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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Avail - 10 days! :goodjob: You had a difficult time leading up to it - the wedding and your mum's visit - and I'm so proud of you that you jumped back on the wagon once all that was behind you -as you said you would!

    Yes, that's my cat Giada - isn't she gorgeous?

    Vegemite definitely is an acquired taste - similar to Marmite, which I love!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      Oh Marmite gross but I suppose that is due to being bought up on vegemite.

      10 days AF and feeling the benefits. It has had its ups and downs but all in all I cant complain. Always on the lookout for the dreaded beast to rear its ugly head. Now if we could only be put on a desert island for a few months life would be wonderful and we could all enjoy each others company.

      Your cat is goregous. I have an 18 year old white cat, Molly. She is the most unsociable cat i have ever known but I love her. I also have two dogs and my sons have one. I love my girls. Sometimes i think dogs would have been easier and cheaper than children!

      Love that you are feeling "innocent" today.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Newbies Nest

        Avail, I've noticed that people either love/hate Marmite/Vegemite/Bovril; they are mutuallly exclusive.

        Can you imagine the AF parties we would have on that deserted island?

        Animals definitely much cheaper when discounting vet bills! (And so much easier to train!)

        I'll stay Innocent for a while longer and then change it - maybe to Hot?

        Edit: Giada accepts your compliment with feline grace - tail in the air
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Newbies Nest

          If i ever learn to post pics i will put some up of my animals and that includes children lol.

          There are lots of MWO'ers on here that love to cook so i would be happy as i hate cooking. Love fishing though so i could catch sme nice fish for the hordes.

          My 10 year old maltesex has epilepsy but she is fine on her tablets. The vet wants me to get a blood test done on her at a cost of $400. I told her i could not afford it and she is fine on her pills and if anything ever happened to her I would pay whatever it cost. When i was growing up if there was something the matter with an animal it was shot. How times have changed. Mind you as a child it used to break my heart.

          Hot is always good!
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning! K9 you've got the best sayings....they church choir...LOL. But I hear you - some say that they never have a thought of it again and for the most part that's true with me...I wonder about the last time that I drove by the liquor store and felt the overwhelming compulsion to pull in and buy just doesn't occur to me anymore. But, like you - my mind still sometimes jumps to that spot - of thinking it would be easier to cope with something (like in-laws) if I had something to drink. I've gotten pretty good at just switching directions, saying WTF and putting it out of my head. I guess there were just too many years of that kind of thinking for it to maybe ever go away completely.

            Spiderwoman, congratulations on your milestone. I have seen you here and never knew your story. What a beautiful and heartfelt post. Thank you.

            Now a partial explanation for my absence....I know that I should be here to "give back" more than I do...but part of my sobriety plan is to stay productive and feeling positive about myself and not dwell on how much of my life I make the most of every minute - and to be honest, when I was drinking, I spent a lot of time on the computer. I decided a while back to limit my computer time. I feel so much better when I haven't sat here for half the's like channel surfing on the tv, I guess. I'd just be looking for things to do. (now I don't mean that it isn't extremely helpful to spend as much time on MWO as you need to!!! I turned on my phone in the middle of the night, in the beginning - just to check in here~! You stay on here 24 hours a day in the beginning if you need to!!!) But at this point for me, feeling productive is crucial to my well being. It's easier for me to keep drinking thoughts away, if I stick to a schedule.

            Now, my cup of coffee is empty, so I am going to sign off....Everyone have a fantastic day. :-)


            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


              Newbies Nest

              It snowing here in ol Virginny. Suppose to get 3-7 inches. Sunday, at some point, the forecast was 0.1-0.4 inches of ice. Now that some serious precision in an un-precise world!

              Just want to take a second here and really and truly thank Lav and Byrdie for their never ending support of any person in need in the nest or elsewhere here at MWO. Thanks a bunch!!!
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                Newbies Nest

                Just checking in on my day 9. I'm feeling 'meh' today. It is what it is. I'm in the wrong job and have finally acknowledged that to myself and am starting to look elsewhere. What I want to do is downshift and take a lower-paid, lower-stress job nearer to home (I currently commute around four hours a day, which is exhausting)... but we can't afford it as my husband gave up work on health grounds a couple of years ago (he has multiple sclerosis) and I have always been the primary earner anyway as I'm more career-minded than he was.

                I have all these pipe dreams of things I'd love to do but then immediately tell myself it's selfish of me to think of them and it would never work out: creative stuff, typography, design, painting, drawing, sculpture, poetry, short stories, novels etc. It's a fantasy, I know that. The reality is the dry day-to-day of managing throughput and counting things. Ugh.

                My own fault for seeing the job title and being all starry-eyed. Hasn't turned out that way.

                Oh well! Mid-life crisis, anyone?! At least I'm not drinking.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters,

                  Glad to see you Lola & totally understand your feelings
                  Since I work from home & have to be online most of the day I have all kinds of time to check in here. I just consider it multi-tasking at this point & that's fine with me.

                  In the midst of another snowstorm this morning. The schools are closed around here so I imagine the kids are pretty excited.

                  Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Tuesday!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi there Sam & Olga - cross posted
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest


                      Well Im home for the day again. Boy..those guys are wimps when it comes to getting sick..oh well I needed the time to take care of some biz anyways. Good thing about my job is I can make up the days on the weekends. Some quicky replies first though..

                      Gottaquit - Your post made me think of something again. When start our we count from our last drink..or from our first full sober day ( 11:59 pm - 12:00 am ). I started mine at the first full day sober.

                      Olga - I know what you mean by the "respite from the racing thoughts". I would add that for me it was not just the active mind ( which is not a bad thing ) .. but it was mostly the empathy that I had for others. It got to a point that I would get overwhelmed by the emotional overload. Drowning out those feelings with AL helped me cope with not being able to separate others feelings from my own. Now at least Im getting better at keeping my own honeypot of emotions in check without contaminating it with outside influences. I dont know it this is what you were talking about though..

                      Finallydone - I just wanted to say hello .. You bring good vibes to the nest every time I see you..thanks man.

                      NS - Your post of "choices" got me thinking. How about choosing not to have a choice being your last choice . This daily choosing makes me think of coming to a fork in the road..but its not really a fork..its a two lane highway where you can drive on either side whenever you want. Yea sure you choose to drive on the right hand side but with the knowledge of being able to cross the line whenever you want to. Forget that fork BS..lets come to a one way "T"
                      in our road..we can go left or we can go right. Make That last choice where there is no turning back. I know Im making it sound easier said then done. But in reality ( at least in my mind ) that is the truth of it. This is probably part of what your saying anyways

                      Spiderwoman - Great post! I read it three times in fact. Thank you for sharing ( even though stories like these make me .. emotional )

                      Myluck - Sorry for not quoting you more often . I can give you all the male perspectives you want..sure you can pm me. Although putting it in the open forum might serve better ?

                      Strong - Thank you for fluttering in for the 90 and dropping off some Ensure. GWAWKY MAE !!

                      Lolab - I loved the church choir bit too lol! I find myself not thinking of AL in a Need way .. but there are times when I drive by my store of choice and remember how I felt when I was drinking. Its not like having a craving..just a memory of what it was. So yea..I think it will never go away completely. Not the memories anyways. I also feel like I have to be doing something.

                      I have to run some errands and make some phone calls now that the shops are open. Stay safe and warm


                      PS. Anyone heard of ICAN or C-dev lately ? Ive been thinking of them lately..
                      Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                      AF: 9-10-2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Quick stop in on my way to work as usual. I have been sleeping like a log and having crazy dreams as everyone predicted. I don't remember most of them. I am someone who usually remembers dreams, but I have had fewer and fewer as I drank more and more.

                        Dave - that's kind of how I feel. I have no choice - there is no other lane. Of course I have the "choice" but not really, not if I want to live my life.

                        Starting Day 9 (first full AF day for me, Olga). Happy to do so.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Of course you all understand completely! LOL...scary how much alike we all are.

                          I'm leaving the computer ON today as I am waiting for the release of a new workout I'm here again...:-)

                          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi all,
                            Overit, thanks for the link. I plan to watch it after work. And Lolab, the Christmas post is on my list too.

                            Available, I agree with you that it's so comforting to wake up AF and come here to read posts from these wonderful, supportive people. Everyone, regardless of days sober, has something to teach, sometimes very profound pieces full of wisdom, which comes in all packages. Spiderwoman's post, for instance (one year, congrats).

                            Available, I'm with you on the animals. Whatever it takes to keep them healthy and with us, I'll do!

                            Day 37 here. Have a great AF MAE all.
                            Every AF day is a milestone.


                              Newbies Nest

                              MAE all,
                              Had a rough night...had irregular heart rate again.have not had that since AF so I am confused. Will call doc but not sure what they can do when it is so infrequently but it scares the bejeebers out of me. Started to go to ER and it righted itself so we came back home...this was at 2am and it was snowing like crazy.
                              We are supposed to volunteer today but I am calling in sick. I am tired and don't feel like smiling and Being cheerful..bleh.
                              3 more inches of snow and it is not winter hiss....
                              Just glad I am AF and alive.

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Late check in for me....gosh, work was supposed to slow down after Thanksgiving but apparently no one got the memo. SLAMMED! I'm hitting the road shortly and will have an overnight tonight. I can identify with the 'misty watercolor memories of the way we were'. THANK GAWD ABOVE I'm not still living that dream! The first thing I'd do is hit the liquor store to make sure I had enough for the night. Then check in with hubs early so he would see how messed up I'd get. UGG. AWFUL.
                                So good to see LolaB back!
                                Jolie, how are you doing? Rahul, everything ok? Don't wander off!! Stick close! There's safely in numbers. Everyone sounding good and strong! Keep it going! XO, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

