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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Day 11- Good morning everyone! Expecting a huge snowstorm tonight into Saturday-
    New Girl and Allswell-35 days? Wow! Keep it up!
    Spam- If we saved the money from all the gin -top shelf-Bombay/Tanq- in a year would probably come out to $3,000.00 can you believe that? I pointed that out to my husband the other night-he just grunted at me.
    To everyone coming on-Have a great day or night!
    Luv, Fluff
    It's always YOUR choice!


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning Nesters!

      We sure do have a huge snowstorm on the way fluff!!! Stay warm & safe

      Hi & welcome to spam! Glad to have you here
      Saving your drinking $$ is a great idea. I've been using my saved $$ to spoil my grandson!

      Greetings Tranq, allswell, New Girl & everyone!

      Wishing everyone a warm & cozy day in the nest - I'll be back later!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning!!!! 10 days AF I just realized this morning that I forgot to take the crampal yesterday the whole day and I feel fine. Beblessed you might be on to something here with that info you sent me. My Story

        AF - 08/06/2010


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning, All. Lav-Fluff, here we go again with the snow! I'm not looking forward to it...I won't be able to go to Delaware this weekend to see my granddaughter if we get that much snow! I hope everyone has a great AF day & weekend! Stay warm!!
          Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


            Newbies Nest

            Great Morning! Clear head. Looking forward to a nice weekend of skating and enjoying the great outdoors! Its hard to enjoy the outdoors when your start drinking time was 11:00 am on the weekend!

            Mollyka - Your story sure gives one pause when considering drinking after a long abstinence. I can relate to sneaking drinks on a vacation. No one could EVER drink as much as me. I remember going to the store to pick up come Asprin and finishing off a 6 pack on the drive home. (5 minute drive home!)

            Leave - I know what you are saying about avoiding the first one. For me there would never be just one.

            Queen -183 days! Great! I also have a very supportive husband which makes a huge difference.

            Allswell - Be strong when it comes to the Superbowl. Make yourself a fancy AF drink. I personally love having a big beautiful glass pitcher with water and sliced citrus fruit. I think avoiding it altogether is a good idea too.

            Spam - The financial benefits of sobriety are one of the best things about quitting. Actually, the benefits of the AF life are endless!

            Keep it up everyone! Lets have a healthy and productive weekend!


              Newbies Nest

              NewGirl2010;801541 wrote: The financial benefits of sobriety are one of the best things about quitting.
              No kidding! I've been so caught up in the other benefits, I'd forgotten how much money I've been saving. Approximately $20 per day, times 365 days per year = $7300. Now I can add that money to my retirement portfolio! I was examining my online bank statement today, and without drinking I've noticed that my banking activity almost looks non-existent. In the past, there was a plethora of entries indicating: Debit-Savings-LCBO (name of government liquor stores where I live). This is day 20 AF for me, a feat I have only ever achieved once before. I'm looking forward to passing my previous personal record of 26 days because I have always felt bad about the seriously absurd reason I chose to resume drinking last time. Despite feeling so much better, I deluded myself into thinking that 'I would be careful this time and not drink so much.' Of course, within a week I was back to my old habits. Not this time! My alcohol addiction is getting whacked!


                Newbies Nest

                fluff;801438 wrote: Day 11- Good morning everyone! Expecting a huge snowstorm tonight into Saturday-
                New Girl and Allswell-35 days? Wow! Keep it up!
                Spam- If we saved the money from all the gin -top shelf-Bombay/Tanq- in a year would probably come out to $3,000.00 can you believe that? I pointed that out to my husband the other night-he just grunted at me.
                To everyone coming on-Have a great day or night!
                Luv, Fluff
                Hey Fluff! I decied yesterday to take the money I'd spend daily and put it in a jar!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening everyone,

                  Such positive thoughts here - glad to see everyone doing so well. Well, looks like we are in for one huge snow storm here in Maryland. Where any other time I would have been stocking up on wine, I did not think once about stopping today. Looking forward to an AF weekend and superbowl! (the first in a long time for me). Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!
                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Yep Jolie - I'm sitting here just north of you & it's snowing like crazy! It is nice to not have to worry about stocking up on 'bad habits' before a big storm

                    Everyone sounds great today, wonderful!
                    Wishing everyone a safe & warm night in the nest - the night light is on.....

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi everyone. Day 30 - who'd have thought.....

                      Havent posted for a few days. Have been sick and the most wonderful part of it was the headache and nausea wasnt self inflicted!!! How strange to get excited about being genuinely sick and not just hungover. Didnt even feel guilty when my little nurse was taking care of me cause I was actually sick!!

                      Sounds like everyone is doing well. I like the thought of putting my drinking money away.

                      Have decided it is time to write a list of all the things I have done (that I can remember) that have caused me shame and embarrassment over my drinking career. Then I am going to burn the list. The quote "Dont let the wake row the boat" has really stood out for me so it is time for action.
                      Stay focused everyone and remember our end goal.
                      Take care.
                      Hippy Chick
                      I finally got it!
                      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                        Newbies Nest


                        The list is a great idea especially the burning part. Jim Beam mentioned a few days ago about renewed interest in non-drinking activities and I too have become interested in activities that drinking somehow washed away. Here's a list of things I am either doing now or going to do this year.

                        1. start playing the cello again
                        2. I've begun running religiously again
                        3. start farming a few acres in the country that have just been sitting there waiting for it's drunk owner to do something with it.

                        Anyone else have a list of things they're doing that they haven't gotten around to before?
                        2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Afternoon Fluff Newgirl HippyC,Lavande Allswell, Jim, and everyone else here!
                          Money sure is a biggy, either I used to drink an awful lot more than everyone else here or booze is much dearer in Ireland ( booze IS much dearer in Ireland!!) but I reckon I'll be saving nearly 10,000 Euro. that is frightening!
                          Good luck all Americans with snow and superbowl, both sound quite exotic.
                          Have a nice sober weekend
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters,

                            Reporting in from a blizarrd here on the east coast! Looks like the North Pole out there!!

                            Hippy, congrats on your 30 AF days! It is a wonderful feeling, isn't it? So much to look forward to now with a sparkling clear head

                            Hi allswell, so glad you are reaping the benefits of AF too!
                            My list is growing quite long as I will have one year AF next month! The most important thing to me is the time that I've spent with my grandson. He is 14 months old now & I've loved watching him grow & be closely involved with him. He was & remains my primary motivator

                            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!
                            Will be back later.

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey-Lav. How are you making out in this blizzard? I heard we have 20+ inches so far probably have more on the Delaware line. My oldest son is supposed to be moving out today...the UHaul is stuck in the driveway - hopefully he can go tomorrow. He's been out on the roads with his 4-wheeler and said most roads are drifted shut. Oh, well, gives me time to clean & catch up on paperwork. I hope you are safe and warm. I wish all the Nesters a wonderful AF Saturday whatever your weather may be!
                              Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Day 12-Fluff here. We didn't get a lot of snow up here, Lavande-enjoy your blizzard! We pnly got 2 inches-very happy with that!
                                have a great day everyone!
                                Luv, Fluff
                                It's always YOUR choice!

