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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    MAE Nesters

    My day started 3 hours later than planned, so I'll be playing catch-up the whole day.

    Big pot of fresh coffee - if you've just landed in the Nest, LC looks after the food side of breakfast (as well as green tea and miso soup), I make coffee, and you just help yourself.

    Have a glorious AF Monday!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      Reading back...

      Welcome Papa, hadit and Classic.

      Classic, you said something very important in one of your first posts - that you wanted to show your children that people could have fun without without AL. When I realised that my drinking was out of control, that was one thing that really worried me: I did not want to be the glum-faced party-pooper at a social event. Well, I realised that I can still laugh and make jokes and be entertaining - except that now, people are laughing with me, and not at stooooopid drunken me. And I can actually hold a serious conversation - no more drunken ramblings where I forgot the point halfway through and went off on a tangent or just kept repeating myself in the hope that I would somehow remember what I wanted to say.

      Steady, 3J - you know that we always appreciate it when "old-timers" take the time and effort to drop in.

      Londoner, you and Classic both said that you don't know many people who don't drink. They will pop up in your life, simply because you're no longer (almost) exclusively in places where people go to drink.

      Myluck, are you better today?

      Avail, you and Willow must both be on Day 3 today? Stay close, right?

      OK all, must be off! Wishing everybody a Great AF Monday, again.
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Newbies Nest

        MAE guy

        Day 2 Dream but going well. Went on a date and had a coke so another good milestone achieved. Now to see if i see him again, that is always the question.

        LC it has been really hot here today but typical Melbourne weather it can change in 5 seconds. We complain about the cold and then we complain about the heat but i much prefer the cold. I am not a beach person due to the red hair (used to be) and fair skin so its just a fan for me.

        Well all in all a good day, hoping the sleep is a bit better tonight than last night, getting a few headaches but i can live with that. I think of those hangovers and so dont want to go there.

        Hope everyone has a great day.

        Where are you Hadit and Willow. Dont disappear, never a good sign as Byrdy says and how right she is.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Newbies Nest

          Avail, aah well, it will be Day 3 tomorrow then :blush: numbers have never been my strong point. Re the date: I think the important question is: do you want to see him again? I also had dull headaches for quite a while - drink as much water as you can - you'll have to/want to in that heat anyway - it does help. Read your posts on other threads: you seem so determined this time. :l
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Newbies Nest

            Dream yes i seem to get more determined each time and i want this to be my last time. On my anti depressants that have given me positive thoughts so they are obviously working. Feeling more motivated also which is great, except this heat does not entice me to get out in it.

            The date, well he travels a lot but when he comes back he said we will meet again but with men one never knows. Fingers crossed he seems quite nice but i have said that before lol. I'm kind of used to being by myself.

            Yes the last time i gave up the headaches were a constant for a week and then the bone tiredness but no hangovers or anxiety so i will take the headaches etc over the other. My last binge as i will call it sent my anxiety through the roof and i was taking xanax daily, now i have not had one for two days. One would think i would get it through my stupid head that AL is evil and poison.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Newbies Nest

              Off to work on a dreary looking Monday. Why do I feel so good? Because I don't need to recuperate after a weekend of drinking.

              Have a great MAE morning afternoon evening my friends!
              Newbies Nest
              My accountability thread


                Newbies Nest

                available;1593412 wrote: One would think i would get it through my stupid head that AL is evil and poison.
                It's sold to us as something completely different, and it's difficult to not buy into the advertised dream. Unfortunately, for us, it's not a dream but a nightmare.
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Support, congrats and sound advice

                  Hi everyone

                  I was a rather quiet over the weekend ? had a house full of family staying over.

                  I really need to thank you for the support and messages of congrats on my 30 days AF(as of today 35 days):

                  LuckyFlower ? your words really mean a lot to me ? thank you for taking the time

                  Lifechange ? I especially liked that bit about being quietly prepared; it describes the constant vigilance so well!

                  Byrdlady ? I don?t know what made it stick this time (so far); but MWO is the only answer I can come up with. Bought Kudzo at a local health shop; but didn?t take it because it contains more alcohol than anything else.

                  DreamThinkDo ? I just LOVED the BBB ? BloodyBoozeBrain, or as you and I say locally, BliksemseBoozeBrain; it?s a very very apt description!

                  Thanx also to


                  DottyB ? nice to know the first 30 days are the hardest, and those are history







                  Broken halo

                  Hope you all have a fantastic week! :thanks:
                  AF since 28 October 2013
                  600 days on 20 June 2015


                    Newbies Nest

                    hello again, everyone! I came on here a few weeks back but it's taken a few false starts and I'm now back again, for good. I had a chat with my husband this morning and said enough's enough. I'm done. No more alcohol for me.

                    And the thing that makes me positive is that it feels good. It actually feels good to be doing this for me. I've been fed up of drinking for years, if I'm honest, but could never let go. I was scared of letting go (still am in fact). But I want to I really do. And I'm not majorly hungover today so this isn't the aftermath of the drink talking.

                    It's about me, wanting to be the best "me" I can be, so I can enjoy my life and my wonderful family and be really present.

                    (Have also warned my hubby that I will likely be very CRABBY this week as I stop!)

                    So - day 1 for me (again) - and it feels good.


                      Newbies Nest

                      AF since 28 October 2013
                      600 days on 20 June 2015


                        Newbies Nest

                        Welcome back, OP!

                        Please try not to be scared. It has turned out to be a wonderful adventure . There are rough parts but you're not alone and for the most part, things get better and easier as you go along.

                        I was afraid, also, and I thought it was an almost overwhelming fear - turns out it was nothing compared to the fear I now have of ever going back.

                        Don't drift off, ok? For an online forum to work, you've got to use


                          Newbies Nest

                          Of me???


                          Wow. That's amazing. It makes me want to cry! So kind.

                          (do you know what, I'm proud of me too... and it feels unfamiliar but fab-u-lous!)


                            Newbies Nest

                            Yep. I'm here and I AM GOING TO USE THE FORUM (or the FORCE) or whatever it is. You guys are fab and I need your wisdom and kindness. Thank you.

                            I so know I'm doing the right thing though. I feel like a grown up! (Well, ish!)


                              Newbies Nest

                              Welcome back Olga.
                              And welcome Papa.
                              LC you are sounding fantastic.
                              Do I appreciate you.
                              I really like hearing about the different places so many live in. It's fun.
                              Steady enjoying the beach. Good for you. And an af holiday. They are the best because you remember everything and really feel like you rest.
                              We have had picture perfect weather here the past couple of days. I love it.
                              Have a great MAE everyone.
                              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Can I ask a silly question?

                                What if I've left it too late? I'm 43 and have been drinking excessively for a LONG time. Years and years. I watched "Rain in my heart" and got really scared by the fact that one of the people in it had given up drinking 10 years before but still died of cirrhosis. I have pains that I don't think I ought to have and feel generally rubbish and out of condition. Did you all get liver function tests from your GPs or did you just trust that your body would heal?

