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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Byrdlady;1596062 wrote: Available and J-Vo, great job on yer 7 days today!! You need a good Mooning!

    :moon: :moon:

    Great job yall two! The worst is behind you, no butts about it. Keep up the great work!! You will never be sorry! Very proud of you! Byrdie
    You both sound like you learned your lessons :H and THIS TIME IS IT! You both are sounding great and are using the heck out of MWO - that is the way to do it! I've seen some posts around the board where people are wondering how to even start. Well, they could go read your posts for the last week and see how it is done :goodjob:.

    Even with the holiday season approaching, the day to day stuff truly does get easier. Just get your plans in place, stay alert, and you'll be fine .


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks so much NoSugar and Byrdy!!!! I appreciate your guidance! And congrats to you Available!!!!!!
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        Newbies Nest

        I didn't make it to the end of day 2! I felt so tired and ill. Still not drinking as I did before. But feel like I've let everyone down as you've all been so supportive.


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks guys, as we all say if it was not for here we would be drinking. What are you trying to say NS that JVO and i have been posting like lunatics lol. Yes we have but it has gotten us through 7 days of no AL and if I can help just one person then it is worth all the ups and downs of the first week. I'm still desiring a drink but I dont crave one and I will not have one today.

          Big congrats Jvo we are doing well and now let the competition continue! As i always say to my children "its not a competition"!

          My daughter came over yesterday and she still has half a bottle of wine in my fridge, she was very impressed that i had not drunk it and i told her that i am an alcoholic and I cannot have one, if I had of drank that half a bottle i would be at the bottleshop getting another 6. I realise now I cannot have one drink, i cannot moderate, it does not work for us alkies. So today I will not drink.

          Thank you all for your ongoing support and for caring.
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Newbies Nest

            available;1596073 wrote: Thanks guys, as we all say if it was not for here we would be drinking. What are you trying to say NS that JVO and i have been posting like lunatics lol.
            Not like lunatics - like people who are willing to do whatever it takes to liberate themselves from this horrible master! If you're a lunatic, I have no idea what I am with almost 2000 posts in less than a year :H!

            Plus you both seek and offer support. By doing the latter, you really put yourself out there and need to be ready to walk the walk! That makes your commitment even stronger. Just keep doing what you're doing - it is working !


              Newbies Nest

              Hello everyone. I hope everyone is doing well today is day 14 for me-two weeks! i can hardly even believe how good i feel i never thought it was possible for me to go this long. went to another AA meeting this morning I am really enjoying them. still not brave enough to speak or introduce myself but ive found that listening has been very helpful. hope everyone is having a good day!

              ?That's the problem with drinking,
              If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
              if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
              and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
              ― Charles Bukowski
              Days AF: 13 :h


                Newbies Nest

                Well NS from one lunatic to another ha ha! I am definitely ready to do what it takes to be AF, i went food shopping yesterday and the trolley was full of drinks, my daughter helped me carry in the shopping as was like "mum did you not go overboard with all the different drinks". One never knows if i want a lemon drink, an apple drink, iced tea, coke zero, orange juice, water, tea. I opened my fridge today to see beer in it that my son had bought, no urge to grab one and drink it, not even a twinkling of desire.

                After watching "Flight" yesterday and he was doing so well and then caved, I realise how easy that would be to do and tempting but until we get to the lowest point we will still drink. I was not at my lowest but I was on a fast train to get there.

                Love congrats for Day 14, I always knew you could do it and you sound so positive. Why dont you head over the the "newbies nest roll call" and start adding your name. A great sense of achievement to see the number of fellow nesters days go up like yours. Life is so much better AF.

                Jane you will get there, just keep on here. The only one you are letting down is yourself. I know you can do this.
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey all, been having some pretty strong cravings tonight and none of my usual distractions around so decided to come on here, just tryin to make it through the night any suggestions? hope everyone is having a great day
                  ?That's the problem with drinking,
                  If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
                  if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
                  and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
                  ― Charles Bukowski
                  Days AF: 13 :h


                    Newbies Nest

                    Love, just post and read on here. If you can download movies download Flight. Go on Youtube and put in alcoholism, some interesting watching on there. It may just help you through the cravings to realise you are not alone and we all struggle. If you have AL in the house, do not open that damn fridge. You can and will have another AF day, you are strong and have done the hard yards. Start a journal or write in it to say how you feel now.

                    Be strong, remember when you first posted on here and you were sick and your liver was packing it in and you wanted to be AF for your son and you went to rehab and you detoxed. Do you really want to go back there again? I would say not Love. Be safe and PM me if you want.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Newbies Nest

                      Congrats J-vo, available, and everyone one else for their AF days and welcome to the new folks--this place is a large part of what keeps me teetotaling day after day. I didn't drink yesterday at the memorial event. During our meal, my friend had a Bloody Mary and I had the same, with no alcohol. We won $170 in pull tabs and had a good time. And for a while there, some foul-mouthed drunken guy provided a constant reminder of why I do not drink. It was a definite motivator to abstain! Day 34 here. Have a great AF MAE all.
                      Every AF day is a milestone.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Pavati I love the way you turned everything into something to be grateful for. It really makes this al free thing fun, huh?
                        Wineb that was some party you made it through.:rockband:you rock!
                        I an really bust tonight. Will check back in later.
                        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Below freezing in my portion of the nest - geez!
                          Snow & ice on the way for tomorrow & I didn't even order any

                          Dottie, be careful outside!

                          CONGRATS to available & j-vo on 7 AF days!
                          HumbleRider, congrats on your AF days as well.
                          Lovely, 2 weeks AF is a big deal - DON'T BLOW IT. Stay online, keep reading & posting. You can change your thoughts, don't give up now.

                          Pavati, learning the importance of positive thinking & gratitude helped me to succeed. It really works

                          LB, I can't stop thinking of chocolate turtles :H

                          Greetings to all & sending wishes for a warm & cozy night for all!
                          Butt Velcro is available ~ feel free to grab some!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hooray, J-Vo and Available. Keep going strong and keep inspiring me to keep up with you. There are three of us one day behind - Overit and Olga. Hope you're getting that moon polished up again, Byrdie.

                            Love, remember the posts you were making before you went to detox? Remember how bad you felt? Remember what the doctor said about your medication and your liver? Remember how good you felt when you woke up this morning? Remember how your son loves to have his mom present? Don't give it up! Stay strong and keep posting. People will be around all night to keep you company - Dream is up making coffee before I go to bed. Stick close and fight like hell to protect that quit.

                            I am going to read back and answer more properly before sleep. For now, off to make dinner.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Oh, Avaliable. I see we give similar advice! :thumbs:

                              Jane - can you pour whatever you have out? Stop right now? Tomorrow will be another day one, but it will be MUCH better if you stop now. Drink some tea, have a bath and get to bed. I had THE WORST anxiety I've ever had on day 1/2. I thought I was going to have to check myself into the hospital. I read, read, read here, stayed close, drank Gatorade, ate good food and vitamins and took three baths and made it through. It was SO worth it...


                                Newbies Nest


                                I just wanted to peek my beak in here to say hello and congrats to everyone on their AF days !

                                I had one of those days where everything seemed out of place..something on my mind but I dont know what it was. It could have been that the boys were on the road with mom to Florida for their cruise ( Im just a concerned father I guess..dont like them being on the open road without me.. )

                                There was also that feeling again of 'having to do something' but not knowing what it was..So I decided to do Nothing and tried to enjoy my day off to myself. At least I didnt get to over thinking like I normally do . So no laundry got done ( only a half load anyways ) ...there is still a few dishes in the sink ( oh well )..and I planned on making some dinner but I think im just going to munch tonight ( cheese and crackers kinda thing ). Its been a while for me to just hang out and do basically nothing without having some kind of self placed guilt trip.

                                Honestly I havent even read any of the forum or posts today..but tomorrow I very much look forward to. Im sure its going to be a long read if I know myself any better.

                                Anyways Im going to scram and kill off some trolls and dark wizards in me new game ..

                                Wishing you all the best on this Saturday night ..

                                Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                                AF: 9-10-2013

