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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi MarriedGirl and Welcome.

    You're doing a great thing for yourself, and although you've tried to quit in the past, I think it's a good idea to never quit quitting. We've all freaked-out over the idea of quitting, but you're right - if you're drinking all day, everyday then you have to get things under control. You already know you can since you've made it 90 days before. MWO is a great place, full of good people who have been where you've been - and more importantly where you're going. The wonderful thing about it is they hang around and help us sort all this stuff out. Stop by often and checkin. The nest is a good place to get to know some folks.

    Lav - we're getting hammered with blizzard conditions right now. Could get up to a foot by morning. Oh joy! Thanks for the golf jab though - that's really hitting a guy where it hurts! You too Spam - Chicago is a great summer town with great beaches on the lake - no surf though. But we're a long way away from that. Enjoy!

    Yay Fluff - two weeks! Fantastic.

    HippyChick, keep on rolling. You Rock! 33 days? Your friends might be jealous you know! And you're right about how being sober can become like a buzz! For a couple weeks I kept resisting the idea in my mind, but at some point I realized how good it felt to have a clear mind and healing body. I had to accept and let it come without resisting.

    Jolie, keep it going. Byrdlady - how are you doing?

    Take care all!
    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Meech!

      We cross-posted. You can have my share of the snow. I was watching the weather channel this morning reporting on the efforts to get snow to the winter olympic sites. How bizarre to have the olympics coming and have a shortage of snow huh? I guess its a matter of perception - but I just can't seem to wrap my arms around winter. It's too hard to get around and cold hurts!

      Great job on 10 days af -- this place is really amazing. I was never able to get a solid grip on sobriety until I found this place.

      Take care. Wishing some snow on you!
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks for the welcomes!


        Thanks for the welcomes. It's very encouraging. I had a sit down with my husband tonight about what was to come with the detox biz and he assured me he supports everything. What is it about alchoholics that makes them find the best people on the planet to be with? Could this be a whole forum? I think so personally.

        I appreciate everyone here.

        I ain't afraid of no ghost....


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Everyone.
          Welcome MG29. You are lucky to have a supportive husband. I am one of those lucky ones too. He walked in tonight with a HUGE bunch of flowers saying how proud he was of me for my 34 days AF and to give me encouragement. It makes it so much easier to have that support as you will find out. Good luck with your detox. And as Tranq said keep checking in here as there is so much support in this nest. I pop in three or four times a day when I am struggling and it really helps me stay on track.
          Well done Meech - keep going strong and that 10 days will grow quickly.
          Hey Spam - hope your supps have arrived.
          Jolie if you pop in Hi!
          Stay warm Tranq and Lav and put another photo of your lovely puppy on.
          I finally got it!
          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


            Newbies Nest

            MG29 - :welcome: You have found a great place with lots of support. Keep reading and posting. The "MWO family" has been a lifesaver for me.

            Fluff and Hippy - way to go on your 2 weeks/33 days respectively! That is awesome. Question for both of you - how are you doing with cravings? I am actually finding it easier second time around (I'm on day 10) - think it might be the L-Glut.

            Tranq and Lav - What did you wake up to this morning? (more snow I bet) It's so beautiful but down here in Maryland, we are just not used to having this much snow at one time (looks like over 40 inches in less than a week!) Worried about the 30-45 mph winds they are predicting for this afternoon. Really don't want to lose electric.

            Meech - Wish we could send some your way:H How does 10 days feel for you? I am loving the non-blood shot eyes, non-puff face, and since November I have lost about 6 pounds! Have been trying to drop 10 for a while now - little did I know that all I had to do was give up the wine!

            Spam - glad you are enjoying the weather where you are - sounds nice.

            Everyone have a warm, safe, AF Tuesday!

            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


              Newbies Nest

              Can I bring a cushion into the nest? My new AL free life has lead me to the gym and to an amazing personal trainer. Unfortunately, I have done "something" to my back and am off to the physio in the morning.

              Hippy - still haven't ordered the supps. It's over AU$ 200 with the rate of exchange and delivery. I'm doing well without them so far but am still thinking about it. My lovely husband has let me give up work as a way to cut the stress / open a bottle of wine lifestyle. Overall though, 6 weeks supps cost less than two weeks AL.

              Stay happy and safe, everyone, and enjoy the small but important steps to sobriety.

              Spam xx


                Newbies Nest

                Welcome MG29-I agree that it is so nice you have a supportive husband...I have the opposite, I guess because he doesn't want to face the fact that he, too, is an alcoholic - like me. Thankfully, even though he still drinks, I haven't had a drop for over 5 months. Hippy-congrats to you, too! 34 days is GREAT!!

                Jolie-SNOW-this is going to be a record breaker winter this year. I'm just North of you in Chester County and my daughter is beside you in Newark, DE. Lav is with us in all of this too - we could get together and have a sledding party! LOL.

                Spam-bring a comfy cushion on in....sorry to hear that your back is off today...& here you are trying to do something good for your body, right? Just not fair.....Hope you feel better soon. I love what you said "enjoy the small but important steps to sobriety". What a beautiful saying.

                I hope everyone has a great hump day!!
                Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters!

                  Is it morning already? Geez, the night went a bit too fast

                  Welcome to MG29, nice to have you here with us Just find a comfy twig & settle right in!

                  Grateful & Jolie - still snowing here too. Wish I could find the OFF button!!!! It's pretty & all but..........

                  Spam, sorry about your back! I hink with have a hot tub here somewhere - keep looking around!!

                  Tranq, I just heard N. Illinois had an earthquake this morning........everything OK with you????

                  Greetings Fluff, Hippy, Meech & everyone!

                  I'll try to get my big girl snow dog Maxie out for for pictures later - she's still sleeping right now - lucky dog

                  Wishing everyone a terrific AF Humpday!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Byrdlady is still in the nest! Day 10.

                    TranqWilly;803669 wrote: Hi MarriedGirl and Welcome.

                    You're doing a great thing for yourself, and although you've tried to quit in the past, I think it's a good idea to never quit quitting. We've all freaked-out over the idea of quitting, but you're right - if you're drinking all day, everyday then you have to get things under control. You already know you can since you've made it 90 days before. MWO is a great place, full of good people who have been where you've been - and more importantly where you're going. The wonderful thing about it is they hang around and help us sort all this stuff out. Stop by often and checkin. The nest is a good place to get to know some folks.

                    Lav - we're getting hammered with blizzard conditions right now. Could get up to a foot by morning. Oh joy! Thanks for the golf jab though - that's really hitting a guy where it hurts! You too Spam - Chicago is a great summer town with great beaches on the lake - no surf though. But we're a long way away from that. Enjoy!

                    Yay Fluff - two weeks! Fantastic.

                    HippyChick, keep on rolling. You Rock! 33 days? Your friends might be jealous you know! And you're right about how being sober can become like a buzz! For a couple weeks I kept resisting the idea in my mind, but at some point I realized how good it felt to have a clear mind and healing body. I had to accept and let it come without resisting.

                    Jolie, keep it going. Byrdlady - how are you doing?

                    Take care all!
                    I don't know how to replay...maybe this is it....Byrdlady is still in the nest! Day 10!
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hippy Chick;803728 wrote: Hi Everyone.
                      Welcome MG29. You are lucky to have a supportive husband. I am one of those lucky ones too. He walked in tonight with a HUGE bunch of flowers saying how proud he was of me for my 34 days AF and to give me encouragement. It makes it so much easier to have that support as you will find out. Good luck with your detox. And as Tranq said keep checking in here as there is so much support in this nest. I pop in three or four times a day when I am struggling and it really helps me stay on track.
                      Well done Meech - keep going strong and that 10 days will grow quickly.
                      Hey Spam - hope your supps have arrived.
                      Jolie if you pop in Hi!
                      Stay warm Tranq and Lav and put another photo of your lovely puppy on.
                      Can you pinpoint around what day it is that the cravings subside???? I'm day 10 and they are alive and kickiing! Any advice will be taken. thanks so much, t
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Learning my way around....

                        Jolie;803751 wrote: MG29 - :welcome: You have found a great place with lots of support. Keep reading and posting. The "MWO family" has been a lifesaver for me.

                        Fluff and Hippy - way to go on your 2 weeks/33 days respectively! That is awesome. Question for both of you - how are you doing with cravings? I am actually finding it easier second time around (I'm on day 10) - think it might be the L-Glut.

                        Tranq and Lav - What did you wake up to this morning? (more snow I bet) It's so beautiful but down here in Maryland, we are just not used to having this much snow at one time (looks like over 40 inches in less than a week!) Worried about the 30-45 mph winds they are predicting for this afternoon. Really don't want to lose electric.

                        Meech - Wish we could send some your way:H How does 10 days feel for you? I am loving the non-blood shot eyes, non-puff face, and since November I have lost about 6 pounds! Have been trying to drop 10 for a while now - little did I know that all I had to do was give up the wine!

                        Spam - glad you are enjoying the weather where you are - sounds nice.

                        Everyone have a warm, safe, AF Tuesday!

                        Wow, I wish I had 34 days under my belt....
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Spam;803775 wrote: Can I bring a cushion into the nest? My new AL free life has lead me to the gym and to an amazing personal trainer. Unfortunately, I have done "something" to my back and am off to the physio in the morning.

                          Hippy - still haven't ordered the supps. It's over AU$ 200 with the rate of exchange and delivery. I'm doing well without them so far but am still thinking about it. My lovely husband has let me give up work as a way to cut the stress / open a bottle of wine lifestyle. Overall though, 6 weeks supps cost less than two weeks AL.

                          Stay happy and safe, everyone, and enjoy the small but important steps to sobriety.

                          Spam xx
                          Where do you get the suppliments? Do they require an RX?
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks so much. I am new in recory and feel I need a place to come


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good afternoon Nesters,

                              Byrdlady - congrats on your 10 AF days! You are making great progress
                              The supplements need no Rx, you can order thru the Healthstore here on the website or you can (like many of us) jusy buy what you want at a store. I'm not sure where you are located but GNC probably has everything you need. You can pick up L-Glutamine at any drug store - really helps with the cravings! I found the art of distraction to be a good tool. Whenever a craving hits, syop what you're doing & go do something completely different - drink a glass of water, go take a walk, grab a good book - whatever you enjoy. The craving will pass in 15 minutes or less - try it, you'll see

                              Hi redstar, welcome to the Nest! Please fimd yourself a comfy twig & settle in with us!
                              If you haven't already, download & read the MWO book, it's full of useful info. And look in the Tool box (located in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas to help you make your plan. Please ask if you have any questions, we're glad to help you out!

                              Have a great afternoon everyone, I'll be back later!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all,
                                Congrats for everyone's Af days so far.

                                Hippy chick Sweet 34 days. What a great hubby. My husband told me last night he is very proud and actually happily surprised at my progress but as he puts it "I knew you could do it". glad he did as I sure didn't. However I am feeling more confident today for sure!!

                                Jolie - Hurray we did it. 10 days and counting.

                                Grateful - We are your fan club and cheering you on everyday!!! Perhaps the husband isn't ready yet and maybe worried he's going to loose his drinking buddy. Hope he sees the progress and improvement in your life and follow suit. I am proud of you - keep up the great work. :l

                                Lavande, Doggy Girl - thanks for all the advice and support. I know I keep saying it but I can't help it. I am so grateful for you and everyone everyday!!!!! :thanks:

                                Spam - heal up soon. Glad you are enjoying the gym and the PT.

                                Redstar - Youve come to the right place. You've got some powerful support and great friends to see you through to sobriety!

                                PLEASE SEND THE SNOW. I'm jealous. Sledding really? I'm ready to get the kids bikes out (although that wouldn't be so bad). Running out of places to play in the white stuff up here.
                                Kind of ironic. So as some people may believe we live in igloos up here - we'd end up homeless this year :H

                                Talk to you all soon. Keep those AF days rolling everyone!

