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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    MAE Nesters,

    some of you may remember me as 'some-dumbass', but I thought a name change was in order

    I've been away for a while, don't think I've had an AF day since the summer, but I've been lurking & reading again for the last few months, knowing that I have to get my drinking under control before it is, literally, the death of me

    anyway, I've tapered down since the new year, just two beers before bed last night to keep the myclonic jerks at bay, & ready for day1 (again) today. I'm sat with a coffee, without a hangover, watching the sun rise (08:00ish here)

    it feels good to be back. lots of newbies & some great AF time from the old-timers. nice to see some more chaps on here too - all you ladies are lovely but it does feel like Drunk-MumsNet sometimes



      Newbies Nest

      Hi Badge, i very rarely had an af day before i found MWO but now the days are wracking up and it feels good to wake up and enjoy the morning, afternoon and night sober.

      There are a lot of women yes but maybe its due to women are more open to their problems. Who knows really as everyone is welcome. I know my ex husband who has a big drinking problem would never come on here and admit he has a problem, he is a male, he could give up drinking if he chose to so he says. He has not given up drinking although he is proud of me for giving up.

      Evening here and trying to psych myself into going to work tomorrow, I have no choice at all but at least it wont be with a hangover to accompany me. Been a few accidents in Melbourne so i have a feeling it will be a busy day at work. I hope you are all having a great Sunday, i have sober.

      Today I will not drink.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Newbies Nest

        Worst withdrawal symptoms

        Hiya Badger,
        Just wanted to say how I can relate to those myoclonic jerks, over the years apart from one burst of auditory halucinations the myoclonic jerks were for me my worst symptom, although my doctor reassured me I was ok I was always afraid they would lead to a seizure. (They never did) For me they were always worse at night. Hope they all stop for you soon.
        New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning from Costa Rica. Arrived last night for a month of R&R, feeling pretty lucky. First long vacation AF and first thing I noticed is I am not sweating all night. Guess it wasn't just the heat! Also, I'm up and feeling fabulous at 6 am, ready for a walk on the beach. Reached my 7 month anniversary on January 3rd. Never looking back!

          Newbies this is so worth any discomfort or awkwardness or pain you might feel. That is temporary, the rewards are forever. So think long term gain for short term pain. Keep reading, keep posting, stick to your plan!
          Newbies Nest
          My accountability thread


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning! Quick stop for me - today is busy day - yoga and then taking down the tree and all Christmas decorations.... Have a great AF day!
            June - I wonder how AF vacation will go. Is it all inclusive? Please let us know how this goes!. I was thinking what you just wrote - it I probably wonderful - to be able to see sunrises and sunsets - normally when we drink we are too drunk to see and remember sunset and too hangover in the morning to we sunrise and walk pretty trails.
            AF since 10/20/2013
            Smoke free since 09/24/2007
            Meat free since 09/20/2008
            With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters,

              3June, you are one lucky woman, enjoy that vacation
              Everything is covered in ice & snow here at the moment, not fun.

              badger, welcome back! Have you set an actual quit date? Stick around now & buckle yourself in for the ride

              Greetings to everyone today & wishes for a great AF Sunday for all!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Good to see you 3June. Wondered where you might be, Costa Rica sounds like a very good choice!!
                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning, Nesters.
                  Welcome back, Badger. No time like the present, let's get this thing started and begin your new life. There is no drink that feels as good as being sober does.

                  Available, Jan 31, 2010, I gave up vodka because my hubs was on to me...he found my stash and had really had it with me passing out at 8 on the couch. I switched over to wine because I'd never had any problem with that. (BTW, AL is AL no matter what form it's in....don't was vodka with a mustache) That's when I found this website. I was ready to quit when I joined....I knew the jig was up. I got a few days in and was wandering around the boards one day and happened across the moderating boards. Those folks seemed to have it all! They had CONTROL, self- discipline and got to drink! And were happy! It is amazing what the addict brain reads into that was the year I tried to moderate. I never drank harder. I would go several days sticking to 2...then 3. Then VIKING GOBLETS of 2 or 3, but was quickly on my way down. Then I tried just drinking every other day, then on weekends or whatever...the trouble was that when I finally allowed myself the AL, I grabbed onto it like a drowning literally WAS my life preserver. I drank out of panic. My hiding it and sneaking around about it GOT WORSE. It was the worst year of my life in terms of what AL took away. One day I went to empty my hidden empties and I had 37 one liter boxes! And I still didn't quit!! It was only when my hubs left me that I had to make a choice (and it was a hard one at the time, believe it or not) Get sober and HOPE he would come back to me or drink myself to death and give in to it. Those were my ONLY 2 choices. Thank God I fought for my life back. Being a slave to AL is worst prison sentence there is. I am reminded of that movie 'Flight' where Denzel Washington said he didn't have another lie in him. So that is why the year I was 50 was a train wreck. I have never seen anyone successfully moderate on these boards long term and believe me I look. NOT ONE. EVER. (if that tells you anything) Those are pretty strong words....that's why I try my best to help people get that hope of moderating out of their heads...because as long as hope is there, people won't let go of it. They can't let go of the addiction until they starve it to death, that's the only way. I'm not making this up, drop springs it back to life, it is like the most stubborn weed you've ever ounce of life in it and it will take over. Funny, in the South, Kudzu is like that and now here it is a supplement to help with cravings...I also thought that was ironic.

                  The reason this 'habit' is so hard to beat is because this is addiction...big difference. It can be beaten tho....there are plenty of examples right here to prove it. There's just one thing you gotta do and that's not pick up the first drink. It really does get easier....if it stayed as hard as it does that first week nobody could do it. Stay the course and starve this bastard. AL has done nothing to help me at all. I hate it.

                  Long day step son in law's memorial service. Thank God above I am sober. Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    MAE Nesters (thanks Humble!)

                    Onto day 2, glad I have awful day 1 behind me, already feeling better.

                    It's -25 with wind chill and my poor puppy really misses her walks! Looks like she will be waiting a few more days until it gets back into the double digits around here.

                    June! 30 days in Costa Rica sounds so damn good to me right now. I am extremely envious!

                    Another day of isolating in the house, which is OK! I need to do this until I get some AF time under my belt.

                    Wishing everyone a happy sober Sunday!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks for all of your thoughts. I am on day 11 & doing well with Campral, Kudzu, EPO, & supplements. Your many honest shares helped me fight a strong urge yesterday.
                      With Gratitude,
                      Annie Laurie


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey just bobbing back up to see some old frends, and hi to newbies. xxx not up to much at the mo, love to all xxx:l


                          Newbies Nest

                          Noodle, it's great to see your avatar first thing in the morning, cracks me up. . Tavistock, wonderful to see you're sober and feeling good. Rivergal, this is where I come to soak in the support when I'm having a bad day. Good that you came here instead of listening to Al. 3June, Costa Rica sounds fantastic as a sober destination. All those beautiful sunrises and sunsets on the beach, yay.

                          Byrdie, thank you for the brief synopsis of your descent down the rabbit hole. It's interesting that this site is based on moderating yet you can't find anyone who has maintained a happy moderating lifestyle. The reason I joined this site instead of one of the others was because I felt there was less judgement here and if I faltered, well, I could just plant myself firmly in the moderating camp and move on instead of disappearing. Now I am here for the people I've met and the support I've gotten. It doesn't matter to me whether folks here are trying to moderate or sober as the sunrise, just being here does wonders.

                          I'm still AF after 64 days, and I owe a lot of those days to this place. Newcomers, I can't sing the praises of the folks here highly enough.
                          Every AF day is a milestone.


                            Newbies Nest

                            I am worried I may me tempted by a glass or two of wine today.. my husband fell down a full flight of stairs yesterday and wouldn't let me take him for medical attention. My long "woe is me" post is in the Starting Out forum.. He has so many issues and I am feeling so sorry for myself.. Sorry to be a downer today.
                            "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                            ~John Lennon

                            Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

                            ~Author Unknown


                              Newbies Nest

                              Dipgal, you are here and that's saying a lot. Take a deep breath and shift your focus away from that drink. This is a trigger situation and new habits need to be implemented now! The old-timers who are here know what to say and how to say it better than I do. Take care and keep checking in. Alcohol is not worth the fallout.
                              Every AF day is a milestone.


                                Newbies Nest

                                MAE all,
                                Thoughts and prayers with u today byrdie..
                                Staying in today. Cold and later. Making a pot of chili. I am ready for spring...but the weather folks have other ideas. boohiss
                                Welcome new folks and not so new has thrown me some curve balls but I must stay the course or it will most surely kill me...and I am not ready for that....
                                I will be hanging around the nest today...

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

