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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    istym4me - thanks, looking at Canada. I need to get away from the UK culture, at least for a while.

    I'd rather not say what I was on. Definitely did a shed load this weekend, hence the 36 hour bender. And remembering back now, someone gave me so GBL which is ridiculously dangerous as I had been drinking alcohol. That combo can kill you. Was really paranoid in the club and had to go home. Was hallucinating in the cab too. I've never had those effects ever and I've actually scared myself. I sound like a proper druggy. Nothing recreational about it at all.


      Newbies Nest

      Good on day 4! Willow, you keep going! I had your pattern of drinking when my kids were little. every 3-4 days. I must say I am so grateful the my progression isn't what it might have been. Thank Goodness!! Something is watching out for me, maybe, I am actually watching out for myself.

      Exciting about your move. I loved showing families homes. I used to drive a mini van and pack a few of my kids in there to entertain my clients kids. My son at the time 3-4 years old got frustrated one day as he was looking in the kitchen cubbards of a house for sale, this was the same family for 2-3 days in a row, he turned from the cubbard and asked "What are we looking for?" I swear I still laugh at his quizzical reaction and his indignant tone, he thought it would be so much easier to find it, if I would just have told him what it was! lol He is a smart one still! I have to wonder now if the other kids understood what we were doing!
      I had my kids in piano and guitar and voice... some of them now as adults remember how to play, some don't. I am going to get my youngest back in it. I canceled his guitar last year after sitting in on a lesson. The guitar instructor played online while I played him $35 for 45 minutes! No thanks! I was mad!

      Lovely Please post an update and don't feel bombarded by the push to have you go to detox or the ER. It may seem over-whelming to read so many people pushing you to seek help now, but it's concern and love not degrading or judgmental. If I were puking blood and drinking 3 1/2 plus bottles of wine on top of vodka( AND methadon, RA meds and pot- just the first two is enough to seek help for)- I would hope YOU would push me to seek help asap also. We care Love I am sure many MOMS and dads and others here want to hug you and your son and say, everything will be alright. I do. We can't do that though, we are stuck behind a computer screen and are helping the only way we can at this point. Do check in with whatever update you have, even if it's that you decided you can't go today.

      Thoughts on you still not feeling well- do a mini cleanse. Look up the master cleanse and do one. I have been pushing warm lemon water- real lemon not cornsyrup fake lemon stuff even if you don't do the cleanse. Just that will help flush your liver and digestive tract. For your brain- the stimulants will hurt your grey matter take some coconut oil and eat raw nuts. Oh, the mom in me! Sorry if the advice is unwanted.


        Newbies Nest

        available;1588152 wrote: NS 300 days, wow so close to a year, we can all do it if we get in the right mindset.

        Thanks, Available and other Nesters who wished me well. The last 30 were so much easier than the first 30 so to all of you who have recently or will soon achieve that milestone, have faith! The hardest part is done if
        you do everything in your power to protect your quit. And the great, empowering thing is, it is completely in your hands - no one is dumping a drink down your throats.

        Available hit the nail on the head with "in the right mindset
        ". It seems that the majority of people here do not go to detox or taper; at some point, they've had enough and go cold turkey. This means that most of us are not physically addicted in the sense that our bodies no longer operate correctly without alcohol and it would be risky to suddenly not consume it.

        Of course there are the 'witching hours'; with things we do everyday, we develop circadian rhythms and so our bodies come to expect that thing at that time and boy oh boy, does it let you know it! I want coffee every morning but at other times of day the thought of it is unpleasant; I used to want wine beginning ~ 4 p.m. each afternoon. Earlier in the day, a glass of wine sounded horrible. But the feeling of "wanting", the shaking, the sweating and not being able to focus are not life-threatening and will pass as your body learns not to expect a dose of alcohol at that time of day.

        What most of us have to beat is the mental/emotional dependency. You have to want sobriety enough, make the decision to quit, and then do whatever it takes. After awhile, your mind will be SET. It will no longer be a struggle for you not to drink and all that will be required is to stay alert and keep that mindset in place.

        I'm not saying it is easy but it is do-able. And it gets easier and easier until finally it's just normal life. Occasional thoughts of drinking pop up but they don't feel like compulsions. It is ok with me that I'll always have to be on guard to recognize those thought and to maintain a connection with a community that understands. Those are small prices to pay for freedom and there are bonuses such as meeting fabulous people from all over the world on a site like this.

        Congratulations to all the milestone-makers! Every day you don't drink is a day to celebrate.

        :h NS


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks :-)

          I often have a routine that helps. L tyrosine and bone broth. Then plenty of veg, some good protein and almonds. No sugar! This time I haven't done any of that.


            Newbies Nest

            I am going to go to the wlak in clinic today, but its is unlikely that i will be able to go into detox today also i need to make some arrangements first. but believe me im not just putting it off. im going!
            ?That's the problem with drinking,
            If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
            if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
            and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
            ― Charles Bukowski
            Days AF: 13 :h


              Newbies Nest

              Okay, Lovely- We are all behind you!

              Londoner Do those things, get your body what it needs to detox from your binge. I have no idea what GBL is, so I am going to look it up! Changing your physical environment is a very good idea. If you have all your drug sources in place and your 'safe' place to go hang out to drink and do drugs, going somewhere new where YOU don't have the set up is a great idea. Just don't seek it out! I was in California during the COKE era. I had to move away. It was so weird but it was EVERYWHERE! Thank goodness I wasn't there long. Somehow the people that did it intravenously would look at me and tell each other to NEVER NEVER Allow me to do that. They actually had a pact! Anyhow, many are dead now from aids, OD-ing or just drugged up accidents.

              Wow, I am going to refer back to that post when I want a drink. 300 days. A great number... great achievement. I truly believe we brainwash ourselves into the addiction and need to brainwash ourselves out of it. Much like quicksand though, easier to get in than to get out!

              Keep posting updates. Any progress with a plan is good progress.:l


                Newbies Nest

                Trying from my phone. Thinking on the way to work. This is day 19 not 20. Hmm. I'll get to the round numbers tomorrow.


                  Newbies Nest

                  :dancingskel:PAV IT JUST FEELS LONGER!! But I bet you don't feel like that anymore!


                    Newbies Nest

                    GWAWKY MAE!

                    Thanks broken halo for the congratulations, and thanks Dave/Gambler for the holiday numbers. It will be nice at Christmas dinner when the host offers me a glass of wine, and I can say, no thank you, I don't drink anymore, and have a number to back that up with!

                    Lovely, I'm glad you are seeking help today. Do it for yourself first, but also do it for your son. If you need to go to detox, please go. It may be hard for your son to understand why mom isn't around for a week or so, but it will be a lot harder for him to understand why mom isn't around forever because she drank herself to death.

                    [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


                      Newbies Nest

                      MAE all,
                      WE still have the crud....bleh..but are going to dads if just for a little while..we can sleep all weekend.
                      Getting colder here in Ohio and I an NOT a fan.

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        LONDONER! Looked it up. GBL- NOT GOOD ! Coma in a bottle: GBL, the 50p party drug which is easier to obtain than heroin... and is legal | Mail Online

                        You are doing some scary stuff. Scarier than drinking.

                        On the club scene it is known simply as GBL. Or, more chillingly, 'coma in a bottle'.

                        The chemical is perfectly harmless if used for the purpose for which it was originally intended - as a paint stripper and rust remover for garages or industrial cleaning firms.

                        I have to say this- Taking this, doing this whatever it is that's done with it- IT DOWN RIGHT STUPID! You are a bright guy. They call this coma in a bottle... I know you get that. I bet you know it's not the drinking that has made you still feel like crap 4-5 days later!
                        "GBL can damage your kidneys, liver and the lining of your stomach - it's supposed to be used as a paint stripper, remember - and can lead to psychosis."

                        Read more: Coma in a bottle: GBL, the 50p party drug which is easier to obtain than heroin... and is legal | Mail Online
                        Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

                        I do hope my kids have and never will go near anything like this-
                        The downside: that it is easier to overdose on GBL than heroin. Get the concentration even slightly wrong and you can end up unconscious or dead.

                        GBL, doctors warn, is killing young people up and down the country. But because traces of GBL remain in the body for only up to 12 hours after consumption, the true number of fatalities is unknown.

                        Read more: Coma in a bottle: GBL, the 50p party drug which is easier to obtain than heroin... and is legal | Mail Online


                          Newbies Nest

                          Lovely - I was going to suggest you go to an emergency room or urgent care clinic, but you've already been given that advice many times...and I really hope you do it. I know you are worried about leaving your son, but he will be ok. I had to leave my daughter for 21 days to go to jail...try explaining that...she was only 4 and I could not bring myself to talk to her on the phone from jail. You CAN do this for yourself and for your son. Save yourself all the trouble I put myself (and my daughter) through. If I had quit at your age I would have saved thousands of dollars and years of my life. We are here for you. Save yourself so you can be there for your son for many, many years to come :h
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Newbies Nest

                            gambler;1588074 wrote: Sure about that ? Um..look again :l

                            Editing........a man's best friend! thanks Dave! Teehee

                            "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                            -Alan Cohen


                              Newbies Nest

                              Lovely, I'm glad you are not waiting until the 26th. I'm sure this is the best decision for both you and your son longterm. Hoping for the best for you. I know that you can do it.

                              Dave, thank you for the "advent" calendar. Each day alcohol free will be like a little gift to myself & kids!

                              Congrats to NS at 300 (!!!) and Mr. G at 30! It is so encouraging for me to see how much others are accomplishing. Keep it up! Your advice is invaluable.

                              As for me, on day 4 and starting to feel clear-headed & more positive. I can't go backwards now!!!

                              Need to get back to work! Have a great day everyone.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Great job NS! Love your posts and your support.
                                10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.

