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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Pavati;1598099 wrote:
    I keep waking up with what feels like sinus headaches - I think they are allergies. At least I am not hungover on top of that.
    Hi, Pavati

    It was kind of a bummer to find out that not all of my problems (headache, being forgetful, sleeping poorly) were due to AL. I blamed almost everything negative in my life on drinking and it turns out, some things are just me . But, rediscovering the real person - good and bad aspects - is quite an adventure and it is great to finally be in a position to actually deal with the things that aren't quite as we'd like them.

    Have a great day, Nesters!


      Newbies Nest

      Congrats Elvis!!!
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Nesties!

        Elvis - Have a good trip and be sure to get right back here when you can!

        NS - I was sadly disappointed when I realized I still had aches and pains AFTER getting sober too. LOL Oh well, it's nothing like it was before, that is for sure!

        Loves - Welcome back to day can do this. I'm glad the hubs is at least admitting there's a problem. Keep focused, it does get easier eventually. Like Byrdie said, why not make THIS Christmas a sober one? No need to procrastinate. We are here for you!

        Pav - Have you ever tried Simply Saline for your sinuses? I've been using it every night and notice a huge difference!

        Everyone hang in there and stay strong! Don't worry about tomorrow or next week, just get through today :l
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Newbies Nest

          MAE all,
          14F here today...bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
          My appointment at 1 canceled so I guess we will visit dad and hit Costco. Laundry is calling my name much fun.
          Back later,

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            Newbies Nest

            Hi all,

            Rahul and Love, rooting for you. God awful time those first few days, and I have had many myself, but definitely doable as you both know. Rahul, you're not a bad example here, you are simply an example of what happens when we arrive back at day 1. Stay strong! Love, I agree with others--we have only ourselves to look to when it comes to how we react to outside influence. Yay on the hubby and detox.

            Pav, great on day 10, Olga on 11! Good luck on the job front.

            Elvis, have fun in Orlando, and Dotti, brrrrrrrrrr here too, and here's a bit of my laundry cheer for you.

            London and all, I was losing my drive too, so I took the proverbial bull by the horns and forced myself to do three things a day to keep me present in the outer world away from my inner demons.

            1. I come here and thoughtfully read and try to respond in kind.

            2. I joined blipfoto and have begun a photo a day journal. I'm not a professional, and that's not the point. I only have one friend there, so it's lonely. If anyone else is interested, let me know. It is free, helps keep the crazies away, you can remain anonymous, and I'll have the journal forever.

            3. I try to do at least one simple, anonymous act of kindness a day. I don't toot my own horn, so it has to be anonymous. Yesterday, I left a dog toy at the dog park since they don't have any there. I marked it "for the dogs at the park."

            Day 39 here, and feeling pretty good. Have a great AF MAE all.
            Every AF day is a milestone.


              Newbies Nest

              MAE Nesters
              It's been a couple of days since I've responded to posts :blush:

              Elvis, 30 days!!!! Absolutely great; have a lovely trip.

              Humble, blipfoto sounds great, and I've signed up for it. So, let me know how to access your journal or whatever its called, and you'll have two friends.

              Dottie, doing the laundry is fine - it's what's supposed to happen to it afterwards that's the biggest ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

              Lovely, glad that hubby seems to be moving in the right direction, albeit slowly: but, his decision to go into detox is a great step forward - for all three of you. Please don'tallow him derail you again.

              Olga, good luck with the job hunting. The commute you're doing is hell!

              Pav, I need sunlight to thrive - would never make in the cold and grey northern climes.

              I started sorting out my study/office/library/whatever today - throwing away mountains of paper, sorting - you know the deal. Took a couple of hours off to enjoy the lovely weather today (and because it's a really awful job!) so, back to the mess for me.

              Have a lovely AF rest of today, Nesters!
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Newbies Nest

                Howdy nesters....
                Quick fly by and check in. Lovely, I wish your hubs could get on board now...there are 3 weeks between now and then, he could follow your example. When you give yourself a deadline like that, expect a huge blowout. It's like you drink out of panic or something. I wish you could have a sober holiday this year, the whole family. Tomorrow never seems to come in our world. Hop on board now. Any day you spend sober is a win for us. Three weeks is too precious to lose to AL.

                Have a wonderful, af Thursday! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  MAE all, Friday here in Aus and here i woke up thinking it was Saturday.

                  OP i have a 2 hour daily drive and I am so tired by the end of the week, like you i would love a job closer to home, maybe next year. I have to get a job in a hospital as if i go privately i lose all my benefits and it is hard to get one as they normally inhouse to people who are already working there.

                  Love glad to hear that hubby has agreed to go to detox. A step forward. Rahul be strong you can do this. Day 1's are never good for your psyche and so much easier when the days wrack up.

                  Elvis congrats on your 30 days, be very proud of yourself and enjoy your time away with your wife.

                  Busy weekend planned to keep me occupied so that is good although going to have a much deserved sleep in tomorrow.

                  Hope everyone is well and today I will not drink
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Newbies Nest

                    Last night my wife and I ran into our alcoholic friends we haven't seen in some time. These were friends that were our "boozing" friends, and all we really had in common with these folks was drinking and more drinking. We were at our son's Christmas concert and they were there to see their son perform as well (they had dropped their son off early to the concert for rehearsal)

                    They had gone to the pub prior to the concert and showed up with red faces, glassy eyes and booze on their breath. When we stopped to chat I was kind of embarrassed for them, and only when we walked away did I realize that was probably me at last years Christmas concert.

                    I had forgotten what I looked like or smelled like after several drinks… and seeing them was a frightful reminder. I am sooo glad I am 51 days AF !!!

                    Happy MAE everyone…..
                    I would rather have a frontal labotomy than a bottle in-front-of-me.

                    AF since Oct 23,2013

                    I watched this and found it incredibly empowering.....


                      Newbies Nest


                      Well I feel a whole crapload better today compared to yesterday..thank god. Oh lets see whats been happening ..

                      aclassicgirl;1597874 wrote: Live in the moment. .
                      I do the same freaking thing. I think way too mucho. Im real good at letting the past go..its the future things that I have no control over thats the hard one. Yes there are some things that are whirlwinding around that will have a great impact on how I live my life and in a short time. Reminders like yours to "live in the moment" are very helpful. Thanks

                      OlgadaPolga;1598018 wrote: I like the feeling of calm and being "centred" somehow, regardless of what life throws at me (and it's throwing me a lot at the moment).
                      Being "centered" was the best part of kickin the can for me Olga. All those ups ( oh yea..they were wild ) and lows got very tiring. Getting a break once and a while to just level out was like finding the Holy Grail..speaking of Holy .. Holy crap ! 110 miles per day ??! Boy Im tired just thinking about that. I was wondering the same thing about you going into biz for yourself. Do you have any equipment to do a starter thing ? My brother started his graphic design company doing small odd jobs for the locals with little startup investment. In any case I hope you find something that you like thats doesnt require a plane ticket. Oh..and what I have found is that things will open and close when your ready for it. Sounds to me that you should prepare for one of those things that life throws at you..gotta catch it though. Im exited for you actually..

                      Loveless;1598069 wrote: I am going to beat this thing! For myself and my son!
                      Thats the ticket Love. Find something stronger than your addiction..Hell it worked for me. Your son has no choice in the matter so thats basically grouping him within yourself. Your husband has to make his own choice. Yes it would be great if he would stop now..with you..but if he is not ready..then hes not going to do it. Lets just hope that he is strong enough to follow through. Oh..and you might want to be aware of what you write here about him .. hopefully he will be joining us soon

                      Elvis;1598089 wrote:
                      The company holiday party was yesterday. I think they had multiple kinds of wine flowing, but I stuck to ginger ale and diet Coke.
                      Congrats on your big 30 Elvis ! That and a trip to Universal Studios. Funny thing about them bosses and being AF that I pondered at work today. When I was drinking ( and of course everyone did ) whenever I would call in sick or even show up saying that I dont feel good or that Im zapped I would get the inevitable look of "oh sure..hungover eh". Nobody really said anything but you could tell what they were thinking. Sure that most the time I was feeling like crap from all the cans that I put into the recycle bin. Now that everybody knows I dont drink its very different. When I say that I dont feel good its more like "oh ok? well get some rest and take care of yourself..come in when you feel better.". Funny how that works. Keep up the good work and have a blast down there. PS. sticking close to the nest really does work doesnt it..

                      Pavati;1598099 wrote:
                      I am dropping by on my way to work. I keep waking up with what feels like sinus headaches - I think they are allergies. At least I am not hungover on top of that.
                      Pav..I had the same thing going on for the past few days. For me it couldnt be allergies because it so freaking freezing here that everything that is outside for more than 10 minutes is Dead! I think I know what my problem is though. Its the damn Ice Cream! I mean common..I can quit beer cold turks while the whole family destructo button is being pushed..but I just cant stop shoveling that sweet sweet crap into my mouth..every friggen night too! Oh and the allure of it being 3qts for 5 bucks doesnt help. Its like I have a problem..a serious problem with this. Even now..Im out of praline and cream..thoughts of doing a quick run to the store for just one more tinsy winsy gallon couldnt hurt right ? But nope..not gonna do it! Although..I do have about 20 butterscotch snack packs with nobodies name on them...right beside the two one gallon ziplock bags full of lemon and peanut butter cookies. Oh sigh..I need to get a handle on this before it turns into a problem. Ok ok..I need to get it out of the problem stage and move back to a more moderate one.

                      Now my mouth drooling..thanks for bringing that up there Pav . Im off to cook me some of my new pressure cooked chicken and rice. Yea..get the chicken all pressure cooked up.. after that you shake some chili powder and season salt put it under the broiler for about 5 minutes to crispo it and good ol Chanticleer is done. With the rice..Im putting some chicken bullion in the water. Together with making gravy from the pressure cooked broth and you have a meal fit for Dave! Ok guys..I really have to go now! Hunger pains are starting to grow with every passing word I write..

                      Be good and happy eating..I mean have a wonderful AF night..

                      Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                      AF: 9-10-2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks, Gambler.

                        WineBGone- Good to recognize that "friendship" for what it was. I have some relationships like that. Sad to see them go. It's Thursday and time for drinks on the drive. I told one neighbor, over the weekend, that I'm not currently drinking and well, I didn't get a drinks on the drive invite today. I know it's a good thing but it's HARD!


                          Newbies Nest

                          MAE all,
                          Went to visit dad today and he was just not all there..he is usually somewhat confused but today was worse...I know this comes with the Alzheimer's disease...and dh was not with it either..I wanted to run to the deli for wine so darn and hide so I didn't have to cope....but I didn't.....eating a bag of trail mix and fixing dinner....I just get so frustrated with dh when he either does not listen or he is getting the memory problems too....munch...munch.....sigh...

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            That sounds hard, Dottie :l, and you probably are tired of being the responsible one. You are showing how strong you really are by not choosing the deceptively easy escape. Maybe a long hot bath should be your reward .


                              Newbies Nest

                              Way to go, Elvis!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Yep NS I am very tired of being the responsible one...I drank at it all summer and that changed least I learned that..

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

