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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Wow - NoSugar - you said it beautifully. Byrdie, it is so true - being present and dealing with things sober is SO MUCH BETTER (I apparently like caps for emphasis).

    Ava - awesome job with your SiL - I would think that after losing her DH to alcohol she would understand the most. I think the "forever?" question is the telltale sign of someone contemplating their own al use.

    I spent some time with some very good friends who are also drinking buddies today (we were hiking). AL came up and I talked a bit about being sober and how great I feel. I didn't go into great detail, but dipped my toe into the "I don't drink" pool. Felt OK, and much less scary than I thought it would.

    Also - in case it is inspiration to Newbies, I've had several people tell me how great I look - and I have not changed one thing except quitting drinking. I'm less puffy, my eyes are more clear - I think I actually look happier. I remember CatBelle posting this when I was in the beginning stages and I didn't think it would ever happen to me.

    I miss LifeChange, too! I hope she's back, soon.

    Passing the butt velcro to the left. Take a big piece and settle in. This is such a great place to hang out.


      Newbies Nest

      MAE Nesters!

      Beautiful day in my part of the Nest, but it's going to be a hot one. I've noticed that the sun rises a little later each morning now - either it's being lazy or the seasons are turning. Good news for those of you who are sick and tired of snow, like our Bellest Dottie.

      Coffee's ready, so help yourself. And LB, of course there's decaf!! The Nest is a five-star establishment, didn't you know?

      Jim, having a plan in place and knowing your triggers are crucial in winning this battle - well done! Keep as busy as possible - that really helps with cravings, and, if you can, change your routine to confuse what I call the BliksemseBoozeBrain (BloodyboozeBrain) - make it as difficult as possible for it to find you at your usual drinking spots and times.

      Meshell, welcome to you to! Like many others, I joined the site in the hope of moderating. I did the 30 days - something I really didn't think I'd be able to do - and moderating is the last thing on my mind now.

      Hyper, so glad you're with the TTs - and on Day 7 already! Congratulations. Shall we call you the Fab Four now, yeah yeah yeah?

      Welcome, Moretoit. Stay close, read and learn as much as possible, post often, ask for help when you need it.

      Hadit - double digits - great!

      Mtn - you've so much on to go, and doing things sober - well, it's the bee's knees.

      Avail :l:l:l - I loved your last post.

      Over, Humble, and everybody else - stay strong!

      Have a lovely and AF Saturday, Nesters!
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Pav - happy Fraturday to you!
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Newbies Nest

          :l Thanks, DTD! You, too.


            Newbies Nest

            Day 7 done. Onto week two. Thanks for the moon/ i guess. Just need to figure out how to stay stopped. My short term plan is fine and does the trick and I have quit before for 8 months and several other times for various periods of time. Well tomorrow is another day, thanks everyone for the support and the many posts I have read that have helped me to get to week two.


              Newbies Nest

              MAE Nesters,

              It's Super Saturday in Australia

              Welcome to all the Newbies. There are some great posts here, both from Newbies and not-so-Newbies. I must say posts about moderation make me nervous. But onward and upward to everyone!

              Byrdie, you are one strong individual. Even in the most difficult of times you jump on here and inspire the rest of us :l

              Thanks for sharing weekend plans on here. It's great to read the positive plans.

              Oh, i've noticed that female Nesters refer to their partners as "DH", and i just wanna confirm what that actually stands for. (In Australia DH stands for something but i don't think it can be what you mean. Though, sometimes, my partner could be described as a DH. Tee hee!)

              I have to fly for now; see you again soon...........

              love, Steady
              AF free since April 29, 2013


                Newbies Nest

                Hyper, Byrdie's prizes are sought after the world over! And NoS did in great job at the awards ceremony!

                Steady, DH = Dear Husband (will have to ask Uncle google about Aussie uasage:H:H).

                I also get nervous about moderation posts - but then, the site is described as modding tool. However, I think that many aspirant modders do change their mind about doing so as they progress and get more AF days. I think that the longer one is sober, the more one appreciates the sober life. And face it, Byrdie, Lav, K9 and many other longtermers (I make them sound like prisoners, don't I?) are very vocal and persuasive in the modding/ab debate.

                (I really have to start doing something now, apart from posting here.)
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Glad to have you back byrd, we missed you.

                  Dream i had to get past that thought of moderating and i read one thread that got me thinking maybe i could moderate and complete failure but i didnt want to let that thought go that i could not moderate. The thought of no al terrified me in the early days but as time goes on it feels good not to fight with myself about whether i can or not. I cant, no ifs, buts or maybes, i just cant. One drink is not enough, two drinks gives me the taste and then bring on the other 98 i say!.

                  I like to think of Lav, Byrd and K9 as our prison officers, trying to guide us and try and teach us before setting us out in the real world so we dont make the same mistake again. Though prison officers does sound harsh.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Newbies Nest

                    Sober Saturday

                    A special hi to my quads, Fat fella, Winterwalk and Hypernova. So now it is day 8, I am having terrible problems sleeping, how are you getting on? I still prefer sober insomnia to drunken insomnia (I hated that falling asleep in my clothes, waking up wide awake after a couple of hours sweating, sometimes twitching, yuck yuck) I prefer sober insomnia.Surprised I am getting this, as am being very active each day.

                    Hypernova you mentioned you previously had 8 months alcohol free, I previously had just over 3 years, I think we can learn from what helped us stay sober during previous long stretches, how were we thinking, what were we doing ? etc One of the things that helped me was AA so I am back in that, also now I am having councelling, I have recognised my triggers to drink. Also now I have found this forum I will always use it, I like the way people are from all over the world and have all different approaches...inspirational stuff!! (and so supportive!!)

                    , lovely to have you back, it was sweet the way No Sugar stepped in with our moons wasn't it?

                    , when do you get the results of your blood tests? I can see why you waited a few weeks before getting them done, wishing now I had done the same rather than get them done after a week. However the fear of liver damage was taking over my life and I feel I need to know, I hope if I have got it it will be curable and that I have not got cirhosis as that is incurable.

                    I am finding not drinking very liberating, I love the feeling of being able to do whatever I like (as long as I don't drink) gradually I am going to bring about change in my life. The biggest and hardest change is going to be to get a new job. I am not going to give up my present job until I get a new one.

                    My holidays are nearly over, once back at work I will not be able to post such long posts, or so many, but I will keep reading and posting, I know this is important for me. Feeling mentally strong at the moment which I like!
                    New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


                      Newbies Nest

                      DD wow 3 years, may i asked why you started drinking again? Did you think you could moderate? I like hearing these stories as it makes me think i always have to vigilant, this addiction never ends, ever. My bloods will be back in 3 to 4 days so end of next week i will book an appt to go and see the dr. Funny how we always think the worst but i am trying to be positive. Not going anywhere near google to diagnose myself and i feel really good, not getting the liver pains anymore.

                      I too go back to work on Monday and back to the real world. Glad you are sounding so positive, it makes the world of difference. I am so boring now, watching Mary Poppins and loving it lol. I like boring.
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Newbies Nest

                        Available Just had to say I adore Mary Poppins!! I think Dick Van Dyke was wonderful in it too, but his cockney accent is the worst I have ever heard!

                        In answer to your question "Why did I drink again after over 3 years?" I have asked myself this question over and over again, I think the real answer was that I did not treasure my sobriety, I had begun to take it for granted. Also I had begun to isolate in the eves and at weekends, I need people!! I had stopped praying, exercising and meditiating, stopped going to AA.Work at the time was causing me huge stress (no excuse I know) I drank as I wanted to turn my brain off. Needless to say it did not work, I then had ten more years of suffering with a few months sober here and there, but in the last couple of years alcohol had its claws into me, the most continuous sober time I had was 3 weeks, often I could only manage a couple of days or one day. It was truely horrendous, but I kept on trying and trying and am so glad I did. I feel I am getting my old self back, I am becoming the person I want to be.... Now rocking Day 8 !! A day at a time I must stay sober, I never want that despair back and the physical devastation that it brings.
                        New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


                          Newbies Nest

                          DD it was and still is a great movie, i want to go and see the new one with Tom Hanks in it. I never went to the movies as it would interrupt my drinking time. How sad.

                          So very true about treasuring your sobriety. I drank everyday, maybe one af day occasionally and boy was i proud of that achievement. Did 11 days in 2011 when i found this site but was not ready to commit to giving up, i did not feel the way i do now, something clicked in me. Its funny how al gets a grip on us and once its claws are in you think your best friend is back and life turns to shit. Keep rocking DD and i will be rocking right with you. No more Day 1's for me, i could not do another withdrawal, they get worse not better in my opinion.
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Newbies Nest

                            Available I totally get the feeling about awful withdrawals, some of mine were very disturbing, then I got into the vicious cycle of not stopping drinking for fear of withdrawals etc oh what a mess, I should be working now in preparation for going back to work, next week.... but I am putting my sobriety first, I have been typing a lot on here, I just find it helps me so much! Also understand how you feel about being proud waking up sober, I always feel that too.
                            New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


                              Newbies Nest

                              DD I'm guarding my quit with my life also and yes like you i have been on here a lot. Lunatic Linda i call myself lol but did not get to day 35 by lurking i know that much. I love waking up in the morning with a cuppa and to read what has been happening, that is the joy of everyone living in different places though i hate it when everyone is asleep! Thats something i still dont do much of but when i do it is the best sleep in the world. We cant beat a sober life really.
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters

                                Sunny but totally freezing in my portion of the nest!!!!! Apparently we broke a 20 year weather record last night - swell.

                                I think I can speak for Byrdie & myself - we prefer the title Nest Mums to Prison Officers :H H
                                Someone started calling me the Nest Mum years ago & I dubbed Byrdie Assistant Nest Mum
                                I think or at least hope that newbies arrive & hang out in the nest on their own free will. Getting sober & staying sober takes a village, the support was priceless for me & I'm paying back

                                Keep the gratitude going everyone, it truly works!
                                I also joined MWO with the hope of being able to moderate - of course I wasn't ready or willing to completely let go of AL. BUT, as I was approaching 30 days I had to HONESTLY ask myself if I was ready for just one or two glasses of wine - hell no, I wasn't! I was beginning to realize & appreciate the freedom of my AF'ness & suddenly wanted to do everything & anything to keep that feeling going. It's a choice, a decision that I continue to make each & every morning - I will not drink today!

                                Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

