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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Just thought I would drop into the nest to say hi and cheer you all along. I'm a pretty realistic old chook and I don't hide the fact that it's hard to give up the booze. but we can do it and lots here are proving just that.
    It will esp be frustrating for those of you cooped up indoors with the winter storms but remember that AL finds excuses to be part of any climate at any time of the year. It's summer where I live and so that's a grand excuse for imbibing.
    Well not really summer as it's raining heaps :H:H at least we can't say lack of water makes us drink!:H:H


      Newbies Nest

      Dipgal, I felt horrible the first days of not drinking, just like you. So horrible that I couldn't think straight and almost drank to relieve the mental and physical withdrawals. But I stuck it out and here I am, 64 days later, still sober and feeling better every day.

      I never thought I would actually be one of the ones with 60+ days. If I can do it after drinking myself silly for 30+ years, it is doable--to those of you who can't fathom it right now, don't lose heart.
      Every AF day is a milestone.


        Newbies Nest

        Congrats on the over two month bench mark humblerider, very inspiring!
        On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


          Newbies Nest

          Myluck;1609153 wrote: When I asked him today if he had a drink he lied again.
          I could't even count how many times in my life I lied because of AL, anything to protect my relationship with it. I lied in terms of when I drank , how much I drank, how much I spent on purchasing it, where I slept because I drank too much of it, why I missed work (no it's the flu..), it could go on and on and on. That is just one of the many reasons to get AL out of your life, AL=lie, to others and more importantly to yourself.
          On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


            Newbies Nest

            Dipgal I really didn't feel great for 6 months. Not to scare you, I really binged hard for awhile there. But I know that even the worst day sober will never feel even a fraction as bad a hangover. But you will eventually get there. It just depends upon the individual.
            Elvis that was a wonderful post. Your so right about no al in your space and staying busy. 1 personally get a jigsaw puzzle when at a loss for something to do. Then I race to see how fast I can complete it. Kind of a challenge that keeps my hands and brain both occupied.
            Dottie stay warm. We are cold down here in the deep south. 17?f tonight. And that will probably be a record for us.
            Thank you Tree.
            I have been checking out some other sites about support for families of addicts. There is much helpful info out here, but it is always so nice to come home.
            Keep it up Quad. Unity brings strength.
            Steady is my Quit Buddy. Just the thought of letting down the team got me through some tough cravings. It DOES get easier.
            Byrdie. :l:l
            Myluck I recently learned the three c's and applying them to other's addictions. I didn't cause it, I can't control it, and I can't cure it. All I can change and control is ME. Hang in there with us. You are wonderful and courageous.
            Have a wonderful MAE all.
            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


              Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              Freaking freezing here! The wind sounds like it's going to take the roof off the house
              Supposedly we're breaking twenty year old weather records - swell.

              LB, you've definitely got the right idea! And if we want things to change we have to make the changes ourselves. Once we get that bit of info into our heads the rest is not so bad.
              I remember wondering exactly what I was going to do with my newfound, free, clear-headed time. I found lots & lots of interesting & fun things to do. This is a great time to try new things, new hobbies, catch up on old ones. Having the freedom to do anything you want except drink AL is priceless. Having no anxiety is a big plus as well

              Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi all... Day 22.... Can y'all believe it????

                Dipgal I wanted to chime in with the others and say maybe the diet can wait? I find food is my saving grace right now

                Also, I felt the "glow and joy" of quitting in my past attempts but this time I felt absolutely SHITTY (depressed, mad, weak, deprived, constantly fighting with or mad at my husband, jealous of drinkers, pissed, everything negative) man I was so disappointed but guess what? It's the longest days I've strung together and the negativity is lifting ... It's like God/universe wanted to say if you can do it in the muck you can do it forever .... I sure plan so .... Hope you feel better soon


                  Newbies Nest

                  good on you Ican, I know its a struggle but so worth it.
                  Liberated 5/11/2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Myluck;1609153 wrote: Hi all, welcome all new members!
                    DipGal - hope you hubby feels better.
                    Bad evening here for me - DH slipped on Saturday and he slipped today too. When I asked him today if he had a drink he lied again. I can smell it and ll on the end of the rope here. On a brighter side he said that he went to AA meeting and showed me a little yellow book. I don't even know what to do, my faith is running thin.
                    you and he will both know the story if he goes back to the hospital. It ain't a matter of if, but when. My thoughts are with you, don't let it alter your path!
                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Evening (M and A), all:

                      Elvis - great post. I heartily concur with the need to stay connected. I have my husband and a therapist right now - fully admitting my problem to them meant I could no longer lie to myself. Thanks for sharing your journey. You're close to another nice, big, round number!

                      Dipgal - I agree with the food. Funny thing is, I have been eating like a fiend, but also exercising and quitting boozed, and I actually lost 2 pounds over the vacation. Aside from that, I look like I lost more weight because I'm not as puffy as I was. Hunger is a big trigger for me - lots of lean protein will help stave off hunger and cravings.

                      MyLuck - I'm sorry about your DH. I like Sam's words of wisdom - it doesn't look good for where he is going to end up. Have you tried al anon or another support group? My sisters both got a lot out of the book "Codependent No More." It helped them find their freedom.

                      Ican - way to go! Maybe the muck was necessary. I know I mucked about until I found the determination to quit for good. You're getting close to a nice, big, round number, too.

                      G- What's with your new avatar? My eyes are bad - is that you or another superstar? Hotsy Totsy.

                      Overit - How's it going?

                      Nest Mums - thanks again. And again. And again.

                      Way to go Quad, RiverGal, Tavis, Badger and anyone I missed. I still don't feel euphoric and floaty after 36 (!) days, but I'm getting there. Happy Sober Monday (that makes me think of the Happy Mondays, but I'll skip the link to the 24 Hour Party People video just now...)


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good to see everyone on here doing well... it does get easier, thank you Lav and Byrdie for the constant reminder of ODAT. Some great posts on here over the last couple of days. Speaking of weight, I wish I could lose some weight now I've quit AL! Everyone here seems to be losing, or being advised to eat, eat, eat I didn't change my eating pattern at all after I quit, but not only did I not lose, I also put on a few pounds even before the festive season kicked in. I seem to have some kind of situation going on with my metabolism, but at least I don't have alcohol too. I guess eventually I'll lose it. I'm posting in the weight loss thread on here too, hopefully I will lose weight soon, really fed up about it but at least it gives me something to complain about

                        AF from 22 November 2013

                        Happily on the road to Sobriety - there's nowhere else worth going to...


                          Newbies Nest

                          MAE Nesters!

                          Late with coffee today, but here it is:

                          (And yes, it looks suspiciously like the coffee served in the Army today, but I promise you it's freshly made!)

                          Sixtyfour and :lDip:l (and everybody else wanting to lose weight) - leave it be for now. I only started losing weight about six weeks after quitting, and am losing about a kg a week without having changed my eating habits. The body has to sort of retrain itself to dealing with food only, and not food on top of booze. Sixtyfour, I'd much rather complain about my weight than a hangover, that's for sure!

                          Ican, I always knew you would make it to nice big fat numbers! Here's :cupajoe: just for you!

                          LB, thanks for those 3 Cs!

                          HR, so true what you said about being AF seeming impossible - and yet, here we are! There were times when only my own stubbornness kept me going - I've always seen it as a not so nice characteristic of mine, but goodness, I now know why it's in my make-up!

                          TT, any excuse would have done in the past - too cold, not cold enough, too hot, not hot enough, the standard any day with a y in it...

                          :lMyluck:l - nobody can help hubby unless he wants to help himself - and even then, the best we can do is to give support. Stay strong - don't make his slip your slip too.

                          FabFourQuads, Rivergal, Honey, Over, Londoner, Yourfriend, Tree - glad to see all of you doing well!

                          Missed our Muesday chat, Pav - will try to make up for it tomorrow!

                          Have a lovely AF Tuesday!
                          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                            Newbies Nest

                            MAE Nesters,

                            Quick check in before bed (it's after 10.00pm in Aust.) Back at work now; I do like the way it keeps me in a routine.

                            Little Beage: So glad you enjoyed your 50th. It's funny, I turned 50 approximately 5 months ago; we have our age in common too! And yes, it really helps to have a "quit buddy" to keep one honest! :l

                            Looking forward to waking up with a clear head again tomorrow.

                            in solidarity, fellow Nesters,
                            AF free since April 29, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              thank you Byrie for the suggestion, I have just dropped back and have not read the past posts, I am not sure what has happened to you, I offer you my thoughts in advance.
                              Today is Day 4
                              It is -26 here, too my dog out for her morning squat down and she was not out long, think I will not venture out either. Good thing I do not work till thursday, will have a chance to thaw out
                              For every one who is struggling, keep at it, this is a difficult turn in our lives so LETS DO IT


                                Newbies Nest

                                sorry Byrdie could not find that thread, guess I have to simply flop around till I get to know all of them

