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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi to everyone - my fellow Aussies should all be fast asleep as it's 2.30 in the morning. Why am I awake? Someone else on here was saying they found it hard to sleep - my sleep is still disturbed, been taking a herbal remedy which helps a bit but doesn't stop those middle of the night wide-awake episodes. Ah well. I'm just thankful it's not one of those awful guilt ridden, drunken wake ups that I used to get, before falling back into some unrestful alcohol fuelled sleep like I used to have.

    DD - you asked whether what I wrote when I was under the influence of alcohol (most of my work in other words) looked peculiar when I read it again whilst I was sober. I'd like to say that it did, but the fact of the matter is that it didn't - either to me or to the various people who proofread it before publication. The thing I found so weird though is that some of it I could not recall having written. I don't normally go back to what I wrote - once it's gone, it's gone - but with one particular thing I had call to revisit it and there are chunks of it, whole paragraphs proposing some theory or other, that I have no recollection whatsoever of having written. That scares me, frankly. I don't understand why some alcoholics can function on a fairly high level whilst clearly being seriously under the influence - however I could only do so whilst I was writing - I would have been instantly exposed had I had to speak to someone or meet someone face to face because I could sometimes barely stand by the time I had finished that day's writing. I would often wake in the chair at stupid o'clock and discover I'd finished the piece I was working on though I couldn't recall having done so. During the worst few years I broke three laptop computers by spilling wine over the keyboard after falling asleep, or letting the laptop fall to the floor. I spent hundreds of dollars frantically getting my computers fixed, getting hard drives unscrambled or whatever. Thankfully I used a separate disc drive for what I was writing, always protected by a meter long cable from the spilt wine or I'd have lost thousands of hours of work on a regular basis. It's a mystery how I could ever write coherently, but somehow clearly I did.

    Dream - glad you are fond of your garden too - we'll have to share photos! Mine has been my salvation these last few weeks - planning, as well as actually working on it.

    To the newbies on here - welcome, you will find it a wonderful help to be among us, people who really understand what you are going through. Some of us are only really a few days in front of you, some others, like Lavande, have been successfully AF for several years, but we've all been where you are. It's very true (was it Byrdie that said it? Apologies if I'm wrong) that we have to have a plan, because you will have to walk past the bottle shop, you will be pressed to accept a drink, you will have a bad day, be angry or upset, and I have found that it's vital to have some kind of coping mechanism in place to allow you to refuse the drink, and to find something else to take your mind off those issues that would previously have seen you reaching for the bottle. Don't underestimate the power of alcohol addiction - it terrifies me that it's always lurking there, ready to take advantage of me. Right now I'm on a high, six whole weeks AF is truly a gift from God to me, but I'm unavoidably living surrounded by alcohol and regardless of my feelings right now, I am still in the very earliest stages of sobriety and subconsciously I'm very anxious of the power it may suddenly exert over me if something really difficult happens in my life that might knock my intentions out of the window. All I can do is to have my strategies in place to get through this, one day at a time, and part of that is to keep reading this amazing forum, and posting when I can.

    AF from 22 November 2013

    Happily on the road to Sobriety - there's nowhere else worth going to...


      Newbies Nest

      I hardly ever post, then when I do I don't know when to stop! Hence these long rambling messages that turn up on a weekly basis I'm sorry - you'll be relieved to know that I've finally run out of steam and I'm going to head back to bed, hopefully to sleep!

      Goodnight all, and sorry for my long posts!

      AF from 22 November 2013

      Happily on the road to Sobriety - there's nowhere else worth going to...


        Newbies Nest


        DreamThinkDo;1607142 wrote: . I'm much more confident these days, but I'm also very careful to make sure that the confidence doesn't turn into complacency.
        DTD-very well said. I think that's where I went wrong last time. I'm determined this time to be VERY selfish and protect my quit with everything that is in me.....and more. It is mine and no one else can have it.

        Welcome to all the newbies. Grab some Velcro, strap in, settle down, get cozy, it really is a lovely place. You'll never regret being sober.

        Day 9ish here, I think? Doesn't matter, it's forever.

        Have a GREAT AF day!

        AF since 12/26/13

        "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs


          Newbies Nest

          Welcome Jim. We understand. Just stay close, read and post daily.
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


            Newbies Nest

            Today is my day 7. I am excited b/c my attitude regarding alcohol is gaining momentum. I am aware of the feelings that creep into my mind and every cell in my body asking for a little booze. I ignore the clues and redirect my mind and body. ~~ I shoveled out from the snow today and several times thought of how I used to put a brew in the snow bank and take a slug every couple of passes, I just smiled and continued to shovel. I know how many times similar set-ups are going to appear and that I will have to be deft in dealing with them. Plan in hand and week one almost in the bag I look forward to meeting the spring with my spirit soaring AF. ~~~~All the posts I have read in the last couple of weeks or so have helped me to get through this tough time. Thanks everyone!


              Newbies Nest

              Congrats on your 7 days Hypernova. Way to go!!! Keep your plan in hand, for extra support join us over at the sober January thread. Before you know it you'll have your 30 days. Here's to an AF path!
              On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                Newbies Nest


                Hi there - I quit on Christmas Day. It has been fairly easy so far, but I'm gearing up for next Friday night as it will be the first Friday after a week at work. I quit for 6 weeks last summer and relapsed the first Friday back at work...I'm determined that won't happen this time. Forewarned is forearmed!
                I'm currently treating my demons as a boxing match opponent - it's going to get it's ass kicked next Friday! )
                Friday night seems to be a common issue on lots of threads...I will need to find some other form of relaxation/ beginning of weekend moment!
                I gave myself a wonderful present on Christmas Day 2013 - a future free from the guilt and pain that alcohol causes....


                  Newbies Nest

                  :new:Last Call for alcholol!!!

                  Hello, I am new here too and so greatful to find this support and website!! Ive been reading all of your blogs and I am so proud of how great everyone has done, both good and bad for the honesty and raw courage it takes to do this. I love the great things people have said on here. love the swimming pool analogy a strong leader wrote about. Also, love the 14 days of alchol free Christmas skit someone wrote about. How true it must be!! Anyway, congrats for your 7 days!! I am rambling, sorry for that.
                  I have been reading and getting ready for this for 3 weeks. I had to plan out the date after the Holidays. My work Christmas party is tonight. I will have my last drink and I know i will behave since i have been there, done that at a Christmas party in the past. so, that being said, I have gotten all the tools ready, thanks to all your great website and support, and tomorrow is my day. I bought the CD's, the book, and the Kudzo. I also got the some favorite AF beverages to help me through. I would like to moderate like most, but am realistic that i may not be able to. so, I am doing the 30 day clear out, then will try to moderate if able? We will see. Thanks for letting me ramble.
                  ?Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.?

                  ― John Wayne


                    Newbies Nest

                    Message for my quadruplets!!

                    Hypernova;1607390 wrote: Today is my day 7. I am excited b/c my attitude regarding alcohol is gaining momentum. I am aware of the feelings that creep into my mind and every cell in my body asking for a little booze. I ignore the clues and redirect my mind and body. ~~ I shoveled out from the snow today and several times thought of how I used to put a brew in the snow bank and take a slug every couple of passes, I just smiled and continued to shovel. I know how many times similar set-ups are going to appear and that I will have to be deft in dealing with them. Plan in hand and week one almost in the bag I look forward to meeting the spring with my spirit soaring AF. ~~~~All the posts I have read in the last couple of weeks or so have helped me to get through this tough time. Thanks everyone!

                    Hi Fat fella, Winterwalk, and Hypernova
                    .... we are quads all on day 7 I feel really tired, have had a hectic day, but very productive, had blood tests today, to check liver function etc, I am extremely nervous about the result but I do feel stronger than I have had for a long time (mentally). Hypernova isn't that feeling of not sneaking drinks here and there wonderful, like taking off a very tight and heavy coat!!
                    New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


                      Newbies Nest

                      oh please tell me how to do this, right now I am finishing off a bottle of wine, I guess the fact that I can type this is a possitive sorry for the spelling


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi fellow day 7 quads! Still going strong here. Tomorrow will be a big challenge when I attend a rugby club reunion night. Don't plan to stay long but am determined to turn up and prove to myself I can go into a situation like that and not drink.

                        Good luck with the test results DD.

                        Stay strong all.
                        I can beat this.
                        Today is the day I start.
                        1st September 2015.


                          Newbies Nest

                          More - Can you pour out the wine right now and switch to water or tea? Rehydrate yourself, maybe get some food? You can do this...NO, it's not easy, but it IS doable! Please let us know what's going on with you! :l
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello friends, newbies and experts!

                            My plan for the weekend… staying in all weekend in the freezing cold. I bought some N/A beer and other n/a diet drinks.. and some yummy healthy food to cook. Netflix movies, reading.. Sitting by the fire while DH watches sports (and drinks).. That’s what I do every weekend, the only difference is in the glass that will be next to me. Non-alcoholic now. If I said I wasn’t slightly worried I’d be lying.

                            Pavati, your post about fear resonated with me. I am afraid of facing the weekend and future activities that I love without AL. Although I am going to try to mod one day, will I be able to? I have a fear that I won’t.

                            I am so glad I joined in this daily thread! Wonderful supportive folks! Thanks! Happy AF Friday!
                            "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                            ~John Lennon

                            Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

                            ~Author Unknown


                              Newbies Nest

                              Darkest Diamond;1607423 wrote: Hi Fat fella, Winterwalk, and Hypernova.... we are quads all on day 7
                              Quadruplets! Poor Byrdie is going to flip when she returns to the nest and sees what awaits :H!

                              Congratulations to DD, FF, WW, and HN on achieving 7 days of AF living with the dreaded New Year's Eve included! You'll never regret doing this - it is the first week of a much better life.

                              Here is one of the awesome awards the nest bestows for this accomplishment for each of you:

                              :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:


                                Newbies Nest

                                The feckits came to visit tonight.....I am bored, cold and tired of being bored and tired...ant get dh off his butt to do anything....I hate winter......feel like I have nothing to look forward to.

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

