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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    well done on 30 days!
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Newbies Nest

      Bleurgh Dottie, that makes me feel like throwing up myself! Hope she's ok.

      Off to bed now to read my book. Night all x


        Newbies Nest

        Elvis, my personal AV is called BliksemseBoozeBrain - BBB - which more or less translates as BloodyBoozeBrain. He's quite used to being shouted and screamed at, after which he retreats for a while - and then show up again. Just keep shouting at it in any way you want.

        Willow, you will not be the only one to leave if we ever hear the Foxy Bananaphone song! :H:H:H You heard that, MS Musical Misdirector?:H And very glad you're staying! Hope the family is better soon.

        Trinity, if you win the bottle, try swapping with the person who won the cheese board - they may even think it a bargain!

        Met a lovely group of people tonight. One lady told the group to help ourselves to the bottle of wine she had brought, saying that she's had one glass and that was enough for her. My eyes nearly popped out. I nearly told her all the "one glass" remarks on here, but then decided against it: as impossible as one glass seems to us, so must the concept of more than a glass or perhaps two be to her.

        Must get some sleep before coffee duty tomorrow
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Newbies Nest

          sanchez;1591095 wrote: LB - Ditto for me on the # 1 thing I am thankful for as well. If I hadn't happened upon MWO one fateful day in August, not sure what would have happened. So, I give my thanks for this web-site and all you spirited people who always take the time to listen and impart your experience and advice.

          We are strong people on here and we have a lot at risk if we choose to continue drinking. With lots of different personalities and opinions this site continues to be addicting in itself, often fun and always interesting. Just think how boring this site (and life in general) would be if we all liked and thought the same things.

          But we do have one of the most important things in common and we all know what that is! To have the will and desire to kick AL out of our lives forever! It is no good to us or for us. It wreaks havoc on our lives and others lives - even our animals. So sad to say but mine have been victims of my selfishness on occasion which to me is just inexcusable! (I cringe to even admit that) Scenario: It's feeding time for my dogs. They are hungry but there's still good wine to be had and Lord knows I don't want to miss my fair share with these other people hanging around, so I'm going to down my glass faster than normal so I can top it off again. THEN I'll get around to feeding my dogs. Now I ask you - is that not horrendous and selfish behavior? Sickening actually.

          It's just awful how there were so many simple tasks I procrastinated to do all because AL was controlling my life. Every day routines were pre-empted or postponed due to that frickin monkey on my back. Well..."Not no more, not no how" (Wizard of Oz).

          Anyway - I'm rambling now - happy Thanksgiving everyone whether you celebrate it or not. Peace. :h

          Great post, Sanchez!
          I, too, am so grateful for this site. I could NOT have done this alone...and I certainly couldn't have stayed quit without the reinforcement of this place. It has truly been a blessing. I have forged some friendships here that I know I will have for a lifetime. I hope all of my fellow American nesters have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know that I have been given a second chance at life, and I'm not going to blow it on a lousy bottle of booze! Life is too precious! Travel safely everyone!!! XXOO, Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Happy T-Day everybody!!
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Newbies Nest

              Hello fellow Nesters I hope everyone is doing well this eve of giving thanks.

              Im very glad to hear youre sticking around Willow. I know how you feel about lies .. as much as myself I imagine.

              Very well done Garaffe on your 30 days !

              Im getting ready for the boys to come over which will be in a few hours. They were not supposed to be here until tomorrow but Mom has really become quite cooperative in the past few days and has decided to bring them over after some kind of early family Thanksgiving get together tonight. Soo.. Its going to be quite a change going from 2 overnighters to 5 Huge ones in a row ! I got a great meal planned out and ready to go ( well .. I need to brine the bird tonight ). Anyways Im very excited and I know they are more than thrilled !

              So here comes an unusual turn of events. Mom had this 'cruise' planned and payed for some time now. At the mediation hearing she asked about the days I had that overlapped with the cruise days. The mediator said "Well..your going to have to ask Him his days..". Of course I told Her that she could have the days and to just comp me on them as I see fit. problem right ? .. Well I got a call from mom last night saying that her car is unfit to make the trip down to Florida and she is going to have to get a rental ( I did tell here to inform me of Any problems that come up when it came to the Im glad she told me ). Now..she does not have the $$ to afford the rental. She asked If she could use my credit card to make a bid on Pricegrabber ... or whatever it is. Now..I just went through the last 90 days of hell with her and a week ago I would have told her to pack sand..but Im kinda leaning towards eating chicken, beans and rice for the next month so I can afford to give her 300 bucks or so to pay for the rental ( I guess if she gets it for that price..not sure how the whole pricegroupongrabber thing works ). Basically Getting her out of a Huge Jam ! If I dont help out..she does not go and looses her berths on the ship. This is going to put me in a bind for the next month or so because of my 2 weeks off work during the Christmas and NY vacation. going to loose 2 weeks of pay so I was already just about good on making sure the Rent and Bills were paid. Now I Think im going to just get by..kinda nervous about leaving myself open like this. Oh..and because of my request for another mediation..if we dont settle on something in the next few weeks then its going to cost 500 bucks to the courts..of which then we dont have the money for it after the cruise thing. AAnnd..she is going to loose 2 weeks pay going on this trip in the first place. What a conundrum right ? So Im left with having to make SURE that we have this agreement in place before she uses my card and Pray that nothing comes up in which I would need moneys. .. .. least im not board in the head anymore LOL ! So when she drops off the boys tonight I have to have a little pow wow with her to get a secure feeling. Im putting myself in a real vulnerable position right now..financially leaving myself Wide Open. I know that is a big no-no in divorce but I guess someone has to step up to the plate of reconcile...might as well be me right.

              This was a little more long winded than I wanted but Im sure its what you have come to expect from I dont feel bad ;-)

              I wish you all the very best with you and your families and friends this Thanksgiving day and the weekend too. I look forward to hearing some great AF stories as much as I do telling mine

              Enjoy !

              Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
              AF: 9-10-2013


                Newbies Nest

                Dave. Can you possibly get her a vanilla visa card for $300? It will cost $4.95 i think, but then you wont have to worry about her having your credit card. She has pulled some low maneuvers on you so far.... I would have serious reservations about handing over my credit card. She knew all of these things when she booked the trip, right? I dont know... This smells fishy to me. Byrdie

                PS...ive been renting cars for work and Im getting a rate of $34 a day with unlimited mileage...just to give you a gauge.
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  DreamThinkDo;1591270 wrote: Willow, you will not be the only one to leave if we ever hear the Foxy Bananaphone song! :H:H:H You heard that, MS Musical Misdirector?:H And very glad you're staying! Hope the family is better soon.
                  Well ok fine...since you all INSISTED:

        [/video]]Banana Phone - YouTube

                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    I've about worn myself out just prepping for tomorrow's feast - still have to make it through the actual day :H

                    Dave, you seem like a very generous guy. Do what your heart tells you to do & we will all keep our fingers crossed for you
                    Enjoy your holiday!

                    K9, I am not going to listen to another kiddy-bopper song & you can't make me :H :H

                    Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest. The rain turned to snow for a while but didn't stick to the ground, yay! I am grateful that everyone seems to be doing so well

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Well I guess I could do that...or I could just leave 300 bucks on my card. Its also having to do with her having the boys that far from home without a backup. I dont think she would go all cart blanch with it. No..she did not know about her car till she had it check out yesterday for the trip. She knew something was wrong with it but not to this extreme. She booked the trip about 8 months ago and has been making payments on it since. I know it smells wrong..but when I talk to her about it she does seem sincerely Afraid and Very stressed out that she is going to lose her trip with the boys.

                      Its a 10 or 12 day rental .. so that puts it in the ball park..

                      Lav..yup I consider myself a very generous guy. I was never really able to hold a grudge .. too much energy for that. I also know that the little guys would really want to go. So in a way it is for the boys as well as trying to show Major trust ..hopefully she will reciprocate when it comes to the divorce settlement. This may an opportunity to resolve this whole thing once and for all. Hey..worst case is that she takes advantage of me but that would be the last time.
                      Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                      AF: 9-10-2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Urges for wine are driving me nuts tonight..It is a holiday and I should be half way through my first bottle by now..or second....dam...if I drink any more water I am going to pee the bed...aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

                        Newbie's Nest

                        Tool Box
                        AF 9.1.2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Sanchez (and Moss)

                          Thank you so much for remembering. I will reply when I am able. The joke is that I have made a whole 6 days AF not exactly through my own efforts but because I have been so sick, was eventually diagnosed with pneumonia on Monday and I'm still really ill. (Not just alcohol free but food free, coffee free... basically just water Today is the first day I've seen light at the end of the tunnel and am taking some time in the chair to catch up on emails etc. Love to you both and anyone who remembers me.

                          AF from 22 November 2013

                          Happily on the road to Sobriety - there's nowhere else worth going to...


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Dottie
                            hang in there, it will go away, just remember how bad you'd feel being your 2nd bottle's demise.
                            Liberated 5/11/2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              gambler;1591392 wrote:
                              I consider myself a very generous guy. I was never really able to hold a grudge .. too much energy for that. I also know that the little guys would really want to go. So in a way it is for the boys as well as trying to show Major trust ..hopefully she will reciprocate when it comes to the divorce settlement. This may an opportunity to resolve this whole thing once and for all. Hey..worst case is that she takes advantage of me but that would be the last time.
                              Dave….you are soo right. From a man that has been divorced twice, this may be the opportunity for you to swoop in as the hero, score some bonus points and build back a little trust between both of you. It is much easier and "cheaper" to go through a divorce when there is a spirit of cooperation.

                              If you don't give it to her, it could just fuel the fire…… and that's a fire you don't want to throw gas on…. trust me on that !

                              best of luck on your decision ….
                              I would rather have a frontal labotomy than a bottle in-front-of-me.

                              AF since Oct 23,2013

                              I watched this and found it incredibly empowering.....


                                Newbies Nest

                                MAE Nesters! Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends. PS why is it so late this year?
                                64 sorry to hear you've been sick but why not use this as a head start, your body will thank you for it!
                                dottie it's just thoughts, you control them, push them away and find better things to think about or do to distract you, they will subside.
                                Not much new at my end of the world. Furnace died today but $310 later we're cosy and warm again. Modern technology is great. The furnace guy told us what it might be, we pulled it out (ignitor) sent a photo by phone and he brought a new one over. Here's hoping that gets us through another winter.
                                AF life is agreeing with me. I have close to 6 months under my belt now and I am never looking back. I can't see any reason at all to go back to that life and all the reasons in the world to continue. I'm off to bed now, l do a little ying yoga first to help me relax. I only wish I'd had the courage to quit years ago, but I guess you only do it when the time is right.
                                Newbies Nest
                                My accountability thread

