't want to leave this post hanging with such a serious flavor and being that my day went very well I should rather have those that are still reading this to continue with there day with a warm fuzzy feeling inside. However Im Not quite sure how to accomplish this goal though. I was thinking something like a Lion King song ( but I cant sing to save my life )..or even something that has to do with nature ( but there is that whole survival of the fittest and the food chain forget that idea ). I could always post up that pic of me on my sailboat with nothing but my skivies on ( But Im saving that one for either the cover of GQ .. or Mad Magazine ). So I guess Im going to leave it up to my sons. They are asking "why did the bicycle fall down ?" .. .. .. Because its Two Tired !! LOL .. oh my..oh lord that was a knee slapper ! Ok so Im getting a bit tired and becoming slap happy :-) Im going to call this post to a halt before I get myself either slapped .. or laid..

                                Night night my friends .. stay safe and be well.

                                Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                                AF: 9-10-2013

