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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi all. Day 1 safely out of the way. Have just had that first awkward conversation with friends we are seeing for new year, telling them I won't be drinking as I am confronting a problem with the stuff. They were very supportive to be honest and at least now I can turn up knowing they will help me instead of just trying to persuade me to drink (normal response when you just tell people you are not drinking, rather than admit to having a problem).

    Have a good day all.
    I can beat this.
    Today is the day I start.
    1st September 2015.


      Newbies Nest

      that's really good for you that your friends are supportive. It is really helpful that people understand that.
      It may not always work that way and I sure you realize that as well. Just a word of caution... once they are drinking, they may forget their good intentions but that's the booze talking, and yet they may begin looking at themselves and reassessing their habits. In any event, be selfish and think only of your quit. Remember the agony of the hangover. Remember the PLEASURE OF NOT FEELING HUNGOVER
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Newbies Nest

        DTD I am going to take that advice and take a bCk seat.
        Hadit glad you are doing so well. I honestly think AB is a wonderful tool.
        Fatfella keep going just the way you are. You are on the path to success.
        New Orleans is wonderful. The compant, the atmosphere, the trippy shopping, the food. I told my daughter last night Best Weekend Ever.
        Have a great MAE everyone.
        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


          Newbies Nest

          DreamThinkDo;1604306 wrote:

          I'm the family party planner - like so many of us here, I like to be in control (except when it came to how much of a vat of wine I poured down my throat :blush. I wanted to write the Christmas opera libretto, compose the music, conduct the orchestra, design and paint the set and be the diva on stage. Problem is, except for one brother, the whole family have some really strong views on how things should be done; add my SiLs to this mix and things get very interesting very quickly. This year, I decided to take a back seat, and what a change that made! When things needed doing, I pitched in, but I fell in with what the others wanted to do. I gave my opinion when asked for it, but didn't insist that my suggestions and my ways of doing tings were the best and only way to go. And you know what - Xmas was lovely!

          So, my New Year's resolution is to take a back seat much more - the world does not need my help: it'll keep spinning on its own.

          This rings so true! I, like many here, am an acknowledged control freak who met her match in AL. In some ways it was much worse while I was drinking because I felt like I had to control everything about the environment (and the people in it!) so as not to disrupt my daily habit. I also had to manipulate things to keep my secrets well hidden.

          This holiday season has been very chaotic around here with different people and their pets coming and going over almost a 2-week period and guess what? -- it has been fine and fun! People have had food and places to sleep. I haven't felt the need to try to make it "perfect" because I finally feel that I (and my home) are just fine as is and I have nothing to hide .


            Newbies Nest

            MAE all,
            Day 120 and I just cant believe it....It has not been easy but I feel so much better now. Evey day is not the struggle it once was. I do have thoughts and the "feckits" as Byrdie would say, but they are manageable all the newbies it does get better and you can do it too...WooHoo

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              Newbies Nest

              Dottie Belle;1604554 wrote: MAE all,
              Day 120 and I just cant believe it....It has not been easy but I feel so much better now. Evey day is not the struggle it once was. I do have thoughts and the "feckits" as Byrdie would say, but they are manageable all the newbies it does get better and you can do it too...WooHoo
              Congratulations, DB! Freedom from AL is the best!


                Newbies Nest

                Gosh, so many inspiring posts this morning!
                Guitarista, thanks for that link to Glennon, I enjoyed that very much.
                Rahul, great to see you back on track!
                FF, you are kicking arse and taking names! The worst is behind you!!
                Myra, great seeing you!!
                Pavati, great words, as always!
                DTD, I'm telling you, letting go of the controls is freedom! Nice going!!

                Dottie Belle, what can we say?!!! You are a QUEEN!!! 120 big days, you are mere moments away from your flying underwear prize!! I hope you can 'make do' with today's award:


                You are OUR Queen! Thank you for your loyalty and devotion to checking in here and supporting others! You are something else and we are SO PROUD OF YOU!!! GREAT JOB!!! This has been quite a year for you, but I believe you have come into your are finding who YOU are! Here's to a lifetime of sobriety!!! (one day at a time, of course!)

                Allan, I will keep an eye peeled for that Robert Redford movie....this relates to a dream I had that Double R's and I were in....we were somewhere and there was AL all around and he said, 'That stuff'll kill ya'. I agreed, but of course, he could have said the moon was here to pick us up and I would have agreed... we were getting very cozy when I woke up, dang it!!! ****sigh****

                Welcome brand newbies, and welcome back those who are ready to get this monkey off your back once and for all!! Hope you have an easy, AF day today!! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  CONGRATS on 120 Dottie :wd:
                  I just somehow knew Byrdie would find a prize just for you today
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Dottie - you were on 100 days just a minute or two ago - and we're celebrating again! Well done!

                    I hope this also means that LC is on 120 too - I miss her.
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Newbies Nest

                      I miss LifeChange, too, DTD, I'll be glad when she gets back!

                      Lav, I have a closet full of prizes and I am HAPPY to give them! I thought today was Available's 30 day day? I left her a hat over on Roll Call...I hope she'll be by to claim it! xo
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Welcome winterwalk,
                        It's hard when those close to you drink and expect you to do the same. I'd just use that as an excuse to get wiped, thinking that if they wanted me to drink I must not have acted so horribly in the past or they wouldn't suggest a repeat performance. Justification to drink = deceit for me.

                        Fat fella, good to see you back. I joined a forum, can't even remember which one, way back in the early 2000s, didn't stick. Went to AA a couple of times. Didn't stick. Here now, this seems to be taking hold. I come here daily to read and post. Everyone is helpful and supportive. I am also not able to moderate. When I tried, I'd always be anxious and soon, sloshed and an embarrassment to everyone.

                        Ava, yay on you and your daughter talking again, the new puppy, and your chance to sit down and tell her what's been going on for you. I'm sure she will understand. Congrats on 30!

                        Pav, as usual, love your posts.

                        Congrats on your days AF Myra. Those first few days were always tough for me--it's good to see that you are keeping busy and upbeat. Classic, you sound great!

                        DTD, your post did help. Great idea to let go of the control on Christmas when it comes to how things play out. So happy to hear you enjoyed yourself AF.

                        Dottie, congrats on day 120. Woohoo!!!

                        Haha, Byrdie, gotta love those double R dreams. So funny.

                        To everyone, have a great AF MAE. You make this doable for me.
                        Every AF day is a milestone.


                          Newbies Nest

                          MAE, Everyone:

                          A quick check in before I get started cleaning this house in earnest. Either that or a cup of coffee and my book. We'll see...

                          Humble - this was one of my favorite justifications: " ...thinking that if they wanted me to drink I must not have acted so horribly in the past or they wouldn't suggest a repeat performance." I can't be THAT bad or people wouldn't offer me one...

                          I find that now, even after such a short time, I am hyper-aware of other people and their drinking habits, noticing people who seem to be controlled by AL rather than in control themselves. I was reading something (I've read so much this month I can't remember where) about the belief some alcoholics have that alcoholism is alcoholism only when the alcoholic him or herself diagnoses it - no number of doctors, friends or logic can convince a person to quit drinking unless she accepts the fact that she must. This make so much sense to me, and highlights why acceptance is so important in sobriety.

                          I have to recommend the link G posted to all of you. I am so sensitive and have been all of my life, so that talk really struck a chord with me.

                          Dottie - congrats on your big number. What an amazing example of getting through it ALL without alcohol you have been! Thanks for supporting us all along the way.

                          Ava will have 30 days on 12/30, which for her in Oz comes sooner than it does for us, so your hat should be collected soon. I know because I am one day behind her, drafting on her success and strength.

                          Glad you're back, DTD! I need some better coffee than I'm brewing myself, and am already planning my New Year's morning menu...

                          OK - I'm off to read my book, as I am in full vacation mode. The dust bunnies can wait. Happy Sunday, all.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Congrats Dottie on you huge achievement - you are strong!
                            Today I had this thought when I woke up: we all ALWAYS have choices. Each day we have a choice - to drink or not to drink, to eat healthy or not. To go to work or not. Even it seems at times we don't have a choice - this is not true. Even about work. You can choose not to work if you choose not to have a house to live in - it is still your choice. Each choice we make comes with the consequences - bad and good. So I choose not to drink. This is MY choice.
                            AF since 10/20/2013
                            Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                            Meat free since 09/20/2008
                            With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                              Newbies Nest

                              Day 1 : complete ... sober ! Feel not so great but not bad either. Glad didn't drink.
                              Wishing you all very sober new years eve !
                              Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                              Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                              Rebooting ... done ...
                              Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                                Newbies Nest

                                New Year is just around the corner and I hope everyone has their new year resolutions planned and ready.

                                I for one went out shopping to take advantage of the sales and bought clothes one size down. This will keep me motivated to reach my goal weight in the first quarter of 2014.

                                AF since 1st Sep 2012
                                NF since 1st Sep 2012

                                If you want to feel better visit

