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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I'm so new at this AF thing I can't even count it right

    Hi All,

    Had a very busy day with the kids and stuff. Glad to see so many of you winning the fight and having great mornings to wake up to.

    I thought I was on AF11 but it turns out it's AF12! I like the sound of both.
    Jolie....I didn't figure it out until you said you stopped on Feb 1st. I stopped Jan 31st so duhhhh to me too. :H Congrats day 11 or 12 we are at the same stage fighting.

    Lavande.... I'm still waiting for that FedEx guy? He must of went to eastern Canada! Go north and turn left at the mountains.
    Having said that, I did find some white stuff to snowshoe in I just had to get to higher elevations. And it was spectacular. And for some of you in the land of HEAT you really can work up a sweat even when surrounded by a beautiful white blanket of snow. You just have to work at or freeze. LOL.

    CRAVINGS - Well those first cravings still really like to hit hard. I had to fight off some good ones early this evening. What I'm finding now is the first cravings are powerful but I don't really get much after I fight off the first few. Maybe the AL Beast is losing his endurance. Ha ha beast.

    Hippy, Tranqwilly, JimBeam911, Jolie, M22, Mollyka (and anyone else I hope I didn't miss) Great AF accomplishments!!! :happy:

    Mazzie good job for jumping back on the sober horse (I don't know it just sounded right at the time... better then donkey or jackass :H). Sounds like you had a good January and now you are back on track, so all in all you are doing pretty darn good for 2010!

    Spam - Glad the body is healing and will be back at the gym in a few days. Thank goodness the gardening isn't an option. Hee hee.

    Grateful - Thanks for the kind words. Just find the right time to talk to him. Maybe not when he's half cut as he may not understand or might be defensive. Way to hang in there. It's definitely harder when the spouse is drinking beside you. You have courage and strength and you will wake up feeling fresh and ready to take on the day! You decide and control your future regardless of anyone else.

    Well time for my book and sleep. Good night all, talk to you tomorrow! :h


      Newbies Nest

      TGIF Nesters!

      Finally made it in to work today. Feels like your driving thru a tunnel on my back roads - the snow is piled so high. Meech - wish we could send you some - bet your excited about this weekend though - I always love watching the olympics.

      Grateful - not sure what part of PA you are in but at this point, I don't think it really matters. Snow, snow everywhere! Yesterday was really beautiful though - the sun felt good and it wasn't too terribly cold out - enjoyed watching the wildlife outside.

      JimBeam - So funny that you bring up the placebo thing - I have been praising L-Glut to everyone here and I really do believe it is helping (but in the back of my mind the placebo thought crossed my mind). You know - seems like the same thing when you are really sick and you go to the doctors and they give you an antibiotic - don't you always seem to feel SO MUCH better after starting it? I don't care either way - all I know is that my cravings are not nearly as bad as they were.

      Spam - I kind of got hung up on "counting" the AF days the last time I tried to go AF. Everyone must have their own plan and feel comfortable living with it. I would absolutely love to moderate (by the way - check out the "long term moderator" forum - lots of wonderful people there too) but I'm not sure if I will ever be able to do that so for me and this time - I am choosing to go 30 days and then reevaluate.

      Lav - just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your constant and positive support. Hope you know how much I look forward to logging on and knowing that you always seem to be watching over us all.

      Molly, M22, Hippy & Tranq - hope you guys all have a wonderful Friday and weekend as well!


      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


        Newbies Nest

        Happy Friday Nesters!!

        What a strange week, huh? Practically no one has been to work or school due to this outrageous weather! Come on Spring!!!!!

        Mother Lav here truly does enjoy waking up to such a busy & happy nest
        When I joined MWO one year ago I never imagined that I would still be here today, happier, healthier & determined to stay on track!! I couldn't have done it without all the support I received from the wonderful people here at MWO! If I can do anything to help anyone else along the road to freedom - I certainly will

        Tranq, Jolie, Grateful, Jim Beam, Spam, Molly, M22, Hippy & anyone who drops in today - have a fantastic AF Friday - I know I will

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Evening everyone.
          Congratulations JB on your fantastic record busting effort. Hope you know how much you contribute to my sobriety. You make so much sense and I enjoy reading your posts.
          Spam - I declare AL my ex-bestie too!
          You know what I really love. The fact that people here can fall off the MWO wagon and pick themselves up, dust themselves off and start again. To keep on trying to conquer this beast is fantastic. Good on everyone who comes back fighting! :goodjob:

          I have had an interesting evening. I have just returned from our local where we had dinner with three of our mates - all heavy drinkers. I have actually left my husband there as he was on a bit of a mission because he had an agument with someone at work and wanted to vent (any excuse to drink). I was really quite embarrassed - and this time not because I had fallen over or spilt my drink or worse - but because of the volume of their conversation and the content. I really cant believe I could quite happily sit there all evening talking crap as long as I had a drink in my hand. It is so BORING! I really am going to have to change what I do for enjoyment now.
          What a life changing event being sober is.
          Hope everyone gets to the other side of the weekend with their goal intact.
          I finally got it!
          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning/evening, Nesters. I am so glad that it is Friday....I'll be glad to put this snowy week behind me!!

            Lav-I am supposed to go to my daughter's tonight...but I think I'll wait until 1st thing in the morning...a lot of our roads were drifted shut too, but I did make it to work today. I just want to thank you for your never-ending optimism and cheeriness here for all of us. You are one special lady!!

            Jolie: I'm right on the Lancaster County border....Amish country!!

            Meech-thank you for your kind's so nice that we are all here for one another and able to freely talk with one another about things we can't discuss with other people.

            I truly hope everyone has a great Friday and beautiful weekend!!
            Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


              Newbies Nest

              Hey JB congrats honey:l:l:goodjob:

              Man I was sooo angry earlier with my h/b long story.... but he has his alternative idea now about why I'm not drinking anymore... because wait for it... I'm seeing someone else, can you believe it? Anyway I didn't do what he expected and wanted which was

              1) scream and shout..a .. because I was sober and b.. I was shocked, or

              2) think stuff it and go and get a drink and then scream and shout...

              Happy Friday guys, no school for a week. I'm having a take away tonight which is going to be a little strange been advoiding them since I gave up AL, always been a past trigger you know a few vodkas whilst waiting, a bottle or so whilst eating and then hitting my hidden stash upstairs afterwards, not tonight though, I've got some special fizzy juice which is just for me..

              Day 26 for me.. I just had to count that on my fingers:H even Mr LIS and his stupid new ideas about me isn't going to make me go and find a drink

              Just taking it day by day.......


                Newbies Nest

                Heading into the weekend let's do it SOBER!

                Hi all,

                I am sorry to hear all the snow reports. Actually kind of jealous. :H Be sure to drive safe out there. Good news here I woke up to a skiff of snow (better than nothing I guess). I just hope Mother Nature decides to give us a lot more. Who thought they would be spending Gobs of money to helicopter snow into the Canada Olypmics. Crazy!!! Hurray it's starting tonight. A peaceful event the world engages in!

                I have a big 2 hour snowshoe hike planned for my group tomorrow morning in the mountains. Can't wait! Where in the past I would be looking forward to it but either sad I couldn't get hammered the night before OR WORSE getting hammered the night before and feeling totally gross the entire time - losing out in the joy of the activity. It's nice to really be living again.

                I've been called into work tonight and tomorrow at my other job (part-time on call). So I am very happy. Because when I work at this job I NEVER DRINK... it's during my "normal drinking hours". So I know I will be making it to 2 weeks AF this weekend/ :happy:

                Leave In Silence - Wow, sleeping around with the Sober Angel heh? I'm sure you are acting very differently so he if suspicious. What with the higher energy levels, happy disposition, the absence of slurring and anger. Hopefully he comes around and realizes that it is the Non-Alcoholic Person that is radiating and enjoying life. You don't need to cheat you just need to stop cheating your life with alcohol! hope it gets better for you. :l

                Grateful - have a super AF weekend.

                Hippy Chick - You are a true and wonderful example of how our thinking changes when we can succeed with AF. Ohhh that alcohol driven atmosphere, we use to think was so fun and relaxing and discovering it is just sad and boring through sober eyes. I guess it can be great if you Don't have a drinking problem. Which is none of us. I enjoy reading your journey to Sobriety. It helps me.

                Jolie - 2 weeks is coming up for us!! I still focus on one day at a time. But it is certainly in the back of my mind.

                Lav - as always. Love ya and all your wise words and strength.

                Everyone have a great AF weekend. Cheer hard for your nation's athletes.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone.......I'm a newbie as of today. This is my 49th birthday and I am giving myself the gift of sobriety. Can I crawl into the nest with all of you?
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi, again, Mama Bear!! Love your avatar. I'm glad you found the nest - it's nice and snuggly in here - lots of friends. I have to log off soon but will be back later. Happy, Happy Birthday - you are now the same age as me!!!

                    Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Welcome to the Nest Mama Bear - just find yourself a comfy twig & settle right in with us
                      Happy 49th.........I had that one 7 years ago YIKES!

                      Grateful - we went out & did some tunnel driving ourselves today. Had to make U-turns on two roads that were blocked with snow drifts! Can't believe how crappy the roads are around here! Such a lot of hoopla just getting to a supermarket

                      I'll be back later
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Everyone

                        I am enjoying a three day weekend. So Good! Just having a nice quiet catch up time. Looking forward to the Olympics starting. Always love watching snow sports. Hope you all have a great weekend too.
                        Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Mama bear and welcome to the nest:welcome: You're really in a good home now, all te support you could possily need...

                          Another day over and another one I own, I've needed to tell myself that a couple of times in the last couple odf days..
                          WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                          Just taking it day by day.......


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Mazzie & leaveinsilence!
                            Stay planted in front of the TV this weekend & catch the Olympics!

                            Meech - I think the Fed Ex truck got stuck in a snow drift somewhere
                            The road conditions pretty much stink around here. Guess what? I'm hearing reports that we're getting more snow on Monday........6-12 more inches - fabulous!

                            Hey Tranq - how are you doing out in your neck of the woods? Did you have any after shocks from the earth quake?

                            Everything is frozen & covered with snow in this end of the Nest but OK
                            Grateful to be living the sober life!

                            Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest - leaving the night light on as usual

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Everyone.

                              Another AF Friday night for me, and loving it. So good not to be hammered by 6pm and able to actually do some fun stuff and have a pleasant evening, and ho-free morning.

                              "Maybe the AL Beast is losing his endurance. Ha ha beast." Meech, just keep on wearing him down.

                              I know that it's easy to break a sweat in the snow - I walk about a mile and a half to get to work, so I usually break a little sweat - even when it's below zero-f. I'll bet Lav, Jolie and Grateful know too from trying to move her snow out of their way.

                              Spam/Jolie - I went thirty days af (August '09), and have been moderating since. It isn't easy - having one or two drinks doesn't work for me. My approach has been to try to never drink alone and to abstain most of the time, restricting my drinking to social events/encounters where drinking is appropriate. So I'll go 10 or 12 days between drinking events sometimes. I no longer look at weekends as drinking events just because it's the weekend. I'm not sure I'd recommend it, but I don't know how to survive in social settings without 'fitting-in'.

                              HC - "What a life changing event being sober is." And it keeps getting better!

                              LIS, way to go on 26af days! Nice bit of coping with the malicious acuse-ery of Mr. LIS! Kind of funny - how people attribute not drinking with strange assumptions.

                              Hi Mama Bear, welcome to the nest, and a big happy birthday. what a great present you're giving yourself!

                              No Lav, no aftershocks. A funny story - a guy came to visit at work from San Francisco. He commented that he brought us some sunshine. I commented that he also brought us an earthquake. He laughed and said 3.8 doesn't even qualify as an aftershock - not enought to wiggle their jello out there!

                              No more snow since the foot earlier in the week - just in the lower 20s-f. Just remember, spring is right around the corner now!

                              Take care all, and have a wonderfully sober weekend!
                              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi All,

                                Welcome Mama Bear - Love your Avatar.

                                Hope everyone is having a good Saturday. It's hot here and very sunny. Managed to watch some of my son's cricket match but could feel myself burning after an hour.

                                The good news is I managed to start my Couch to 5K running program this morning. I have two other friends doing it too. We often get together to compare notes as we are all on a different week.

                                Have also started an amazing project with my son - tracing the family history. Starting looking around an ancestory website (instead of drinking) and have already made some discoveries and connections.

                                Have a good Valentine's Day!


