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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi, Everyone:

    J-Vo has a whole list of books but I liked the two above plus Lit, Drunkard and I haven't read it but I'm interested in Kristen Johnston's new one, Guts.

    A nice day ending in a movie (Walter Mitty - I recommend) and another greasy meal of a cheeseburger with my family. Home early, games going on, and ready for bed. Do not miss AL tonight, thankfully. I am grateful to be spending a holiday sober and not hungover. I am more present for my kids (and my husband, and myself, actually).

    Dottie - the zoo sounds lovely. The lights are my favorite part of this season.

    MyLuck - sorry you're dealing with stress, but very happy you're not drinking. You know it would just make things worse.

    64, hello. I felt the same way you did about putting it all out there on the Internet, but I decided that sobriety was worth the slight risk that someone would discover who I am. As someone pointed out to me, if who "discovers" me is someone on here, they have a problem, too. If is someone not on here, the worst they could say is that I am a recovering drunk. I am too shy about being out in the open in person, but I find that connecting with sober people here has helped me immensely. In particular, typing out my fears and struggles helps me work through them. Not that I'm telling you the way you should act, just explaining my rationale for posting so much (help me out here, my posting buddy, Available :H).

    Ican - when you wake up you'll be two weeks sober!

    Everyone else, happy Friday night. Hope you're all safe, cozy and sober. Night from the end of day 26.


      Newbies Nest

      Lav thank you for your words of wisdom and i will keep telling her in emails i am not drinking. She is bringing a friend who is an al also and big big drinker but i am sure i can make some excuse not to see her if the need arises as nothing is going to stop this quit this time. I cant imagine anything worse than waking with a hangover after this time, they still haunt me as well as the other issues.

      Yes Had you are totally correct this is my quit to protect and nuture and even though i love my SIL i will not drink for her. I can still have plenty of fun without al.

      Hey Pav, posting lunatic here and present! 64 i am slowly telling a few people i am not drinking, mainly the ones i KNOW will be supportive and not pressure me to have a drink, the ones that understand about my drinking problem. Its funny as when my son came home with a crack addiction i told so many people as i was not ashamed of him or his struggles, i just wanted to help. My idiot of an office manager said to me "why are you telling everyone"? My response was if it helps one parent recognise the signs and help them then my job is done. Why can't i speak up about being an alcoholic I wonder? The stigma, the shame, the embarrassment. Something else to think about which i seem to do a lot of now.

      Day 28 today and I will not drink.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Newbies Nest

        Good night everyone, Another sober day here! thanks for all your support.:thanks::thanks:


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning, Nesters!
          I hope everyone had a safe night in the nest.

          I was pretty paranoid about people finding out about my ALK'ism from this site, but I got over it. Actually, this site has helped me get over a lot of things. One thing I have learned is to not to let the 'what if's' of life rule it. What if I'm found out? Well in my humble opinion, the only thing that is worse than being an Alkie is being one in denial. I needed this place to get sober, and if that's a crime, then I'm guilty. If someone finds me out, so be is what it is. I'd rather have the friends that I have on this site than someone in real life who will look down his/her nose at me. That's my take on the whole thing....(for what it's worth). I just got tired of trying to please everyone else and what I thought they wanted and I learned (in large part from Lav) to be the best I can be and if it falls short of someone else's expectations, so be it. As long as I stay sober, I AM being the best I can be.
          Hope everyone has an easy day today!! XO, Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            I am doing a quick check in. I am in New Orleans with my daughter. We went to a lights festival last night. Being N.O. There was lots of al, but I had popcorn and tons of fun. No hangover or regrets about telling the same story at the top of my lungs, shrilly 6 times.
            Its hard when the drinks are first served, but after they start affecting everyone, it sure is a lot easier. I just remember how I use to act and I Don't Drink!!
            Have a great mae all.
            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


              Newbies Nest

              Lillie Beagle - have a great time - you deserved it.
              All - great day to all, I am going to my hot yoga soon to get rid of all stress soon and some shopping
              Have a great AF day
              AF since 10/20/2013
              Smoke free since 09/24/2007
              Meat free since 09/20/2008
              With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                Newbies Nest


                Off to get some fresh air and exercise. I have certainly not held back in the eating department this holiday! Ooph.

                LB - New Orleans is a great place. There's so much great food, who has room to drink?! Have fun - I agree with ML that you deserve it.

                Hang on tight, Nesters. That pesky NYE is on its way. Let's start making plans NOW for staying sober. My first plan is to really remember the feeling I had when I posted here on Day 1. That horrible feeling of anxiety and fear that was caused by alcohol. I NEVER want to go back there, and no drink is worth returning to that. I will be hanging out with my family and friends, cooking a good dinner, and playing games with my kids, and I will wake up to the best cup of non-hungover coffee I've ever had (maybe DTD will come cook for us).

                Happy Sober Saturday, all.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Mae all,
                  Off to run some errands and visit dad.
                  It has been so nice to have a good couple of fun days without AL...I knew it was possible....
                  I am finally getting to the point that I dont think about AL each and every day..what a relief that is. It does get better just like the long timers told me.....WooHoo

                  Newbie's Nest

                  Tool Box
                  AF 9.1.2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello all, I have been absent for a while. Have spent the last few days drinking too much AL.

                    Today I stop! I am ready to change my life now. No more excuses.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi everyone, can I join in too, I'm fed up too Londoner, its bad enough usually but this time of year its a nightmare, drinking is so embedded in our culture that people think you're mad when you say you want to stop drinking and its sites like this that bring you to your senses. My husband drinks too, sometimes going AF in the week but usually at least 5 times a week, when I told him I was going to become tee total he doesn't want me too, and he still drinks, which is really hard because not only is there alcohol there to tempt me, he would rather I still drink with him, but I can't stand feeling so crap the next day, and not knowing whether I'll be fit enough to get into work, then struggling all day just to do the same thing again! my god, what a hold it has on us to put ourselves through it!
                      good luck, and post here everyday, that's what I'm going to do, I need the external support and guidance to keep my awareness of how bad this drug is at the forefront of my mind.
                      AF since 8.8.14


                        Newbies Nest

                        Londoner, so good to see you with a whole new mindset! It just gets to a point, right? One foot in front of the other.

                        Winter, i'm so happy to see you made it over! My hubs still drinks, too, but he is respectful. After all, it was his ultimatum that finally made me stop. If he is indeed a normal drinker, he will be able to take it or leave it. I know my hubs missed his drinking buddy, but he got over it. He just couldn't understand why I couldn't just drink normally! THAT is the rub. Ask him to keep his stash out of your space. Dont think you need a safety net or you will. Get it all out. Fight cravings by eating! Remember, all you gotta do is get thru this day!! Hugs, Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi all. I joined earlier this year and failed to stop. I'm back, and this time I need to win. It's ruining my life. Last night I had to leave a family function early as I could barely stand. My son had to help me home. I guess you can imagine how that made me feel.

                          I need to stop drinking this stuff for good as I am incapable of drinking in moderation. Once the first one goes down that's it, I just keep going. Sounds pathetic really I know.

                          Hopefully the support from people on here in a similar situation will help me this time.
                          I can beat this.
                          Today is the day I start.
                          1st September 2015.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello & welcome to the nest winterwalk & Fat fella!
                            Glad you decided to join us.
                            Lots of folks are successful in kicking AL completely out of their lives, I did
                            Make sure you sit down & write out a good plan for yourselves. Visit the for lots of great ideas to help you get started.
                            Plan to succeed - it works

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Mae y'all,

                              Good to see you back big bloke.

                              Day 68 and all good really, but a bit of a wobbly last week. Avoided caving in, and stuck with my commitment to my freedom. Was feeling a little lost until i read back here a bit. Y'all such an inspiration and i'm now feeling much better and focus has returned.

                              Happy anniversary Hadit! Well done mate.

                              Passing a brand new fresh strip of butt Velcro to the left, i mean the right, err, i mean.....oh Jumpin Jaffa's! Here's the velcro........Strap in!

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning everyone. Its a beautiful summers day here and am of to the beach for a family picnic. Would normally be packing some wine but not today. Cos I won't be drinking today. Cheers will catch up later. Have a nice af Sunday everyone. Whats your plan for an af New Years Eve?

