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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning All,

    You are my new Alkaseltzer because going onto MYO is the first thing I do in the mornings now.

    Have a lovely day.



      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Meech, I'm calling Fed Ex.......going to have them bring you every stinking inch of snow that has fallen here over the past few days :H I don't want it - I didn't order it!!!! Not even sure how much we got today because it's blowing around all over the place! Philadelphia reported 14 inches today, we sit about 50 miles South of there - closer to Baltimore & DC where snowfall totals have also been broken! Enough! Glad you are with us

      Spam, good to see you checking in as well! Hope you are enjoying your balmy weather - I can only hope!

      Hey Tranq - how are you buddy? Blizzards & earthquakes out your way.......crazy!!

      Well, I'm signing off but leaving the night light on of course.
      Wishing everyone a safe night (or day) in the Nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Just checking in

        Hello all-

        Just checking in this evening....Sunday's the big day and I keep reading about making a plan so I am checking the tool box and looking into that more. At this point my only plan is to take my medicine as prescribed and get some L-Glutamine, that seems pretty popular around here. And keep using my way out website. Definitely getting rid of all AL in house. Any other suggestions always great.....

        I ain't afraid of no ghost....


          Newbies Nest

          Hi All.

          Yep, crazy start to the day. I woke up before 5am to find out how bad my commute was going to be due to the snow -- but all they were talking about was a little 3.8 earthquake about 100 miles west of the city. I think the worst of it was some cracked walls and windows. We got a foot of snow overnight, but the streets are clear now. We're not getting anything like you guys out east.

          MG29, the only other advice I would give is to load up on some Lavand-itude - Lav's secret formula for dealing with everyday problems. Lav dispenses it regularly - so visit often for your standard daily dose. I would also suggest using the af time to learn how to treat yourself very well and heal. It's amazing how good it feels to clean out the body and mind, and get into a position to understand how much better life can be.

          Byrdlady - you said "Wow I wish I had 34 days under my belt." Funny but I just saw a quote that said "Life only lets us wish for what we have a chance to fulfill." Walt Disney said "If you can dream it you can do it." Begin today. Great job on 10 days!

          Hi redstar, jolie, spam, hc, fluff - everyone.

          Take care all.
          Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


            Newbies Nest

            Afternoon everyone. Taking a break from the house work (yuk!).
            Spam - I like your idea of a new alkaseltzer.... Hope your back gets better soon.
            While I was doing the cleaning today I found a glass that my husband hadnt finished (who doesnt finish their AL!!! certainly never me!). It had bourbon in it. I picked it up and had a sniff.... oh it smelt lovely. I thought to myself "just one" taste... no-one would know.... but there wasnt even ONE LITTLE BIT of desire to drink it. I poured it in the toilet where AL belongs! I was so pleased with myself...
            Grateful mentioned about her husband not wanting her to stop drinking so he didnt loose a drinking buddy. My husband was like that when I originally started talking about giving up. AL has been such a huge part of life together. I am still his drinking buddy. But what is in my glass is different now. We still sit out on the decking and have a "drink" and a chat. Still do all the others things we did. But now I drink lime and soda without the vodka or juice and soda with no wine, or green tea. It's not perfect. He did come home from golf the other day after drinking all the way round the course. But I tried to focus on my kids and not worry about how he was repeating himself or slurring, something I would have never seen before because I would be too pissed myself.
            Hi Byrdlady, MarriedGirl, Redstar and welcome. You certainly have found the right place to be.
            Hello to our resident snowmen Lav and Tranq. Hey Meech - You cant have the Olympics with no snow....
            Hi Jolie and Fluff if you pop in.
            Back to the housework......:upset:
            HC x
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              Newbies Nest

              Hi All,

              Hope every is Ok today and approaching an AF evening.

              Jolie - It's permanently warm here. I haven't worn a coat in 5 years (expect on cold holidays.)

              Went to the physio today and I should be back in action by Monday..yipee! I have to rest but not too much and I have to move...but not too much. Usual daily things but no heavy gardening or gym sessions. I have never ever done any gardening in my life - heavy or light.

              I have already had the "I fancy a glass of wine" feeling but I told myself it wasn't going to happen. I have a busy evening and a busy Friday to get through and I love my clear-headed mornings.

              Must go as it's now Coke Zero O'Clock (instead of wine o'clock.)

              Spam xx


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Hippy
                Well done on bourbon down loo! 5 weeks today and still finding half finished (full?) bottles of vodka all round my cupboards yuch!! For some reason I don't have a prob with AL in the house (just in my tummy) so was putting all the bits of vod together for husband if he wants it sometime and I found the smell disgusting! I was pleased at that. Funny when they come in a bit pissed now and its so noticeable I can only imagine what I was like with a bottle of vodka in me! doesn't bear thinking about
                Have a nice day imagine you've about as much snow in Perth as we have in Dublin - zilch!
                Good luck all with the snowmen, my kids are jealous
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Newbies Nest

                  Happy Thursday everyone!

                  Spam - like the alkaseltzer analogy - I too find myself logging on first thing in the morning.

                  Meech - Day 11 for us (I'm an idiot - kept going back to last Monday and counting the days on my fingers - duhhhh! it was the 1st of February - couldn't get much easier than that!:H)

                  Tranq - glad to hear the earthquake wasn't too awfully bad. When I turn my TV all I see is the weather.

                  Lav - are you dug out yet? We lost electric twice yesterday for about 2 hours a stretch. Hubby built a fire and it was actually kinda nice for all of us to sit out there and just joke around. (My 21 year old daughter keeps reminding me that she will be leaving the nest in the next year or two:shocked

                  Went down in the basement for something yesterday - looked at the half-full box of wine and decided it wasn't worth it. It's like a challenge for me now. Don't want to go back to my old ways (at least 4 glasses of wine/night) or my most recent stint (2 glasses/night). Reaching for the 30 days and then will decide. The little voice in my head is already saying - you know you can't go back there - it's just too hard to stop after 1 or 2.

                  :welcome:Redstar! glad you are here!

                  Hippy, MG29, and everyone else who decides to check in - hope everyone has a great AF Thursday!

                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters,

                    Still digging her Jolie - still digging!!! I've never seen so much snow, it's just crazy out there!!!!!

                    MG29, wishing you a strong start on Sunday. Please help yourself to a dose of my specialty - Lavan-itude!!! Helped me kick AL right in the ass

                    Tranq, glad you are OK! Earthquake & snow storms - odd mix! We had a little thunder yesterday during our blizzard - odd

                    Hippy Chick, if you run out of house work you are most certainly welcome here!!

                    Spam, good to hear you are healing - go easy

                    Molly, congrats on your 5 AF weeks - you must be feeling good & proud!

                    Hi Redstar, hope all is well with you!

                    Wishing everyone a great day - I'll be back after I do some serious shoveling

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Happy Thursday Nesters. Hope you are all feeling great today!

                      Lav&Jolie: we are still digging/plowing out too..I'm stuck here for a while anyway - I heard that most of our roads are drifted shut so I'm not going to work yet....

                      Spam: I'm glad you are feeling better...just take it easy.

                      Meech-thank you for the support....sometimes it's hard - not that I want to drink again, but just seeing my hub drinking & slurring, etc. I want to talk to him but don't like confrontations.....I know I need to, though. Congrats to you & Jolie on 11 days-that is Wonderful!!

                      Hope everyone has a GRRREAT day!!
                      Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good afternoon all,

                        Well, I never thought this was possible, but I have now matched my previous longest AF run of 26 days (well, by the end of the day, that is). Unlike last time I am not suffering from any intense cravings, so either the 6000 mg of L-Glutamine is working, or I am another victim of the placebo effect! In either case, I am not even remotely concerned about falling off the wagon and look forward to more AF days. In this short time I've already begun having evenings where the thought of alcohol doesn't even cross my mind, which is a nice change. Although I definitely had a physical dependence on alcohol, I am becoming acutely aware of how much of my drinking problem was merely habit, albeit a powerful one. Once we get practice dissociating the evenings from drinking, not only does forgetting about alcohol become easier, but we end up doing productive things with our spare time. I hope everyone is doing well.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Everyone

                          I fell out of the nest last weekend and had a bit of a crash but would like snuggle back in if thats OK. After most of Jan being af I am now on day 5 again. I do not ever want to go back to my old life so have got to hang in this time. I want to live life, be af, motivated, sleep well and be a nicer person to be around. Tired of just drifting though in a self-induced haze, poisoning myself as well!!!

                          I can't image the snow some of you talk about. Wow, I've only seen snow once last year when on hols in New Zealand. I loved it but have been told that if I had to live with the stuff I would not like it so much. And to be shovelling it!!!! Hmmmm, hot sun is not so bad.

                          Hope you all have a great day/night. Thank you so much for being there.
                          Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Tired, tired but checking in........snow plow, snow blower, lots of shoveling & now our driveway & door areas are free of snow & a path to my hen house of course That's a lotta work kids!!
                            But, a lot of the roads are still blocked so we reallt can't go anywhere.

                            Grateful, the road we usually take from our house to Newark is drifted over badly, can't get there today.
                            Our daughter & son-in-law tried this morning, got stuck in their 4X4 Jeep & had to be pulled out......

                            Mazzie, sorry about your slip but so happy you have returned to the Nest - that's what is really important. I think most of us probably have a history of 'learning things the hard way' - I know I do

                            Jim Beam - congrats to you on your 26AF days - Woo Hoo!!!!!
                            Just think, tomorrow morning you will be moving beyond your previous record & going for the Gold!!

                            Sounds like the Nesters are doing well - makes me happy for all of you
                            Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the Nest - leaving the night light on for Tranq & anyone else planning on dropping in!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi All,

                              I'm still on a voyage of discovery. I am not counting AF free days as my aim is to moderate. In the last 21 days though, I have had 17 AF.

                              This has just come to mind and I wanted to share it.

                              If you had a human best friend that took your money, made you smell, affected your ability to make decisions, made you ill and generally made you feel bad and guilty, what would you do with them?

                              Drop them....FAST.

                              Well, AL is now officially my ex-bestie! Real friends make you feel good.




                                Newbies Nest

                                "Well, I never thought this was possible, but I have now matched my previous longest AF run of 26 days (well, by the end of the day, that is)."

                                Way to go JB!!! You're another victim of the mwo effect I think! You're right about the habit part - the mental side is different than the physical. You've done well to figure things out for yourself.

                                Mollyka - I wish we could send the snow to everyone who really wants it. I think its just wrong that people wish for a white christmas then leave their damn snow laying around until April.

                                Spam - take care of that back -- but not too much. Ha. I've had my share of back issues in the past. Rest is good - but not too much.

                                Go slow with the digging out Lav, Jolie, Grateful. The snow is not gonna run away.

                                Hi Mazzie - welcome back. Going af isn't an event, it's a process. Keep coming back as many times as you need to. We're not going to run away either.

                                Spam - I like the thought about the bad friend who makes you smell bad. Good one!

                                Take care all.
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

