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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters,

    Glad to see Friday here, it's been one busy week for me!

    Hello & welcome to HumbleRider & congrats on your 19 AF days! You have a great start & apparently a good plan going! Life gets much better when we free ourselves from the heavyweight AL

    Lovely, I hope your day is positive.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest


      Good job on 30 days WineBGone!

      [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


        Newbies Nest

        Mornin' Nesters

        Hats off to you WineBGone :k

        Well Im off to church ( yes work is sorta a religion for me )

        Be safe and AF through the weekend folks.
        Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
        AF: 9-10-2013


          Newbies Nest

          Just got back from our walk it is extremely cold here today and my ankles are still very swollen and bruised so all we did was walk to the walk-in clinic for me to see the doctor for a minute...she told me that if i keep drinking the way i am much longer with my RA medication, theres a good possibility that my liver will shut down..
          ?That's the problem with drinking,
          If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
          if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
          and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
          ― Charles Bukowski
          Days AF: 13 :h


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning,

            Lovely, I'm so glad that you have somebody to take care of your little guy so that you can take care of yourself. Sounds like you are heading in the right direction. Hoping for the best for both of you!

            Happy Friday!



              Newbies Nest

              MAE Nesters,
              It's early Friday morning here. Thought I"d post now while I'm on a break at work as the rest of the day is packed. No chance of me drinking!

              Pav, good for you! The work thing, I mean. That is one thing I always did. Oh, I had a bad day, gonna stop and get a bottle of wine. I bet you're a happy girl this morning having made the choice you did yesterday.

              Gambler Dave, you sound so positive and upbeat. I'm at church too!

              HumbleRider, welcome! Good on the 19 days!!!!! Check out the toolbox in Monthly Abstinence. Lots of good stuff to read and tools that can be very valuable, especially in the early stages of sobriety.

              Steadfast, yep, gonna spoil myself silly with treats and do the things I love. One of them this weekend is seeing "Catching Fire." It's out today!!!! I've read the series twice and can't wait to see the movie!

              Jenniech, congrats on your day 5! Glad you're feeling strong.

              Willow, sounds like an intense lesson!!!!

              Loveless/lovely, good luck tomorrow. Let us know how you're doing. We're praying for ya, sweetie.

              Lavande, Elvis, Guitarista, and all of the Nesters, have a happy sober Friday!
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Newbies Nest

                Morning guys,

                Still feeling crap 5 days after my last binge. Just cannot be bothered with anything at all.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Drunks lie. The only thing they care about is the next drink. While watching it play out in the Nest has been an eye-opener, it has provoked lots of anger and concern for an innocent child. I wonder what he does all day while lonely mom is sitting on a computer, sipping 3-4 bottles of wine and a couple of vodka shots,. Does he eat? Does he get put down for a nap? Is there a bedtime? Does he get a bath? Who plays with him and sings to him? Is the only time he goes outside another liquor run?

                  I have no compassion for you, Loveless. Stop lying, put down the bottle, take your child somewhere where he will be taken care of and get help for yourself. Or just sit there and keep drinking and telling us how awful you are and how you care about your son.
                  10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                    Newbies Nest

                    I'm Strong - thanks for posting that, although it's not at me.

                    I've just reread my own last post and realised what an idiot I am being. My depressive state is being compounded by my mindset.

                    So I've just got off my ass, cleaned up my mess in the house, had some bone broth, protein & supplements, had a quick bit of exercise and tried to sort myself out.

                    I can let this state carry on, or work to get back to where I was a few months ago.

                    Starting today I have 4 and a half weeks until Christmas day. My goal is to be a happy person that day.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning and thanks to NS, little beagle, Lavande, j-vo and all for the welcoming words. I have been to the toolbox and am taking the advice there very seriously. I admire so many of you for your dedication to being AF and for your upbeat attitudes!
                      Londoner, I know that feeling of 5 days later and you're wondering when the crappy feelings are going to end. Withdrawal can seem to last forever for me, to the point where I've thought, oh what the heck, just have a hair of the dog. All downhill for me from there.
                      Strong, so true for me about only caring about the next drink. The lifestyle is all-consuming. But this is day 20 and the feeling of calm freedom is nice. That glass of wine is not floating about at the front of my consciousness, thank goodness.
                      Off to an early 7:30 am meeting, woke up at 4 since dh gets up for work at that time. Work isn't my church, but it's so much more fun to go with a clear head and a positive mind set. Thanks again, all. Take care.
                      Every AF day is a milestone.


                        Newbies Nest

                        MFM Everyone (Morning for Me),

                        Welcome, Humble. I am also on Day 20 today (for the second time - counted wrong yesterday) - we can celebrate our milestones together. I found the Tool Box very useful, especially the idea of a "plan." I keep directing people to Byrdie's post on page 31 about making a plan.

                        WineBGone - great job on 30 days.

                        We all need tough love sometimes, Strong. I have been worried about your son, too, Lovely - can you get yourself and your son some help today?

                        I have to dash off to work. Happy sober Friday, all. I'll check back in tonight. Be strong.


                          Newbies Nest

                          LOL I needed this thread this morning!

                          Well, except for these:

                          Ylvis - The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?) [Official music video HD] - YouTube

                          I knew when the high school kids thought it was awesome, that I was in for a real "treat" when I looked it up. I like to think I am a pretty HIP mom...but I couldn't take it! I'd rather watch Hanna Montana Twerking on a foam finger...and that's pretty bad!
                          OMGOSH!!! So glad I did not have my coffee in my mouth!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Pavati;1588696 wrote:
                            We all need tough love sometimes, Strong.
                            Tough love sometimes is needed but so is honest posting. No one should say more than they are comfortable sharing on a public Internet forum but what is posted should be the truth.

                            Many people on MWO and particularly in the Newbies Nest are scared, vulnerable, and doing the best they can to get past an awful addiction. It is not at all in the spirit of this forum to add to anyone's emotional turmoil with insincere pleas for help or exaggerated, repeated stories that don't add up.

                            Post the truth and there are people here who will gladly spend hours to help you if they can but the success of a site such as this requires honesty and trust.


                              Newbies Nest

                              I read the posts, Lovely actually said she went to the walk-in clinic. Do you think she lied about that IAS&IC? She also said her husband took her son out yesterday. Maybe that was a lie too? IDK how you would feel so strongly that she is lying.

                              There are many moms and dads on here that drink and take care of kids. IDK that bashing them all would help any of them. We seem to do a good job at bashing ourselves. ARE you the one that DOESN'T have kids? KID-LESS people do seem to know how to raise kids the best for sure.

                              I don't see that post as tough love or helpful. If Lovely really has set things up for her son to go somewhere and for herself to go to detox, you are 'helping' out with your post a bit late.

                              Anyhow, I did enjoy some of the banter from last nights posts, reading them this morning made me laugh.

                              I also hope everyone is doing well and that their Friday is a good one.
                              We have a snow day from school and the entire next week off. I am going to attempt to have my youngest help with Thanksgiving preparations. Maybe make those cauliflower balls and cauliflower popcorn.


                                Newbies Nest

                                I don't think ImStrong meant that she's outright lying - just that when Lovely says she wants to stop, does she really as there's been no tapering etc. Although of course we know that Lovely must be very careful with what she's doing due to the severe physical addiction.

                                Hell Lovely, I'm not going to judge you - I haven't been through any of the stuff that you have - I had really a perfectly decent childhood and I still have alcohol/self esteem issues! I know you've had a crap time - but I'm sorry to say that your son will head the same way unless you get it sorted. But I know I'm preaching to the choir there - I know you know that. I also know that you know only you can get it done. It's going to be a very hard road and you probably don't know who you are any more as you've been drinking so hard for so long.

                                Well done on getting to the clinic. What else did the doctor say? Are you going to a detox centre?

