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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    "When I go out I do not feel deprived or like I have scabies or cooties...I feel GOOD...I feel COOL! I feel like I finally 'get it'."

    Byrdi- I get it.
    So true.


      Newbies Nest

      So sad

      Londoner;1599688 wrote:

      My brain is in a battle. I have put financial strain on myself because of wreckless nights out. I'm thinking to just get over it before Xmas and then start afresh come Xmas day. Sort my life out - fitness, work etc. I can't get any worse off financially and I don't have to communicate with anyone until I go back to work in the New Year.
      Londoner-This is exactly what I have been thinking lately but it's not working for me. I'm tired of being sick and feeling like crap. I hope you will really think about your plan. As NS said there is no magic day to start, it just needs to be TODAY for me and I hope soon for you too.

      AF since 12/26/13

      "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone,

        A day or two in the Nest is a long time!

        L.B, I am thinking of you and hope things ease up soon. One thing to hold onto is how much more we can focus on getting through these challenging times when we?re AF. If I think back to eight months ago, I simply would not have been capable of driving out to visit my folks and supporting them. It?s so much better to be able to keep a level head and work constructively on any issues that present. I hope (and suspect it is) the same for you.
        At this time of year, people drinking are everywhere. I?m keeping it in perspective. To have a drink now, just because of a special few days on the calendar, would be a most destructive choice to make. There are 365 days in every year. I have made a NON-NEGOTIABLE decision to remain Steadfast!

        Power on, people!
        Love Steady
        AF free since April 29, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Londoner, as much as drinking meant to me, I don't even remember my last drink. It was on the night of January 19th, 2011. I had tried to stop drinking the whole year before. Thought I could control it. January 1st came and went. It wasn't until my hubs packed his clothes and left that I realized I had to make a decision: Him or Alcohol. It was a HARD choice. I could drink myself to death or quit. I could not (and still cannot) have it both ways Now that i have some distance from AL, I can see how stupid I was to wait until it got so bad. I am so sad that i put my hubs thru all that. He didn't sign up to be married to an ALK. Sometimes I can still see the fear in his eyes when we go out and are around others drinking. Now I can see AL for what it is a drug that is going to kill me if I consume it. I have the choice. I am choosing not to drink another drop of it. I HATE AL for what it has done to me and my friends here, including you. Tomorrow never comes to addicts. Start now. The sooner you start the sooner you are going to feel better about yourself.

          if you could do a search on this site for the folks that have made the same arguments for waiting to quit as you, you will see that most of them are still struggling today. Get quit and STAY quit. It is the ONLY way to beat this thing and trust me, I've looked. Save yourself more grief. DO it now! Just my 2 cents! I care about you too. You cannot defeat this adversary. It is THE most worthy opponent I have ever encountered. LET IT GO. It is NOT worth it. Xo. Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest


            Hi all .. just wanted to do a quickie post here. The boys arrived early so I had them since yesterday morning. I should be able to catch up when I get off work tomorrow.

            Hope everyone is doing ok. I spy that you dont feel to good Lond. I will be thinking good vibes for you

            Night night everyone :l

            Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
            AF: 9-10-2013


              Newbies Nest

              A quick pop in while making dinner.

              Londoner - My guess is that you keep posting here because you know in your heart of hearts that you don't want to keep drinking, even until Christmas. Having been here for a while, you know that if you post that you will have a whole bevvy of folks reminding you of why they don't drink, don't entertain thoughts of moderation, why you should NOT drink, not even for a couple of days. When have Byrdie, NoSugar, K9, Gambler, Steady, LB, ANYONE on here said - "oh, that makes sense. Just a couple of more nights of binging and then you can stop." Never.

              My point being, you must, whether you can say it out loud to yourself or not, want to quit now. I haven't been here that long, and I can tell the difference between the drinking Londoner and the sober Londoner. I have been struggling with moderation for a while, and it is so much better to stop the conversation at no. I can't have a drink, not even one. Period. Now, let's go out an have some fun.

              In case you want to be scared straight, check out Cherry Healy -[/video]]Old Before My Time. It will show you the "glamour" of the alcohol lifestyles of the young.

              I hope you are OK. This is all meant as support. I'm just adding my chirp to the birds in the nest. Be well.


                Newbies Nest

                Hi all!!! Good night!
                Little Beagle - how are you??? My thoughts are with you!
                Londoner - as it was said many times - it is never a good time! First Christmas, then New Years and then next Monday. And like that. Always another excuse. I have done it year after year.
                I am good today. I tried some work pants today from my closet - size 10 and they fit!!! OMG! I lost 20 lb in 2 months! One of the benefits of not drinking - all those extra calories. Feels great.
                AF since 10/20/2013
                Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                Meat free since 09/20/2008
                With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                  Newbies Nest

                  My luck that weight loss is great.
                  Londoner it just gets harder and harder. Give yourself a present of a Christmas free of the GSR Brothers. You will not regret it. I have never regreted waking up without a hangover once.
                  Everything is quiet here tonight. ODAAT. Tonight was Bake Christmas Cookies and watch The Santa Clause with Tim Allen.
                  What are some favorite Christmas movies?
                  Have a great MAE everyone.
                  No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Gwawky Mae! Haven't said that in a bit

                    Hi LB I'm excited about your 250 coming- wow. Also Elvis !!!! You did it ... 30... How does it feel?
                    Welcome back MS - on day 2 myself again
                    NS- I don't remember exactly why I started again- not 100% committed and still believing I could moderate I guess. It has to be 180 degree shift in thinking and I was there at about 100 degree turn?
                    Anyway, doing my best to get my mind right again
                    First goal: 30 days
                    Welcome your friend and dessi! Dessi, I often think if I could go all week and then just get wasted on weeknd that would be acceptable ---- so I get ya, but that's messed up thinking huh? Besides it never works like that I always start drinking during week

                    Hi to all you Oldtimers! Thanks for staying the course and being examples of possibility


                      Newbies Nest

                      Oh hi Free- thanks for PM I don't think I responded to last but I appreciate you reaching out!

                      Mr vervil- you here?


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        It's late but I wanted to wish everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest - freezing here!

                        Londoner, think it over - what do you really, really want?

                        Be well everyone!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi, all:

                          I can't post at work, but I do read what you write at my break. I have trouble responding to it all at night.

                          Overit - Hi, and welcome back. Very glad to see you.
                          You, too, I Can. Hi, MDodo. Hi, MS.
                          Welcome, Yourfriend and Dessi. You found a great spot. Read, read, read, read is all I can say. I am only on Day 15 but it has worked so far.

                          My Luck - Chalk that up to another reason to go AF. I'm still eating to compensate, so I'll have to wait for any weight loss!

                          LB - Glad things are calmer.

                          Lav - I wish you'd send some of that precipitation this way - we are in the midst of a real drought.

                          I know I am missing people - hope everyone had a great Monday. Phew, it is over.

                          I am incredibly sleepy these days - I keep thinking I'm coming down with something but then I don't. Probably my body wondering what the heck is happening to it - after spending so much time processing alcohol it doesn't know what to do!

                          Good night, good bye, Day 15.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lucky flower, thanks for the documentaries, etc. I just watched a couple of Intervention Canadas. Make me more determined than ever to stay the course.

                            LB, I agree. Right now for me, the least I say the better. So far, a simple "I don't want a drink, thanks" or even "I don't drink (anymore)" has worked very well. Hope all is well with the family situation, that's got to be rough. As for Christmas movies, I like Holiday Inn and White Christmas.

                            Dottie, hope you can find out what is causing the itching and redness.

                            Hi Dessie and MS, I was like you, trying to drink in moderation. Did not come close to working for me, ever. Dessie, I don't think I ever ended up in church sloshed, but who knows? Not me in blackout, that's for sure.

                            Hi, Yourfriend. Are you feeling okay in this early days of not drinking? The Toolbox here is so handy when I'm feeling sick and tired.

                            Over it, good that you had the strength to check in and be honest. Deceit destroys from the inside and radiates throughout the physical and the psyche, a white-hot negative implosion that never seems to cease.

                            I'm with Pav Londoner. The fact that you are posting for support and encouragement says a lot about your ability to quit at any time, not just Christmas Day.
                            I know I can't do this on my own, so like Elvis, I come here at least once a day. Great support, thanks.
                            Every AF day is a milestone.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi to all and especially to Londoner,
                              I have really come to the end with alcohol . I feel incredibly weak as I have really caned it today and through until about 2.00am. I am going to work today, I now have three more days of work and then a break for Christmas.

                              Londoner I am in London, have been all my life!! will pm you, hope you are feeling better now DD
                              New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


                                Newbies Nest

                                I know I sound like a broken record. And I definitely am a Jekyll and Hyde sort of person when it comes to anything mind altering.

                                I need to use the knowledge I learned from a book.

                                Basically as long as I have thoughts of drinking in my mind, I will eventually drink. I need to consciously tell my subconscious that I do not need alcohol.

