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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    More welcome here and stopping AL is doable but one day at a time, one step at a time and always remember the mantra to yourself "I DO NOT DRINK". Today I do not drink. I am sorry about the loss of your brother, my brother was two years older than me and died of alcoholism. I thought it would never happen to me, i did not drink as much as him, I was a functioning alcoholic with a family. I now know it could and will eventually happen to me.

    Pav, I have not had a drinking dream yet i wake in the morning thinking i had drank the night before and then it takes me a minute to realise I didn't. Such a relief in that one. Today is Saturday here and so nice to wake without a hangover even if I did wake at 6am. Well a 15 minute sleep in is better than nothing.

    Love, so glad you are doing well and spending quality time with your son. Dont worry about xmas, just one day at a time. I had thoughts of New Years yesterday and what my plan was to not drink so I will be thinking about that one. I think I have had one sober New Years ever and most of the other times I have not made it to midnight as have been passed out drunk.

    Humble I am thinking of you today, you can do this and you are strong enough to toast your loved ones without AL. Think of how proud they would be of you and what you are becoming. Hugs.

    Over, i need my quit buddy to be here with me. The thoughts will pass and keep popping those pills. Luckily I have not had any cravings this time just a strong desire to have a glass which will lead to a bottle or two and a hangover and the shakes and the regret that I failed yet again and another DAY 1 to contend with and remorse and shame and guilt. Think of all the bad time with AL, were there any good times really? My last bout of drinking, my son said to me "mum you smell like a brewery and you are pissed". God the shame I felt and I was actually going to ask my other son for a drink, well I went back and hid in my hole and thought "no more can I do this to myself or my children". I hold on to these thoughts, they keep me going each day.

    Gotta dont hope to do it tomorrow, just do it and congrats on getting through the day, that is all we can do.

    Hey London, sorry you feel down and cranky. Know the feeling well atm but you have posted such positive posts and I have followed your ups and downs. This is just a bit of a down for you. You dont want to drink like I dont. I am a recluse too at the moment but that will pass. Just stay safe and post on here. Being a recluse is better than pouring AL down your throat.

    Going to make a coffee and hang some washing out. I love being hangover free on a Saturday so i can procrastinate on what I want to do. I do know I wont be drinking.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      I feel rubbish too, Londoner. I'm mainly just tired tired tired but also feeling guilty because I used to use AL to let my hair down and (ahem!) get in the mood with my DH and it gave me an energy boost (fake, I know) and here I am upstairs in bed and DH is downstairs and I feel I've disappointed him.

      We do things in mornings too btw so I don't HAVE to be drunk (!!) tmi?!! Sorry! But it had become an end of the week habit. He wanted me to have two or three drinks then stop but apart from on some very rare occasions that just isn't how it works for me.

      Need to get my bloods done. Seriously bloated and still got pains under my ribs on the right so I'm convincing myself I have liver problems (am a total worrier and bit of a hypochondriac). I know people advised me to go to my doctor but I'm scared of being judged. I've gained a lot of weight in the past year from binge drinking and then compulsive carb bingeing once drunk and then the next day to assuage the hangover.

      What a mess. I'm proud I haven't had a drink though. And I confided in one of my oldest friends. We supported each other through childhood as we both had alcoholic parents. She told me she doesn't drink now either. I feel very lucky to still have her in my life. I've known her 36 years!!!!


        Newbies Nest

        It's bizarre. I just want a drink!!! I could just relax and stop being so tense and stressed and worried.
        But I know at the same time it totally doesn't help. It fixes things in the moment but then the problems are still there the next day only you're too hungover to do any more than lie around feeling sorry for yourself and angry at yourself at the same time. Ugh. Grump.


          Newbies Nest

          OP too funny girl, your lucky you can get some! I used to do the same thing on dates, drink AL and go for it, now i am of the mind that i have to focus on myself and bugger men, they can go on the back burner while i get myself healthy. Have you talked to DH about how you feel, maybe he is feeling rejected, we all know where mens brains are and what they mainly focus on in life ha ha. (No offense guys)

          I am terrified of drs and blood tests, i always think the dr is going to tell me i have something wrong with me. I have a referral for a blood test in my handbag, been there for a month or more now. I know I have to get it done so maybe we should get it done together. Lets think on it.
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Newbies Nest

            My plan to get through this Friday night (day 3).

            Heading over to a friend (drinking buddy) who I have warned that I'm not drinking, that I'm "detoxing". She's cool with it - replied that she has plenty of tea! She's a tad under the weather so she'll "tea-up" with me!

            In addition, my 12-year old is having a slumber party tomorrow (yep, my idea!) so I CANNOT be hungover or drunk with 4 12-year old under my charge (take that day 4!)

            I'll see about day 5 when I get there...



              Newbies Nest

              Hello Lovely Nesters,

              I have been running around like crazy today trying to get last minute things done before our flight tomorrow-- have to be up at the ungodly hour of 4! (I'll get the coffee going, DO! Or maybe you'll already have some brewing for us all??)

              I have decided to leave my computer here so that I can concentrate fully on my family and friends-- Since we are only able to head home every 2 years I want to be present with them and not wishing I was with you all..
              There is a computer there in case I get crazy urges to drink, am feeling panicked or stressed and need the support of this cosy Nest. But I won't be checking in so often..
              I'm a bit worried you all won't remember me in 5 weeks!! And I'm already overwhelmed at the thought of the number of pages behind I'll be!

              I wish you all happiness, joy, peace of mind-- some easy days at being AF mixed with those that are difficult. I will be thinking of you all--and supporting you in spirit.

              Dottie, on Monday I will be thinking of you big time and celebrating with you on our 100th day AF!! Big fat hugs!

              xoxoxox, Life


                Newbies Nest

                LC I will miss celebrating with you ...but do have a great time!!!

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  LC i will miss you my friend. Have a happy birthday and congrats on your 100 days oh and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and happy whatever else comes in those 5 weeks. Thanks for all your support and I for one wont every forget you. Though I am glad it is you doing the 5 weeks of reading when you get back.

                  hugs xxxxxxx
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Newbies Nest

                    Stay STRONG everyone! Those rough edges are what we're trying to overcome! They only get rougher next time, so ride it out. Remember to EAT, sometimes we mistake a bad craving for hunger. Do not give in! Being a recluse isn't so bad here in the beginning when we are so fragile. We can resist anything but temptation in the early days! Stay planted on this site if you need to and here's the Butt Velcro. A little struggle never killed us, but AL surely will!! Keep your days intact, you don't want to have to repeat a day!! Reward yourself with a nice hot shower or a cookie or something else. For us, AL is not a reward it is a death sentence. Hugs to all, Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all, I am typing this and I am crying. My DH was smelling like AL today when I came home from work today at 2:30 and we went to dietitian app. I kept asking if he had a drink but was like - not! So when we went home I went to garage and I saw an empty blue ABC store bag and asked - of course it was "old" bag. So I looked inside and I found receipt from today for vodka. So shit hit the fan then. I have asked why would he lie to me and I asked why would he do that if we decided to quit. He preceded to tell me that he never wanted to quit forever and then I stated that we tried to moderate and we failed - we know that. So one word led to another and I said that if he wants to drink his vodka he will need to go somewhere else and leave. So he got his stuff in a bag and left. So before he stepped that doorway I made sure he realizes I wanted him to leave only if he wants to drink. Of course he twisted all my words about that with some line about his rights - how convenient. So yes, great evening here. 20 years of marriage for a bottle of vodka! This is how AL can get you!
                      AF since 10/20/2013
                      Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                      Meat free since 09/20/2008
                      With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                        Newbies Nest

                        Oh ML so sorry to hear, god how AL destroys lives. I think it was Mim that was going through the same as you are. Sometimes I am glad to be single as lonely as it is sometimes. I just know I have to make myself healthy to be healthy with someone else. The next time, if there is one will not be with a drinker which I have been with twice before. How long had he stopped for if i may ask?

                        Big hugs from afar and I know how devastating a breakup can be. My last one I had a nervous breakdown so be strong and who knows he may come to his senses after all. You are so worth more than a bottle of vodka.
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Newbies Nest

                          Available - we both stopped for 46 days as of today after he had acute pancreatitis and doctors told him repeatedly to quit. Drinking again will cause him repeated attacks and this can cause damage of pancreas and cancer.
                          AF since 10/20/2013
                          Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                          Meat free since 09/20/2008
                          With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                            Newbies Nest

                            I wonder what the reason was that he started again. Do you know that he is safe. Funny how we think of others when we should be focusing on us. Our health does not necessarily stop us from drinking, it always happens to someone else and never us. I always used to think that as i was polishing off my 2 bottles of wine.
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Newbies Nest

                              MyLuck - Available is so right... you need to focus on you right now..... You came here because of you and you need to stay here because of you - we can't change anyone else so don't let your DH derail you ... he'll come around on his own or he won't....


                                Newbies Nest

                                Caper - thank you so much and available - I am not sure if he is safe - drinking can put him in the hospital and he knows that. I am strong as I know I am done drinking and I am not about to witness anybody kill themselves in front of me. This is why I have asked him to leave. Unfortunately he thinks I am depriving him from his "rights" - drinking rights I assume, so as I as said he is in denial.
                                AF since 10/20/2013
                                Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                                Meat free since 09/20/2008
                                With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles

