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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    The anxiety I was feeling about this darn computer was really I wanted to jump out of my skin...not like a withdrawal thing but something I dont ever remember feeling before...
    Any ideas what that might have been??? A for real anxiety attack???
    Still running a scan and who knows if I can fix this....20 years in computers and this bites me in the butt...geezzz

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Newbies Nest

      what's it doing?
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Newbies Nest

        computer?? It is slow as a snail and lots of windows that wont load and a new icon that wasn't there before...

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          You been to your anti virus site to see what wonderful virus are out there and what they do? You may get a clue that way.
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            Newbies Nest

            Yep been there done that and a bunch more...I use MS essentials so MS wants money to troubleshoot any further...I am hoping that the scan finds something.

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              Long & busy day for me & that's a good thing. Life should be full, productive & positive

              I am sorry Loveless/Lovely has distressed so many members with her postings, myself included. She's not the first to do this & unfortunately probably won't be the last. The thing is, with an online forum such as MWO there's only so much we can do to help. We can support & encourage members, we can relate our stories & the steps we took to find success but sometimes that's just not enough. Lots of people are dealing with more problems than they admit & are not always truthful in telling their stories. Feeling frightened & unsure will do that to almost anyone - we're just human. I'm sure that we all wish her the best & hope that she finds the courage to address all of her issues.

              Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                that's too bad. It is an amazing thing, we use our computers at work for to run the survey program and cad. We have no internet to it. Period. So no antivirus software. The computers are 10 years and we have that still runs windows 3.1. They run great, no slow down, kind of like what I guess the original intent was, for work.
                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  I am going to let the scan run all night if that is what it takes..maybe by then I can figure someting else out...and the anxiety thingy will have passed..

                  Newbie's Nest

                  Tool Box
                  AF 9.1.2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    MAE Nesters,

                    Just checking in to wish everyone a safe and AF weekend.

                    Living a sober life feels amazing. I don?t know what took me so long to get it.
                    I hope you feel the same.

                    There are a lot of things I love about sobriety but I think the most is when I get to bed. That?s my favorite part. I am actually going to sleep and I am tired of an active sober day, not passing out on the bed exhausted only to wake up the next day with no recollection of how and WHEN I got there in the first place.

                    Sleep tight everyone. :h


                      Newbies Nest

                      GWAWKy MAE Nesters

                      Well I have some bad news and some good news..then some more good news and then some just plain old news.

                      Bad news is that after over a Decade of service my trusty ( and favorite ) keyboard just couldnt go on any more. Oh sure he gave a few more strokes..but just could not hold on anymore. So with a tear in my eye I headed over to Best Buy to see what the new recruits were made of. Keyboard after keyboard led to disappointment after disappointment..thinking that I was going to end up moping out the door holding a bag with some cheap crap toy..I put my hands on a board that was last on the showroom shelf. Wait..what is this ? Good News ! ..Feeling the keys were like putting on silk gloves to touch a feather. Oh I have met the Colonel of the Keyboards I thought ! Looking for that little box containing my future finger friend was an unusual feeling of excitement for such a menial peripheral ! Searching for about 20 minutes led to no success. Yea .. Ill try that guy in blue over yonder .. he will find it for me. :upset: .. Again the search was without a happy ending. So after much sadness ( yes guys get sad too ) I chose to get the next best finger fitter I could find. I dont know why but I moved all the boxes from that item aside...and low and behold Bingo Bango !! Like a beam of heavenly light was focused on only this golden box ( Ok .. it was black .. but it was gold in my mind ). Well that point I decided to get a partner in keyboard crime. So with a quick few wrist motions a mouse was swooped off the shelf as well. ( I could not risk my current mouse not working due to the special USB wireless control that came with the keyboard ). Anyhow..Even though the place was only a mile away..I could not get home fast enough. Gingerly I opened the packages. Taking off all the little saran wrap type protective coverings..plugging the dongle in..downloading the software..and finally moving that little life switch to "ON' reveled something of orgasmic proportions !! The soft and silky keys glowed and it was as if 74 fireflies made themselves at home inside. . ( Hey..Im 74 days AF today ..what a coinkydink ) Just getting my hands close to Mr. K. excites him into life ! So Im giving him a thorough trial run here for my friends and cyber family ( Guys .. This is freaking cool ! I like to have my home relaxingly lit at night. It was hard to see the keys before and even though Im a fairly proficient typist but still ). This is actually just what my fingers need.

                      Ok thats the Bad and Good news. On to the 'more good news'

                      This is the weekend that I get to fit my Courtroom suit. Im nervously excited about this coming Monday and the mediator meeting thing. Im not sure exactly what to expect nor if the boys are going to get more time with me or if its going to be staying the same. However its the Knowing one way or another that will set my on and off anxiety at ease. Now I will be able to take a direction..whatever that direction is will be better than no direction at all. You know..I want to "Do Something" but without knowing what that something is has taken a toll on my emotional state. Although I sound like Im doing well..and I am to a point..I have to make an effort to keep my emotions in check. There really is no sense in falling apart when there was/is nothing to be done. This is what I have to tell myself each and every day when thinking about what will happen to the boys. But Im hanging in there thanks to your support and well wishing thoughts. :l

                      * intermission *( Hey .. this thing is getting a good workout lol )

                      Reply time ..

                      HumbleRider;1588529 wrote: I haven't had a craving yet, but I am afraid that I will. *snip*. I've enjoyed reading on the forum and look forward to coming back every day.
                      Hello HR and welcome to the best damn group of people you will find for your continuing AF journey. Congrats on your 20 days. As I am a fairly good judge of typing..You sound very positive and I think you will find yourself AF for as long as you Will it to be. Sure there might be cravings or even wild times to come. But If you keep focused..and not let anything get in your way..I have no doubt that you will succeed in however long you wish to Live Life as You. I look forward to hearing more of what your AF life brings you.

                      Londoner;1588768 wrote: Even the suggestion of a beer whets the appetite.
                      Lond..lond lond lond. Its an appetite of destruction. You really want this ? Suggestions are only as strong as you make them. The suggestion of NOT drinking should be made stronger then the alternative. I really do wish you all the encouragement in the world. We all know you can bury the can/bottle. I say tell your friends that you dont drink anymore. And also telling them that for your best interests you would like not to be asked to drink with them in the future might be a good idea. Get some AF time on your side and things will be so much easier..

                      Dottie Belle;1588878 wrote: It seems that I have some sort of malware/adware ....thingy is called search donkey
                      Hey Dottie..sorry your pooter is acting crazy. Yea its a sneaky malware. Try to install "malwarebytes" ( free version ) Malwarebytes : Free anti-malware download and also spybot Spybot - Search & Destroy - Free download and software reviews - CNET run them both. If that doesnt work then its time to get into your registry and remove it ( be vary careful when editing your registry .. follow whatever directions you find closely ! )

                      I wasn't really going to post anything about this Loveless banter..but I feel that the keyboard is just asking for it..that and she has been somewhat a focus of attention around here for the last few days. I have been trying to keep an open mind about peoples emotional posts .. but I feel that things got just a tad out of the Nesters Norm. First off..someone that is to a point when Immediate care is needed then there Nothing else that can be said or done other than getting help Now ! No amount of support or suggestions can gain any Safe resolve. When I saw the continuous posts of Serious Risk to Health in my mind it was like watching a slow suicide. Its just how I saw it. I for one will could not be a part of something like that. A few seemed to have more resolve in helping than myself while others had found it too much for them bear and took it to the opposite extreme. Its not right or wrong on anyone's part to feel how they feel. Everyone should have a right to express themselves in their own way as we all have different perspectives on life. As far as what happens to Loveless I see only a few options. One..she does in fact get the help she said she was going to or she will end up either in the hospital or in the morgue. ( Or she is Trolling you ). Unfortunately I feel there are cases that as much as we would like to help..there is Nothing anyone can do. So I personally feel myself not on either side of the fence. I can only shake my head and think "this is crazy"..then move on with my own life. Thats my take..and I hope we can all move back to Supporting our AF goals and share in the positive light that the Nest I have known it to be.. :h

                      Ok..thats over for me..phew. So this weekend should bring a lot of interesting things for me. I have my suit of course ..but things around the house just dont seem right. Yes its still immaculate and there isnt a dish to wash or a sock to clean. But Im constantly thinking of new things to update. Simple things ranging from a light dimmer at the doorway to LED night lights ( yea Im into the Mood lighting for the winter ). I was also thinking about making a windshield snow cover for my car. I also have plenty of recipe ideas thanks to you guys .. so I have a variety of shopping to do. And then of course is giving my new illuminated Colonel keyboard a second chance at some MWO posts ;-) .

                      Well I should let you all take a breather and rest your eyes for a bit. I could probably go on for another hour but I do need to save some weekend writing material to share with the Nest. Until the next novel ( I still need to update that 'how to' guide ) I wish us all peace and mutual respect. Also to the Newbie Nesters..stay strong and sober this weekend and you will have an extra jump start for your upcoming week.

                      Night night..dont let that bugger bite !

                      Gambler Dave !
                      Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                      AF: 9-10-2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Dave u crack me was like listening to the movie Christmas story where Ralphie was describing the red rider bb gun he should be a writer...
                        And thanks for the pooter info...had forgotten about those little helpers..
                        Hang in there.

                        Newbie's Nest

                        Tool Box
                        AF 9.1.2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          reading your posts (which I enjoy) it is no wonder you need a new keyboard, that's a lot of dang typing!!
                          Liberated 5/11/2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            That's a shame about Lovely. I understand that her posts brought up a lot of emotions for people, especially because of her son. And especially because she was posting when drunk which is not what this site is about.

                            However, I do feel that she was judged very harshly - which again would be fair enough, except that I repeatedly see 'There's no judgement here' written to new people. It upsets me that this isn't actually true. For some people, this is the only place they can talk and make that first step towards getting help. Her son is 3 - how many of you wish that you'd started getting help when your children were that age? A fair few I'll bet. All those years wasted - at least she was/is trying now.

                            IF (big if) she was trolling, that's kind of sick - but I don't think she was.

                            5.30am here (why are my sleep patterns screwed again?!) and on to Day 6. Horseriding for DD this morning, then I think we'll have a Christmas movie day as DH has work for a bit.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Oh and while I'm here - when does your skin start getting better?! Ok, I had a slip up last weekend and yes, I'm hormonal but jeez - it's worse than it's been in years! Even my scalp is covered in spots!


                                Newbies Nest

                                good morning nesters! Up and about very early for a Saturday here. I am going to a wedding up in Fort William today so I won't be around. Highland weddings traditionally are an alcoholic's dream. I'm not concerned at all about the drinking thing as I have offered to drive. I'm more concerned with the fact that this will be the first public outing for me and the new fella, and a few of his family members will also be there. Nervous? Moi? :H

                                Dave, only you could make buying a new keyboard sound like a wonderful adventure! I loved reading your post and had a huge smile on my face while doing so. Good luck with the courtroom suit. Can you make me one of those windshield snow thingies while you are at it please? Everyone here is talking about snow.

                                Dottie, I hope your computer problems get fixed, don't stress out about it, I am sure it will be fine.

                                Living a sober life feels amazing. I don?t know what took me so long to get it.
                                I hope you feel the same.
                                I sure do Lucky

                                That's me off for my shower. I have two outfits to choose from and I still haven't decided what I am wearing yet!

                                Have a fantastic Saturday everyone :l
                                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe

