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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Happy Birthday little only gets better now.....

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Newbies Nest

      :lilflower:Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you, happy 50th birthday to you LB. My 50th is in April and looking forward to that like concussion really. Be proud that you achieved this milestone sober and not with your head in a bottle. I hope you were spoilt rotten as you totally deserve it. I hope you like my flowers and big hugs for you birthday.

      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Newbies Nest

        Happy birthday little beagle glad I could help. Coming here to post has given me more motivation than I've had for a long time.


          Newbies Nest

          :bday7: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LB :bday7:

          I started a party thread over in the General Section -
          Will someone please bring a cake?

          Wishing you the best!!!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Happy birthday Little. Beagle! I wish I had a do over on my 50th year! Thats the one that nearly killed me! I hope you had a wonderful day! I feel much better now at 54 than I did at 44.
            NomoreJim, great job! It will get easier each and every day. I promise! The voices will quiet down and you will learn which ones to listen to. Keep up the great work.
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Happy happy birthday to Little Beagle!! Oh, to be 50 again!
              "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
              ~John Lennon

              Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

              ~Author Unknown


                Newbies Nest

                Little Beagle!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have all your dreams come true. I hope it is a good day for you.
                AF since 10/20/2013
                Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                Meat free since 09/20/2008
                With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                  Newbies Nest

                  I listen to Joseph Clough--download them onto my phone, most free. There's a no alcohol one that I used frequently at the beginning and now I listen to the anti-anxiety one. I also have some 99 cent mp3s of binaural beats and words underneath soothing sounds like water and birds chirping. They have tons of titles, for sleep, depression, confidence, lucid dreaming, etc.
                  Every AF day is a milestone.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Happy Birthday Little Beagle!
                    Thanks all for some more insight....the part about 7yrs of exp and wisdom on this site made me feel good because somebody else definitely has had to have felt it and written about it. I am spending time reading different forum posts, and it is helpful.
                    Walmart was a ZOO today, mainly because of the blizzard. Crazy, this is South Dakota in the first week of October we got almost 6ft in 2 days (seriously) I think people found themselves very unprepared then and are just going overboard now. I just had a memory of that storm while writing this. Many folks lost power for 3 days to 3 wks, we were declared a disaster area, tons of lost livestock, crops, food, people, etc. I was lucky to only be without for a day, but I was prepared, I teach backcountry camping/survival in all types of weather and I love winter camping. The dh and I snowshoed around and helped those less lucky, especially checking on our senior neighbors, getting them some hot coffee, tea, soup, and such. Since I used to work for Game fish and parks and volunteer here for search and rescue, I was able to radio into the guys driving the snowcats getting folks out that needed assistance. Well the funny part (not really) the local bar was still open, to which we snowshoed up there, the place was packed and everyone was in good spirits. Had a few drinks bought a bottle and went home. Seriously, it was the only thing open and I remember feeling grateful because I was out of booze at home. weird thing to be grateful for in hindsight

                    so anyway towards the end of my shopping trip I started feeling weary and like I was in a tunnel, the way things sounded and my vision was going funny, a big hot flash and an anxiety attack driving home. it was all I could muster and thankfully due to the weather, I didn't have to go to work. I don't think I could have functioned there.
                    at home I was freezing cold for hours, now overheated. I have absolutely no energy.
                    I appreciate the info about the anxiety meds, but pills are no good for me, I used to eat them like candy and don't trust myself. I have also had too many bouts of severe suicidal depression to keep anything like that near me.
                    been meditating and doing more yoga, on Monday will get back into my exercise routine. really craved a shot today, and I am so happy I didn't falter.
                    one thing that I see as a quote on someone's posts is "everyday is a milestone" and you know what, it is because it is such a challenge at times.
                    shoot, ive kicked other habits before, why is this one so hard, this time.
                    Humblerider, I am interested in the Joseph Clough stuff and I will check into it.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest
                      Everyone please stay put - we need the body heat tonight in this freezing weather

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Byrd how did your 50th nearly kill you if i may ask?

                        Not moving Lav, sending some warmth from Aus to you.
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Newbies Nest

                          First- Happy birthday beagle!!!
                          I'm new here in the nest. Problem drinker for 10+ years. I'm a sahm and was tired of Groundhog Day and being consumed about my plans to drink. I'm on day 4 AF. I haven't done this in years except being pregnant. Reading everyone's stories is very helpful! I'll be back soon. Thanks!


                            Newbies Nest

                            MAE Nesters!

                            Its overcast in my part of the Nest - I hope we get some rain. Having lived in summer rainfall areas all my life, I still find it difficult getting my head around rain in winter - seems such a waste when nothing mush is growing.

                            LB - have a lovely lovely birthday. I really do hope that this year will be a great one - and that the problems on the home front will be resolved. Cakes and candles sent your way!

                            Friend - welcome, and stay close to the Nest.

                            MTN, hope you are feeling better - cling on to your perch for dear life. Awful weather you've been having - glad that you're prepared (but you are involved in the Scouts, aren't you?).

                            Dip, Jim, MTN and all other Newbies doing their first AF weekend - you'll have an incredible sense of accomplishment when you wake up sober and unhungover on Mon morning - hang in there, if only to experience that feeling!

                            Right, coffee time :cupajoe: :cupajoe: :cupajoe: :cupajoe: :cupajoe:

                            Have a great AF Sunday!
                            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Happy Birthday, LB! I hope your day got better - you give us so much here in the nest! You deserve a wonderful day.

                              For anyone struggling with anxiety, this website that Sunbeam posted in the tool box has really helped me. Mtn - one shot of booze will make you feel better(?) temporarily, but we all know that we have to pass through that anxious phase at some point if we want to stay sober. In the long run, it will make you feel worse. Great job resisting today - just the mere mention of Walmart before a storm gives me hives.

                              I had another night out with a group of friends who were drinking beer. Normally not a circumstance where I would over indulge, although who knows how much more I would have had at home later. I had a momentary pang of regret when the first beer was poured, but then had an amazing night without a drop. I have to say it again because I really can't believe it myself - the fear of being in situations sober is SO MUCH WORSE than actually being in the situations sober. Sober is not bad - it is actually good.

                              So grab a branch or a twig and hang on for dear life. It is SO worth it.

                              Good night (morning or afternoon) everyone. DTD, happy Sunterday.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Pavati;1608176 wrote: DTD, happy Sunterday.
                                Thanks! :H:H
                                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

