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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi nesters. Willow, I'm sorry you are thinking about leaving MWO. We haven't talked much, but I always read your posts and think you are a true asset to the nest. But, you must follow your heart. Best wishes to you whatever you decide.

    LB, I too am thankful for MWO. The holidays are making me very sad this year, so I'll probably be sticking close. Luckily, my family are basically non-drinkers, so I won't have a problem at Thanksgiving dinner. Just need to stay strong with four days off.

    Well, off to work. Hope everyone has a wonderful MAE.
    Everything is going to be amazing


      Newbies Nest

      Yes please stay. I've been following your conversations and find much support and encouragement in them. Today is my 30th day AF. I'm very careful not to be proud, but I am quite chuffed with my 30 days. Thank you all for daily inspiration and motivation.
      AF since 28 October 2013
      600 days on 20 June 2015


        Newbies Nest

        Congratulations, Giraffe! I'm glad you're at least chuffed . (That is my favorite word that I've learned on MWO). Enjoy the day!


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters!

          Very windy, lost power overnight around here but all is well now

          CONGRATS on your 30 AF days Giraffe :wd:
          You should be proud, treat yourself to something nice with the money you've saved!

          Willow, the one thing about staying sober is keeping your focus, keeping your shields up at all times. Posting here daily has been a big part in my staying sober for nearly 5 years. I learned long ago to ignore those individuals not taking their sobriety seriously. Some are liars, some are manipulators ~ just ignore them & don't even respond to them. Eventually they just go away on their own.

          Lots & lots to do today to prepare for tomorrow's feast.
          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Giraffe, I'm so chuffed with my Saffa chum's achievement!!!!! (Now try saying that after a few bottles of the Fairest Cape's finest:H:H)
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Newbies Nest

              Giraffe! 30 days around here scores you a hat! But be careful, it causes CHUFFING!! Bwahahah....


              I'm here to tell ya, those first 30 days are tough! You have sailed thru them all the while helping others here! We are so proud of your accomplishment! Would you have a few words as to what changed this time and made it stick? What worked, what didn't? Keep up the good work, you will NEVER regret being sober!

              I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday! Don't let a weak moment derail all your progress! You can toast to something with a glass of water! There are NO rules that say it must be AL! If you get STUCK with a glass in your hand, raise it up, and then SIT IT DOWN!!! DO NOT TAKE A SIP! Sips lead to slips lead to falls.....Just stay true to yourself! Don't let anyone or anything take you off your AF course! IT'S NOT WORTH IT!! Travel safely! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Day 24 here.

                Willow, I've appreciated your posts and hope you stay.

                Giraffe, congratulations on your 30 days!
                Every AF day is a milestone.


                  Newbies Nest

                  GWAWKY MAE! We lost power last night due to the storms. I had to cancel the plumber coming over this morning because I don't want him working in the dark! They said power should be back by this afternoon.

                  Good job on 30 days Giraffe! I take it chuffing s a good thing, so, uh, keep chuffing!

                  Willow, I enjoy your posts. If you can find a way to stay, please do. But first do whatever you need to in order to stay AF. We'll be here if you need to come back.

                  It's the day before a long weekend, a recipe for disaster. Stupid AV is telling me that I could get away with drinking today and behave for the rest of the weekend and everything would work out in the end. But smart me knows that is a total lie. I know for me one day of drinking really means one week of drinking, and I'm not going there anymore. Today's plan is to hit the gym after work, and head straight home afterwards. I got some projects I need to finish up before tomorrow, assuming the power is back on!

                  [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning all
                    I sitting here reading Willow's posts and can't help to wonder why in the heck one person's dishonesty would keep you from receiving support when you need it or give it to others in their need. Really as I am babbling here I realize that the whole point of this site is a means to stay sober. I don't try to please any one with a post when their sobriety is on the line, rather, try to to honestly help. I also enjoy the "company" of those seeking and achieving the same goal: keeping the monster at bay. So if someone is lying, who gives a shit, that's their undoing, not mine. Yep, it is all about me and staying sober and helping those in need. I might be the next person who's in need. I can't receive without giving, just my view, of course.
                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Elvis, fight AV with all you've got....there's no such thing as JUST ONE for us...whether it's one drink or one day....AV lives in me too, and he's talking big this time of year! Caving now would mean writing off the next 3 months, it's just not worth it anymore! Drinking is NOT worth it. Then the Guilt/Shame/Remorse Brothers make their appearance for the holidays....Enter Worthless and Self Loathing. Oh yes, I've been at these family gatherings, they are NO FUN. Fight it off, Elvis! Say NO, HELL NO! AL will not take one more day of my life!!! Smack it down!!! Hugs, Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks to all, everyone has been so kind. So .... you lucky people, I decided I'll stick around and just turn a blind eye to anything that annoys me. I can't control everything or everyone and well, I'd really miss the majority of you.

                        What a day! All of us are a bit under the weather. Poor DH had to go off to work but hopefully he'll be leaving soon. Then he has a 2-3 hour drive home through London traffic. DS is the worst off, he has a bad cough and a bit of a temperature. He's been sleeping in our bed the past couple nights, keeping us awake with his coughing, poor boy. So we haven't done much today - watched TV mainly. They've just started doing snow picture collages as they haven't wanted to do anything until now. We haven't even got dressed today!

                        So we shall have to head out early tomorrow - easy to do without a hangover. I haven't got any Thanksgiving food in so will have to get some bits tomorrow. I feel quite excited - and DH is even more excited about Black Friday, ha ha.

                        Thanks again everyone for being so nice x


                          Newbies Nest

                          Samstone;1591064 wrote: Morning all
                          I sitting here reading Willow's posts and can't help to wonder why in the heck one person's dishonesty would keep you from receiving support when you need it or give it to others in their need. Really as I am babbling here I realize that the whole point of this site is a means to stay sober. I don't try to please any one with a post when their sobriety is on the line, rather, try to to honestly help. I also enjoy the "company" of those seeking and achieving the same goal: keeping the monster at bay. So if someone is lying, who gives a shit, that's their undoing, not mine. Yep, it is all about me and staying sober and helping those in need. I might be the next person who's in need. I can't receive without giving, just my view, of course.
                          This person in particular I have spent a lot of time talking to through PM's, so yeah, I take it personally if they're trying to pull the wool over mine (or anyone's) eyes. I don't care whether they're sober or not, like you say, that's their business. Just don't lie about it, it's completely throwing it back in our faces.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Afternoon Nesters

                            Went to the mall and started my Christmas shopping this morning, so I am feeling all jingle bells ish now!

                            Elvis, stick to your plan. Going to the gym is an excellent way to ditch any urges and to feel good about yourself naturally. I love it!

                            Willow, glad you chose to stick around. I hope the family feel better soon :l

                            Sam and Byrdie, loved your posts, as always!

                            HR, Giraffe great going you guys and great to see you both in the nest!

                            NS, chuffed is great word. I am chuffed to bits to be sober and in control of my life today.

                            I hope Wednesday is good to you all
                            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi everyone hope all is well!

                              Today has pretty much gone as expected, hungover and feeling like crap. I'm so ashamed I dropped my son off at nursery and I know I looked like a complete wreck and I was chewing gum to try and hide the stink of stale booze...... I've stayed off work, lied and cancelled a hair appointment I had this morning because I couldn't face it. On the plus side I took my last bottle of wine to the nursery and donated it as a Christmas raffle prize. Even in my hungover state though I still had thoughts about keeping sad!! It's gone now though. Good riddance. Hopefully I won't win it back with my raffle tickets!! Now that would be annoying. There's a nice cheese board I want to win lol.

                              Trinity x


                                Newbies Nest

                                Giraffe ? Congratulations on your 30. I think it?s huge and a serious milestone.
                                You should be extremely proud of yourself, I know I am (very very proud of you).

                                Willow ? I?m so happy you had decided to stay. I truly love your posts and I get what you are saying. I feel connected to all of you although I don?t post much. I read your posts every day. So, although we are virtual friends, you are in my thoughts throughout my ?real? day. Connecting with someone through PM makes it more real. I would be upset as well to help someone who lies to me. It?s a shame but people do lie on line, and in real life. It?s nothing you can control.
                                Stick to your sobriety, stay close and don?t let anyone or anything sabotage your AF journey. To me MWO works wonders and I know it is working for you as well. So why let go of that?
                                I say just ignore or don?t respond to anyone here you are not comfortable with. Remember your goal and the reason you had joined MWO. I?m sure this one you can own and no one can take it away from you, not even a liar.

                                Happy holidays everyone. Keep safe and sober today.
                                I love you all.:h:h:h

