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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    MAE Nesters

    Vanilla- flavoured coffee today - help yourself.

    It seems that as we move deeper into the silly season the conversations here become more serious as we talk about our fears for Xmas and New Year. Lots of important posts, I noticed while skimming through them - will be back later to really read and absorb.

    Have a lovely AF Saturday, everybody.
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      Hi all Nesters! Not posted for a couple of days....sorry.....but have been reading and lots of positive things happening in others lives..........GREAT!! Keep going!
      Just got to say that over 8 days since my last drink with very strange side effects :-
      House is clean!
      Washing and ironing done!
      Christmas shopping finished!
      Correspondence up-to-date!
      Dinners/food taste great!
      Garden is tidy!
      Started baking again!
      Back in the gym too!
      ......and......I'm seriously hyperactive!!
      At this rate I'll have to start posting on a site for obsesive compulsive house workers!!!! ( there such a site....hehe!!)
      Thinking of you all.........let's get the next day AF!!!
      xx GQ.


        Newbies Nest

        Gotta, you're on a roll there with 8 days - congrats!

        Don't you whether you've come across this thread: absolutely hilarious take on housecleaning binges:
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks......have read a couple and will come back to them later! Great stuff! Now I have a log burner that needs black-leading!!!! And....I'm sure there is a leaf about to fall out of the apricot tree that might just mess up the garden!!!!!!!!!!!:H:H


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters,

            Greetings to one & all!
            Another snowstorm is on the way so I'm just going to make a pot of soup & catch up on some work

            Illyria, I noticed your post a page back or so.
            I'm sorry your counselor is not a good fit - any chance of moving on to another? Sometimes a little discomfort is needed to draw things out so you can deal with them effectively. Sorry to hear your sister is not in good shape. Please try to focus on yourself & your plan right now. Maybe, somewhere down the road you can give her a hand up

            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks for the support upon my reaching 40 days. I owe a lot of it to this site and all of you. Gotta, very interesting and strange side effects indeed...
              Every AF day is a milestone.


                Newbies Nest

                MAE, All:

                I tried to scroll back and find out who originally suggested this video, but couldn't find it. Anyway - Cherry Healey -[/video]]Old Before My Time. Eye opening, sad, and it made my liver hurt to watch! It haunted me before bed last night.

                Another busy day here - lunch with some friends of my husbands family and then a mulled wine party tonight. I will be skipping the wine and drinking the non-al cider they have for kids, and most likely leaving early. I was so tired this morning that I slept through my alarm for 20 minutes (son had to get up for a baseball thing). I NEVER do that, but DH was snoring last night so I had ear plugs in and a pillow over my head.

                Have wonderful, sober days and I'll check in later.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Day 2 and feeling great! it is negative 29 celsius here today so i am staying in today with my son and making a gingerbread house! hope everyone is doing alright!

                  have a great af day!

                  ?That's the problem with drinking,
                  If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
                  if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
                  and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
                  ― Charles Bukowski
                  Days AF: 13 :h


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi friends, just a very quick check in,
                    Steadfast, good for you wanting to remain AF for you and your parent's sake! You are strong and wise to draw strength from your AF life.
                    Classic, great job staying AF at the party!
                    Humble, awesome job on your 40 days!
                    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                    AF 11/12/11


                      Newbies Nest

                      At a bar by myself. Watching people in the good state of alcohol consumption. Everyone is laughing and having a good time. I forgot that it is appealing to just let go of everything and forget about responsibilities. Even though they will still be there tomorrow.

                      I am not considering drinking just enjoying a positive atmosphere of a cheers style bar before it turns into drunken den.
                      AF since 1st Sep 2012
                      NF since 1st Sep 2012

                      If you want to feel better visit


                        Newbies Nest

                        Allan, it took a while, but now I can jump right in and be merry without the drink. It does take a while to find that inner party person, but she's in there, but now she doesn't make an absolute ASS of herself! Watching drunk people is an education.

                        MyLuck, I found the stages of grief happen on several levels, and perhaps even daily. That's not a great answer....but it does vary and they go back and forth. In some respects, I had acceptance at Day 13. That's the day that really changed my attitude. But now as I approach 3 years and looking back, I would say it came around the 100 day mark. Since that time, most of the struggles have been was just the occasional twinge that hit. I have heard that it really takes about 2 years to get totally accustomed to an AF free....I can see that. I absolutely know that I cannot drink and I'm ok with that. So the grieving process is just that...a process. Just taking it one day at a time is all we can do....accepting that today, no matter what, I will not drink. I didn't become an alkie overnight and it takes some time to get out of it....but it does come. Halleloooyah, it DOES come!!

                        Happy Sattidy, All, Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          MAE all,
                          I wanted to work on the living/dining room today. It is still filled with stuff from my folks house...I got so overwhelmed again that I just started crying. Dh was NO help nor was he sympathetic...I was so mad and sad and angry. I got a few things done but just could not do it all....guess I will just do it in small chunks and not ask dh for any help...because he is more trouble than the help is worth...dam...

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Just a quick check in to say hello and it is a lovely sunny day in Melbourne today. I do not envy you guys with your winter.

                            Pav that youtube docco was so sad and my al brain thought "i never drank that much" and then i thought about it and my thinking was "god you are so lucky to have survived". An eye opener yes.

                            Well day 14 here and going to spend some quality mum daughter time. Am looking forward to going sober and not with a hangover from hell and the anxiety and shakes. Wonder what my candles would end up like with the shakes lol.

                            Have a great MAE one and all.
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Newbies Nest

                              Just got back from AA meeting , day 2 almost over ! I may have a sponsor soon too, which I've kind of wanted to give a try. My son and I made an awesome gingerbread house today and he had so much fun (especially licking the bowl lol =P ) I am thinking tomorrow my son and I might make some christmas cookies

                              Hope everyone is doing well! Have a wonderful AF M/A/E !

                              -Love :h
                              ?That's the problem with drinking,
                              If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
                              if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
                              and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
                              ― Charles Bukowski
                              Days AF: 13 :h


                                Newbies Nest

                                Today's BIG snowstorm ended up dumping about 2 inches - that's fine with me

                                HumbleRider - 40 days, nice!

                                Going to try to turn in earlier than usual tonight, have been up since 4 am, yuck.
                                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!!!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

