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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Well Love that certainly is a wake up call if your liver is not good but livers are hardy things and it will recover over time and since you dont drink it is starting already. Has the dr prescribed anything for the cravings? Just stay close to here and even if you dont post keep reading and check in with us. I missed you and glad you are back stronger than ever. You hit a very low point but have come through it and with determination will never ever touch the poison again.

    Our children are our life, keep that thought, he needs a mum and a good one and lucky he has you.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      Loveless day 11 rocks! That's the day I joined MWO. Mostly it's in your head now, and you're the one who controls your thoughts. Make a plan for the social situations that you know will feel awkward for now. I brought AF punch to every party in the beginning. I also avoided bars and restaurants for a good while.

      Classic girl, congrats on your day 4! To join roll call check the date ( sometimes people from the other side of the pond are a day ahead!) Then cut and paste the last post adding your name and days AF at the end. Feels treat to see the number go up every !
      Newbies Nest
      My accountability thread


        Newbies Nest

        MAE, Nesters:

        I had my first day back at work after getting "sick" this weekend. It really felt good to get back into the routine but I felt foggy. One teacher at my school is a known alcoholic who has been battling it for a while. My colleagues told me that she called in today with a stomach problem and everyone rolled their eyes, knowing what that meant for her - a bad hangover. It made me kind of paranoid for a brief second as Monday was the first day I have called in with a hangover "illness."

        Welcome Minderaser and settle in. I recommend the tool box reading, beginning with making a plan (I like Byrdie's description on page 33 but there is a lot of information there).

        Overit – I LOVE the quote. I read it at work today and it brought tears to my eyes. Brutal honesty, IS what I need. One step at a motherfucking time, indeed. That is actually what my therapist said to me (without the French). I’m starting to feel a lot better, too. Thank goodness.

        Lifchange – I love your posts. They are always so real and positive. You have two big days coming up...

        Available – Maybe we could scheme how to counter a hard day at work with a new reward. Put a marble in the jar and when it fills buy yourself that new sweater you wanted, or something of that sort (I'm trying to avoid my secondary unhealthy "reward," food). Maybe save for a few sessions at the gym with some young trainer? Anyway, let's discuss...

        MyLuck – One thing I have come to understand that has made my life with my husband immensely more satisfying is that I can only control my behavior, not his. I can make him healthy meals and hope he eats them, go out hiking, etc., but I can't make him join me. I can set a good example, but my bugging him about what he does just makes us both frustrated and irritated. I find when I leave him alone we tend to get along better. I worry about him, too, as he needs to lose weight and exercise, but I can't control him. Good luck with yours!

        LB – Be strong. I love your optimism and your head-down-work-through-the-problem attitude. Very inspirational that you've stayed sober after all of your family stuff.

        Gardner – You are one day ahead of me – let’s keep it that way.

        Humble Rider – Thanks for your speech - it is great to hear the wisdom of someone ahead of me who has been successful and is still working hard at staying sober. Congratulations.

        Overit – you crack me up. Let’s keep our last day ones the same

        A Class – When I am sober chit chat and when I am drunk I attempt slurry and profound pronouncements which I am sure sound ridiculous! It is nice to have sober profound pronouncements - I think people listen to them more.

        Lovely - Welcome! It is so wonderful to read that you feel so much better. Are you working on a plan to stay sober this time? Your son must be so happy to have his mom back.

        All you long timers, thanks for sticking around and supporting us - your wisdom and support are invaluable.

        Phew - Sorry to all I missed - I can't remember and read everything and now I have to run and help DH with the dishes. Have safe and sober nights in the Nest. See you tomorrow.


          Newbies Nest

          Ahhhhhhh...the ole stomach bug call in. That just shot a mirror up to my face. Need to process the fact that probably not a lot of people think I suffer from some random gastro complications. Thank you, Pavati. The realizations are hard but necessary. I appreciate your posts and comments.


            Newbies Nest

            Tess-2;1589641 wrote: Greetings to All,

            Lav, 3June, lifechange and Steadfast - great to hear from you!

            Sam - you sound well. Good job staying sober!! Thank you for thinking of me.

            I had a mental collapse after my mother died in August. I could not bear to be at home while my husband worked during the day. And yet I felt terribly afraid to go out and live life as I had known it. I moved in with my sister because she is a homemaker with three children. The company was good for me. I tried to come home a couple of times, but I just couldn't be alone. And that was such a strange thing because I am usually very comfortable with solitude.

            I am feeling much better now. My thoughts do not yet flow together as easily as they once did. Of course, I've talked with a counselor at great length. That has been very helpful. Part of the fear I felt was that I would start drinking again. I knew that would destroy me. And I didn't want to be in The Nest because I knew I was mentally unstable. I just felt miserably lost...

            I hope that all of you have a peaceful AF Sunday.
            hey Tess
            hope you had a good Thanksgiving and doing better.
            best to you
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Newbies Nest

              MAE Nesters

              I really need some coffee this morning - so I made it stronger than usual.

              Clear skies here today, which I'm really glad about: yesterday was miserable: grey skies, cold, wind - not quite "sunny South Africa".

              When you wake up: have both a coffee and a wicked AF Thursday!
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Newbies Nest

                Sam, Classic, Pav, Avail - morning!!!! So nice to see green dots - aka other signs of life!

                Help yourselves to coffee!
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Newbies Nest

                  DTD - Can't have coffee - I'm on my way to bed (yesterday to you, right?)

                  Get a good pitcher so it doesn't go stale and I have a nice tall cup in the morning with some of the treats you early risers leave behind. Sorry to say that I need my gluten free

                  I want to see South Africa sometime - I hear it is beautiful...


                    Newbies Nest

                    Pav, you know the coffee is always fresh in the Nest. And LC is brilliant at gluten-free anything and everything. Sleep well!
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Newbies Nest

                      DreamThinkDo;1594886 wrote: Sam, Classic, Pav, Avail - morning!!!! So nice to see green dots - aka other signs of life!

                      Help yourselves to coffee!
                      I was hoping you were still pouring hot chocolate. how you doing there Dream? hope you have an enjoyable day
                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning Sam, have some hot chocolate before bed!
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Sam, you're up late! Play some a lullaby for us?


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nesters!

                            Thanks for the coffee and delicious food.

                            Congratulations Lovely & Classicgirl, you're both sounding great! And congrats to Humble too, 30 days aka one MONTH! Best wishes to all the other Nesters racking up the AF days too!

                            Little Beagle, sorry to hear about your kids. Am thinking of you. Please stay strong and don't let anything get in the way of your quit. :l

                            It's cold and rainy at the beach today, i bought some fine chocolate to grate and put on my hot milk drink, yum!

                            AF free since April 29, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi everyone

                              Still cruising along Dream, conquering Day 5, had a couple of stressful days with some rude/ignorant/horrible patients but I wont let them drag me to drink as I dont drink.

                              Sam I will sit and sip a hot chocolate with you while you play me a song. I wont sing as it will deafen you no end.

                              How has your day been Pav? Cruisy I hope.

                              Stead it is bloody freezing atm, i got home and put my flanno pjs back on and bedsocks. I refuse to put the heater on when it is supposed to be summer.

                              LB kids are meant to try us arent they. My problem is I dont want to be a hypocrite when i go to lecture them. Mine are older so pretty controllable most of the time but we never stop worrying about them.

                              Going to make a cuppa and have a read, feeling a bit anxious so will be staying close to the nest for the next couple of days.
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Newbies Nest

                                available;1594730 wrote: I am going to go for a walk at lunch time to smell the flowers or the pollution whichever comes first.
                                Avail, hope you reached the flowers first!

                                Myluck and Beagle, it sounds like put-foot-down time: they are putting themselves at risk and making life miserable for everybody around them. What is so difficult to get? (And yes, I know the answer to that question!)

                                Welcome Minderaser! Love the way you got your username. Grab a perch, start reading and posting and stay strong!

                                Lovely, you sound much better and positive. Butt velcro!

                                Overit, my money is on the bag!:H

                                OK, guess I should get started on getting some work done.

                                Everybody, have a lovely AF Thursday!
                                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

