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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Tranq,

    Thanks for the moderation advice. I'm sort of doing the same as you but not sure if it will work. I'm going to ask the Long Term Mods what they suggest?

    Does it mean abstaining as much as possible then allowing yourself to drink on special occassions? And what's permitted on the special occassions? Stopping at 1 or 2?

    I'm off out tonight but have offered to drive. I may have a drink when I get back but not sure. I'll see what I feel like tonight.

    Spam xx


      Newbies Nest

      New day

      :new: Hi everyone. Hope everyone is feeling good. I only found this site yesterday and am just about to buy the book. Best of luck to you all


        Newbies Nest

        Mama Bear, I see you are in the Newbie nest too. How are you doing? Thank you so much for replying to me yesterday.. great to know you are there. Every time I see your avatar I grin..


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters!

          Kind of dark & cloudy in my end of the Nest today but at least it's not snowing

          Sophie, hi & welcome to the Nest! Please find yourself a comfy twig & settle right in with us, glad to have you here!

          Spam, wonderful to hear you are resurecting old interests & finding new ones with a clear head. It is amazing what a clear head can do for a person

          Tranq - I imagine the guy from California is used to having his jello wiggled by stronger quakes
          We have only ever had one here in these parts - in the Olden Days when I was in college

          Wishing our growing group a great Saturday!
          Be safe.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest


            Thank goodness Lav has come and put us all to bed. I was so tired but now I have had my Lav goodnight kiss, I can turn the light off.

            Night all


            Well..put me to bed anyway. I'm a number of hours ahead of you. Lav is just kicking everyone else out of bed!


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning everyone!

              Tranq - you sound a lot like me - my problem is drinking at home by myself. We don't go to a whole lot of social events so drinking out will be a rarity. I decided that the half box of wine down in the basement needs to go - had a strong urge to drink last night (hey - it's Friday, right?) Took all my willpower not to go down there. Just think I need to get rid of the temptation - it's too easy. I know there will be occasions in the future at social events when I will have to make a decision - just trying to get through the 30 days for now.

              Sophie - :welcome: You found the best place ever! Lots of encouragement and support. When I first found MWO I read, read, read a lot of the posts - amazing how many people are out there just like me!

              Meech - We are still going strong - almost to the midpoint for me!

              Hippy, Lav, Leave, Mazzie, JB - anyone heard from Fluff lately? Haven't seen her around on any of the posts.

              Well, hubby and I are having Valentine's dinner out tonight with 2 other couples. (non-drinkers!) So I'm looking forward to having a fun, sober-free dinner out (first in a very long time for me).

              Happy Valentine's Day everyone (1day early):heart::heart:

              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning to all you Nesters! Lav - it is grey here, too. Could use some sun! Did you order more snow for Monday night??? I'm gonna hit the road soon to go to Newark....if you see a dark blue car stuck in a drift, can you call for backup? LOL.......I hope everyone has a great AF weekend.
                Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Sorry Jolie, x posted....I hope you have a wonderful dinner - it sounds lovely.
                  Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning everyone......
                    Hi Sophie...are you well today?
                    Had a nice birthday dinner with my hubby last night and had 3 glasses of wine. He drinks and I am finding it hard not to do it with him, We have been married 20 years and have always been social drinkers. But since the Beast is starting to take control, I want to nip this now. Any suggestions? I couldn't believe the anxiety I felt as I watched him drink his I caved in and had wine. Not to excess, but I want to be AF.....
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      Happy Valentines!

                      Thanks so much Lav and Jolie for the warm welcome. Yes, my twig is mighty comfy. Glad to see you are all waking up now. I am in Ireland so was way ahead of you
                      Jolie you are a superstar for not drinking last night. Bet you felt very proud when you woke up this morning:goodjob: Have a great night tonight!


                        Newbies Nest


                        Mama Bear we are posting at the same time girlie! Well I am glad you enjoyed yourself last night with your hubby. I know you say you want to be alcohol free but it sounds to me like you are making a good start. As its just the start of my journey too, I can't offer much concrete advice., but am here to chat anyway, and together we can get help from our fellow nesters. What a friendly bunch they are!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Mornin' Sophie!!
                          can't wait to get my supplies and get started!!
                          Have a good day
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Newbies Nest

                            Getting started

                            Hi Mama Bear, I ordered my book from Amazon so should have it in a few days. We'll be experts then ha ha. Am really in admiration of all the brave souls out there. Hello to everyone reading. Hope you are all enjoying your weekend:thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good afternoon all,

                              I figured I'd share this with everyone. It's an extension of something I mentioned in a reply to another post about saying 'No' to drinking.

                              I met a friend last week who I haven't seen in a while at a pub. In the past, this had been a typical kind of social encounter between us, although she is not a heavy drinker. I was very hesitant about telling her I don't drink anymore, but didn't feel like getting bombarded with a slew of questions. Plus, I knew it would come up given that I used to live with this person, and as such she's well-aware of my appetite for drink.

                              Anyway, when I told her I had recently quit drinking, she stood up and gave me a big hug. More than that, she was near tears, expressing how happy she was to hear this news. Since I've never been a falling-down drunk, many of my friends have never confronted me about my drinking, but I have now learned that this hasn't meant that my insatiable appetite for alcohol has gone unnoticed. It appears that several of my friends have been quite worried about my drinking, if for no other reason than that I would likely meet an early grave because of it.

                              This was a pleasant surprise, and has only reinforced my commitment to being AF. This is now day 28, a new record for me, and also the quantity of days typical in outpatient rehab programs, so I consider this my graduation day in a way! I definitely want to be around in 10 years to see how all my friends are doing, and I look forward to getting to do so with my new appreciation for clear-headed living.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening All!
                                Was at work all day today so just in and had my dinner, lovely!
                                Hows everyone doing, I often wonder how my friends and family see/saw me when I was drinking, your story was interesting Jim cos like you I wasn't a falling down drunk either, the only people ever brave enough to say anything to me were my husband and my daughter and son, and that was a very big part of why I had to get rid of AL it was having a bad effect on them. Welcome Mama and Sophie like everyone says this is a good place.
                                Jolie hope you had a lovely Val dinner, my hubby is working Sun so will be all alone!

                                Hi to everyone else here, have read thro all the posts but if I go back to check I have mentioned everyone I lose everything I've typed!! so have a nice sober Sat evening
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

