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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Did not end up going for that walk dream it poured down rain sigh and here i am motivated but the weather is not letting me. Plenty more days to come though and the motivation is still there. Ahhhh sometimes i so love my happy pills.

    My work day is over but do enjoy yours Dream. I'm busy freezing and being on here reading. Cant get better than this really.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      available;1594911 wrote: I'm busy freezing and being on here reading. Cant get better than this really.
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Newbies Nest

        Good MAE everyone! So much action this morning-- sorry I'm late!
        The coffee has me buzzing around, DO! Thank you.. How about we put some espresso shots in the hot chocolate? Mmmmm.. I have the usual oatmeal with apples, roasted pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds and a touch of honey. What do you like for breakfast, Pavati? Savoury or sweet? I have some power smoothies again! And some gluten free banana muffins made with applesauce-- they're a bit of a bomb, but tasty!!

        Sam, good to see you here at what must be quite late for you! Hope you have a restful night.

        Available, Hang tough! You can do it, as you have before, dear friend!:h You have that wonderful full moon coming up day after tomorrow, which I'm very much looking forward to congratulating you on. Don't forget that these baby steps add up-- and NOTHING is better than the feeling of conquering this beast! Now after 90 days my skin is finally soft and spot free and not so red and blotchy! I think vanity is one of the things that got me to get my ass in gear this time. I was looking like something nasty the cat brought in 3 months ago. And it's taken longer than I'd hoped to feel good-- what the heck was I expecting after so many years of poisoning myself? It shows me how forgiving our bodies can be.

        LOVELY!!! It's so good to see you here again!! Well done on 11 days. You are doing amazing things for yourself and your son. Do you have after care sessions planned? Or how does that work? I'm glad to hear your arthritis is doing a bit better-- I hope with time, it get even better. Please post a lot-- use this place for support!

        Aclassic, your coming home and drinking water plan is strong, in place and working! It's wonderful to have the quality time with the kids. How old are yours? I can't remember if you've said. Mine are 9 and 12 and it just keeps getting better and better. Not only can I be present for them, to share joys and sorrows, I have the energy to deal with all the STUFF that goes along with having young kids! it's a lot, isn't it? You're doing so well! Almost up for a moon, aren't you?

        Gardener! Well done on day 4-- you must be on 5 now! Lots of you coming up for a moon on the same day(s). Like Byrdie said, 5 and 6 can be tough, so hang in there-- do whatever you must NOT to drink, no matter what and no matter who!

        Olgada and Minderaser!!!:goodjob: I think you're both on day 4 today! Stay close, keep posting to let us know how you are, what you're struggling with. It's great to have so many checking in often to touch base, compare stories, cheer eachother on.

        Pavati, you sound to be in a really good place. The meeting with your counselor was exactly what you needed, wasn't it? To be able to be completely honest, to realise 100% what it is you're dealing with. For me taking al off the table COMPLETELY was such a relief-- it has allowed me to deal with my truth, my reality. I don't miss drinking one little bit! And though it's still uncomfortable sometimes to be the only one not drinking, it's also extremely empowering.

        LBeagle, I'm sorry to hear about your husband finding drugs. That must be very disappointing for you. And sad. I've only had the experience once of wanting so badly for someone to stop their addiction and that was with my mom. As a child I begged her to quit and couldn't understand why she would choose to drink over her family. She finally quit -- as I was a grown woman. Now I get it-- but I still find it heart breaking that each person ultimately has to want for themselves to quit. I really hope your kids find their way out-- you have been so supportive to them, have given so much of yourself, and I hope they will see the light. You are doing so well at balancing everything-- continuing to look out for yourself first, so that you can take care.:l

        I know I've missed people, but I have to get my butt to the gym.
        Wishing you all a wonderful AF! Thursday--


          Newbies Nest

          Overit! I'd love to see your face at some point! I think it's the bag over your head that's making you all sweaty.. let in some air! Well done on getting those days under your belt! Today must be day 4, which means you have a moon coming up.

          Byrdie, you've really got a lot work coming up this week as president of the prize control! I hope you're prepared!!


            Newbies Nest

            Has anyone heard how BH is and Mim? Hope you guys are ok and staying strong.

            Damn its cold here today.

            I cant wait for a prize!
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Newbies Nest

              Hello, hello! Day four dawning for me here in the UK. On my train in to work. Last night was difficult but I didn't drink and I am proud of that. Then this morning I started feeling angry and frustrated about work and then realised I was in 'child' mode... And lots of emotion came up and amazingly I stayed with it and shared it with my husband. Scary but also bringing us closer. Letting him in to the secret me that I didn't really recognise was there until I went back to the city I grew up in recently for a reunion and took some time the day after to visit my old house. Flashbacks...

              I'm doing ok. This is intense though! I need a paper bag as well so I can lighten my tone a bit! But I really really need and want to do this so I can grow up and move on.

              Have a fab day, everyone!


                Newbies Nest

                Btw what is the moon? (And don't say 'it's that big round thing in the sky'!!) Moons and hats? Prizes?! Tell me more!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Olga, wait for Day 7 - Byrdie does wonderful moons. (Now, that's a nice carrot, isn't it?)
                  14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Olga, the moon is what you get as an achievement award from Brydy for doing 7 days. You will get one soon. I have had one before but do want another one and the others tht come with it.

                    I have been like you with my mood. People just piss me off for no reason but then again a couple have deserved it. We dont have AL to fall back on and drown our sorrows so everything I think seems worse than what it is. You are lucky you have DH to support you.

                    Keep going we will get there and it gets better. Lots of us on this journey atm and it is so good to see everyone is doing so well. I think we deserve to be as bitchy and childish as we want for a bit.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Newbies Nest

                      I know I am very lucky in my DH.

                      I'm thinking tulsi tea (it's awesome btw - had it in India and it's very calming) and Epsom salt baths (don't laugh: magnesium deficiency can cause insomnia and Epsom salts baths can really help).

                      ie am trying to be "me" and creative and get out of being bogged down with "I'vegotahangoveraren'tIrubbishI'mafailureateveryt hingGodIfeelcrapwhenwillthisendyaddayaddayadda"


                        Newbies Nest

                        Tell that bit of your brain to F*** off and you are not that person OP. You are doing so well. I don't want a drink but my AL brain is trying to coax me and I am ignoring it. Like a toddler saying "mum mum mum mum" and I am like shut the F*** up.

                        We will get there, I want a moon and so do you!
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Newbies Nest

                          It's emotion vs rationality. That is what we are battling here. You have to turn that emotional brain against the booze.

                          I have another reason for not wanting to drink. I saw a girl who I used to work with and haven't seen for a few years. My word! She has aged so much and she is in her mid 20's. She drinks like a fish Fri and Saturday each week.

                          And it is starting to show.

                          I do not want to be one of those prematurely aged persons.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters!

                            Mild temps around here at the moment & a bit foggy out. I suppose the rain will arrive later

                            I hope everyone has a good AF Thursday. Stick to your plans, you'll love the results

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest


                              Starting day 5. This is will be an accomplishment. It's been probably 2 years since a day 5. I'm thankful for my volunteer commitments tonight because Thursday is usually the day my neighbors are ready for drinks on the driveway. Glad I get to push that confrontation off another week. Happy I won't have hangover tomorrow morning.
                              Loved waking up this morning! Wow!


                                Newbies Nest

                                On the roll call, do I put day 4 or day 5? I'm starting day 5 today. Just copy/paste the person before me? Thanks for the help!

