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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Brilliant, brilliant posts, everyone. I love that I can come on here in what is the morning for me, and find lots of inspiration that has been posted while I've been asleep. Pavati - I am definitely a control freak. I am the responsible one, the one who everyone leans on, the one who gets things done. But I can't do this, beat AL, on my own. That was why I didn't like AA when I tried it before (I only went once, to one meeting, so I'm sure I would have had a different experience if I'd persevered and tried a few meetings out... anyway!). Even though I am a spiritual/religious person, I couldn't accept the idea of handing this problem over to my Higher Power. I resented that in fact! No! I can do it myself!

    Well, I can't. I just can't. And I am grateful that because of MWO I don't have to.

    Have a fab day everyone. I've opened up my work email and already there are some corkers in there... so it's not going to be an easy day. But I haven't got a hangover. Yippee!!


      Newbies Nest

      MAE Nesters

      POETS day!

      If you suffer from friggatriskaidekaphobia, well, be careful today.

      Help yourself to coffee, and then go on to have a lovely AF Friday.
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters,

        Reporting in from the frozen tundra once again, Brrr!!!

        DTD, I heard there's a website to deal with that :H :H

        available, that's a lovely wedding pic!

        Pavati, even the world's biggest & bestest control freak can't control AL. Once we figure that out we can be on our way to freedom ;

        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday the 13!!!!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          I needed inspiration this morning. Here it is. Thanks guys. Having a rough patch here. Kids are fighting, he's leaving, doors are slamming, dogs are cringing. Uggghhhhhhh! Off I go to deal with a crisis. But yeah! I am not hung over and my head is clear. Love you guys.
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


            Newbies Nest

            Happy Friday 13th everybody I hope you don't mind if I join you all ???? On day 11 af and feeling great and positive. I find so much useful, empathic information on this site along with so much joy, humour and reality its such a great place to be. My current domestic grip a husband who is not a drinker so really does not get why anybody would drink to excess. He sent me a message today saying how much he loves me ( which is very nice) but my reply was thats very nice to know but I would like you to try and understand me and like me as much as you love me !!!!. But on the plus side it is much easier living with somebody who does not drink in front of you as I know from past experience trying to be af is tough when you have a partner who drinks !!. Happy Friday one and all xx
            AF Since 2nd December 2013

            Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

            Diet Start

            25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs


              Newbies Nest

              OP, what a great post!!

              OlgadaPolga;1598437 wrote: Brilliant, brilliant posts, everyone. I love that I can come on here in what is the morning for me, and find lots of inspiration that has been posted while I've been asleep. Pavati - I am definitely a control freak. I am the responsible one, the one who everyone leans on, the one who gets things done. But I can't do this, beat AL, on my own. That was why I didn't like AA when I tried it before (I only went once, to one meeting, so I'm sure I would have had a different experience if I'd persevered and tried a few meetings out... anyway!). Even though I am a spiritual/religious person, I couldn't accept the idea of handing this problem over to my Higher Power. I resented that in fact! No! I can do it myself!

              Well, I can't. I just can't. And I am grateful that because of MWO I don't have to.

              Have a fab day everyone. I've opened up my work email and already there are some corkers in there... so it's not going to be an easy day. But I haven't got a hangover. Yippee!!
              Little B, as bad as life can get sometimes, it will ONLY be made worse by getting the F-it's!! The FECKITS will kill us. I am sure you would like some relief, but TRUST ME, it's not in a's with working it out! AL will do nothing but inflame EVERYTHING. Can you imagine that household with everyone out of control? I'm afraid this is where the rubber hits the road...stay STRONG, you will NOT regret it!! Go break a lamp or throw an egg at the kids, but do not sabotage yourself! Thinking of you!!! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Greetings - I feel like I was just here!

                Starting Day 12 and I have my work holiday party (on this auspicious day, Fri. 12/13). My plan is to eat a big lunch and drink sparkling water and lime while there. There will be a lot going on with kids, etc., and I have to drive home, so I am not worried.

                Later, however... My husband is taking the kids to a movie I don't want to see, so I will be home alone. Normally this would be cause for me to have a couple large cocktails while I enjoy the peace and quite on a Friday night. I am not tempted right now, but my plan is to fill up at the party and come home to some stuff I have taped. Might even try Sons of Anarchy as you all suggested - a friend loaned me season one. I will have more time to more thoroughly answer posts as well.

                LB - Wow, what a difficult situation! I know you know it would be much worse if you were drunk or hungover. Stay strong!

                Have great days, everyone.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Pinecone;1598304 wrote: Hi Friends,
                  I like the concept of "the switch," commonly associated with baclofen (I have no experience with it), but I like the idea of there being "a switch."
                  That is an interesting way of looking at it, Pinecone. The switches are similar, also, in that you can't really predict when it will happen and you can't make it happen by force of will (though it sounds like most of us have tried!). Sometimes, like you said, it is a rock bottom that throws that switch and that is that. My experience was one of just hanging in there day by day by day, kind of doggedly going after this elusive "happy AF life", acting like I saw successful people act, trying to appreciate what was good about this life (basically just noticing little things) and then one day -- I realized the switch must have been flipped because the light was on !

                  Pavati;1598345 wrote:
                  MAE nesters,
                  I often think "who am I at this early stage posting things that could even sound like advice,"
                  The posts of people who have been around a long time like Lav and Byrdie are the foundation of the nest (thank you for being here, friends :l!) but in the early days, it seems impossible to believe we can ever be like them. Just like in kindergarten, you might adore your teacher and think she is beautiful and want to be just like her when you grow up, it doesn't seem like 5 year old you will ever be much different than you are - too hard to imagine. On the other hand, if you see that another girl in your class can read sentences and you can only read words, being as good as her might seem possible and worth aiming for.

                  IMO, encouraging posts from people at the same stage or just slightly ahead are critical to getting this done. Where you are Pav, seems attainable with a "day at a time" approach when you're a person on say, day 3. Day 300 or 500 or 5000 sounds great but totally impossible
                  . So to hear from you that life is good so soon
                  can be very inspiring. Plus, every time you post something to encourage someone else, you are doing that and more for yourself. No newbie should ever feel reluctant to chime in - every person's voice helps all of us get this done and maintain it.


                    Newbies Nest

                    MAE all,
                    I agree that the posts and folks here are the best, most supportive!! We all get it and that is nto something we can always say about our family members. I know that is me for sure...dh is a light drinker and he so does not get me...but he is not drinking in front of me so that is good.
                    He has a doctors appointment this afternoon then a few more errands. They are predicting 2-4 inches of snow for tomorrow....last snow is not melted yet..I am NOT liking this at all..feel trapped in the house. bleh

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all,
                      I'm in the middle of season 6 Sons of Anarchy. It just keeps getting more outrageous by the season, but I can't stop watching it.

                      Welcome Poppy. Great place to be when you're trying to stay sober. Keep coming in and reading daily. It has helped me tremendously!

                      Day 40 here. Have a great AF MAE all.
                      Every AF day is a milestone.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Evening all.

                        A shell of a person posting here. Hope everyone is staying strong ahead of Christmas.

                        Just feel detached from everything atm, hoping this feeling passes, but it just makes me want to booze more over the next few weeks. Subconcious and conscious mind are having the same thoughts

                        "What's the point"


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi all,
                          I just found this site while looking up information on Baclofen. I'm 35 and have been drinking heavily since I was about 20. I have 2 young children and I'm scared to death of the alcohol taking me from them. Ive quit drinking through each of my pregnancies, but started again after I was done nursing. (How could I quit when I was pregnant, but not otherwise??). I've ordered some Baclofen and plan to start it when it arrives. I look forward to joining y'all's journey.


                            Newbies Nest

                            New here

                            Hi all,
                            I just found this site while looking up information on Baclofen. I'm 35 and have been drinking heavily since I was about 20. I have 2 young children and I'm scared to death of the alcohol taking me from them. Ive quit drinking through each of my pregnancies, but started again after I was done nursing. (How could I quit when I was pregnant, but not otherwise??). I've ordered some Baclofen and plan to start it when it arrives. I look forward to joining y'all's journey.:new::new:


                              Newbies Nest

                              MAE all, day 14 here and still feeling resigned to not drinking which i think is a good thing but would like some motivation thrown in for good measure. Only I can do that so i am going to give myself a good talking to at some stage instead of procrastinating.

                              Thanks Lav, my girls are my world but thank god the wedding is over although i cant wait for the professional photos and maybe i can post some on here and not be technically challenged.

                              Pop and YF welcome you have come to a good place. I did the same as you YF and did not drink while pregnant or feeding but then it slowly slipped back in although i classified myself as a social drinker then as i had a bad asthmatic baby and hospital was a second home for awhile. There are threads on Baclofen so do a search or i am sure someone could post a link.

                              LB stay strong girl, its the silly season remember and your family is being very silly! You have come so far and now, you can do it.

                              London sorry to hear you are having a hard time. I think we all have thought the same thoughts as you "what is the point". The point for me was that i will die from AL, maybe not now, or tomorrow but it will kill me. It killed my brother, al has no favourites. I think the light has finally turned itself on in my brain and i realise i cant drink and for the moment i dont want to drink, it does not appeal to me. My al brain thinks it does but my sensible brain knows it doesnt. So for today i will not drink. I actually spent last weekend watching movies on al, to the stage that i thought "no more" but it hit a few home truths to me and has made me more determined.

                              Well a quiet Saturday here and candle making with my daughter tomorrow which I am looking forward to as i will be driving sober and will be able to totally enjoy the day instead of feeling like the world is going to end.

                              Sorry if i missed anyone, which i know i have but i need my first cup of coffee. Anyone want to join me?
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thanks, Available! I can't wait for them to arrive. I've done AA but I'm not relig so that was not possible for me. My husband is also a functioning alcoholic so it's hard to do it alone. Glad I found y'all!

